By Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post
OFFICIALS said Thursday that the National Assembly will move in strip opposition leader Sam Rainsy of his parliamentary immunity on Monday after his removal of posts marking the border with Vietnam last month.
Cheam Yeap, a senior lawmaker for the ruling Cambodian Peopled Party, said parliament would remove the Sam Rainsy Party president’s constitutional protection to pave the way for the Svay Rieng provincial court to summon him in relation to the posts’ removal, which could be seen as threatening national security.
"The Assembly will convene on Monday to strip Sam Rainsy's parliamentary immunity," Cheam Yeap said, adding that the decision was made at an Assembly standing committee meeting on Thursday. "We are doing this in conformity with procedure, following the request of the court and the Ministry of Justice."
During a Buddhist Kathen ceremony in Svay Rieng province on October 25, Sam Rainsy led local villagers and SRP officials in uprooting six wooden posts marking the country's ambiguous border with Vietnam. Villagers said the Vietnamese had illegally shifted the posts onto Cambodian soil. Sam Rainsy’s action prompted a storm of protest from Hanoi, which said he had interfered in the two countries' sensitive border-demarcation process.
Sam Rainsy said he is not stared of government threats to his parliamentary immunity, and that the action will shed more light on the country's problems with Vietnam at a time when people are distracted by the conflict with Thailand.
“Hun Sen’s government's strategy nowadays is to draw the interest towards the West rather than the East. I want to draw the public’s attention towards [Vietnam] as well because there are also serious issues in the East," Sam Rainsy said by phone from Paris.
"At this time, our Khmers have to be unified to defend our territorial integrity - both the West and Fast," he added.
Rights groups opposed the decision to strip Sam Rainsy of his immunity, repeating the SRP leader's statement that the markers he uprooted were not official border markers.
"It is a political issue because those posts were not legal, official posts," said Vibol Sim, the national project coordinator for the Hong Kong-based Asian Human Rights Commission.
Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, agreed that parliament had no real grounds to strip Sam Rainsy's immunity.
"This action is just intended to show political muscle, it will only prompt more and more criticism," he said.
Cheam Yeap, a senior lawmaker for the ruling Cambodian Peopled Party, said parliament would remove the Sam Rainsy Party president’s constitutional protection to pave the way for the Svay Rieng provincial court to summon him in relation to the posts’ removal, which could be seen as threatening national security.
"The Assembly will convene on Monday to strip Sam Rainsy's parliamentary immunity," Cheam Yeap said, adding that the decision was made at an Assembly standing committee meeting on Thursday. "We are doing this in conformity with procedure, following the request of the court and the Ministry of Justice."
During a Buddhist Kathen ceremony in Svay Rieng province on October 25, Sam Rainsy led local villagers and SRP officials in uprooting six wooden posts marking the country's ambiguous border with Vietnam. Villagers said the Vietnamese had illegally shifted the posts onto Cambodian soil. Sam Rainsy’s action prompted a storm of protest from Hanoi, which said he had interfered in the two countries' sensitive border-demarcation process.
Sam Rainsy said he is not stared of government threats to his parliamentary immunity, and that the action will shed more light on the country's problems with Vietnam at a time when people are distracted by the conflict with Thailand.
“Hun Sen’s government's strategy nowadays is to draw the interest towards the West rather than the East. I want to draw the public’s attention towards [Vietnam] as well because there are also serious issues in the East," Sam Rainsy said by phone from Paris.
"At this time, our Khmers have to be unified to defend our territorial integrity - both the West and Fast," he added.
Rights groups opposed the decision to strip Sam Rainsy of his immunity, repeating the SRP leader's statement that the markers he uprooted were not official border markers.
"It is a political issue because those posts were not legal, official posts," said Vibol Sim, the national project coordinator for the Hong Kong-based Asian Human Rights Commission.
Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, agreed that parliament had no real grounds to strip Sam Rainsy's immunity.
"This action is just intended to show political muscle, it will only prompt more and more criticism," he said.
After pulled off six temporary poles at border marker, Xam RainXy announced on media that he doesn't afraid Svay Rieng authority sues him and he added that he will take this issue to International Court, but so far all he can do is just sent a letter to former King Sihanouk to intervince. I do want to see which International Court will accept the complaint from opposition (SRP)??? If Xam RainXy can't do it, don't speak to louder, What ashamed!
If Xam RainXy is genuine in protecting the border, he should take the picture of those six temporary poles and sends the letter through Parliament's speaker to invite the government to explain, but he used his stunt to get media attention and now, he has to pay the price.
Please wait and see, after his immunity is left, will Xam RainXy dares to face the Court or runs away to overseas as he always did??
In my view, Xam rainXy is only brave in front of microphone, but really coward in facing the Court.
Khmer in Sydney
Your new nick is to "the protector of Vietnamese interests".
No argument at all. It is actual fact. Sam Rainsy is the victim of those CPP's conspiracy. Conspiracy that can bring benefits to Vietnam only. Khmers gain nothing, but more division and retaliation will happen among Khmers.
How smart Hun Sen he is when his teamwork is good only with Khmers. Sam Rainsy should be applauded by CPP's members in his gut to protect the eastern zone while Hun Sen is busy with the western zone.
But it is not like that. The result is that CPP under Hun Sen leadership is the lackey of Hanoi absolutely.
Next time, may be CPP under your leadership, Khmer might not be a lackey like this.
Hi guys,
According to Khmer Young (member of KI) stated that "In the video footage, Sam Rainsy was busy with the phone but the owners of the land took those poles out, how the Court of Svay Rieng accused Sam Rainsy?" This indicated that Xam RainXy wants to wash his hand and lay the matter to the land owners. Whoever have applaused to Xam RainXy for his brave action in pulling those six poles should return your admiration to the land owners and the land owners should prepare yourself in trouble if Xam RainXy denies what he promised with you.
Khmer in Sydney
Hi Khmer in sydney,
Where about are you in Sydney ? Mcburney Rd, Longfield st ? Bridge St ?, Broomfield St?, Cabramtta, Fairfield, Liverpool, Bonnyrigg ?
Why are taking refuge in Sydney , a country where human rights and demoracy are resepected, but not in your Hun Xen yuon dog's country ? How often does Centrelink chase you to look for work while you are on welfare ?
You can see this nick "Khmer in Sydney" is good in manipulation.
Hi Xmer in Xydney
Your kangaroo court exists only to victimise the poor, powerless and the Khmer opposition. Worst, it is a yuon tool. I feel ashamed to see an idiot like you born in Srok Khmer.
Ah Cheam po pé nei deu peok deu sei laorth ouy ah youn bok....rontean reanréch min pdol sarchkdei sok....rontean neak srok po penh srok Khmer....!
Ah you sreach karb...ah Cheam ngeub parb denh jark Khmer eang....kmean bro ney dai..heuy..seuch leng chea lbeng....dom kol chea bong eam ouy ah youn vea chhei.....!
Ji vith chea Khmer keuth tok eth lhea douy sar ah youn....tweu barb rol pel kmean ar srai ei...som labr kob dei yoke kbarl tweu tea ong....!
Ah Cheam po pé nei kmean cheas roke sei....dech cham tngai bro jome...deum bei kart tose Khmer tvay dol bong Tom....nove tea min deong ta kloun chea chkea nei ké.
I hope you die heuy mean mo hornnarai dol ah Cheam po pé nei prome teang krou sra ro boss vea ney tei....slarb bong teang oss!
I really agree with you KI. H.E Sam Rainsy is working hard for Khmer people and his country,unlike fake khmer Sydney and his cpp(viet) gov.
chheam yap he sold his head to hyena just like monkey tep vong,noun nget and some fake parliament members.Khmer should think again before taking Khmer's food to these monkeys.
fuck Ah hunsen ,fuck Ah heng som ring,fuck ah Cheam yeap,fuck Tep vong,fuck all Ah Yuon slave.........
Whenever Sam Rainsy faces losing his immunity, his stupid supporters are screaming insulting the CPP and PM Hun Sen. I think that sooner or later, most SRP's supporters will have mental problems particular anger management problem.
Khmer in Sydney
3:07pm son of Youn bitch. ..motherfucker,i belong no to any polictical parties in cambodia.i'm chinese ,but i love khmer more than your fuckin ancestors Youn Sydney.
This time, Sam Rainsy could escape to Thailand when Parliament lift his immunity. Then, his ally (Abhisit) will appoint him as Thai Economic advisor. If it happens, Cambodian government won't bother to seek extradition Sam Rainsy back to Cambodia at all.
One at the time Sam.
When you see Khmer fighting against Thai you got to help Khmer first then you'll help Khmer fighting against Viet after that will make you earn more popularity from all Khmer.
You have a good idea but talk to a wrong man (Sam....Xy). Why he has to help Cambodia fighting with Thailand? Having say that you should aware that the current Thai PM is SRP ally.
khmer Sydney! if you love CPP so much why hiding your Ass and lives like Tape Worm in Aussie land fucker?
Dear Mr. /rainsy,
I would like to ask you to appeal all Khmer around the world for demostration on the border issue.
How long you are going to wait and see.
You will be fall into the same trap if you return to Cambodia.
There is no one can help; No King or any one. Only Khmer people can help.
so, stop doing nonsense and running around for help.
Just appeal for world wide protest.What is so important with the communist gov. They can take you any time or you just play the same kid game with the CPP.
I hope all Sam Rainsy people should wake up and understand the communist.
Khmer in Sydney,
Ah Khmer in Sydney min keth roke sei deu ploum tea konchea...kosna ouy ah youn plon yoke dei Khmer....vea keu roub chkea chea ah Khmer in Sydney.
Mea vea kom bongkeuth heuy ouy ou varth tar some pro chea va cheas thea reaksar pouch pong vong sa ke dei Khmer yeoung...! Tea ptoy sro lars ah Khmer in Sydney keuth tove chea karncheas ah youn tove vinh....neak mday keong chlarng kor bondench jenh tar ah pouch jour mar SHIT kmean deung lob ei...tweu bar Khmer eang. Ah Sydney orn cheath kor kech kloun bard to nove Australia....deul heuy min tweu ey...som leuy ke sei...peuk srar vouk vei douy leuy welfare...krao pei peuk sei heuy ning leng lbeng...vea dech bonleng chea mouy kon srard...meul chos meul leung....pel kdor leung peung tol ning kou....vea kor teanh chenh...give himself a hand job...sarb jos sarb leung...keth deul srey chneurm keu youn nos ey...tea sarrub sarchkdei...keu dai kloun eang....vea kor deung tar...vea kmean barn kar...barn tea bros doche chkea.....min hean jenh krao pros klarch tros kveave neak snea har jeath denh karb...MF.
7:23 PM,
The matter at hand may appears to be Thai. However, if you really looks at a more dangerous events that have happened up to date... is ah Youn encroaching Cambodia. So, Sam Rainsy is not a fool...he really knows what ah Youmn is up to with the help from Hun Sen. Why is Hun Sen trying so hard to shift Khmer people attention to focus on Thai...? Why four Viet. Cong representatives and one Khmer loony surveyed the territories and placed the border postes? Think about it...it does have to take a rocket engineer to figure this out....even a pre-school kid knows what is going on....!
Without Sam Rainsy, Khmer would be Laos....if it is not already Khmer Krom.....! Think before you made any comment!
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