Friday, December 18, 2009

"Som Niyeay Phorng!" Op-Ed by Angkor Borei News


Anonymous said...

Ouh Mr.Ly Deab!!
Non-sense for your article!!
Next time u better make your article more professional than this...
You have never value khmer but downgrade them so that it may enable all emnimies to attack us.....
Even You-khmer, never love khmer, how make all those enimies love khmer instead...


Anonymous said...

Uhhhhhh....9:56 I think you misspelled your nickname dude. It should be Y O U N not K H M E R.

Anonymous said...

9:56 AM is not Khmer.
He is XMER.

Anonymous said...

9.56 am, tell me honestly who love khmer instead ? yuon ? oh my god, doma kongcak kalong. how much more land do you hunxen need to give to yuon for the sexually infected disease ?

who helped pol pot khmer rouge, go figure ?

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep, Great acticle!
It's a GAME and our Khmers will lose,then Vietnam and Thailand will be the winner...
Yes, we have 1962 court, we have 1991 Paris's agreement and UN... why these Preach Vihear... issues take so long? One thing happens after another...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lok Puu Ly Diep. Excellent! Keeping on coming.

Wishing you healthy and longivity.

Anonymous said...

Ly Ngoc Diep is not a professional journalist but is one of Hanoi's gangster sent to divert's real Khmer people's attentions from knowing the facts that his Viets were the real killers of Khmer people.

I just saw new article wrote by a doctorat candidate in French saying Viet-Thai controleld Cambodia since in 16th century, then King Ang Doung asked French for helps to kick Viet-Siam out from Cambodia.

French kicked only Thais out but Viet's blackmail strategies not different from Ly Ngoc Diep has been doing caused French to dislike Khmers, and French trusted Viets even wanted Viets to be a surrogate leader in Indochina for them. It was the French who allowed Viets to stay and controlled Cambodia.

Then Phan Boi Chau went to Japan and Bangkok for helps to kick French so Viets can be the real leader of Indochina.

Viets never left Cambodia, until President Reagan asked Hanoi to withdraw troops from Cambodia, they did but then they retuned into the backdoor. Those Viets are like Ly Ngoc Diep.

A few applaud this Viet spy Ly Ngoc Diep but more and more Khmers knew his intentions. He i sno KHmer Krom but a Viet spy.

With no real job, no income Ly Ngoc Diep cannot survive if Hanoi does not pay him.

Anonymous said...

Those mothers'-fathers' fuckers from 11:27am through 12:34 pm, didn't read the poster #1 of
9;56am suggested that ah yukom yuon batpsar Ly ngoc Diep should try to write in Khmenewspaper he hijecked as a professioanl person not a like yukom batpsa, so that other natioanalities will respect Khmers isntead of hating Khmers.

What this Yuon spy Ly Ngoc Yiep is doing is to make others to lookdown on Khmers. Khmernewspaper Angkor Boeri should be owned by Khmers not Yuon. Now ah yukom Yuon hijakced our ancestor name to write like yukom batpsar and these fuckers are happy?

If these fuckers called Khmer is yuon and what about ah Yuon named Ly Ngoc Dinh,Diep? He is not a Khmer krom but a Yuon spy.

Anonymous said...

2:57 and 2:25This guy is Hanoi and Hun Sen's secret spy hiding among Cambodian community in Tacoma, Washington state to collect all info from Khmers in WA then pass to his bosses Hanoi and Hun Sen.

His name is Song, Kunthea. He entered the U.S through a Sham Marriage arranged by a lady's husband killer named Reach, Bun Ho.

The latter sent his own son named Hap, Narong to Cambodia, Battambang, Wat Kor in 1993 to marry Nuon Chea's niece name Nuon Keth. Both of them are now living in Booney Lake, WA.

All Khmers,

Becarefull of Hanoi's spies living among you such as Song, Kunthea in Tacoma. They were every where there are Khmer communities in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

People interested in testifying and groups with survivors who would like to become involved can contact ASRIC via e-mail at or by calling Nou at 562-985-7439

Anonymous said...

Before your king Sihanouk and Monique Run away from Cambodia to live as king in exile and formed FUNK in Péking:

The first formal cooperation agreement between Sihanouk and the Yuon was concluded soon after Nguyen Tan Phat, vietcong's prime minister, paid a 6 day official visit to Phnom Penh on June 29, 1969 and designated Payment Agreement, of $280M to Sihanouk and Monique.

On 25th September 1969, your king Sihanouk ordered Private Company name Hak Ly’s in Kompong Cham of 200 large convoys to haul weapons & supplies from Kompong Som to Yuon Vietcong Bases whose stationed at Snoul, Memot, Chamkar Leu for 3 long months.

Anonymous said...

To 2:25PM and 2:57PM,
Are you out of your mind? who Youn and who khmer we know; you don't need to explain...but I should not mind you because you guys must be on drugs some thing...I think you guys better go and see mental doctors.

Anonymous said...

ដល់ឥឡូវ​វាឌាតែខ្នូច​ ចំពោះខ្មែរ
ដូចគ្នា ឩមៈ​មិនទុកចិត្ត ជាពិសេស
គឺពិបាកបញ្ចេញឫកជោរ ហើយខ្មែរ
អ្នកដឹកនាំ អញ្ចឹងហើយបានជាគេ
ចូលចិត្តតែបរទស ទើបចេះរណេប
រណឺប ។

Anonymous said...

Yep no doubt, some Khmers work for Yuon to kill Khmers, but Ly Ngoc Diep is Yuon not Khmer krom. He preaches only disunity and hate among Khmers.

Anonymous said...

3:57 PM,
Those actions were parts of the liberation strategies. I wouldn't have a headache with your stupid comments. I would read the real scholars or doctorat candidate who write their papers with many references to back up instead of taking the words from the stupid braggart like you.