KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
SRP MPs' visit to the encroached border area: Yuon soldiers roam free, Khmer soldiers block MPs' visit
SRP MPs visit the border area in Svay Rieng province Yuon soldiers roam free on the encroached land Khmer anti-riot troops prevent Khmer MPs from visiting the encroached area
This is stupid! The governmnt have something to hide. The citizens have the right to know....
Just take a very close look at these so called Khmer soldiers face! This is the face that represent the Vietcong puppet government! This is the face of corruption! This is the face that live on $1 day! This is the face that is willing to kill the innocence, the poor, and the helpless dirt poor Cambodian people!
Now! Get out the way all you fucken Vietcong slave ugly dog eating face and let the MP do their job! Your fucken job is to protect the Vietcong sovereignty!
Get the fuck out the way Vietcong slave mother fucker!
2:16AM, Yea! This is obvious that they are hiding the truth! Can all Khmer people see it? All khmer should join the opposition to pressure the stupid government to stop doing the wrong things all the time.
This is a waist of time. JUST SLAUGHTER AH XEN! Khmer nation have suffered enough. Ah Xen whole family is traitor. Khmer should not allow this people continue to live...
We have a treaties with favors our master Vietnam, include cede territories, land concession, trade unbalance, illegal settlers, treated them a first class citizen while in Cambodia.
Where is Ah Soy Sopheap and ah Khieu Kanharidth? Aren't they the ones who always say they will protect the integrity of Cambodia? Ah Soy Sopheap should be in the frontline demand ah YOUNs to leave Khmer territory. Ah Khuie Kanharidth needs to learn the Khmer map. These two f*ckers always bash the Sam Rainsy people, but they continue to be just sh*t in the face of ah YOUNs.
Please post more photos on Hanoi encroachment. Thank you Our stupid king and queen who let Hanoi encroach Khmer land and keep silent. Thank you Samdech Youn puppet, Hun Sen, who prevent and block Khmer MP to visit the Hanoi in action of stolen Khmer land.
Thank you for international world body do not condemn Hanoi action.
Thank you CPP will be perished soon and by then we will claim all Khmer land along Kampuchea Krom from old enemy, Youn Vietcong.
Then Sue the French for giving part of Khmer land so called Kampuchea Krom to Youn Vietcong.
I think that the Cambodians people should first do that, sue the viets! Why cant we sue the French, too, in the international court? Sue those two son of bitches...
Remember vietcong own Cambodia since its victory of 17 april 1975. Yuons still use its political tools as in polpot time to kill Khmer, destroy Cambodia for its interest
A degree closed, Cambodia is not different from champa and Kampuchea krom
Yuons have much rights and priorities than Khmers in Cambodia
I have to say again and again, Cambodian Gov'ts must upgrade their military might and work very close toward China, otherwise Viet will take it away just like they did to Champa and Khmer Krom....
Ah Soy Sopheung Sao Chey can not open his stinky mouth with Vietnamese, if he does, his ass will be shot at like Touch Srey Nix, he's only running his mouth with Thailand only...
Should SRP along with the Cambodian population set a day to have a national demonstration against Vietnam's occupation also invite all the press corps and have them petition to their government to look into Cambodia especially the government of France, Canada, Australia, China and the U.S. as well as write it down in their national press respectively.
secondly, we need to elect a new parliament
Third, We need to let the authority know that whomever is the traitor to our nation will be persecuted tell them in situation like this, they need to stay neutral, enforce the law, or siding with SRP by go against CPP and they will be rewarded at a later date.
I am sure that the majority of Cambodian population is fed up with the current regime but they have no where to vent to side with at this time.
According to sources in Phnom Penh yesterday said, Hun Sen will not allow Sam Rainsy to return to Cambodia. Sam Rainsy must face criminal trail and serves time in Prey Sar at least 10 years before he could run the public office again. Some of his followers start defect to CPP more and more every day for their safe and to avoid Ghos flag hanging in front of their house. Hun Sen Added yesterday morning at the airport "Sam Rainsy's political life is over or finished in Cambodia".
They care more youn than our Khmers blood, all Khmer must to see and understand about this. If the Govt don't didden about this, let MPs go and to see it. Not so far, Cambodia will be part of youn.
If someone don't knew well about this MPs troop, so I can tell you all. In one with 3 person= 2 Khmers + one Vietnam speaking Khmer and who is the boss in this group. I can say that because my relative are working with them, that is true.
Those anti-riot troops must go to Thailand border, instead to fight with own people. If one day he injured who pay for you all, look back to the former soldiers in Kamong Thom, the Viet company stealen their land and then go to Phnom Penh for protesting but was send back home, this Govt need you when you useable and one day you will be like the former soldiers in Kampong Thom my friends.
I feel it in my heart and now there is proof to show it after all. Now the whole world knows exactly that Vietnam is in fact encroaching on the Khmer territority. Sam Riansy has warned and raised this concern over and over but ah Hun Sh*t keeps saying that none of the Khmer farmers ever experience any loss of their farm land. Well, so why did ah Hun Sh*t send his troops to block the SRP representatives from checking the disputed border areas. Svar Kim Hong needs to quit his job because he is an idiot. The whole border demarcation process must be reviewed with international observers.
Khmer everywhere around the world need to form the indepent government of Cambodia, that are reconize by the UN and make the HUN SEN government as an invader governmetn by Vietnam. Just like the UN did in the 80s and the khmer rouge era. Then we can sure the Viet for stealing Cambodia land. After we take back our Cambodia from the Viet, then we'll roun up POUK A CPP one by one. Thank you lord, for making this happen!
you are dreaming my friend you don't know nothing about Hun Sen's secret, you see only surface of this. Around Hun Sen are former Vietnam 'Chham neagn Ka' before 1993, hose now are Khmer. Hun Seb will never give up his power why? because Viet give him and his family power and riches for ever. But Vietnam wanted from Cambodia is: 1- more Viet people and Viet troops in Khmer uniform deep in Cambodia, 2- move its territory deep into Cambodia step by step 3- If someone in CPP dare stand against him those will be defeated 4- One day when the Viet thinks Hun Sen not usable for them, then Hun Sen will be very quickly powerless.
Look back to our history during Chhey Chhetha II, then you all will know what is going on in Cambodia right now !!
Comments 6:02am absolutely right..! this is exactly what vietnamese government doing in cambodia right now, including military and economy, Viet control everything these days...
Ah Soy is sold to Ah Sen and Ah Youn. Where is your conscience Ah Soy? Cambodia is being taken by Ah Youn.... and you people prevent your own kind from protecting Cambodia national interest?..... Come one have some senses. This is a pure hypocrisy to defending with Thailand and allowing the Vietnam to have free range for Cambodia territory. This is not a government, you guy thugs and ganbsters.
Vietnam making sure Khmer blamed Khmer each other for the killing fields, but they (Vietnamese) are the one behind all of these, right now they used CCP Party to do the works for them....South East Asean Nations can't touch them...!
All the problems in this country (Cambodia) caused by Sihanouk who started to play fire with vietcong, and he brough vietcong's fire to burnt down his own country to ground zero.
Why Khmer have to choose between the Viet and the Siem? The fact is the Khmer don't need to choose between the Viet and the Siem but the Khmer need to choose Khmer to look after Khmer national interest!
Silent majority of Khmer people don't believe in AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave leadership! After AH HUN SEN long gone from Cambodian politic and he will be remembered as the longest serving most corrupted Vietcong slave Prime Minister of Cambodia!
បើគណបក្សCPPគ្រាន់បើ Youn take hundreds of Km from Svay Reing, Takao, Ratanak Kiri...ម្តេចក៏មិនធ្វើដួចនៅព្រុំពទល់ដែនសៀមទៅ?ឬក៏ជាដៃជើងរបស់អាយ៉ងយួន?ប្រជាពលរដ្ធខ្មែរចោតគណបក្សCPPថាជាអាយ៉ងយួនមិនខុសមែន ដែលយួន installed!
One day Ho Chiming will kill invite Hun Xen, chea sim, Heng Samrin to the hell with him to drink Te Ong !!!
Remember Youn never want to give Khmer happy, rich.
I dont like Thailand or Thai military but I do like normal Thai people because they live like normal Khmer people do. I would rather live alongside Thailand and have our problems with them than to live next to these Yuons. Atleast we can fight out our anger in the ring with Kickboxing, but with the Yuons, they will just murder us, including innocent woman and children.
Come on, all khmers must wake up. Every body knew CPP's leaders all are former khmer rouge, khmer Vietming and they are installed and supported by Vientam for sure and real and they even claimed their friendship forever or 10000 years. To solve these issues,I think you, all CPP's supporters who care or love our poor country must make a U-turn by supporting or voting for any party that you think care,love and not dangerous... to our Cambodia and her people... Again, I think HRP and SRP, It's time to unite as one BIG PARTY to work together and fight together for the same goals, Cambodia and her people safe and glorious... God bless Cambodia and her people,
I don't count on the ballots for regime change in Cambodia. As long as Hun Sen and his CPP in power, he and his party would do anything to ensure that he and his party win on every election. Without winning through fraud, who in Cambodia like to vote for 30 years the same party/leader whose performance ranked very poor in leading the country like Hun Sen and his CPP party?
This is stupid! The governmnt have something to hide. The citizens have the right to know....
Just take a very close look at these so called Khmer soldiers face! This is the face that represent the Vietcong puppet government! This is the face of corruption! This is the face that live on $1 day! This is the face that is willing to kill the innocence, the poor, and the helpless dirt poor Cambodian people!
Now! Get out the way all you fucken Vietcong slave ugly dog eating face and let the MP do their job! Your fucken job is to protect the Vietcong sovereignty!
Get the fuck out the way Vietcong slave mother fucker!
2:16AM, Yea! This is obvious that they are hiding the truth!
Can all Khmer people see it?
All khmer should join the opposition to pressure the stupid government to stop doing the wrong things all the time.
Khmer in Cambodia need to be stronger.
"Live Free or die" New Hamsphire
"Live under control or die" Cambodia.
This is a waist of time. JUST SLAUGHTER AH XEN! Khmer nation have suffered enough. Ah Xen whole family is traitor. Khmer should not allow this people continue to live...
Ah Xen only tough to his own defenseless people.
"Die or live like Hun Xen said"
We have a treaties with favors our master Vietnam, include cede territories, land concession, trade unbalance, illegal settlers, treated them a first class citizen while in Cambodia.
I hope there will be another coup against HS government soon...Wheres Pol Pot?????
Congratulations Sam Raingsy party members. Stay strong and united. All Khmers are behind you.
Heng Samrin is wrong, of course he is an idiot. Sam Raingsy action does not deserve any punishment if he knows a litle bit about law.
Jurist Cambodians do your job, I mean attorneis, juges, if you want your country survives.
Where is Ah Soy Sopheap and ah Khieu Kanharidth? Aren't they the ones who always say they will protect the integrity of Cambodia? Ah Soy Sopheap should be in the frontline demand ah YOUNs to leave Khmer territory. Ah Khuie Kanharidth needs to learn the Khmer map. These two f*ckers always bash the Sam Rainsy people, but they continue to be just sh*t in the face of ah YOUNs.
Please post more photos on Hanoi encroachment. Thank you Our stupid king and queen who let Hanoi encroach Khmer land and keep silent. Thank you Samdech Youn puppet, Hun Sen, who prevent and block Khmer MP to visit the Hanoi in action of stolen Khmer land.
Thank you for international world body do not condemn Hanoi action.
Thank you CPP will be perished soon and by then we will claim all Khmer land along Kampuchea Krom from old enemy, Youn Vietcong.
Then Sue the French for giving part of Khmer land so called Kampuchea Krom to Youn Vietcong.
I think that the Cambodians people should first do that, sue the viets! Why cant we sue the French, too, in the international court? Sue those two son of bitches...
គួរឲ្យខ្មាស់យួនណាស់ដែលខ្មែរ CPP ធ្វើរបឿបនេះចំពោះស្រុកទេសខ្លួនអែង ។នេះឬដែលមិនហៅថាអំពើក្បត់ជាតិនោះ?។នៅលើពិភពលោកទាំងមូលនេះ តើមានប្រទេសណាខ្លះដែលអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យទឹកដីរបស់ខ្លួនបាត់បង់ទាំងកណ្ដាលថ្ងៃត្រង់យ៉ាងដូច្នេះ?។
ពួកអាឆ្កែទាំងបី អាសែន អារិន អាស៊ីម
អាមេចោរ លក់ជាតិ លួចជាតិ
អាកញ្ជះយួន ។
Not just in Svay Reing alone! Khmer farmer in Takeo Porvince also lost their rice paddy-lands at Chrey Thum, Angkor Vietnamese!!
Remember vietcong own Cambodia since its victory of 17 april 1975. Yuons still use its political tools as in polpot time to kill Khmer, destroy Cambodia for its interest
A degree closed, Cambodia is not different from champa and Kampuchea krom
Yuons have much rights and priorities than Khmers in Cambodia
Khmers are now minority on their own land.
Where is big mouth Hun Sen, stupid CPP members, stupid CPP supporters, on this matter when it matter most ?
None of them idiots/ youn slave dare speaks against youn!
Only good at speaking against khmer, and those who loves khmer.
Now, where all them SOB?
I have to say again and again, Cambodian Gov'ts must upgrade their military might and work very close toward China, otherwise Viet will take it away just like they did to Champa and Khmer Krom....
I totally agree with comments 4:26am above 100%! Khmer people are nothing and worthless in cambodia...
Sihanouk and China will not allow to happend...
Ah Soy Sopheap? ah Phay Siphan? both of them need to kiss Asssss to save their political live and their jobs those mother fuckers...
Chineses and Americans are working to exchange Cambodia oil with their weapons.
We should remember that some years ago we destroyed weapons.
Weapons equal wars.
Ah Soy Sopheung Sao Chey can not open his stinky mouth with Vietnamese, if he does, his ass will be shot at like Touch Srey Nix, he's only running his mouth with Thailand only...
I hated to say this word guy, but i prefered Thailand better than Vietnamese, at least Thai/Khmer have the same cultural...
Should SRP along with the Cambodian population set a day to have a national demonstration against Vietnam's occupation also invite all the press corps and have them petition to their government to look into Cambodia especially the government of France, Canada, Australia, China and the U.S. as well as write it down in their national press respectively.
secondly, we need to elect a new parliament
Third, We need to let the authority know that whomever is the traitor to our nation will be persecuted tell them in situation like this, they need to stay neutral, enforce the law, or siding with SRP by go against CPP and they will be rewarded at a later date.
I am sure that the majority of Cambodian population is fed up with the current regime but they have no where to vent to side with at this time.
YOUNS Chea Sat Kro Peur!!!! Oldfart Shihanouk called Vietnam...
According to sources in Phnom Penh
yesterday said, Hun Sen will not allow Sam Rainsy to return to Cambodia. Sam Rainsy must face criminal trail and serves time in Prey Sar at least 10 years before he could run the public office again.
Some of his followers start defect to CPP more and more every day for their safe and to avoid Ghos flag hanging in front of their house.
Hun Sen Added yesterday morning at the airport "Sam Rainsy's political life is over or finished in Cambodia".
Please, Thais are worse
They care more youn than our Khmers blood, all Khmer must to see and understand about this. If the Govt don't didden about this, let MPs go and to see it. Not so far, Cambodia will be part of youn.
If someone don't knew well about this MPs troop, so I can tell you all. In one with 3 person= 2 Khmers + one Vietnam speaking Khmer and who is the boss in this group. I can say that because my relative are working with them, that is true.
Khmer Ghost
All the problem in this country caused by Sihanouk who started to political game without end and the winner is not but Viet.
That is not true, that is only a speculation. No SRP member did quit the party.
Hun Sen attacts Sam Rainsy like that because Hun Sen is afred of Sam Rainsy. He is not sure that he can beat Sam Raingsy next election.
And other CPP members prepare to replace Hun Sen.
Those anti-riot troops must go to Thailand border, instead to fight with own people. If one day he injured who pay for you all, look back to the former soldiers in Kamong Thom, the Viet company stealen their land and then go to Phnom Penh for protesting but was send back home, this Govt need you when you useable and one day you will be like the former soldiers in Kampong Thom my friends.
former Hun Sen's Soldiers
I feel it in my heart and now there is proof to show it after all. Now the whole world knows exactly that Vietnam is in fact encroaching on the Khmer territority. Sam Riansy has warned and raised this concern over and over but ah Hun Sh*t keeps saying that none of the Khmer farmers ever experience any loss of their farm land. Well, so why did ah Hun Sh*t send his troops to block the SRP representatives from checking the disputed border areas. Svar Kim Hong needs to quit his job because he is an idiot. The whole border demarcation process must be reviewed with international observers.
Khmer everywhere around the world need to form the indepent government of Cambodia, that are reconize by the UN and make the HUN SEN government as an invader governmetn by Vietnam. Just like the UN did in the 80s and the khmer rouge era. Then we can sure the Viet for stealing Cambodia land. After we take back our Cambodia from the Viet, then we'll roun up POUK A CPP one by one. Thank you lord, for making this happen!
5:44 AM,
you are dreaming my friend you don't know nothing about Hun Sen's secret, you see only surface of this. Around Hun Sen are former Vietnam 'Chham neagn Ka' before 1993, hose now are Khmer. Hun Seb will never give up his power why? because Viet give him and his family power and riches for ever. But Vietnam wanted from Cambodia is:
1- more Viet people and Viet troops in Khmer uniform deep in Cambodia,
2- move its territory deep into Cambodia step by step
3- If someone in CPP dare stand against him those will be defeated
4- One day when the Viet thinks Hun Sen not usable for them, then Hun Sen will be very quickly powerless.
Look back to our history during Chhey Chhetha II, then you all will know what is going on in Cambodia right now !!
I notice that even in the US the Viet and the Viet dog are trying to own khmer people too.
Every where it has Khmer dogs for Viet, why? because their brain was washed and those have read the real khmer history.
Right now HUN SEN just tries to be the best DOG he can be, othewise he'll be dump in 6' under, to meet his in-law HOK Longdy at underworld.
I like to offer an explaination: Yuon soldeiers are allowed to roam free because they are Cambodian advisors.
Comments 6:02am absolutely right..! this is exactly what vietnamese government doing in cambodia right now, including military and economy, Viet control everything these days...
It's hopeless to fight the Viets.
Who want to die first?
It is time to take Vietnamese lessons.
Soon all Khmers will be Viet citizens.
Ah Soy is sold to Ah Sen and Ah Youn. Where is your conscience Ah Soy? Cambodia is being taken by Ah Youn.... and you people prevent your own kind from protecting Cambodia national interest?..... Come one have some senses. This is a pure hypocrisy to defending with Thailand and allowing the Vietnam to have free range for Cambodia territory. This is not a government, you guy thugs and ganbsters.
Vietnam making sure Khmer blamed Khmer each other for the killing fields, but they (Vietnamese) are the one behind all of these, right now they used CCP Party to do the works for them....South East Asean Nations can't touch them...!
We do need khmer outsider, all around the world help...
All the problems in this country
(Cambodia) caused by Sihanouk who started to play fire with vietcong, and he brough vietcong's fire to burnt down his own country to ground zero.
Why Khmer have to choose between the Viet and the Siem? The fact is the Khmer don't need to choose between the Viet and the Siem but the Khmer need to choose Khmer to look after Khmer national interest!
Silent majority of Khmer people don't believe in AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave leadership! After AH HUN SEN long gone from Cambodian politic and he will be remembered as the longest serving most corrupted Vietcong slave Prime Minister of Cambodia!
បើគណបក្សCPPគ្រាន់បើ Youn take hundreds of Km from Svay Reing, Takao, Ratanak Kiri...ម្តេចក៏មិនធ្វើដួចនៅព្រុំពទល់ដែនសៀមទៅ?ឬក៏ជាដៃជើងរបស់អាយ៉ងយួន?ប្រជាពលរដ្ធខ្មែរចោតគណបក្សCPPថាជាអាយ៉ងយួនមិនខុសមែន ដែលយួន installed!
One day Ho Chiming will kill invite Hun Xen, chea sim, Heng Samrin to the hell with him to drink Te Ong !!!
Remember Youn never want to give Khmer happy, rich.
don't carzy with bullshit power!!!
I dont like Thailand or Thai military but I do like normal Thai people because they live like normal Khmer people do. I would rather live alongside Thailand and have our problems with them than to live next to these Yuons. Atleast we can fight out our anger in the ring with Kickboxing, but with the Yuons, they will just murder us, including innocent woman and children.
I hate Hanoi and any Vietnamese that can't live alongside their neighbor. They are not noble people, shame on this pathetic race of thieves.
Come on, all khmers must wake up. Every body knew CPP's leaders all are former khmer rouge, khmer Vietming and they are installed and supported by Vientam for sure and real and they even claimed their friendship forever or 10000 years.
To solve these issues,I think you, all CPP's supporters who care or love our poor country must make a U-turn by supporting or voting for any party that you think care,love and not dangerous... to our Cambodia and her people...
Again, I think HRP and SRP, It's time to unite as one BIG PARTY to work together and fight together for the same goals, Cambodia and her people safe and glorious...
God bless Cambodia and her people,
I don't count on the ballots for regime change in Cambodia. As long as Hun Sen and his CPP in power, he and his party would do anything to ensure that he and his party win on every election. Without winning through fraud, who in Cambodia like to vote for 30 years the same party/leader whose performance ranked very poor in leading the country like Hun Sen and his CPP party?
AH SOY SOPHEAP is eating his own words and he can't talk no more!
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