Friday, December 18, 2009

Svay Rieng authority arrested SRP official … for collecting signatures and thumbprints to support Sam Rainsy

14 Dec 2009: Svay Rieng police try to block SRP MPs and villagers from visiting the location where Sam Rainsy uprroted border stakes in Samrong commune, Chantrea district (Photo: Uon Chhin, RFA)

18 Dec 2009

By Sok Serey
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

This Friday, Svay Rieng police arrested Meas Som, an advisor of the Sam Rainsy Party who works in Baty commune, Bavit city, Svay Rieng province.

Nget Nara, a facilitator for the Adhoc human rights group in Svay Rieng, told RFA that Meas Som was arrested because he was collecting signatures and thumbprints to support Sam Rainsy regarding the uprooting of border stakes along the Cambodian-Vietnamese border.

Svay Rieng police could not be reached yet about this arrest.


Anonymous said...

This is how Hun Sen regime
IF anyone stand up for Khmers, he or she get arrested, but if anyone sell Cambodian Land to Youn or learn to shut-up, he or she got promoted.

Shall we elect this regime again in 2013?


Anonymous said...

ah thes meas hun sen's cock sucker!,
ah juoy marai!,
ah rorleay!,
ah ronteas banh!,
kon me kaandooy ahyeas!,
kon me joa kaa juoy!,
kon me sompurng!

i have a question for you.

why do you support the khmer rouge regimes (ah pol pot and/or ah hun sen) who's kills 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples and counting?

if i don't get answer from you and/or if i'm not 100% satisfy with your answer, i will continue to post this question every time you post bad comment about democratic party (SRP) who is defending khmer peoples and khmer territories.

Anonymous said...

If Hun Sen's people go and collect signature, it is ok. Noone will be arrested.

I do not like everything Sam Ransy does. But I see and observe social injustice everyday committed by Hun Sen. I feel bad for Sam Ransy. I think there are many people think like me too. So Sam Ransy can use this to get vote from people.

Anonymous said...

Human justice, there is no more in the cursed land of oppression and slavery. God justice will in due time prevail for the people who cry out to Him.
Wicked rulers will be striken down hard like Pol Pot of Khmer Rouge Regime

Anonymous said...

In the Pol Pot regime we were living in the prison without wall, at the present the such prison will appear step by step again why? Because Cambodia is still guide by former Khmer rouges.

Thes Meas said...

To 1:34AM,

You seem very angry at me, you should know that that kind of intense anger could lead to heart attack. So if your anger toward me lead to your heart attack and you die, I won't be responsible for your heart attack OK?

Anonymous said...

ah thes meas (ah neek beem kdor ah hun sen)
ah juoy marai!,
ah rorleay!,
ah ronteas banh!,
kon me kaandooy ahyeas!,
kon me joa kaa juoy!,
kon me sompurng!

i am 0% satisfy with your answer.
therefore i will continue to post my question.

• the word mad is not 100% describe how i feel about you.  ah thes meas unqualified to be call khmer is 100% describe how i feel about you.
i hate ah juoy marai thes meas because ah juoy marai nis support and defend ah hun sen khmer rouge regime's government. 
• your presumption is wrong.
• i am not sam rainsy.
• i am not son chhay.
• ah chea sim, ah heng samrin, ah hor namhong, ah keat chhon, ah ouk bunchhoeun and ah sim ka are summons by the un khmer rouge tribunal court (ECCC).
ah pluer thes meas, these six juoy marai, and ah hun sen are khmer rouge.
do you understand?
if you don't understand, what don't you understand?
•ah pluer thes meas, don't try to mislead the khmer peoples, okay? ah juoy marai!.
• 30 years ago, ah pol pot was the khmer rouge regime's leader, ah hun sen, ah chea sim, ah heng samrin, ah hor namhong, ah keat chhon, ah ouk bunchhoeun and ah sim ka are khmer rouge followers.
• today, ah hun sen is the khmer rouge regime's leader.  ah juoy marai hun sen continue to kill innocent khmer peoples.  
ah pluer thes meas, do you understand?
ah pluer thes meas, if you don't understand, you should ask your children, they would tell you right from wrong.

khmer rouges are khmer peoples who murders 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples.

a good khmer rouge is a dead khmer rouge.

????? ah juoy marai! thes meas i needs you to acknowledge that the current cambodian government are khmer rouge, so that you and i are on the same page. ?????

• ah pluer thes meas, i am not dreaming.
• ah pluer thes meas, i don't have psychological problems.
ah juoy marai thes meas you are the one who have psychological problems, because you support ah juoy marai hun sen khmer rouge regime who's responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples and counting.
• ah pluer thes meas, you have the rights to support any party you want, if you say bad thing about srp who's defend the khmer peoples and the khmer territories, and you support the cpp who's abuse the khmer peoples and the khmer territories, peoples like me reserve the rights to insult and disrespect ah juoy marai like you.
• ah pluer thes meas, right now the whole world know and have evidents, but ah hun sen control everything in cambodia, once ah hun sen looses power, all criminals in cambodia will be indict, prosecute, convict, sentence and jail.  ah kaing guek eav is a good example.
history always repeat itself because of dumb peoples like you. 
• yes i agree that the cpp members are un-educated and stupid.
• according to you, educated people is not allow to use bad language.
who the fuck tell you that?   
ah pluer thes meas, ah hun sen, ah chea sim, ah heng samrin, ah hor namhong, ah keat chhon, ah ouk bunchhoeun and ah sim ka are khmer rouge and they use their rights to murders 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples, and you wouldn't allow educated people to use bad language?
this is a double standard.
i hate peoples who's use a double standard on me.

Anonymous said...

Collecting petitions is a crime leading to an arrest ? Is that the kind of sysem that some people here want Rainsy to return to ? Remember Ven Tim Sakhan ? Arrested in Cambodia but locked up in yuon jail and showed up in yuon court ?

Human memory is so short !

Anonymous said...

This is so wrong! With the current type of government I think Cambodia will completely lost to Viet before the 2013 election.

All Khmer in Cambodia need to stand up now. You all been bowing down for too long. This is the time to get up!

If all of you don't wake up now, and by the time when you do it will not be any Cambodia left to protect.

Anonymous said...


I'm at your side. Thes Meas, who are you? Are you Khmer Krhorm Viet Cong? Sam Rainsy is not coward but you are. Listen.. Thes Meas. If your parents were real khmer people, you would be a person who's now destroying your nation. Since I have read your comments, I could say you are a real traitor.

Anonymous said...

The government doing this to threat and intemidate other citizens not to support the opposition. This is a major Human Rights violation!

We need international helps. Clearly the government, Hun Xen will not punish his own officials. All actions is support by the government. Khmer need to realize and stand up!

Anonymous said...

Khmer have the right to visit Khmer's
land. No one from outside dare to block them in Khmer territory.

Anonymous said...

to thes meas, the reason that i use this kind of language is because i want to draw your attention.  i want you to become a good khmer citizen who's support and defend innocent khmer peoples.

we can still be friend, but that's depend on you.  if you're continue to support the killing of khmer peoples, you should expect the same kind of language. 

Anonymous said...

You are around 60 years old Mrs.
Younger Khmers are listen to you.
Please, use more elegant language.