KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
It is the true colors of Ah Hun Sen and ah Sihaknuk traitors,Cambodian people you'll die one by one ,you become to be youn slaves in your own land,you do or you don't you'll die. #Fight back? #Bow down and let youn put the knives on our knecks?
Cambodia is fucked up because it leaders,like Ly Diep has said in Ankor Borei news ,Cambodia will face with lost and lost Cambodian now and then will be no more Cambodian people any more only the Cambodian from out side but inner side it absolutely Viet Nam because of it leaders stupid ,ignorant and selfishness,one way to exit from this hell only bite viet nam back to save Cambodia.
We all have known all about these crook A Sihanouk many years ago. A Kanhchas Xihanouk deserves to be severely tortured in public to pay for the blood of khmers that he had murdered and many more are waiting to be murdered by his fucking samdach sicho A Kwak communist hun sen. A Kanhchas Xihanouk is yuon, khmer rouge and he is a world worst criminal. All Khmers have to get up and fight for our country and our people. We all need to stop the communist dictator that is leading by A kanhchas xihanouk. May God give us direction to destroy A kanhchas and his communist clowns. May God take out one more eye from A kanchas's son, a kwak.
Ly Diep the Angkor Borei News just said anything on his papers to get it sold. As the Matter of Fact, he doesn't know anything in Cambodia including Thach Chan in Canada. Thach Chan Never has the battled with Mr. Hun Sen in Kampong Cham. Thach Chan just a news paper from Khmer Krom which was soldier of Nguyen Van Thieu who attaché to Cambodia in 1970. So as Ly Ngoc Deip in Vietnamese pronounce Ly Ngoc Yiep. As I've read that posted written by Ly Ngoc Yiep per say, sound very much written by Soth Polin who has the most words saying to King Norodom Sihanouk. Because Sim Var was Soth Polin's uncle and hated King Norodom Sihanouk, by not provided them good position in government they wanted when Soth Polin come back from study in France. Soth Polin Become a server to Lon Nol Microphone in 1970 who support Khmère République. So, neither Thach Chan in Canada, Soth Polin in Long Beach and Ly Ngoc Yiep in Long Beach are the same Mode of idiology to Attack King Sihanouk and Royal Families as they used to be. Ly Ngoc Yiep look like short dark skin and Soth Polin looks like Chinese sell Pork, and Thach Chan in Canada look like Khmer Krom half viet when he speaks khmer sound like vietnamese singing!
Without your comment 2:07am, would make a lot of Cambodian turn on the old King like no tomorrow. The article publishing above was bad very bad for the royal family. It made them look like all they care about, was Reach Balin and small Cambodian land which we have today without The Kampuchea Krom. It also seem to be true, because we don't see King or anybody in phnom Pehn today fight back KK. What's going on here.
Dear Lok 2:07 AM. Please don't be ridiculous ! You even don't know Lok Thach Chanh (Correct spelling is Thach Chanh not Thach Chan). Of course, he lived in Montreal, Canada. But did you ask Hun Sen about this ?? And what he say exactly ?? I am dark but not short. Lok Soth Polin have nothing to do with my article. Regards, Ly Diep
Ly Ngoc Diep is officially and hitorically is pronounced Ly Ngoc YIEP in politically Vietnamese but the letter LY is secretly converted and hiddenly when dealing with Khmer Community but the fact LY is cultutrally and traditionally originated from the Vietnamese last name of LE Dynasty who pushed themselves in from the Southern China through CHAMPA and then down South deeply to the Khmer Krom land. THACH CHAN is officially correct name with right spelling in Khmer.
Lok 2:07 AM and 7:49 AM, Never mind about my name or my appearance or my writing style. You didn't answer my question yet : Did you ask Hun Sen ? And what he say ?? Regards, Ly Diep
Lok 6:16 AM, Did you read my last response. Here again: Lok Harrison Lee was the first founder of Cambodia Town. He always called me to discuss how to put the ideas together. We even debated the name between Little Phnom Penh and Cambodia Town. He and his wife worked tirelessly on the project especially walking from store to store along the Anaheim corodore to collect signatures on the petition in order to present to the Long Beach City Commission. Unfortunately, later on I have come to learn his name was not even mention on the inauguration of his own project. What a shame! For myself, I am very happy to see Cambodia Town and I did not go against it as you mentioned in your blog that you have just created for defaming my name. It was a wrong accusation!!! I did not go against Cambodia Town, but strongly, I did go against those who organized the New Year Parade on the 17th of April (Killing Fields Date in Cambodia). Furthermore, I strongly go against those who invited Sok An to preside over the inauguration of the Cambodia Town. Please do not confuse yourself about how I feel between Cambodia Town and how I am against the New Year Parade, which also included Sok An. Regards, Ly Diep
Ly Diep is a Vietnamese name. He runs Khmer Angkor Borei and his mission is to tear Khmer fabric apart. What Hanoi hates is what Ly Ngoc Diep hates. Hanoi hates China for encroaching into Vietnam, and Khmer King is China's friend. The saddest part is that we have Youn owned Angkor Wat, and we have Youn owned Khmer News paper Angkor Borei. Ly Ngoc Diep makes no money from this Newspaper, but Hanoi pays him to keep tearing Khmer unity apart. This Youn Spy Ly Diep knows shit about our King, but what he said were propagandas from Hanoi. Ly Ngoc Dinh or Diep a Youn spy.
Now we don't know who is who anymore, since Youn invaded our country for 500 years. They are among us. Some Youn are not afraid of us, but some are hiding among us and pretending like they are on eof us Khmers. If Kok Sap is Youn spy working with Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep, who knows? But Ta Yim Guechse is Khmer, and he too believes Ly Ngoc Diep? Amazing how we can be brainwashed by Youn like Ly Diep.
Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep/Yiep sent by Hanoi to Cambodia since he was young. He is one of many Youn who shipped out from Vietnam to infiltrate in Khmer community. Youn spies in Gen Lon Nol army, Youn spies in Democratic Kampuchea. They are everywhere in our community. Thach Chan was lured easily by Youn spy like Ly Ngoc Diep, and also few of our people like Yim Guechse, Koksap, Hin Sithan, KC, Ung Thavry (Pdei ruth choul) are all brainwashed by this Youn spy Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep. We used to think that Hun Sen and his gangs were brainwashed by Youn, but outside Cambodia were too. This Youn spy Ly Ngoc Diep fooled a lot of our people ar first, but the more we read his propagandas, those are similar to Hanoi's double game policies in Cambodia. One side Ly Ngoc Diep flatters us and other side he attacks dividing our people.
Go figure how can this Youn spy survive with no income besides newspaper earns no money? He gets from Hanoi who pays him. Sometime he pretends to have no money then he went to Temple for helps. But we knew this Youn spy tried to fool us. Ly Ngoc Diep cannot stop writing tearing our Khmer people apart, because if he stops he will be killed by Hanoi.
Yuon Spy Ly Ngoc Yiep had hook Yim Guechse, Koksap, Hin Sithan, KC, Ung Thavry, Ung Bun Heang to join his cult of racism, and to make khmer fighting among khmer itself. This yuon strategy had used so many times during the Cambodia at war with yuon.
Thach Chan was an Inti-Sihanouk newspaper from Kampuchea krom used and paid by Ngo Dinh Diem then Nguyen Van Theiu and Nguyen Kao Ky of South Vietnam to say anything bad about King Norodom Sihanouk to make ordinary khmer believe it.
Hin Sithan now living in Tacoma Washington state whom is a political addiction, a former internal khmer rouge tauch in Lycée Battambang, deep relationship to khmer rouge #2 Nuon Chea, join the khmer movement in Samlaut in 1967 also an inti-Sihanouk.
Ly Ngoc Yiep and Hin Sithan look short, but Hin Sithan Shorter and lighter skin than Ly Ngoc Yiep.
Ung Thavry (Pdei ruth choul) move from New York to RI now, she looks tall "pnek sro leang mkang".
Yim Guechsè and Ung Bun Heang they just met in France to creat a new political party send by Ly Ngoc Yiep and Hin Sithan.
It is the true colors of Ah Hun Sen and ah Sihaknuk traitors,Cambodian people you'll die one by one ,you become to be youn slaves in your own land,you do or you don't you'll die.
#Fight back?
#Bow down and let youn put the knives on our knecks?
Cambodia is fucked up because it leaders,like Ly Diep has said in Ankor Borei news ,Cambodia will face with lost and lost Cambodian now and then will be no more Cambodian people any more only the Cambodian from out side but inner
side it absolutely Viet Nam because of it leaders stupid ,ignorant and selfishness,one way to exit from this hell only bite viet nam back to save Cambodia.
We all have known all about these crook A Sihanouk many years ago. A Kanhchas Xihanouk deserves to be severely tortured in public to pay for the blood of khmers that he had murdered and many more are waiting to be murdered by his fucking samdach sicho A Kwak communist hun sen. A Kanhchas Xihanouk is yuon, khmer rouge and he is a world worst criminal. All Khmers have to get up and fight for our country and our people. We all need to stop the communist dictator that is leading by A kanhchas xihanouk.
May God give us direction to destroy A kanhchas and his communist clowns.
May God take out one more eye from A kanchas's son, a kwak.
Neak Sre
May Preah Srey Aar Metrey save ECCC in Phnom Penh,to find out the truth!
Here ,look at the killers!
" Three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, The Moon and The Truth." -Buddha
Ly Diep the Angkor Borei News just said anything on his papers to get it sold. As the Matter of Fact, he doesn't know anything in Cambodia including Thach Chan in Canada. Thach Chan Never has the battled with Mr. Hun Sen in Kampong Cham.
Thach Chan just a news paper from Khmer Krom which was soldier of Nguyen Van Thieu who attaché to Cambodia in 1970. So as Ly Ngoc Deip in Vietnamese pronounce Ly Ngoc Yiep. As I've read that posted written by Ly Ngoc Yiep per say, sound very much written by Soth Polin who has the most words saying to King Norodom Sihanouk. Because Sim Var was Soth Polin's uncle and hated King Norodom Sihanouk, by not provided them good position in government they wanted when Soth Polin come back from study in France. Soth Polin Become a server to Lon Nol Microphone in 1970 who support Khmère République. So, neither Thach Chan in Canada, Soth Polin in Long Beach and Ly Ngoc Yiep in Long Beach are the same Mode of idiology to Attack King Sihanouk and Royal Families as they used to be. Ly Ngoc Yiep look like short dark skin and Soth Polin looks like Chinese sell Pork, and Thach Chan in Canada look like Khmer Krom half viet when he speaks khmer sound like vietnamese singing!
Without your comment 2:07am, would make a lot of Cambodian turn on the old King like no tomorrow. The article publishing above was bad very bad for the royal family. It made them look like all they care about, was Reach Balin and small Cambodian land which we have today without The Kampuchea Krom. It also seem to be true, because we don't see King or anybody in phnom Pehn today fight back KK. What's going on here.
Dear Lok 2:07 AM.
Please don't be ridiculous ! You even don't know
Lok Thach Chanh (Correct spelling is Thach Chanh
not Thach Chan). Of course, he lived in Montreal, Canada. But did you ask Hun Sen about this ??
And what he say exactly ?? I am dark but not short.
Lok Soth Polin have nothing to do with my article.
Ly Diep
Ly Ngoc Diep is officially and hitorically is pronounced Ly Ngoc YIEP in politically Vietnamese but the letter LY is secretly converted and hiddenly when dealing with Khmer Community but the fact LY is cultutrally and traditionally originated from the Vietnamese last name of LE Dynasty who pushed themselves in from the Southern China through CHAMPA and then down South deeply to the Khmer Krom land.
THACH CHAN is officially correct name with right spelling in Khmer.
2:07 AM,
Do Ma cong Kak.
UYou're a Viet offspring born from Bo Doi's father, the invader of Cambodia in 1979.
Go back to your country Vietnam, invader of Cambodia.
the truth hurt!!!!!
thank you lok pou ly diep. Keep it coming, we the young generations need to know our khmer history and our enemies, even if they are within!
Lok 2:07 AM and 7:49 AM,
Never mind about my name or my appearance
or my writing style. You didn't answer my question
yet : Did you ask Hun Sen ? And what he say ??
Ly Diep
you're right, some khmer krom called Ly Diep " Ah khlerk". or khmer kandal "ah kmao".
Thank you Lok 8:24 AM.
Ly Diep
Ly Deap and Kok Sap are youn agents
Lok 6:16 AM,
Did you read my last response. Here again:
Lok Harrison Lee was the first founder of Cambodia Town. He always called me to discuss how to put
the ideas together. We even debated the name between Little Phnom Penh and Cambodia Town. He and his wife worked tirelessly on the project especially walking from store to store along the Anaheim corodore to collect signatures on the petition in order to present to the Long Beach City Commission. Unfortunately, later on I have come to learn his name was not even mention on the inauguration of his own project. What a shame!
For myself, I am very happy to see Cambodia Town and I did not go against it as you mentioned in your blog that you have just created for defaming my name. It was a wrong accusation!!!
I did not go against Cambodia Town, but strongly, I did go against those who organized the New Year Parade on the 17th of April (Killing Fields Date in Cambodia). Furthermore, I strongly go against those who invited Sok An to preside over the inauguration of the Cambodia Town. Please do not confuse yourself about how I feel between Cambodia Town and how I am against the New Year Parade, which also included Sok An.
Ly Diep
Thank you Phaaun Khemara Times.
Ly Diep
Ly Diep is a Vietnamese name. He runs Khmer Angkor Borei and his mission is to tear Khmer fabric apart. What Hanoi hates is what Ly Ngoc Diep hates. Hanoi hates China for encroaching into Vietnam, and Khmer King is China's friend.
The saddest part is that we have Youn owned Angkor Wat, and we have Youn owned Khmer News paper Angkor Borei.
Ly Ngoc Diep makes no money from this Newspaper, but Hanoi pays him to keep tearing Khmer unity apart.
This Youn Spy Ly Diep knows shit about our King, but what he said were propagandas from Hanoi.
Ly Ngoc Dinh or Diep a Youn spy.
Now we don't know who is who anymore, since Youn invaded our country for 500 years. They are among us. Some Youn are not afraid of us, but some are hiding among us and pretending like they are on eof us Khmers. If Kok Sap is Youn spy working with Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep, who knows?
But Ta Yim Guechse is Khmer, and he too believes Ly Ngoc Diep? Amazing how we can be brainwashed by Youn like Ly Diep.
Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep/Yiep sent by Hanoi to Cambodia since he was young. He is one of many Youn who shipped out from Vietnam to infiltrate in Khmer community. Youn spies in Gen Lon Nol army, Youn spies in Democratic Kampuchea. They are everywhere in our community. Thach Chan was lured easily by Youn spy like Ly Ngoc Diep, and also few of our people like Yim Guechse, Koksap, Hin Sithan, KC, Ung Thavry (Pdei ruth choul) are all brainwashed by this Youn spy Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep. We used to think that Hun Sen and his gangs were brainwashed by Youn, but outside Cambodia were too. This Youn spy Ly Ngoc Diep fooled a lot of our people ar first, but the more we read his propagandas, those are similar to Hanoi's double game policies in Cambodia. One side Ly Ngoc Diep flatters us and other side he attacks dividing our people.
Go figure how can this Youn spy survive with no income besides newspaper earns no money? He gets from Hanoi who pays him. Sometime he pretends to have no money then he went to Temple for helps. But we knew this Youn spy tried to fool us. Ly Ngoc Diep cannot stop writing tearing our Khmer people apart, because if he stops he will be killed by Hanoi.
This Youn spy Ly Diep hates Sok An, because Sok An is Sino-Khmer. He hates Chinese who invade his country Vietnam.
Yuon Spy Ly Ngoc Yiep had hook Yim Guechse, Koksap, Hin Sithan, KC, Ung Thavry, Ung Bun Heang to join his cult of racism, and to make khmer fighting among khmer itself.
This yuon strategy had used so many times during the Cambodia at war with yuon.
Thach Chan was an Inti-Sihanouk newspaper from Kampuchea krom used and paid by Ngo Dinh Diem then Nguyen Van Theiu and Nguyen Kao Ky of South Vietnam to say anything bad about King Norodom Sihanouk to make ordinary khmer believe it.
Hin Sithan now living in Tacoma Washington state whom is a political addiction, a former internal khmer rouge tauch in Lycée Battambang, deep relationship to khmer rouge #2 Nuon Chea, join the khmer movement in Samlaut in 1967 also an inti-Sihanouk.
Ly Ngoc Yiep and Hin Sithan look short, but Hin Sithan Shorter and lighter skin than Ly Ngoc Yiep.
Ung Thavry (Pdei ruth choul) move from New York to RI now, she looks tall "pnek sro leang mkang".
Yim Guechsè and Ung Bun Heang they just met in France to creat a new political party send by Ly Ngoc Yiep and Hin Sithan.
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