Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Most Top Secret - Most Urgent
Sri Ayudhaya Road Bangkok 10400
16 November 2009
SUBJECT: How to deal with the problem of Thai Cambodian relations
TO: the Prime Minister
ATTENTION: MFA's top secret report, Most Urgent MFA 1302/2318, dated November 10 2009
MFA would like to propose the solutions on how to proceed with an attachment as follows:
1. An analysis from Cambodian Government's point of view:
2. Operating procedures:
To prevent the situation from turning into Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and the Cambodian PM's advantages, MFA proposes these procedures:
Thai Government's objective should be normalization of Thai Cambodian relations not regime change. However, since Police Lt Colonel Thaksin intends to destabilize the government, it is necessary to deal with the root of the problem by (1) eliminating the Main Threat (2) Dividing and minimizing the level of cooperation between Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and Cambodian PM. Therefore the future could develop into three scenarios:
3.1 Best case Scenario
Maintain Status Quo in order that Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and Cambodia PM are unable to operate their plans to make the situation worse by following the operating procedures mentioned above and then wait for our allies or friend to assist us to reducing the tension.
3.2 Medium case scenario
If Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and Cambodian PM create any incidents which cause any loss of life and properties, such actions are deemed severe threat to our sovereignty and security of Thailand whether it involves the creation of government in exile which constitutes clearly the interference in the internal affairs of Thailand. In such case, it is necessary for Thai Government to sever the diplomatic relations as well as use military means to defend itself.
4. Suggestions:
If these procedures are approved, Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggests that PM issue orders to:
Mr Kasit Pirom
Foreign Minister
TO: the Prime Minister
ATTENTION: MFA's top secret report, Most Urgent MFA 1302/2318, dated November 10 2009
- The document's procedure on how to deal with the problem of Thai-Cambodia relations.
- Signal Tables and Response Levels to preventive measures and the appropriate actions of the Cambodian Government accordingly.
MFA would like to propose the solutions on how to proceed with an attachment as follows:
1. An analysis from Cambodian Government's point of view:
- 1.1 Police Lt-Colonel Thaksin Shinawatra is "The Main Threat" intending to threaten the survival of the government by creating the deterioration of political situation by applying two-pronged strategies, the alliances with Cambodian PM and Thai opposition especially the UDD to reduce the effectiveness of our governance to the point of chaos and helplessness. However, Cambodian reaction to this point has been only diplomatic moves not of extreme measures, but a series of provocations to force Thailand to overreact.
- 1.2 The incidents involved are the conflict between two governments. Thailand must not be trapped by Cambodian Government's argument that this conflict are personal among the PM and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Cambodian Prime Minister.
- 1.3 Whether the problematic situation between Cambodia and Thailand continues, it does not depend on the Cambodian PM but will depend on the Thai internal conditions. Cambodian PM will benefit from Police Lt Colonel Thaksin regardless of how it ends. Therefore, the stabilities of every branch of the government and all parts of Thai societies working together, are the most important components to alleviate the problems.
2. Operating procedures:
To prevent the situation from turning into Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and the Cambodian PM's advantages, MFA proposes these procedures:
- 2.1 (De-escalation) Prevention or avoidance of the violent situation by
- proceeding with care without overreaction or respond with sufficient reason or condition in incremental proportion with meaning. In essence, we do not have to react to every newspaper article.
- 2.2 All government departments should share and communicate with each other before the Cambodian Government distort or spin the news.
- 2.3 Government must lead in total unity in order for Cambodian PM to
- realize that Police Lt Colonel Thaksin has no chance to return to power and his personal relationship with Cambodian PM can not be sustained while at the same time Cambodia will lose tangible benefits with Thailand in the long run whether it is mutual trade, investment or tourist issues.
- 2.4 Separate and divide Police Lt Colonel Thaksin, Cambodian PM, and the opposition in Thailand by reducing the opposition's base of support. Thai Government must give responses without affecting the civilians' morale by making its cases and speak softly in order to win the heart and mind of the people and we should use our remaining time in speeding all its legal cases against Police Lt Colonel Thaksin.
Thai Government's objective should be normalization of Thai Cambodian relations not regime change. However, since Police Lt Colonel Thaksin intends to destabilize the government, it is necessary to deal with the root of the problem by (1) eliminating the Main Threat (2) Dividing and minimizing the level of cooperation between Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and Cambodian PM. Therefore the future could develop into three scenarios:
3.1 Best case Scenario
Maintain Status Quo in order that Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and Cambodia PM are unable to operate their plans to make the situation worse by following the operating procedures mentioned above and then wait for our allies or friend to assist us to reducing the tension.
3.2 Medium case scenario
- 3.2.1 Each side retaliates with incremental intensity to gain the advantage.
- 3.2.2 If Cambodia takes more extreme measures which interfere with our internal affairs, we should take retaliating measures (1) which will not affect both our national interests and interests of the people on both sides and (2) which are proportionate, and (3) which are not damaging our long-termed relation of the people on both sides.
- 3.2.3 At the same time, the Government must not reveal our retaliatory measures in advance because (1) Cambodia will have sufficient time to respond (2) it will appear as if we prearrange our responses in order to hassle Cambodia. However, MFA arranges detailed level of retaliation table by pointing out positives and negatives in the attached paper.
If Police Lt Colonel Thaksin and Cambodian PM create any incidents which cause any loss of life and properties, such actions are deemed severe threat to our sovereignty and security of Thailand whether it involves the creation of government in exile which constitutes clearly the interference in the internal affairs of Thailand. In such case, it is necessary for Thai Government to sever the diplomatic relations as well as use military means to defend itself.
4. Suggestions:
If these procedures are approved, Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggests that PM issue orders to:
- 4.1 Synchronize all government departments, full consultations
- should take place before any policies towards Cambodia are carried out.
- 4.2 Make sure the agreed policies are followed.
- 4.3 All public announcements should conform in accordance with the agreed policies.
Mr Kasit Pirom
Foreign Minister
Is Cambodia ready for another war?
I guess Hun Sen is ready for anything.
Kuoy Pichet
Cambodia is not ready for war but our soldier will be ready to defend our county until the last drop of our blood for sure.
the sooner the war broke out with Thailand,the sooner all problems are solved. happy to hear all of these shit from Thai asshole. I wait anxiously to go to war with Thai. I'm ready to sacrifice my life for our motherland. I wish some shit spirit get into ah Sen's mind so that he can say, let go for it!
This is why Preah Vihear issues never been solved, because of both evils Kasit Piromya and Abhisit Vejjajiva planned all along, they never wanted to solve the issues with Khmer, they kept delay and delaying...Now Thais people knew how evil this governments are...
Those red shirts people will turns bangkok city into flames...if Abhishit and Kasi Piromya don't get their ass out of governments...
Dear Khmer People and Leaders
This news is not surprise !
Because Siam Government or Youn will never give Khmer good relation ! But Khmer leader should learn from those problem! Khmer leader should know how to deal those !
Don't just Strong with your own nation your own people...!
Be remember Thai Thakshin Or Thai Abulshit just the same they help their people ( Sivarak chutipong ) but Khmer leader or Khmer king only Mr. Hang Chakra they can not !! ShitBull !What are you doing with Khmer people ? Is it a game ? Be remember King Sihanouk Give shelter to Ho Chiming and then it is belong to him forever !
Now Hun Sen game with Thakshin follow to the same step!
Wake up ! Wake up all Khmer Puppets!!
To all Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,
Dear Khmer Kandal and Khmer Krom fighters,
Mr. Sam Rainsy and his party non-violence policy towards Hun Sen/CPP will not and never be work and Vietnam does not want to understand what is democracy, what is human right and what is oppressed, colonized, occupied Cambodia who was once upon the time fed, sheltered, supported Crocodile’s Vietnam to win over United States Arm forces in Vietnam War.
On 16th December, 2009 Mr. Hun Sen said in Cambodian public that Mr. Sam Rainsy will not be tolerated again this time, he must come in Cambodia and go to Prey Sar prison (sic), or he should ask Thai government to let him form a Khmer Exile Government at the Khmer-Thai territory along the Western border.
What Mr. Sam Rainsy ought to do is neither goes to Prey Sar prison nor goes to Vietnamese court in Hanoi. If, I were Mr. Sam Rainsy I would negotiate with Mr. Abbhisit Vejjajiva the Thai prime minister to follow Mr. Hun Sen suggestion in forming a Khmer Exile Government at the Thai-Cambodia border. I can assure you there will be 100 of thousands Khmer inside Cambodia will come to join the new Khmer Exile Government like in 1979’s.
Khmer king Norodom Sihamoni appointed Thaksin Shinawatra as Hun Sen adviser. Therefore, Mr. Sam Rainsy can form a Khmer Exile Government along Khmer-Thai border too. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WHICH CAN brings Vietnam and their slave Mr. Hun Sen/CPP to respect the 23rd October, 1991 Paris Peace Agreement by convene another international conference on Cambodia.
Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer’s son)
This leaked papers from the Siam MFA is evidently proven that current Siam government always has an attempt in mind to invade Cambodia mainly to overtake the Preav Vihear Temple to give as a gift for the Crazy King, Bhumibul Adolyadej before he close his eyes for the rest..!
The RGC must always on alert and be prepared and strategized in advance all means and forms (national, regional and international relations and supports) in order to counterattack by any chance in term of self-defense.
We all knew that Siam never and never give-up its intention in invading and influencing Cambodia through many forms: 1). economic influence; including trying to capture a whole market in Cambodia by introducing all Siam products and 2). cultural identifications and religious belief - as Siam still have in mind that Cambodia is a second Thailand because from generations to current generation Siam leaders always - always tries to hide the fact of the history and converted the real and virtue stories to the false one for their younger and younger generations to study about the history. If We got back the recent history when Cambodia lost the land of Khmer Surin - we must say that it's about half of century and even many people in these regions still speaking Khmer language..! But due over economic influence from Siam and with a lack of support from Cambodian government in that time, from step by step the Surin land was controlled by Siam with support from other foreign countries. However, if we asked those Khmer Surin where/who they are standing for Cambodia or Thailand, they will say culturally they love and belief in Khmer Cultures, but economically they stand for Thailand..!
So, this means that Cambodian government needs also study in depth for these two concepts and then make a strategy toward measures/actions against Siam invasion.
Siam and Yorn never and never give up thier mind in trying take over of Cambodia. It's good that our King Father had left an excellent tie with China, who always help Cambodia to protect the invasion from the two of these countries, Siam and Yorn. Geographically, we are in the middle of the two tigers one who has more 60 m people and another more than 70 m people while Cambodia is about 15m people. There only way and solution to keep our country strong is economic strengths and lefting poverty in the country, increase GDP to a high standard for livings, govt plays a vital rules in diplomatic affairs; increase FDIs from other countries, but NOT Siam and Yorn (we still deal in diplomatic relations with these two countries in certain level)
Cambodian government must stand tougher toward Siam government and take stronger position with appropriate actions in accordance with national and international laws and regulations.
To Kulen Monorom
You are the puppets of Youn communits! You did nothing for Khmer People !!!
You are not real Khmer!!! These words are most youn communist use only !!!
Wake up or you will lost everything !!!
How much did youn pay you !!!
All the dogs has its day!!!
Kulen Monorom want to set up Trap
for SRP and let khmer and Khmer fight together !!!
You are fuck bullshit this is an old trick that everyone know!
Go to the hell Kulen bastard shit!!
Hey Kulen Monorom,
Please stop spamming your nonsense everywhere will ya
We call for the forth Indochina to start at the border Cambodia-Thailand now.
At this time Vietnamese will use it dog Hun Sen to fight with thai, and vietnam will back it dog Hun Sen for Vietnam westward in 2010.
Dear Kulen Monorom
Your comment is very interesting. I do not support war or want khmer to got to war but I understand your point.
I am sure Rainsy will not take that path for two reasons: 1- He is a politician, not a soldier or commander. He always runs. He can't lead the war. 2- He will not get into the trap and "use" the trap to free Cambodia from Viet. He will and always use peace to fight like Gandhi. It is good to use peace but it won't work with Hun Sen.
If Hun Sen is Rainsy, Hun Sen will use strategies like you said here. Hun Sen will go to neighbor country in this situation, get help and fight with his own country to gain his power. He will use the situation or the trap to destroy or eliminate his enemies. He will use the blow of the wind, that he can't stop, to make his ship go to the opposit direction or any direction he wants. It is one of the guerrilla warfare strategies.
Again, Rainsy won't do that.
To 11:53 AM
I am 100% support you!
I am believe in SRP won't do that coz he has soldier but words and pens in his hand brain full of Khmer Blood to help Khmer
I do understand your points and that should be used as the very last resort. Stay aways from all form of bloodshed. Negotiations a must. Hun Sen persuaded Khmer Rouges to lay down their arms and now they have billions of dollars in bank account.
Cambodia can only win in small-scale wars. If a large-scale war broke out, Youn and Siamese are the winners. However, if Hun Sen allies himself with Burma or China and keeps Youn away, there is a chance that Cambodia would win.
8:40PM Ah hUn Xen can win no real war just a very small battle, may be?
The Khmer soldiers may turne against Touls Krasang if they get full arm!
If Sam Rainsy uses Gandhi method to free Cambodia its will take 100 years at least. I support Cambodia must go to war, there is no peace without war in country like Cambodia.
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