Phnom Penh - At least two more senior leaders detained at the Khmer Rouge tribunal will be charged with genocide, officials said Wednesday. Nuon Chea, who was former Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot's lieutenant and an influential ideologue, and former foreign minister Ieng Sary are to be charged with the crime in their upcoming trials.
Both already face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Two other former officials of the radical regime, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith, will have similar hearings in coming weeks, court officials said. Defense lawyers said Wednesday the two are also expected to be charged with genocide.
The Khmer Rouge tribunal, known as the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, earlier this month completed hearing the case against Kaing Guek Eav, aka Duch, the former head of the Khmer Rouge torturecentre in Phnom Penh known as S-21.
Acting international co-prosecutor William Smith was widely seen as having done a good job, particularly in the trial's final week when the defence imploded and fielded two opposing arguments before the court.
The trial took 77 days of hearings. Duch was tried for crimes against humanity and war crimes, as well as crimes under Cambodian law, and will be sentenced early next year. At least 15,000 people were tortured and executed at S-21.
The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia between 1975-79. Up to 2 million people are thought to have died during that time from execution, starvation and overwork. Pol Pot died in 1998.
Both already face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Two other former officials of the radical regime, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith, will have similar hearings in coming weeks, court officials said. Defense lawyers said Wednesday the two are also expected to be charged with genocide.
The Khmer Rouge tribunal, known as the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, earlier this month completed hearing the case against Kaing Guek Eav, aka Duch, the former head of the Khmer Rouge torturecentre in Phnom Penh known as S-21.
Acting international co-prosecutor William Smith was widely seen as having done a good job, particularly in the trial's final week when the defence imploded and fielded two opposing arguments before the court.
The trial took 77 days of hearings. Duch was tried for crimes against humanity and war crimes, as well as crimes under Cambodian law, and will be sentenced early next year. At least 15,000 people were tortured and executed at S-21.
The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia between 1975-79. Up to 2 million people are thought to have died during that time from execution, starvation and overwork. Pol Pot died in 1998.
Genocide is a racial crime. A race leads mass killing again one race often for territory and ethnical reasons.
If there is a genocide in Cambodia, it's genocide of yuons against Khmer people no matter how it is being led. As the matter of facts, millions yuons had been mass imported to Cambodia to replace millions Khmer killed by Angkar at one while yuons decided to replace a group of its killing machine by another one. Now Yuons own Cambodia, can exploit Khmer land and resources while continue to kill more Khmer people to free more land and resource for its people in different way.
Of course, yuons are not the only responsible of the crimes committed but they are the main responsible in different level of those who are being handled and used by yuon genocidal industry. And if Khmer people or victims of yuons crimes and animosities should be held for responsible, what’s kind of responsibility it should be? Because they left yuons lead killing again them or because they are not strong enough to defend themselves against yuons and its partners? Anyway, millions Khmer people who are being savagely killed by yuon killing machines during the killing field had stand against yuon crimes and refused to be yuon slaves or live under yuon domination, that why they are being hated and killed.
I feel that you push a litle bit too far and Khmers could not learn about the past error.
Khmer rouges killed Khmers because they are idiots.
Now, again, CPP members are idiots, they like to jail Khmers to satisfy their GOD.
Their grad-children will pay the price.
11:37, the word idiot is too small, to kind, too clement to qualify those who kill or being used to kill
All of us, in some moment of our life, are being idiots but it is not a crime or it doesn’t make us a killer for being idiot.
In a séance of question Duch said that, those child (or killers if you want) who are used to kill aren't bad or cruel child by nature. He found some of them are kind, gentle child. Duch said, it is the methods that are used to make these children become killing machine that are so terrific and cruel - You kill or you will be killed. These children, prisoner between despairing, fear and survival had no other choice than to become worse killer to survive- Because the system keeps only the worse killers. Those who don't dare to kill will exterminated by the system, or destroyed as they used to say.
Firth these child, some orphans, are sent in a camp where they are trained to beat or kill between them. They ask a child to beat, torture or kill another child. If the first one refused, he will be tortured or killed in front of everyone. So these child learned every hard way to survive. Kill or you will be killed even against your friends, parents or relatives. These horrific methods used by killing field industry conditioned these children to be the worse killers to survive. After the killing field, these people are being released in society without any help. They become victims of the new system after being used as killing tools. Some of them are recuperated by yuons for another uses while occasion come.
Add Sihanouk and his 3 elevated Samdech of PRK Viet Minh Viet Cong recruits to current list,please.
11:20 PM , 3:45 AM
You sound like history professor.
I never heard any body come in here teaching the truth, who is the Killers in our poor Cambodia.
They always pin point their fingers to khmer killing khmer.
Such as the book call "Nor Nah Chea Keat kor Reas Khmer" written by Hen Sithan, Some says he was a school teacher and sponsored publish by
Angkor Borei in Long Beach California, these two sources are pin point directly and exactly to khmer killing khmer and Samdech OV Norodom Sihanouk was the leader of the killing field.
Thank you for your kind info.
I continue to observe the truth.
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