Saturday, November 07, 2009

A piece of Cambodian aviation history

Above: Prince Sisowath Monipong in 1950.

Below: Privates, pilots, French advisers and instructors.
Ven Runnath (méca. nav.), ?, ?, ?, Kuch Cheng Heng (méca. nav.),
Keam Edouard (Off Méca.), Cdt Gacouin, ?, ?, Pao Lim Sina.

Above: Air Force officers in parade.

By Khmerization

Before and during World War II, very few fellow-countrymen had the pleasure of flying airplanes. As Cambodia was part of the French Union, the few Khmer pilots of that time flew within the French Air Force. In 1939, Prince Sisowath Monipong went to the French Air Academy at Salon de Provence, and during World War II, Prince Sisowath Sundeth served as a B-26 Marauder’s pilot with the Free French Air Force and fought during the Campaign of Italy.

Later on, several Army officers got their private pilot certificate at the Phnom-Penh Flying Club. Some of them joined the Aviation Royale Khmère (AVRK), when it was created in 1954.

In 1940, during the conflict over Cambodian western provinces between France and Thailand, ally of Japan, it seems there were no Cambodian pilots among the French aviators. We pay tribute to all the French aviators who fought in the Cambodian sky but may our French friends forgive us, this is part of another Story....

In 1945 after the departure of the Japanese forces, the only remaining Air Force in Cambodia was the French Armée de l’Air. It continued to provide air transport and some close air support missions during the Indochina War. In 1953 the French finally made plans for an autonomous military Khmer Aviation.

In April 1954, a royal decree officially created the 'Aviation Royale Khmère' (AVRK). Ngo Hou, a doctor and flying club pilot, was appointed as the Chief of Staff of the AVRK. Keu Pau Ann, a former inspector of the Department of Forestry, as well as a member of the flying club, became his assistant. Both respectively received the assimilated ranks of Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain. A staff was formed with army officers, assisted by French Air Force advisers placed under the command of Major De Salabery.
Immediately, a group of French Air Force advisers set an instruction program for the future Khmer aviators (see. notes of pilot instructor André Bellouard) The first recruiting campaign was launched. Several contingents of technical students were subsequently sent to different specialty schools in France. Five air cadets then entered the Class 1954 of the prestigious French Air Academy (Ecole de l’Air) at salon de Provence to be trained as pilot officers. Two more air cadets later joined the same academy as technical-engineer officer. (See 'Ecole Militaire de l’Air' Air Academy 1954). Meantime at Pochentong, the new Royal Flying School, under the command of French Captain Robert Carbonel, began the training of eighteen Khmer pilot students of Class 1 (1954).
1. To read more and view more pictures, visit Khmer Air Force website.
2. visit Khmer Navy website.

Khmerization would like to thank Mr. Davan Long and Mr. Uch Perom for alerting me to these two websites.


Anonymous said...

Why don't Cambodian government recruiting these people back? Don't they be any useful to the country?

Anonymous said...


Hun Xen government has no planes for these Air Force officers to fly any way. On the other hand, they think these Air Force officers were working for Lon Nol government.

Anonymous said...

As an Air Force member, I am very proud to have served and protected my country. We are not served Lon Nol ambitious but we served our nation and policy against the Viet Cong invasion. Our young Khmer pilots plane was shot down and he was beheaded. Some of them had their throats cut with Thang Tnot. We lost because of a psychological war created by Sihanouk and we are so disappointed to lose this war to the Khmer Rouge and Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

12:08 PM

Do you think, Hun Xen would trust all former Air Force members like So Photra, Pech Lim Koun, Khieu Yousawath, etc......?

Anonymous said...

Guys, these air force pilots are too old already. Besides, because years of absence from flying, they've lost their skills already. Also, their skills are not up-to-date to fly the new planes and modern jet fighters.

What they can do is to train the next generations of pilots.

Anonymous said...

Dear Our Proud KHMER Armed Forces Staffs,
the pictiures look so histrically great but where are the images of our KHMER REPUBLIC NAVAL ADMIRAL LY DIEP.
I am a young generation and being told and learned from oUr famous ANGKOR BOREI NEWS that our Editor LY DIEP published and claimed himself as a young KHMER REPUBLIC Naval Officer since DAY ONE in 1970.
And we would like to learn more PERSONALLY and PRIVATELY ABOUT OUR WAR HERO LY DIEP once was being a soldier but never ever fought in the battlefields.

Anonymous said...

Take them back anyway, if they want to go back. Give those officers a sence of belonging. All of us are Khmers or should they wait until Mr. Sam Rainsey get elected? It might be too late then. It's just a job and skillful people. Why waste? and King Sihanouk stop treating Lon Nol people like your step sons. That's enough! You really need to make peace before you quit this this world for good.

Anonymous said...

As long as he has a mind like Khmer Rouge did, Hun Sen won't, but that's really dumb. Those people that KR killed, were just men and women with children who trying to make a living by choosing related military jobs as their career. They weren't there to fight them. In fact, many of those officers and family did not choose to leave the country, because they rather saving their skill for their country and that was Cambodia. They surrender to Khmer Rouge and completely trusted them with their fate. They made grave mistake. Khmer Rouge were barbaric and heartless. They understood nothing, but to destroy them one by one including their poor little children. Mr. Hun Sen should rexamine his feeling and make some change and never trick your own people like Mr. Ing Sary did. You need to prepare yourself and answer to God honestly before you die.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen will never be able to do it. He is too chicken and thinks these fine people will be there just to intimidate him. Of course life can go on with or without the Lon Nol's people, but deosn't he think that these are Khmers? and doesn't he think they deserve to be in the country just like he does? Ask King Sihnaouk, how did he like being living in exile? and didn't it feel great to be back and be King again? PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR FOR THE ONE THAT WANTS TO GO BACK!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all who still concern about AF career.We never asked any one to get back the jobs.We also understand that we are too old to do the job but in term of technology we can catch up very fast.Yes,absolutly this guy never trust anyone and you can see
this nation don't have an Air Force except 1/2 dozen of his helicopters for their own transportation only.The war without an AF,don't dream about in this 21th century. He lead this country for his own interest and their Party only.
This article is just to refresh our memories only. I wish to tell everyone who never flight before that's nothing fun than to be a pilot in term on the sky and on the ground. Good bye to the iron wing.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting KAF website. Is there a Cambodian Air Force now under Hun Sen Governement? How big is the group and how many airplanes do they have? Can somone tells me? I am just a young Cambodian generation in Australia.

Anonymous said...

hun sen can only fly a kite! that's all he has for airforce!

Anonymous said...

This KAF website is fantastic and almost unique among those built by khmers, in that the remaining officers can band together to produce such a moving tribute to people who have fought for our country. I was hoping to find my uncle's name in the list but may be he was too junior (sak pi) at the KAF. he was shot with all his peers first day the KR entered Phnom Penh. One historical note that i think KAF website has not touched on, is the well known corruption among officers flying the route Phnom Penh Battambang. As the territory under the control of the Khmer Republic shrunk in size, and with the lower mekong/Bassac often cut-off by the Khmer Rouge, the city became quite dependent on tradeable goods originating from Thailand (i got my first taste of Rock with Creedence Clearwater Revival tapes bootlegged from thailand). In those days (1971, 72) officers were factionalised and in one case one of them was assassinated. i know the story because my uncle was with his boss in a jeep at the military airbase. his boss died of the blast and my uncle was wounded. that was sometime in 1972, if i remember correctly. when i look back at the story of Khmer Republic, as a young lycee student then, i was so energised by the feeling of freedom in 1970, only to become despondent at the great suffering our people went through in those years. so much blood spilt for so little gain, at the end of it all.

Unknown said...

I plan to make a tribute to Khmer soldiers, from past to present, by writing a book about them: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I just wanted to acknowledge the sacrifices of great Khmer men and women who gave their lives to protect the people and Kingdom of Cambodia. If only the government can educate Khmer soldiers in whatever field of services they are interested in, and train them to be great and honorable men and women of Cambodia. Not to mention a nice salary and health care package.


Anonymous said...

It’s very constructive to have an opinion; debated and let people make a decision, that what we called a democracy. I’m one of the Khmer air force who serviced during the ideology war in the 70’s, as a military stand point, we not belong to any political parties who governed the country, our duties is to protect the people and the country.
For me as a Khmer, that’s going through life for four political turmoil and personally leaning from that experience , I has some words to our next generation who wants to become a politician and run the country, if you has a different view point politically ,please talk and find a commence ground , but do not use force.
Keep our identity; culture and tradition are the only way is keeping our Khmer land is no body land. Only I’m again, to any political parties who is oppressed and killed they own people.

Anna So said...

HRH So Photra (Captain So Photra) is survived by his older sister Phany So residing in Orlando, Florida, USA with her daughter Anna So. Phany So is now spending her senior years in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The name of her resident is Sovann Reach Sei Villa near Siem Reap International Airport. She is looking for long lost family members. She believes her entire family is killed by the Khmer Rouge.

Unknown said...

Message to Anna SO: Yes, your uncle, Captain So Photra, had created a historical event when he flew the aircraft to bomb the presidential palace on 17 March 1973. BRW do you still have his picture to be shown to us? Here is my email contact adsress:
Thank u. Fred