Monday, December 28, 2009

Please help Koh Kban Kandal villagers who were victimized by Hanoi's puppet regime

Click on the appeal letter in Khmer to zoom in

Unofficial Translation from Khmer
Sam Rainsy Party


The Sam Rainsy Party would like to inform all our members and all generous persons from both inside and outside of Cambodia that Mrs. Meas Srey and Mr. Prum Chea, two villagers from Koh Kban Kandal North village, located in Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province, were unfairly arrested and sent to prison by the Svay Rieng provincial court on 23 December 2009. The court accused the pair of willfully damaging border post No. 185 on 25 October 2009. Mrs. Meas Srey and Mr. Prum Chea were among the many land owners who lost their rice fields due to the planting of border post No. 185 on top on their properties.

Videos summarizing the event can be viewed at the following links: and

In the name of the victim’s families and in the name of the Sam Rainsy party, I am appealing to all our members, as well as generous donors from both inside and outside our country, to please help provide funds, according to your means and capability, to help encourage, support and alleviate the needs of the families of Mrs. Meas Srey and Mr. Prum Chea who were victimized and lost their lands from the planting of border post No. 185 on top of their rice fields.

I am deeply thanking our party members and all the generous donors from both inside and outside our country who had always contributed their personal funds to provide for the families of the victims in their fight to defend our national interest, our territorial integrity, our democracy and social justice.

I am wishing all our party members and all the generous donors from both inside and outside our country with the five Buddhist blessings.

Done in Phnom Penh, 26 December 2009

(Signed) Ke Sovanroth


Anonymous said...

Please help these villagers for they have been used unjusticely by Sam Rainsy who incited this problem and now run to France and left these innocent villagers to face the problem he created.

That is the kind of leader Sam Rainsy is. Create incidents to benefit his party at the expense of innocent naive Khmer farmers and people.

Anonymous said...

she live in prison because she was believe Mr. Sam Rangsy. Sam Rangsy Play Political by take her involves.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

If you were in that condition, what would you do. Please do not laugh at poor Cambodian farmers who are innocent. If the government is smart enough and willing to help the poor peasants, the commoners are not the hostage in that puppet court game.

Just my question: How to contribute to the poor peasants?

Khmer Must Help Khmer!!!

Anonymous said...

How do you think about Mr. SAM RANGSY????? When something happened, he run away abroad. so who are in prison now ??????

Thes Meas said...

These people are not victimized by the Government, but in reality they are victimized by all SRP MP and Mr. Sam Rainsy himself.
And now these people are in jail and some are in hidding the SRP is using this opportunity to ask you people to donate to them. They will use this fund to pocket themselves and to victimized more unfortunate Cambodians. Shame on you all SRP MP and Criminal Sam Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

3:44 PM

You think your money or any is gonna solve any problem? What the people need is not money but education and knowledge that would liberate them from playing played by politicians such as SRP in this case. When people can think for themselves, they wouldn't be naively manipulated by these politicians.

Anonymous said...

too late and very difficult to deal with ignorant Like Hun Sen so s Cambodian people will be the minority in their own land(ONE WAY)

Anonymous said...

Thang Meas Thes, A Kon Xmer Kbal Youn.

If you have any mind, you would see that what Sam Rainsy say and did were not inconsistent.

At first he was invited by grieving villagers to the border to show where their land had been stolen by puak ah Yiekcong. The villagers as you saw if you watched the video, uprooted the pole on their own accord by their own rights as owner of their farm.

So because Sam Rainsy did not tell people to uproot, Sam Rainsy stated the facts of event initially that Sam Rainsy did not uproot the border when the charge by the government was placed on him.

But, later on he takes "full responsibility"? Why? Because he is a Khmer politician working for Khmer people. When Sam Rainsy saw that the villagers became the target of this Yiekcong charade court, he have to step in and as you say "change" his mind. Something your Xamdech Decho Hun Xen would never do, that is accepting responsibility on the behalf he represents.

As you can see, Sam Rainsy is far from a coward. A coward is a a Svar Kim Hong, and A kanchas who lie to the Cambodian people about the border process and Ta Kanchas Heng Samrin who when told that his village was also part of Vietnam territory only smiled back - because that was all he can do. In his might of power in the seat of head of Cambodia parliement his greatness can only smile at the fact that his home got annexed into VietCong.

Now Thang Meas Thes, who is your great hero now? Where are your great heroes and their answer for the Khmer people when Son Chay and SRP called them to testify before the national assembly?

A Meas, or maybe I should call you, a Aich Kamrouch Thes. You are not a Khmer, You are a VietCong agent or a Xmer citizen, product of the Vietcong civilian army reserve that never left Cambodia since their occupation and now pretending to be talking and barking on Khmer behalf. Do yourself a favor and brand yourself by your own true color.

You got nothing to be ashame for being a Viet Cong or a Khmer traitor. Your life as a low-life plunder of Khmer natural resource, inflictor of suffering of Khmer low class rural and urban poor should give you immunity to being able to feel embarrassment and shame.

A Kbal Youn kolai chia Khmer! A Khmer Thmei! Puk a Xmer, Puak A "Kon Chau" Hun Xen. The day you all meet your divine fate like Hok Lundy is the day that Khmer can rejoice. As the so called Khmer Rough post goes, "to keep you is no gain and to lose you is no lost". Thang Meas Thes who the likes works against Khmer, for the earth to open up and the sky to strike you like HOk Lundy is no lost to us Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Dear posters I think we all are Khmer and should communicate decently so that it leads to reunification between conflicting ideas.

We all have different background and knowledge about the world . I have learnt many things from profound posters.

Being outrage and abusive is like fire.

Please show ourseves as Khmer . Love you all from a Khmer

Anonymous said...

5:32 I agree with you!. We are living in the 21st century, we should be smarter by now. Life shouldn't be about discrimination. we all need to promote harmony and friendliness for all nations because we are already existed for a purpose, in other words we need to work with it not against it!. If we work against it, we will lose it as we are only human and we can not be against God creation as he knows what he is doing, so just follow him that is either "Buddha" or "Jehovah, Jesus" and so on. Khmer intelligent

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I think the weakness in Mr. Sam Rainsy's leadership is that he does not have any plan or strategy. He is often seen in either catching-up or damage control mode. When will he start to realize that his party will fade away if he continues to lead without a well-defined strategy? Furthermore, when will he start to learn accepting other people views, open up the party, and recruit more intellectuals? He got to realize that he alone can never win.

Political game is no different from chess game. You have to be able to anticipate your opponent next move, else you're in trouble until your final defeat.

8:41 PM

Anonymous said...

Si Lok Sam Rainsy est une
personne courageuse et responsable, lok Sam Rainsy doit retourner au pays puis faire libérer ces pauvres agriculteurs. Car sa présence est nécessaire pour payer la libération des ces pauvres personnes.

Mais lok Sam Rainsy préfère plutôt rester confortablement à Paris pour savourer le champagne avec le fois gras et le caviar en laissant plusieurs personnes en prison à sa place.

9:09 PM

Anonymous said...

J'aimerais faire appel a des vrais nationalists a l'interieur du PSR d'elire un nouveau leader qui peut mener et operer sur le terrain plutot que de se cacher dans une chambre de l'hotel a Paris.

La liberte a un prix, et ce prix est paye par le courage et la sacrifice. S'il M. Rainsy n'est pas pret pour ce defit ultime, il devra ceder sa place a quelqu'un d'autre, faute de quoi il sera accuser d'etre dictateur ou traitre.


I would like to appeal to all true nationalists inside SRP to elect a new leader twho can lead and manoeuver in the field, not hiding in a hotel room in Paris.

Freedom comes with a price, which is paid by courage and sacrifice. If Mr. Rainsy is not ready for that challenge, he must resign and give his position to someone else, otherwise he is just another dictator or traitor.

9:32 PM

Anonymous said...

If Sam Rainsy taking responsibility, come back to Cambodia and go to court instead of hiding in Franch and let the poor villagers getting punish for Sam Rainsy stupid action.

Sam Rainsy, if you are a man, and a leader to defend the poor villagers like you claim to be, come back to Cambodia and fight this. Go to jail if you have to. Why so afraid! Even Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mendela, are all spend times in jail.

So if you are real, never afraid to fight, go to Jail or even die for your cause. If not, forget about it, and hide in Franch forever, and let someone else take the lead.

9:41 PM

Anonymous said...

In an upside down Cambodia, we blame the heroes as the villains, the way we call black 'white' and vice versa. Mr. Sam Rainsy is brave and a hero. 100% of the blame is on the CPP who are responsible for this injustice.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is an inspiration and stands for justice and courage.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen steals lands from Khmers and give them to Viet.
Hun Sen steals Angkorwat from Khmers and give it to Viet.
Hun Sen steals Tonlesap from Khmers and give it to Viet.
Hun Sen steals everything from Khmers and give it to Viet.

Hun Sen is criminal and
He must be jailed.

Anonymous said...


Send your money (cash only) to:

Ms. Mylinh Nakry
PO Box 11258
Stockton, CA 93015

Your money will be put to good use.

Anonymous said...

I must be an idiot to send money to a PO box.

Anonymous said...

OK, I just found out: To donate money to the people, all you have to do is to go to any of the Sam Rainsy Branches located in your city. I already did mine. I am from Alaska.

Anonymous said...

Visit this website below to learn more about where to donate your money.

Anonymous said...

Hello 9:09 cesse d'aboyer non sense! stop barking non sense! How many times did Sam Raingsy and Mu Soc Hua and other SRP members have faced the justice in Cambodia? and was the outcome different? or is it the same every time???? another point, the police is Cambodia are very good and how come they never find the culprits or those assassins against members of SRP? so if you were in Raingsy shoes, would you go? Have you ever wonder why Degaulle joined the allies in Britain instead of make his stands in France? Now the U.S. justice dept. would not treat their citizens the way the commies did?

Anonymous said...

"I must be an idiot to send money to a PO box.
3:32 AM"

Don't be so hard on yourself!
You are not really an idiot. Maybe a little slow. That's all.

Ms. Mylinh Nakry