Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Prey Nokor News Vol. 2 No. 102 is now available


Anonymous said...

while people still beg the killers for some pities or some rights to live, they will live in that misery and be killed one after other till they rest so few like cham/islam people in viet

How long we're going to beg the assassins for pities? Or beg for these killers to repsect our life or rights?


Anonymous said...

Say is easier then do.
But do not worry, Khmer rouges did it once already.
Just do not forget to avoid the same error.

Anonymous said...

what different from khmer rouge or cpp? They are ones, from the same source, have the same masters, the viets

Anonymous said...

Khmer krom people are alone and lonely to suffer of yuon endless genocide and animosities but to geopolitical perspective, they are first victims of geopolitical conflicts between powerful countries, first of all French, URSS and USA, like Khmer in Cambodia. Yuons did have their ancestral killing plans, their hated, their animosities and their killing policy against Khmers to rob land and natural resources but yuons cant well led their bloody expansionist and genocidal policy against Khmer people, in Cambodia or in Kampuchea Krom, without precious helps from these powerful countries. With some responsibilities and human conscience, they should aware of their atrocious policies and try to find way to help Khmer krom and Khmer people to get out of yuon massacres and atrocities . Or will leave Khmer people suffer in yuon hell forever?