A BIG Thank You to Soksan of http://lg-media.blogspot.com for sharing this information!

Now I want all compatriots as well as ultra-pro-Viet officials go to review the report by Ke Kim Yan, former RCAF Commander-in-Chief, sent to Hun Xen under his previous position. I got it from my crony who has worked for Hun Xen’s government.
Originally posted at: http://lg-media.blogspot.com
This is the good evidences Ah Hun Sen ,ah Chea Sim Ah Heng Samrin and ah Vah Kim Hong ah traitors fuck you ah jke`Angke See,your day are coming fuck you ah traitors.
Koun khmer please stand up you'll have no more land If ah jke` look jeat still in power.
could this be the reason for his change of position? We can't have a patriot for a general, that would be too risky for those interested in holding Cambodia by the neck!
Wake up all Khmers,
Take up arms to fight the Viet invaders and Viet illegal immigrants who are flocking into Cambodia by hundreds every day.
Khmers will be Hanoi slaves on their ancestors' Lands very soon if these Hun Sen's Hanoi's puppet Regime is still in power.
No doubt, the 3 stooges are made by VN and have done things to please and thank it. How can these 3 men of blind greed but of little sense of education to curb it, challenge their Master Ho who gave them everything from top jobs and wealth of Cambodia? Letting the Trio do demarcation with the Viets is like letting a servant demarcate village's borders with his lord. Oh... Blind Gods,
Could you please translate this important report in order that it can be circulated to the different countries that signed the paris Agreements of 1991 Many thanks.
i don't understand much (perhaps, i don't know how to read doc and the map). would anyone kindly explain on how much the yuons had encroached into our khmer land?
thank in advance.
just in this are alone 1400m=1.4km
Politics is not about building infrastructure at the bottom line solely...you guys are misled by propaganda...good infrastructure helps the Viet only because it can provide them more healthy society to control over Cambodia.
Why I say this?
Because the top level especially the decision-makers are supportive to Viet's hegemonic policy....for instance, you can see any political moves under Hun Sen leadership are both directly and indirectly serving the Viet.
Your theory is out of date and stupid. Your theory is good to serve the interests of the Viet...look at Lao nowadays, Viet is happy to allow this country develop its economic and infrastructure in order to help its control grip.
Of course, Cambodia is in need to build a strong political institution. Under Hun Sen leadership, our main institution such as Monarchy and Buddhism have been totally weakened. Nation institution is also heading to self-destruction.
OR 14 hactar of land straight forward into cambodia territory.can't believe anyone pretended not to see this included NGO.
This is a relevant evidence to reflect the reality of discarding power from Ke Kim Yan in previous mandate.
Of course, it is because of good work and responsibility of Ke Kim Yan in handling border issues with Vietnam led him to loss his important position in the government.
Please straight your eyes to look closely at those people who have taken gut to fight against Vietnam will end their time like this.
What is the biggest thing Hun Sen and CPP have accomplished?
- To develop economics and infrastructures to favor the hegemony of Vietnam
- To weaken all national institutions to welcome the coming of Vietnam administration
- To uproots all strength of the political parties and dissents to gratefully follow Vietnam's recommendations
Ah Kbot Jiet Sva kim hong. Takeo is my hometown province.in 1973 i went to Srok Krom follow the road national 2,and the border at Prek Kro Bao.Now Ah Youn Chor Chhlean viet Cong encroaching 1,500m.
Fuck Ah hun sen ,Ah ho kimhong,ah hen somring,ah kiet chuun,Ahchia sim,ah kannnarith,Me Somphuerng Mam Som an.etc.
hun xhen and cpp loves to bury their heads in the sand and pretend not to know the reality. they have become too indebted to yuon and too embarrassed to reveal and admit their weaknesses. so intimidating their own khmerpeople is a convenient propanganda becaise most khmer people are ignorant, gullible and easily led by the noses like cows and sheep, except those who live outside the country, minus a few like xmer in xitney.
All 3 Samdechs must investigate as soon as possible...like King-Father recent letters.
It seems like our true heroes who speak out get punished?!
Like ex-PM Penn Sovann who was sent to Hanoi concentration camp because of Viet's encroachment polity over Kampuchea...
Like Gen. Ke Kim Yan recent replacement stripped of power.
Like His Excellency Sam Rainsy recent lifting parliamentary immunity by the national assembly
Anyone who is responsible of selling Cambodia land, water and islands to the enemy must be brought to justice!
My Goddddddddddd. Ah youn territory has always stopped at Vinh Te Canal for ages. Now Ah YOUNs extend deep into Cambodia 1 thousand and 4 hundreds meters. Even Kae Kimyarn acknowledged the border encroachment by ah YOUNs with these words: "Drawing of border area which Vietnam invades". Stop moving your damned border posts ah YOUNs. Du Ma Mey, ah Kontoab niss veuy.
We need your last help from the King farther and the French government.
Ah jouy MARAI SVAR KIM HONG, ah jouy marai ah kwack hun sen, ah jouy marai chea sim, ah jouy marai heng samrin....meul ouy chbars om pei robary kar prom dein khmer del ahy jouy marai youn plon yoke. burn in hell
Now, everyone makes the Vietnamese mad; now, they have no choice but to kill the three men. If this is true, it's all your fault.
2:53 PM,
I am soooooo sadddd...but I will take the blame.....
Assassinate Ah Hun Sen coz he is a non-royal Chhey Chetha II in the 21st Century. Wake up my Khmer compatriots. Please spread this document to as many as Cambodians to view it.
Ngob Oy Chab Toav Ah Kbot Cheat Hun Sen.
They are VC. pure blood
People think about it before you believe this crab, if the documents was sent to Hun Sen by Ke Kim Yan, it must be top secret, it can not be in somebody else hand even that person claimed to work for Hun Sen, this document must be fake unless you can confirmed it by Ke Kim Yan himself.
Without Ke Kim Yan admission that the document is real, it is fake,fake,fake.
3:22PM sensitive? Who dare fake that documents ONLY CPEE PEE will do that,you used to do that at all the times why you know that? No SHAME
Sam Rainsy's people should know our master Vietnam behaviors if we don't give them as they request, we will be executed or imprisonment like Pen Savann.
Keo kim yan lost his previous position because of this one, so no one else want to lose their position and rut motodub either.Khmer love the country by mouth but the heart love dollars.( khmer kan teir toch kan teir lo or ).
Thirty years of Vietnamization in Cambodia is becoming unbearable and it looks like a popular armed revolt is not only becoming inevitable, but also getting closer each day.
If CPP does not change its submissive attitudes on border encroachments and yuon migrants to Hanoi now, IT WILL NOT SURVIVE. Hun Sen, Sok An, other high ranking CPP officials, and their families and all business tycoons associated with CPP will loose all their properties.
CPP has an obvious choice to make –either go to China and get help, or remain yuon servants until the day yuons betray and abandon them like they did during the Sihanouk regime.
Thirty years of Vietnamization in Cambodia is becoming unbearable and it looks like a popular armed revolt is not only becoming inevitable, but also getting closer each day.
If CPP does not change its submissive attitudes to Hanoi now on border encroachments and yuon migrants, IT WILL NOT SURVIVE. Hun Sen, Sok An, other high ranking CPP officials, and their families and all business tycoons associated with CPP will loose all their properties.
CPP has an obvious choice to make –either go to China and get help, or remain yuon servants until the day yuons betray and abandon them like they did during the Sihanouk regime.
Please keep posting same article every day for at least a week to keep the issue alive!
3:22 pm
Do you think people are in CPP are 100% real supporters of CPP. Even CIA and FBI are having trouble to keep top classified documents.
Do you think Hun Sen himself 100 %honest to his wife and kids?
Do you think people incl. myself truly honest to ourselves?
If we answer "yes" to these questions, then we are pretender.
if "NO" then we are opportunistists.
Hun sen is smart but he is not genius.
There are ways to see if these documents are real.
1. Check for fingers prints of Ker kim Yang and Hun Sen. Why? if they have seen and read these letters their fingers prints are there.
2. how we know these are fingerprints of these two? some samaritian patriots inside CPP can pretend to shake hands with him or when he holds a party, get the glass/cup/spoon/pens/tables he put hands on that he uses and quickly smuggle away (only things can be carried). people who do this have to wear latex gloves to prevent cross-contamination of the evidences. Do the same for Ker kim Yang.
3. Analyses of handwritten of KKY on the letter. KKY must write thousands of letters during he was Army Commander.
4. If these letters were top classified and only Hun Sen and KKY knew about these staff, then at hte headquarter of army in Phnom penh. someone can get a code of record number of issuance in the clerical work there. If there was no code numder issued or recorded then there is high chance that these letters are real.
Tha's all folks. and best luck!!!
3:22 PM,
Whether it fakes or NOT...nonetheless, ah jouy marai Youn steal Khmer land tang pei deum moke.....ah eang min charm te ey?
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