Friday, December 18, 2009

"Pung-reung Mittapheap?!" a Peom in Khmer by Sam Vichea


Anonymous said...

Very Very good peom!

Sam Vichea, you are doing really good peom. The content in the peom is very truth to what is happening under Ah Hun Sen CPP-Khmer Rouge government. We will lose out land for sure under this guy. Before we know it, it is gone to Youn and we all are their servants inside our country.

Anonymous said...

Great poem!
I wish all khmers woke up,specially our leaders or our today government's leaders.

Anonymous said...

Great peoms!
When youn call Khmers friend that means they are robbing you, when they finished, they will call you stupids.
Remember the youn animals are robbed to live.