Editorial coverage of Hun Sen is not fair
Published on November 3, 2009
The Nation
I am writing to you as a response to the editorial of your newspaper on October 25, concerning Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. After reading your editorial, I must say that your newspaper has become a junky and vulgar newspaper. It has completely lost its value as a newspaper of a civilised country.
I wish to draw your attention to the following points, where your editorial committed the most serious mistakes which could not be forgiven:
First, what kind of a statement is it, when you said "You can take the man out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the man..." This is a great insult to our great leader, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen. It is a gangster-like statement. By insulting a leader of a neighbouring country, you have become a tool for escalating tensions between the two countries.
Second, when you stated that the "...Cambodia premier thought he was still leading some Khmer Rouge faction ..." You are absolutely dead wrong. It was Samdech Techo Hun Sen, who struggled and brought the demise of the Khmer Rouge. Prime Minister Hun Sen could have done it much earlier, if a neighouring country had not given shelter to the Khmer Rouge. It was also Samdech Techo Hun Sen who brought the Khmer Rouge leaders to the Extraordinary Chamber of Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).
Third, Prime Minister Hun Sen is very much a humble and gentleman leader, who is a virtuous and moral man, especially vis-a-vis his friend. By doing so, he does not interfere in the internal affairs of any country, and does not in any, engage in " ... rubbing more salt on open wounds". The politics should be solved by the Thais themselves.
Fourth, Prime Minister Hun Sen did not permit "... himself to be part of a cheap ploy by ... Thaksin to steal the spotlight from a major international event", as you have wrongly alleged. You need to better learn about Samdech Techo Hun Sen. He does not need to appear in the Thai media. He only wants to be clear to everyone on what he will do.
Fifth, Prime Minister Hun Sen does not need any attention or recognition at all during the 15th Asean Summit. He came to Hua Hin with good will and sincerity to contribute to making the Asean Summit and related meetings a great success. Prime Minister Hun Sen has been in power for a long time now. Prime Minister Hun Sen was elected to power once again, with more than two-thirds of the votes, and with full backing of his own political party, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP).
Sixth, Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong rightly stated at the East Asian Summit in Hua Hin, on October 25, that the new members of Asean have been making great progress. And you said that the development of Cambodia "... would not count for much in terms of achievement in this day and age". Reading your editorial, most readers would think how ignorant you are. I think that you would not want to contradict the prime minister of Singapore.
Seventh, to state that "... Cambodia continues to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world" is to essentially engage in this politics of finger-pointing. One for Cambodia, three for ... For sure, Cambodia has less corruption than in its neighbouring country. Even an idiot knows this fact.
Eight, again, here is another dead wrong or manipulated fact of this cheap newspaper editorial. To be politically correct, it was Prime Minister Hun Sen who wanted the Khmer Rouge tribunal to be set up by signing the agreement with the United Nations, which brought the former Khmer Rogue leaders to trial under the current ECCC. And it was him who ordered the arrest of the Khmer Rouge leaders who are now put on trial.
Ninth, Prime Minister Hun Sen does not resent Asean at all, as he is being accused of by your vulgar newspaper. On the contrary, since joining Asean in April 1999, Cambodia, under the wise leadership of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, has made tremendous contributions to Asean. Everyone in Asean knows quite well the role and contributions of Cambodia to Asean.
Finally, by allowing His Excellency Thaksin to come into Cambodia, Samdech Techo Hun Sen only keeps his spirit of virtue and loyalty to his friend under any circumstances that his friend is in. But this is not only for His Excellency Thaksin, and is also not by "mutual admiration" and "twisted minds thinking alike", as you have falsely alleged.
I wish to draw your attention to the following points, where your editorial committed the most serious mistakes which could not be forgiven:
First, what kind of a statement is it, when you said "You can take the man out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the man..." This is a great insult to our great leader, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen. It is a gangster-like statement. By insulting a leader of a neighbouring country, you have become a tool for escalating tensions between the two countries.
Second, when you stated that the "...Cambodia premier thought he was still leading some Khmer Rouge faction ..." You are absolutely dead wrong. It was Samdech Techo Hun Sen, who struggled and brought the demise of the Khmer Rouge. Prime Minister Hun Sen could have done it much earlier, if a neighouring country had not given shelter to the Khmer Rouge. It was also Samdech Techo Hun Sen who brought the Khmer Rouge leaders to the Extraordinary Chamber of Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).
Third, Prime Minister Hun Sen is very much a humble and gentleman leader, who is a virtuous and moral man, especially vis-a-vis his friend. By doing so, he does not interfere in the internal affairs of any country, and does not in any, engage in " ... rubbing more salt on open wounds". The politics should be solved by the Thais themselves.
Fourth, Prime Minister Hun Sen did not permit "... himself to be part of a cheap ploy by ... Thaksin to steal the spotlight from a major international event", as you have wrongly alleged. You need to better learn about Samdech Techo Hun Sen. He does not need to appear in the Thai media. He only wants to be clear to everyone on what he will do.
Fifth, Prime Minister Hun Sen does not need any attention or recognition at all during the 15th Asean Summit. He came to Hua Hin with good will and sincerity to contribute to making the Asean Summit and related meetings a great success. Prime Minister Hun Sen has been in power for a long time now. Prime Minister Hun Sen was elected to power once again, with more than two-thirds of the votes, and with full backing of his own political party, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP).
Sixth, Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong rightly stated at the East Asian Summit in Hua Hin, on October 25, that the new members of Asean have been making great progress. And you said that the development of Cambodia "... would not count for much in terms of achievement in this day and age". Reading your editorial, most readers would think how ignorant you are. I think that you would not want to contradict the prime minister of Singapore.
Seventh, to state that "... Cambodia continues to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world" is to essentially engage in this politics of finger-pointing. One for Cambodia, three for ... For sure, Cambodia has less corruption than in its neighbouring country. Even an idiot knows this fact.
Eight, again, here is another dead wrong or manipulated fact of this cheap newspaper editorial. To be politically correct, it was Prime Minister Hun Sen who wanted the Khmer Rouge tribunal to be set up by signing the agreement with the United Nations, which brought the former Khmer Rogue leaders to trial under the current ECCC. And it was him who ordered the arrest of the Khmer Rouge leaders who are now put on trial.
Ninth, Prime Minister Hun Sen does not resent Asean at all, as he is being accused of by your vulgar newspaper. On the contrary, since joining Asean in April 1999, Cambodia, under the wise leadership of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, has made tremendous contributions to Asean. Everyone in Asean knows quite well the role and contributions of Cambodia to Asean.
Finally, by allowing His Excellency Thaksin to come into Cambodia, Samdech Techo Hun Sen only keeps his spirit of virtue and loyalty to his friend under any circumstances that his friend is in. But this is not only for His Excellency Thaksin, and is also not by "mutual admiration" and "twisted minds thinking alike", as you have falsely alleged.
To Hun Sen (Leader of the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime)
Since you and the CPP assassinated, executed, killed and murdered jurnalists, political opponents, leaders of the free trade union, innocent men, innocent women and innocent children;
Do you have any plan to assassinate the Thai prime minister (Abhisit Vejjajiva)?
Are you going to send Brigade 70 (Hun Sen's Death Squad Unit) to assassinate the Thai prime minister (Abhisit Vejjajiva)?
Is it true, you only kill your own peoples, you will not kill Thai and Veitnamese peoples that cannot get enough of our land?
Is it true, you only kill innocent Khmer peoples with no weapon in their hands?
"You can take the man out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the man..."
Everyone knows Hun Xen education is from the Khmer Rouge's jungle. People are not deaf nor blind. Hun Xen is not a great leader. He's Khmer killer!
not too sure who is vulgar and who is not after reading this ambassador's writing.
I honestly cannot find any Khmer values in any words of this lady or action of Mr. Hun Sen.
Since when has mi Ka' oy know how to conduct diplomacy other than being a whore and a land grabber from kampong Thom ?
Mi samphong Yoo ka-oy
she shames the khmer nation with her reply. No better than the low level journalist.
Ms You Aye has a lot to learn. Instead of defending Hun Sen in an honorable and respectful way she's chosen the exact vulgar way that she's accusing the Nation of doing. Of course people know how the Nation is like......I can do it better in responding to the Nation for Hun Sen than Ms You Aye.
I have a better one:
You can chase the THUGS out of Preah Vihear khmer but you cannot take Preah Vihear khmer out of the THUGS.
Oh my goodness...Ms. You Oy is destroying Cambodia fame through this low class writing.
Ms. Oy need to learn a lot in responding to defend Khmer leaders. Now, she is making thing worse for her leader...oh anica Sijoo Hun Sen...do you like her letter or not?..I really want to know...
Her concept is in the jungle. It is true for You Oy to get out hard from this jungle.
The writing is not consistent as well as once she used Samdech Techno but other she used Prime Minister...the person who wrote this letter for Ms.Oy must psychopathic person.
Oh Anica Khmer Euy...she can free from the KR but is facing with the worst KR now...
oh, that's a good one, "diplomacy for dummies!" some people don't know how to deal in diplomacy, especially siem pad thugs!
That is the woman ambassador from Cambodia to Thailand? Dang she is limited. Lol. I bet she is one of them cyber nationalists. She is way too ugly to represent the Khmer people. I bet her philosopher in life is nepotism and personal favoritism. Lol.
First, ...It is a gangster-like statement....
Second,...You are absolutely dead wrong.
Third, Prime Minister Hun Sen is very much a humble and gentleman leader, who is a virtuous and moral man, especially vis-a-vis his friend.
Fourth,..as you have wrongly alleged. ...He only wants to be clear to everyone on what he will do.
Fifth, Prime Minister Hun Sen has been in power for a long time now. Prime Minister Hun Sen was elected to power once again, with more than two-thirds of the votes, and with full backing of his own political party, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP).
Sixth, Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong rightly stated at the East Asian Summit in Hua Hin, on October 25, that the new members of Asean have been making great progress.
Seventh, For sure, Cambodia has less corruption than in its neighbouring country. Even an idiot knows this fact.
Eight, And it was him who ordered the arrest of the Khmer Rouge leaders who are now put on trial.
Ninth, Everyone in Asean knows quite well the role and contributions of Cambodia to Asean.
Finally, by allowing His Excellency Thaksin to come into Cambodia, Samdech Techo Hun Sen only keeps his spirit of virtue and loyalty to his friend under any circumstances that his friend is in.
What a disgrace for a beautiful country with lovely people to have a poison-spitting ambassador like you!
Shhhhhhhh....guy Christmas coming soon I buy this book for Hun Xen free of charge. If any of you want to contribute are also welcome, I will buy these books for all CPP members. Therefore, I take care of shipping and handling.
you oy seems a good match with hun sen. don't tell bun ranny i said that.
wow, nothing to think too much it is not make thing good or batter .why don;t forget that and forgive it? open mind okay?
You Aye looks like Bun Rani. And Bun Rani looks like a fat pig.
It is true Hun Sen is blind in one eye, because only a blind man would marry a pig.
Only half of what Ms. embassador said is relevant to mr. hun sen. She's out of her mind to write this article to defense her boss, but what she failed say was mr. hun sen joined the KR revolutionary movement. There is no denying that mr. hunsen was a former khmer rouge. Ms. embassador You ay also failed to state the fact that the mr. hunsen didn't defect to viet until after the khmer rouge almost wipe out the entire cambodian population. why did mr hunsen remain with the khmer rouge from 1975 to the year before the viet invasion? Ms. embassador You ay did not tell the whole story.
That is right, 1:37. That ugly female Ambassador from Cambodia did not "tell the whole story". She is the biggest evasive idiot of them all. Lol.
she is hun sen bicth ! she will do what ever hun sen told her to do ,bt the fuck the thai ....
All ambassadors in the world must know the rules, not only Cambodians. If you are an ambassador of let say of France, e.g., you must now speak before you consult with your advisors, and those advisors are on the phone with your goverment every few minutes.
If you say the wrong thing you will be called back home or lose the job or prison.
ambassadors sworn to serve the government interest. Don't insult her or anyone if you don't know.
មីយូ អយល្ងង់ដូចអាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន។
គេអាចយកមនុស្ស ចេញពីព្រៃ ប៉ុន្តែគេមិនអាចយកព្រៃ ចេញពីមនុស្ស
I'm embarrased by our Madam Ambassador to Thailand. This writing is more like a cat scratch fever and ill-prepared.
Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge soldier.
Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander.
Hun Sen is now a Khmer Rouge leader (Leader of the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime).
Hun Sen used to kills innocent Khmer peoples during the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.
Hun Sen continue to kills journalists.
Hun Sen continue to kills political opponents.
Hun Sen continue to kills leaders of the free trade union.
Hun Sen continue to kills at least 16 innocent men, women and children on March 30, 1997 Grenade attack.
I do have some questions.
Mee Joo Ke Juoy!, where the fuck were you during the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime and present day, you don't seem to know anything?
Mee Kanduoy Ayeas!, How come you don't know that this mother fucker (AH Hun Sen) kills innocent Khmer peoples during the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime and present day?
I tend to disagree with her on point 7. To avoid chaos at Pochentong Airport in which five different airport officials asking for dollars, I opted to land at Bangkok airport on my second trip to Cambodia via Aranyprathet-Poipet border post. On The Thai side, from the Bangkok airport to the Thai immigration post at the Thai-Cambodian border I paid nothing to the Thai. However, at border Post on Cambodia site that's where chaos started where I have to bribe Cambodian Immigration to have my passport stamped. So point 7 stated by the Cambodian Embassador to Thailand who said that Cambodia is less corrupt than neighbor countries simply just not true. We, Cambodians are more corrupted than the Thai counterpart.
I agree with her on the rare end..position!..I don't care for her old age. She will then diplomatically speak the true!
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