Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post
“If we use poles for demarcation, people’s rice fields are always affected ... If they do not want their rice fields affected, they should plant their rice fields in the sky” - sVar Kim Hong, a Yuon lackeySVAY RIENG PROVINCE - PARLIAMENTARIANS from the Sam Rainsy Party scuffled briefly with police in Svay Rieng province on Monday as they went to investigate a border area where villagers say Vietnamese authorities have encroached on their farmland.
The group of around 20 lawmakers travelled from Phnom Penh in an attempt to visit the site where opposition leader Sam Rainsy had earlier uprooted several border markers to protest alleged Vietnamese land-grabbing.
Sam Rainsy was stripped of his parliamentary immunity on November 16 for his part in the incident, paving the way for legal prosecution. He is facing charges of incitement and destruction of public property in Svay Rieng provincial court, according to documents he provided last week.
Around 30 provincial police officers initially formed a barrier blocking the parliamentarians and several dozen villagers from accessing the site of Sam Rainsy’s October stunt.
“You cannot go in to see the border. This is an order from a high-ranking provincial official,” Svay Rieng police official Kong Sovanara told the assemblage.
A shoving match ensued between police and area residents as they attempted to push past the officers, though no one was hurt, and police eventually allowed the group to pass.
SRP lawmaker Son Chhay said his party was not looking for a fight and had come only in pursuance of their duties as National Assembly members.
“We have not come here to make problems or cause conflict with anyone,” he said, adding: “We came here because of people’s claims that they lost their land. We want to see with our own eyes.”
Residents of Svay Rieng’s Chantrea district, the site of the event, said the Vietnamese had been steadily moving in on their territory.
“We want the government to think about the eastern border – they think about the western border too much,” said one woman, Meas Srey, who claimed to have lost more than a hectare of farmland. “I am not afraid of prison because I have lost my land. I’ve planted rice here for a long time.”
After observing the border area and talking with residents, Son Chhay said a lack of transparency in border demarcation had contributed to the Cambodian villagers’ frustrations.
“We want the border markers to be placed with observation by villagers, observers and journalists from both sides,” he said, adding that the current system “is not clear for the people”.
Var Kimhong, senior minister in charge of border affairs, said he had no problem with the SRP’s trip. “Opposition party parliamentarians can go to the border – that is their freedom. But do not destroy public property,” he said.
Though he acknowledged that some Cambodians may be affected by border demarcation with Vietnam, Var Kimhong called this an inevitable aspect of the process.
“If we use poles for demarcation, people’s rice fields are always affected,” he said. “If they do not want their rice fields affected, they should plant their rice fields in the sky.”
Svay Rieng provincial Governor Cheang Am could not be reached for comment.
Can a svar King Hong plant their rice in the sky, if you can't then don't tell other people to do it, fucking SOB.
We will track you down where ever he goes. Your days are counted.
Can a svar kimhong explain why it is Cambodia, not Vietnam, that is affected (lost land) in this marking process?
Plant rice in the sky? Its childest and naive for an official to make such sarcastic remark.
Hahah. Ah Svar Kanjass Tai Horng he uses the line from a Thai diplomat who says that the only border demarcation line Cambodia has for areas around the Preah Vihear Temple is in the "sky". Lol. This shows that Ah Svar Kanjass has always been a hypocrit and a liar all along. Ah Svar does not do his work based on principles of justice at all. Ah Svar does not have any spine. Ah Svar is not critical enough in thinking. Basically, ah Svar is simply ah slave of ah YOUN. Ah Svar's brain is now a mush.Lol. Ah Svar can't think anymore. Now the only thing ah Svar can do is to take it out on his own people. Ah Svar needs to resign immediately.
Finally, Ah Svar Kanjass exposes everything to the world. Ah Svar is saying loud and clear that the Cambodian farmlands are in fact affected by the Vietnamese claim of Khmer territory. Ah Svar is saying that Ah Hun Shit is not a defender of the territorial integrity of Cambodia. Ah Svar is saying that "border poles" are public property, and at the same time ah Svar is saying that the border poles are planted right in the private property of the Khmer farmers. So who gives ah Svar the rights to disrespect the private property of the Khmer farmers?
Ah Svar is running out of ideas and he is simply ah slave and now he needs to listen to the recommendations of the SRP Party members.
How does this Svar get a job in the first place. Hey ah Svar, you can't do your job, ah pler. Why don't you just quit your job and just be a private citizen and let others do the job instead. Useless fool! No wonder, his parents called him ah Svar.
This is under Hun Sen CPP, ladies & gentlemen!
To our poor people! You voted for Hun Sen CPP to grip the power, you voted for them to protect a Yuon. Don't cry, thats what you get out of them. They are not working for you, they are ONLY for a Yuon. CPP Hun Sen don't love khmer, they don't protect Khmer. What is one thing they are working for you? Think about it!
Vote next time for some one that is really working for you, to protect your land, to protect our country.
Vote for His Excellency Sam Rainsy.
May God Bless you all, May God bless Sam Rainsy, and May God bless Cambodia!
Khmer loves Khmer, WA
Heng Samrin, what did you do to Lon Nol soldiers after 1970-1975 war end ?
Khmers could do it to you and your children in the futur ?
We don't approve CPP, but if we don't vote for them, who should we vote for? a coward Rainsy who always run away at the least sign of trouble?
CPP run the country today is exactly what Sihanouk had touch them in early 1950's to 1970's. Retaliation what Sihanouk had owed them.
អាឆ្កែ គីមហុង អាចម្កួតជ្រូក អាកញ្ជះយួន អាឡប់ អាបំផ្លាញជាតិខ្មែរ ហែងខំធ្វើឲ្យនរណា ? បើហែងមិនបំរើយួន ហែងប្រាប់អញមើល!
ah svar var kimhong is another total idiot. i call him ah pluer because he thinks Khmer farmers took Youn land that is why the border polls are in the middle of their farm land.
Svar kim hong should hang himself!
what a fool. These cpp members don't know the meaning of " resignation "
They rather continue to look like a youn fools.
Thanks to Uncle Ho's legacy--making Khmers fighting Khmers, while the Viets slowly and quietly taking over Khmer territories: from Kampuchea Krom, to Koh Tralach (Con Son island), to Koh Tral (Phu Quoc island), and for the remaining Cambodia.
When will Khmers stop being slaves for foreigners and selling out our Khmer ancestral homeland.
Khmer Angkor.
With this word stated that he look to the farmer, the question is he present for Khmer or for Sky?
CPP and dictator Hun Xen are youn's dog!!!!
11:47 PM
Heng Samrin, what did you do to Lon Nol soldiers after 1970-1975 war end ?
What they did?
They killed all of them, that is not doubt.
Khmer Ghost
12:05AM, Scum Ass, Hun Sen dick licker.
You're an idiot person who said Sam Rainsy is coward and run away when trouble comes. Did you open your retarded brain to see why he went abroad? Because your Youn puppet, Hun Sen and his members lifted his immunity and want to put him in jail. Therefore, he needs to go abroad to ask European Union for help.
You're the one who is coward and stupidity. You're my scum ass and licking Ah Hun Sen's dick. Is it delicious?
Make sure you fuck his wife, Borany, and all of his daughters too to be a coward.
Sorry for bad language, but these kind of low class people need to talk trash otherwise, they don't understand.
Can a svar King Hong fuck on the air? If he can then the Khmer farmer can also plant rice of the ar, dump stupid word. He look down Khmer farmer like animals.
Khmer Ghost
1:03 AM
No, it's not bab language, but it's nice respond....
Khmer pp
More than 90% percent of our offociers obey our master Vietnam like living god, eventhough in school or in job exam, the question have related to their saviors of Cambodia people. The treaties were on our master favors, cede territories, trade unbalance, land concession, treated it's citizen like first class compare to our people.
1:03AM & 1:33AM - I heard this kind of language so many times and it does not bother me any more. What bother me though is the fact that you guys could not grow up beyond your current state of mind.
You guys only listen to what you want to hear, just like those corrupted yuon puppets. How can you free the country from Hanoi?
You know that the diplomacy will never with yuons. You need to have resistance, courage and build your strength, not running away and begging other to help you. Have Sam Rainsy not done that enough over the last thirty years?
You can not fight yuons with microphone or pc in your living room in France. That's all Sam Rainsy is doing. Ask him if he can lead his supporters and live in the jungle for a year. He can only lives and bark from a luxary hotel.
"Make sure you fuck his wife, Borany, and all of his daughters too to be a coward.
This is how Khmer people talk: very low class, very uncivilized. That's why they are dominated by their neighbors and Cambodia will be the next Champa.
I don't know why the US allows those people to come here. Go back to your uncivilized country !!
cpp'members are true youn sperms,they win national election because of Youn secret agent supporting them.Actually all of them are khmers traitors.
Motherf**ker Svar Kim Hong is speaking of his emotion an not realistic, this motherf**ker is known to tell majority of lie when he told people that he is going to explain about the border treaty in 1985 & 2005 with the Easter evil empire and now we all still waiting, but this motherf**ker has not come out an explain it and now he keep say nonsense, who is going to take this motherf**ker word?.
1:39 AM
Hey, Mr. smart guy!
Did Samrancy has enough power to confront w/ah youn yet? now, is Samrancy a prime minister in Cambodia?
NOT YET AND NO 2those questions!!!!
Everything is in ah kwack's hand.....
Khmer PP
All borders treatie with Viet thief should not and will not excepted because mainly those people are in powers that negotiated boreder treaty with Viet thief are Vietnamese or Vietnameseare disguise to be Cambodian border committee official and the whole world know that.
Let the CPP dogs bow to their master HO!!!These commies are only survived in chaos and corrupt environment. These commies are the wild coyotes.
Let the Khmer democrats speak at the normal language that the educated can understand.
In term of Lok Sam Rainsy's case, he has done nothing wrong and why would he face jail term under a dictator Hun Sen's judicial control. We all know everything is being run by dictator Hun Sen and the Hanoi regime in Cambodia today. Dictator Hun Sen barks n Cambodia when Uncle Ho's dogs bark in Hanoi.
I would not support Lok Sam Rainsy if he is committed under a fair trial. Sam Rainsy is being prosecuted and accused for criminal act when he only helps Khmer poor farmers.
Sam Rainsy is helping the poor farmers while Hun Sen is chasing our poor Khmer families out of their houses and off their farmlands: the court found Sam Rainsy guilty while Hun Sen is not guilty!!!
Even a kid would understand who is guilty as hell here!!!Open your eyes and see who is being brainwashed here!!!
Khmer Angkor.
Some people in the opposition are worse than the CPP. These people did not become opposition supporter because of patriotism, but because they could not get a job with CPP. As soon as Hun Sen gives them a post, they defect from the opposition. What abunch of crook!
As for Sam Rainsy himself, he was not Mr. Clean when he was a finance minister.
F*ck you ah 2:50.Lol. Stop accsuing Mr. Sam Rainsy without proof, ah ler ler. In fact, Sam Rainsy exposed the corruption of Rannaridh and that was why he got axed. Rannaridh is a loser at the end.
One day AH Sva Kimhong will be chased up the tree so that he can join with the rest of his family tree! Fucken Sva!
To 2:50AM
When Sam Rainsy was a finance minister he wasn't clean? When AH HUN SEN committed corruption around $500 million dollars a year and force dirt poor Cambodian people to live off 1 dollar a day make AH HUN SEN very clean?
Do you even know what is the definition of cleanliness or Mr. Clean?
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over eighty members of Sam Rainsy Party.
"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
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