Monday, December 21, 2009

"What happened last night with the deportation shows a complete failure, a complete breakdown of the Cambodian government...": HRW's Sarah Colm

UN disturbed at Cambodia's deportation of Uighurs

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Radio Australia News

The UN says it's "deeply disturbed" that Cambodia has deported a group of 20 Muslim Uighurs to China, where human rights workers say they could face torture and possibly execution.

The group fled China's volatile north-west and travelled via Vietnam to Cambodia, where they lodged applications for refugee statutus with the UN office.

They said they had witnessed violence during the ethnic riots earlier in the year and feared for their safety.

But before the refugee assessment process could be completed, 20 of the Uighurs were taken into custody and eventually deported on an unmarked plane.

Sara Colm from Human Rights Watch, says the UN's trust in the Cambodian government to fulfil its legal obligations has been a dangerous gamble.

"What happened last night with the deportation shows a complete failure, a complete breakdown of the Cambodian government and the UNHCR to protect an extremely high risk group of asylum seekers the end there was not adequate or appropriate protection provided and this came essentially at the risk of the lives of the people," Ms Colm said.


Anonymous said...

i think cambodian owe too much money to the chinese that is why these people have to be deported by the order of the cambodian government's boss.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is a country of killing field, a country that runs by a Khmer Rouge regime. Do you think this leader cares about human lives, human right, international law that protect asylum seekers?

I urge all countries around the world to cut tie with Cambodia now, unless Hun Sen is removed from power and installed a truely democratic leader, such as Sam Rainsy for instant, or some body like that, some body that respect human lives, right and law internationally.

Look at land eviction in Cambodia. Every day people are being forced out their land, burn their houses and push them out just like animals, I am sure you see those pictures on your own eyes.

Do they care any body's live?

Cut tie with Cambodian and leave this country abandon now is the ony way to bring Hun Sen CPP to its knee and to make them aware of the international law for freedom seekers, and to make them pay for what they were done.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:22 AM.
if the United States doesn't cut ties with Cambodia, we are as guilty as they were. I called on the US to seize any affiliations with Cambodia as!

Anonymous said...

Almost 2 Millions Cambodian killed
included my families and yours by Khmere Rouge regime,this Government are lead by Ex Khmere Rouge too,you think they care about 20 lives? Don't talk about human right in Cambodia.All human are wrong if you stand on the way of the rich and powerful.

Anonymous said...

Correction @ 1:31
cease not seize. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you lost your family member to this cruel regime.
This gov't don't give a damn about it's own..... much less someone elses.
The Cambodian government need to be punish for disallowing these (political asylum) seeker a safe refuge.
Isn't every nations have to abide by " Political Asylum" Law? I don't think that the Uighurs would've chose Cambodia as a safe haven if they know that they're going to get deported.
The United States and other nations must punish the Cambodian gov't for violations of the Human Rights.

Anonymous said...

Australia have deported thousand of people arriving at his shores seeking the refugee status but nobody condemn Australia.The EU deported africans, the US deported the latinos but no fucking buddy raise the alarm. Why they are assaulting Cambodia for deporting 20 uighurs. The US have deported hundred of khmer kids back to the homeland of their parents but fucking bitchs raise any concerns.Why condemn Cambodia now for having deporting the ujgurs ?

Anonymous said...

2:33Am the Khmer kids that were deported by the US are gangsters. Keep gangsters here will result even more lives lost. Deport the gangsters are good decision. Make these gangsters to eat rock and shit in Cambodia is the only way to give them a lesson. These gangsters and Uighurs asylum freedom seekers are completely deffent case. They are not related. You should understand it,

Anonymous said...

I say this, before all oxygen depleting from your head.
You can not compared the case of Uighurs to those of Cambodians refugee. The US only deport those that are not seeking political asylum.
Political asylum meaning, fear of persecutions by their own government.
Last, the Cambodian kids was a menace to society and therefore deem necessary to be deported. If you want to live in the must abide by the law like everyone else.
BTW, are you a deportee? LOL

Anonymous said...

Australia always grants asylum to genuine refugees. Please correct your view. Those sent back so far were mainly economic boat people.

Anonymous said...

Why worry about those Chinese Muslim?They should learn from the CHAM in Cambodia that is to live peacefully with their neighbor and accept different other religion .

Anonymous said...

Hey you fucking sons of the bitch, I am not a deportee and I find the Us are heartless like every country when their interests are concerned......and those UIghurs are criminals , show your face and Hun Sen will deport your guys too because you are the terrorists sympathisers.

Anonymous said...

I am fucking agree with you.Those troublemaker should be send home immediately.

Anonymous said...

I am a US citizen, I live in the US, but I disagree with the US government on this point. These people enter Cambodia illegally, and thus it is lawfully to return them back to the country of origin. Even the US return thousands of Mexican who illegally enter the US.

Another question is, why are these people came all the way from China and stay in Cambodia. Why don't they stop in Vietnam, Lao, Thailand or even go to Muslim country like Malaysia or Indonesia, why stop in Cambodia!
So now Cambodia is to blame for this. This is unfair.

Why don't the US protest with China, why blame Cambodia. May be the US dare not challenge China because they are borrowing billions from China!!

As for refugee treaty, what treaty!?

When Thai dump Cambodian refugee into mine field at Phnom Dangrek, where are the International, where the UN, and the Human right group?!

Thousands of Cambodian refugees were massacred, machine gun by Thai soliders, thousands more died in mine field, and thousand more die of starvation in Phnom Dangrek. So one come to help us, none.

Later UN estimate 30,000 Cambodian refugee died at Phnom Dangrek alone, and that not counting Thai Shelling Cambodian refugee camps a long the border, Thai rape and murder thousands more who try to enter Khao I Dang camp.

Anonymous said...

12:52 PM,

You just brought out undeniable facts especially about Cambodian refugees were forced down the Phnom Dangrek cliffs into mine fields. Untold thousands died by the siem M-16's and machine guns, mine explosions, and starvation. And where were the US and UN? No where to be found. Guess what, the UNHCF had their headquarter right there in Bangkok and their staff supposedly monitored the situation along the border. But they did not do a thing. The same thing goes to the US, they knew very well the dire situation of the Cambodian refugees but they chose to do nothing as well.

So don't be a hypocrite and double standard.

Anonymous said...

Again, some of you here don't understand the word or law governing "political asylum."
Look up the word!

9:57 AKA US Deportee,
how are the Uighurs terrorist? All they did was protest against the government? Because they're Muslim? If you don't understand the story in the first place, I suggest you shut your foul mouth.

you too...... need to look up the word!

Anonymous said...


We, the Americans are not heartless. We just don't like criminals. If you commit crimes in the US, we will deport you....bottom line. You were given a choice, a choice like every ordinary citizens....that is, to lead by example. Good people may stay as long as they want.......legally that is.

Anonymous said...

^ the comment above sure looks familiar. It appears in a few posts. It goes by the same rhetoric telling people to look up the word "political asylum". Obviously this writer simply can't progress beyond that. Needless to say to comprehend anything a little more complex than directing people to look up the dictionary. This is one condescending prick who habitually has the notion of nobody else here besides himself or herself can write and understand English.

Bet a dollar for a dime that this person doesn't even know that applying for a refugee status is equivalent to applying for political asylum.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up......deportee!

Anonymous said...

is that all that you can muster? after all it is you who need a dictionary. for your info, i ain't a deportee. lame brain!

Anonymous said...

2:33 AM,

Go and get educated more before you post your comment.

There are two categories of Refugees:

1-Political Refugees who were executed by thier Mafia, authoritarian, communist government.
These refugees should be resettled in the third country b7y the UNHCR

2-Economic Refugees who did get out of their countries of origins to get better living. These Refugees should never be granted asylum.

Do you understand damned head?