Sunday, November 08, 2009

Hun Xen orders pullout of Brigade 911 from Preah Vihear

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Following his return to Cambodia from Japan, Hun Xen ordered the pullout of a number of paratroopers belonging to Brigade 911 from the Preah Vihear temple, DAP-news reported on Sunday. Hun Xen indicated that: Cambodia does not need war, she only needs peace.


Anonymous said...

What kind of Politic that Hun Sen try to play? Childish or do not know what he is doing? Koun khmer who pay all these useless games that Hun Sen played. What is a sick man ,start sparking the war with Thai now pulling out the troops and need peace,too late stop bullshit The Thai recognize Hun Sen politics very well and Hun Sen might ending up loosing face and loosing war with the Thai.The ten years old (third grade)brain ,and grown up man with the England educated ?I am khmer 100 percent but at this game I pick Thai horse ,it performed faster and smarter.

Anonymous said...

You Block head 4:19 seal your asshole. just sit and enjoy the show. it not over yet dumbass.

Anonymous said...

In all cases, peace solution is the best way to choose, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Peace is the best way not just for us Khmer in Cambodia, but also for Khmer Surin and Khmer Krom. We better use the time to rebuild our Khmer Society Foundation.
But we are ready for the war with foreigner, who want to destroy our country Cambodia and the Khmer Society.

Anonymous said...

The action louder than speak,the shit talker is Hun Sen ,the pagoda boy who hang around in Pagoda long period of the times you can count on ,but for three years in the pagoda kid like Hun Sen ? do not worry wait and see what our khmer will get from Hun Sen polisick?

Anonymous said...

Every country has its own boundary therefore what HunSen did is right! No need to fight with Thai for these people already know that Preah Vihear is belonging to Khmer ever since and it has been proven in the world map. It is ashame for Thai to claim that it is their when it is locating in Khmer land. Now, what the Japanese trying to do is to wait and see what would Thai do if we pull out? If their action speak louder than words, we will then know what to do next. So, just wait and see. How their would their reaction be like, e.g. will they move in after we pull out or not. If they do, no worries, we have Viet or Chinese or North Korea or Japan will come with lots of support. I don't mind if North Korea lean us some unused neuclear bomb.

Anonymous said...

Ah Thai called ah Sen Ah DOG BARK never Bite! Ah xen blink his eyes first now and show his Pussycat move! Laugh my ass off to Whoever cheers with him few days ago!

Anonymous said...

Xen is scared of assassination from thai commandos! this latest move is for his own sake! Khmers could not do to him but the thais will make it!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be nice if Abhisit comes to cambodia and lived with them for at least a few weeks and then he will know that cambodian are having as much previlege to live like everyone else around the world. we only human! we eat fish, ducks, chicken and rice just like Thai do. The only different is language but we can understand by translating it!in the end we are no different from each other. So, have a life guys before it is too late. The question is; is the land belongs to people or people belong to the land?. or can you live past one hundred years old, it is unlikely don't you think? So, be smarter, teach each other to live for today as today is more important than yesterday and live it as it is the last day of your life for we really don't know what will happen tomorrow? Aust

Anonymous said...

Abhisit called his bluff now Hun Sen crawls away tail between his legs.

Anonymous said...

He remembers what the viets did to the KR.

Anonymous said...

If Thaksin comes home to Thailand, I'm 100% sure he will be killed by Mr Abhisit, end of the story, for Mr Thaksin is being liked by 60% of his nation and is a threat to Mr Abhisit!. So, put yourself in Mr Thaksin's shoes, wouldn't you be escaping as such in order to save your soul? so, being an asylum seeker is the only way to escape and of course who doesn't want to protect a person from getting killed when he called out for your help? like me, Aust has helped me from dead while trying to escape from war in 1980s. Now i thank Aust for saving my life!. Aust

Anonymous said...

ah hun kvak, now you wet your pants because of thais threat. you are only good at threaten khmer people with empty hands

Anonymous said...

Ah strongman had a diarrhea on his pants! A klaing khnong Chnaing! haha! withdraw troop even before ah thai threat!

khmeng wat said...

he pullout Khmer paratroopers, he put back yourn army.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for my homeland Cambodia as to why she's end up with ah 1/2 fool as the leader.

Anonymous said...

You morrons in have no ideas what PM Hun Sen is doing. His every move is calculated. Some of you might have more education, but PM Hun Sen is 100x smarter than you. You just barking while he's running the country. So just shut up and watch show and the results.

Anonymous said...

run the country as a thief putting all donor aid to his account, 4:13 Ah CHAI Shut the Fuck Up!

Anonymous said...

Hun sen, he 100% smarter that what he had name in the families tree.

Anonymous said...

4:13 How much Hun Sen paid you to be his" AH CHAI" here? Get out of here Ah Choy Mrai!

Anonymous said...

Houp! kom kach pek.

Anonymous said...

To 4:13PM
Are you out of your mind. Hun Sen fraud the whole elections. He just serves Vietnam's interest because he is afraid of Youn's power.

Anonymous said...

My name is Hun Sen, get it right, BITCH!

Anonymous said...

To Hun Sen (Leader of the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime)

Since you and the CPP assassinated, executed, killed and murdered jurnalists, political opponents, leaders of the free trade union, innocent men, innocent women and innocent children;

Do you have any plan to assassinate the Thai prime minister (Abhisit Vejjajiva)?

Are you going to send Brigade 70 (Hun Sen's Death Squad Unit) to assassinate the Thai prime minister (Abhisit Vejjajiva)?

Is it true, you only kill your own peoples, you will not kill Thai and Veitnamese peoples that cannot get enough of our land?

Is it true, you only kill innocent Khmer peoples with no weapon in their hands?

Anonymous said...

You Crazy posters, it's time for unity, not play foul around against your own leader elected by cambodian majority (90 seats). you guys just look like fool. u all know that those thais would come cut all our heads, but military clash show the abilities in battle of cambodian soldiers even if with some old materials. those thais now dare not intrude like before. i wanna ask you one, if the war breaks out, you guys who think you are better and not respect the leader would go into war. i, university student of pannasastra, and institute of technologies, declare myself to serve my country in whatever situation we're in. cambodian serve cambodia not thailand, abisit, or kaset phirumya. you may be fooled by those opposition in cambodia which has special relation with democratic party in thailand which belongs to Abisit yellow shirts who sent troop invading our country. Think again, poor buddies cambodia!!!!!!!