Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hun Sen blames Thailand (and Abhisit) all the way

This picture taken Nov 8 and released by China’s Xinhua news agency shows Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen holding a press conference at the airport in Phnom Penh, during which he lambasted the present Thai government.

Bangkok Post

What drives Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's foreign policy towards Thailand? Here are excerpt from an interview Hun Sen gave to the press on Nov 8, after returning from the Mekong-Japan summit.

Thai-Cambodian relations

What is going on in Thai-Cambodian relations is essentially a problem between me and Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. I would urge people who wish to comment on this issue to do their research. When I started to work in the political arena, the Thai PM was still a child running around.

Close the border if you want to

The Thai side has been quoted in the press saying that it would pressure Cambodia by sealing off the border. I say, close it if you want to. Cambodia will follow suit.

If Thailand orders the border shut, don't stop at blocking the flow of people. Because Cambodia would close it too, and we will block economic activities as well. We will forbid all Thai goods from coming into the Cambodia market. Even one pig would not be able to cross.

Cambodia can import every Thai product from other countries. Let me cite as an example the statistics on Thai-Cambodian trade in 2008. Thailand's export to Cambodia was worth about US$2 billion while Cambodia's export to Thailand was only US$90 million.

Still, I agree with the Thai PM's statement that [foreign relations] measures to be issued won't affect people in the two countries because I myself do not wish to do so [shut the border] either. It is not in line with the idea of cooperation under the Asean framework.

Although I do not want to have to resort to such a measure, the Thai leader is threatening me so much. Therefore, I am giving an order to all relevant Cambodian officials to be prepared for it [closing the border and banning Thai products].

On the appointment of Thai adviser

On the issue of the appointment of former Thai PM as adviser, I would like to declare, loud and clear, to the Thai people so they realise that as far as this problem is concerned, it is PM Abhisit who has meddled with Cambodia.

Think about it carefully and determine who is at fault here, Hun Sen or Abhisit? There is no way I will retreat.

Cambodia has appointed many foreigners as advisers, both Korean and Australian nationals. What does the Thai PM have to fear if Thaksin resides in Cambodia?

Thaksin has been around the world and he [Abhisit] has done nothing about it. He has just been to Sri Lanka and nothing was done about that. Only after Thaksin said he would come to Cambodia that our country has been targeted.

I already explained this at the meeting in Hua Hin on Oct 23. I have tried to be patient and remain silent. But the Thai PM and Thailand have kept on criticising me.

As for the revocation of the MoU, it is Mr Abhisit who has put the common interest of both countries under harm.

Who is using whom?

Regarding the statement issued by the Thai Foreign Ministry on Nov 5, in which Mr Abhisit claimed he could not stay put when Thailand was humiliated, I will tell you what do the Thai people really think.

The Red Shirts support the appointment [of Thaksin as adviser]. The Yellow Shirts are angry and have expressed their opposition and protest. There is also another group which is indifferent and stays silent. These people know that the Hun Sen government is a good one, that we made them feel comfortable _ with money to spend _ when Thaksin was prime minister. The harder PM Abhisit pushes us, the stronger the reaction will be.

PM Abhisit warned me not to become a pawn in Thaksin's game. We are nobody's tool. I also wonder who is being used by whom. Abhisit let himself be used by Thaksin. When Thaksin made an opening, Abhisit jumped out and retaliated without thinking, without considering the national interest.

[He] said from Tokyo about the MoU cancellation. Thai people should consider the issue for themselves: the assets belong to the state but it is the personal matter that caused the cooperation to stop. Can Thai people accept that? Can someone like this serve as the Asean leader?

In 2012, Asean will cooperate in many areas. Member states will open the borders so that people can travel freely. We will adopt the same currency.

But Thailand is evidently attacking Cambodia. It sent troops to occupy Cambodian land.

Where was Thailand during the Angkor era? They claimed that Cambodia trespassed into Thai territory, but how could we? Study your history and see who the aggressor is.

Red Shirts' Permission

Thaksin is not our tool. I want to employ Thakin's experience, to ask him for help on Cambodia's economic affairs. I would like to take this opportunity to ask for permission from the Red Shirt brothers and Puea Thai Party to allow me to bring Than Thaksin to Cambodia to help with our economy.

Asean's deliberation, once and for all

Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan issued a statement urging for a solution to the problem. I agree with him. But it seems the Asean Sec Gen's proposal is not in line with the Thai government's stance.

The truth is, Cambodia is always ready for a dialogue, whether it is a bilateral or multilateral one. But the Thai government rejected it.

Than Surin has to understand, though, that Asean should consider these problems comprehensively and solve them all in one go. These include the Thaksin problem, the Sept 19 coup, the intrusion into Cambodia's territory, the appointment of Thaksin as Cambodia's adviser. Cambodia is prepared to engage either at a bilateral or multilateral level.

I actually wanted to raise this issue at the Hua Hin summit but I restrained the urge. Think of it as my consideration towards Thailand and Mr Abhisit.

To solve this issue, we must tackle it from the origin. Since this has to do with Thaksin, we have to start at the Sept 19, 2006 coup.

If Abhisit is so sure of himself, then he should call an election. What are you afraid of? Is it that you are afraid you will no longer be the PM? Are you afraid that Puea Thai party will win the election?

I am Prime Minister of Cambodia who has received two-thirds of the vote in the Cambodian parliament. How many does Than Abhisit have? You've stolen somebody else's chair to seat yourself in. You claim other people's property as your own. How can we respect that?

Thai military and intelligence

Abhisit is so buried in problems himself he may not survive. He has problems with all the neighbouring countries _ Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Burma. He also has problems in the South of Thailand, problems about the Yellow Shirts, Red Shirts, Blue Shirts, White Shirts, and Puea Thai. The Yellow Shirts aren't in harmony themselves. What does Thailand have that Cambodia has to respect?

Thaksin's appointment has nothing to do with Thailand. I told Abhisit when I met him that Thaksin is my friend. Friends do not betray friends. Friends cannot feed friends to the tiger.

So, if you want to tear up anything, do so. If you want to shut down anything, do so. It's probably not convenient to keep things open anyway.

We will probably have to withdraw the 911 [special force] unit within this week. A small force should be enough.

As for the rumour that Thaksin has been in Cambodia many times, I deny it. It is evident that your intelligence is flawed. It reflects the weakness in your information gathering ability.

Respect for international law

Referring to the accusation that Cambodia does not respect the Thai court, I don't see any value in the Thai justice system worthy of respect.

In the past, Khieu Samphan or Noun Chea [of the Khmer Rouge] were allowed to live [given refuge] in Thailand before they were arrested upon entering Cambodia. Thailand had signed a pact not to support the Khmer Rouge.

Thailand did more than violate international law. It had signed a peace pact. And it violated many things. Thai people should consider this. If Thailand does not respect international law, how can you expect us to respect Thai law?

The above has been translated from a summary published Nov 11, 2009 in Matichon.


Anonymous said...

I can tell that this translation is not yet 100% accurate from what he said. But at least 90% of it is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

PM Hun Sen sending messages to Thailand and it Govt loud and clear, do not flip flop with cambodia....

Anonymous said...

"I don't see any value in the Thai justice system worthy of respect"

Actually he said that Thai justice system is only for Thais to respect not Cambodian.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to listen to his original speech in Khmer. Can someone post a link. Thanks

Anonymous said...

But the khmer justice system has nil justice. only for hu xen and the cpp group and affiliates.

Anonymous said...

So he puts personal hatred (abhisit) over national interests.
Thats why he is playing hero to increase his popularity.
Jungle man doen't do the same to the viet encroachment on khmer land.
licking your master's ass and barking at your personal enemy.
Cambodia is not your personal property you one dog.

Anonymous said...

Jungle man hun sen considers cambodia his private property . He puts personal hatred of abhisit over national interests.
Why doen(t he do the same when vietnam steals cambodian land?
About time the thais topple him and we have a change in government.

Anonymous said...

FUCK THIALND..............

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a smart man. You are not Khmer if you do not support him. I am Khmer and I support Hun Sen, I never respect Khmer land being encroached. But Hun Sen has my blessings. I urge all Khmers to follow Hun Sen that way we are UNITED and ONE.

Anonymous said...

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, is it okay for thai to refuse to extradite a Russian to the U.S.

August 12, 2009
Thailand Blocks Extradition of an Arms Dealing Suspect

BANGKOK — A Thai court stunned American officials here on Tuesday by rejecting the extradition of Viktor Bout, a Russian businessman who is accused of global arms trafficking.

The United States says Mr. Bout agreed to sell millions of dollars worth of weapons to agents posing as Colombian rebels intending to kill American pilots patrolling in the drug war.

A three-judge panel said that the case did not fall under Thailand’s extradition treaty with the United States for two main reasons. One, the country recognizes the rebels — the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC — as a political organization, not a terrorist group. Two, on the charge that Mr. Bout was conspiring to kill American citizens, one of the judges, Jitakorn Patanasiri, said, “A Thai court cannot judge a case regarding aliens killing aliens outside of Thailand.”

Thai government prosecutors, acting as proxies for their American counterparts, immediately said they would appeal. Mr. Bout would be freed only if an appeal was not filed within 72 hours.

James Entwistle, a diplomat in the United States Embassy in Bangkok, said he was “disappointed and mystified” by the decision. “We think the facts of the case, our extradition treaty and the relevant Thai law all clearly support extraditing Viktor Bout to the United States to stand trial on serious terrorism charges.”

Mr. Bout has denied any links to arms trafficking and told the judge during the proceedings earlier this year that he was being held in “extremely inhumane” conditions. He has argued that the undercover agents violated Thai law by apprehending him before calling the Thai police and carrying firearms in violation of Thai law.

After the ruling was read, Mr. Bout, 42, hugged his wife, and shook hands with his two lawyers. But he said little to reporters in the courtroom. “I’m not allowed to say anything,” he said.

Wearing a soiled prison uniform and leg irons that clanked across the courtroom floor, Mr. Bout hardly fit his accuser’s portrayal of him as one of the world’s most notorious weapons traffickers — or the Nicolas Cage character he supposedly inspired in the 2005 film “Lord of War.”

According to legal papers, Mr. Bout told undercover agents for the Drug Enforcement Administration that he could deliver 700 to 800 surface-to-air missiles, 5,000 AK-47 assault weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition, land mines, C-4 explosives and unmanned aerial vehicles, and that the weapons would be airdropped into the jungles of Colombia “with great accuracy.”

Thai officials say they have come under pressure from Russia, which has asked for custody of Mr. Bout, and the United States over the case. Judge Jitakorn prefaced the reading of the decision with what sounded like an apology: “Today there must be someone happy and someone sad.” The reading took so long — more than an hour — that Judge Jitakorn gestured to Mr. Bout to sit down halfway through.

2:07 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:07 PM

Thank you for your posting.

2:49 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See! This is the reason why HUN SEN wouldn't respect Thai's court!!!!!!!!!!

8:15 PM

Anonymous said...

4:39 PM,
You support Hun Sen because he protects Khmer land from Thai. Hun Sen, on the other hand, while protecting Khmer land from the Thai allowed the Viets to encroach into Khmer land. So you justify that Viets are free to take Khmer land?

Anonymous said...

Try to look smart ! motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

People who cursed at people without reasoning are people who either were born prematurely or born with brain damaged or were born from retarded parents.