04 January 2010
DAP News
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Battambang – There’s only three days left for Cambodia to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the escape from the genocidal Democratic Kampuchea (Khmer Rouge) regime which took place on 07 January 1979. In the morning of 04 January 2010, prime minister Hun Xen issued a warning against a group of people who refused to recognize 07 January as the date of the release from Pol Pot’s hands.
During the inauguration of the International Children village building by the SOS organization in Battambang city, Hun Xen indicated that, if there was no 07 January, there would be no 23 October [date of the anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements on Cambodia] either.
This is not the first time that Hun Xen issued his warning to opposition officials and civil society organizations that are leaning toward the opposition party. In fact Hun Xen and officials from his regime always raised the issue against the criticisms raised by opposition officials in their refusal to recognize 07 January.
Kem Sokha, HRP President, said that 07 January was a victory day, but it was also a day the Yuons invaded Cambodia.
During the inauguration of the International Children village building by the SOS organization in Battambang city, Hun Xen indicated that, if there was no 07 January, there would be no 23 October [date of the anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements on Cambodia] either.
This is not the first time that Hun Xen issued his warning to opposition officials and civil society organizations that are leaning toward the opposition party. In fact Hun Xen and officials from his regime always raised the issue against the criticisms raised by opposition officials in their refusal to recognize 07 January.
Kem Sokha, HRP President, said that 07 January was a victory day, but it was also a day the Yuons invaded Cambodia.
Man those vietnamese troops look like khmer kroms!
Of course, those soldier are Khmer Krom people! i still remembered, these soldier came to my house at Khnach Romeas, they spoke Khmer PiLum! Pilum! and told my family to go east and follow their troops instruction...
Yep, alot of Khmer Kroms soldier died in cambodia too..! while real vietnamese sitting back and drink tea...and cafe sur da!
KI media: "if there was no 07 January, there would be no 23 October"
No! That's a fallacy!! 23 October has nothing to do with January 7th. But here's what could have happened: If there were no Khmer Rouge, there would be no hun sen and no viets invasion.
Thailand used Khmer Surins to fight against Khmers, Vietnamese used Khmer Kroms to fight against Khmers...there were alot of Khmer Kroms sodier died in cambodia by khmer resistance....
7th of January '79 is a coinside views. Some see as "liberation" and some see as "invasion".
As for me, it is obvious to see as "invation". Look at Cambodia government today, they all installed by Viet. Look at Phnom Penh, a lot of Viet. Look at the border, Viet continues to confiscating Cambodia land and farmland.
For thos who see as "liberation" need to think again......
The Restaurant Pailin in Lowell prepares to celebrate january 7, to mark the day of vitory over canbodia, which present by the former SRP member ou sovann.
Ou Sovann is soldout and traitor!
I agree with post 2:49PM! there's no such thing as "liberation", it was invasion..!! wake up people!!
7 January 1979 is a victory for Vietnames people over Khmer people. Vietnamese can took everything from Cambodia, including the Khmer life.
I also heard CPP officials from Cambodia and supporters from near by States will celebratin 7th of January in Philadelphia, PA.
Ou Sovann has betrayed SRP after he defected to the usa who sponsored by SRP's member. Now he become a mouth of CPP in Lowell, MA.
Pol Pot was right about vietnamese plans! when he's still alive...he said, you guy will see what's going on with cambodia, right after he left this world...
Ou Sovann is spying for CPP...
3:07PM, I disagree! Saving life is one thing but killing that life is another.
Example: You give birth to a child. 20 years later you choose to kill that child. IS THAT ETHCAL? I think not!
Correction to 3:17,
reply to 3:10AM not 3:07AM.
Thank you that you recuse my parents.
To me, whoever celebrate 7 january
which is to celebrate vietnam invader their country and killer of their own people, and grabbing their land...
7 Jan. the animal's group celebrating every where they live.
Ou Sovann will be replaced by Cpp soon, while they used him as to bait khmer.
I don't know why some Cambodian people still confuse about the real Vietcong intention toward Cambodia! To answer whether it is Vietcong invasion or Vietcong liberation is to go to the source and that is to ask the Vietcong leaders themsleves. The Vietcong never mention anything about liberation and saving Cambodian people! Their real intention is to unify the whole Indochinese countries.
Invasion or Liberation depends on the way you analyze. If you regard it as an event it's the liberation (just viewing what happening) but if base on the polical history then obviously it's totally an invasion except for CPP historian might call it as liberation.
HUN XEN must think again if no USSR meldown, no paris peace agreement in 1991, no general election that supported by UN in 1993 he will be a Samdach or not? Youn will give him such a dignity or not. If no 1991, no 1993 for sure he still be a comrade (Dong chi), phnom penh will be officailly named as NAM VANG,...and everything will be YOUN in cluding administration structure.
If talking about the conciliation policy then HUN XEN must appreciate the 1991 paris peace agreement and 1993 general election.
Peace and stability is not come from only one HUN XEN and his CPP. It is the blood of many Khmer people.
CPP come on, can you swear to get lightning or not if you say untruely? INVASION OR LIBERATION?????????????????????
Fug this day, for youn's military still in cambodia, and more millions illegal youns are still crossing the border illegally.
Justice, and truth cannot be one-sided stupid cpp.
ALL VIETNAMESE MUST GO HOME NOW. January 7 is a thank you day we don't needed your help any more. Don't ever come back you are not welcome to stay and live in Cambodia.
hhey why VIETNAMESE living in Cambodia illegal haha this story don't say who say i will kill you coz i love yuon and puppet of v. too
I can tell you the true history. You are not the real CPP henchman, so one day you was disappear from the media and CPP in USA, the real CPP henchman is those from Hanio not you all .
retired real CPP cadre
If you live through Pol Pot, I think most poeple would prefer Vietnam's liberation of Camboidian from hell is justify. I think some negative comments refer that event as Vietnam's invasion because some do not like the current Hun Sen regime. I do not like Hun Sen either, but that is not the Vietnam's doing. Hun Sen and the King are Khmers. If they choose to enrich themself and not caring for Cambodia, and that is Cambodian's problems. Some might suggest that King and Hun Sen are controlled by the Vietnam. If that is true, then those two Khmers, the King and Hun sen should be held accountable.
To me, whoever works and support Hun Sen regime is the Khmer enemy. When the country under Hun Sen is collapsed, we need to deal with these people again.
If the restaurant or individual who celebrate Jan 7 for Hun Sen regime, don't go to eat or buy things from that restaurant or individual. Let the Vietcong people go to eat at their restaurant.
We shall have a black list to register CPP supporters as the enemy of Khmer nation.
We should we decent Khmers let these three big dumb monkey fool us? Dogs might believe monkeys because dogs are dumber than monkeys. And Hun Sen has no right to warn anyone from what he believe or not believe. It's a freedom of choice to believe or not to believe. You can't force a man to believe your dumb idea!
Year 1979 Viets had liberated Cambodians but that was not their real goal.
That was to change Cambodia to a province of Vietnam.
Then, Cambodians owe Vietnam nothing.
Vietnamese was behind Khmers killing Fields...wake up!!
11:37 Pm we not looking for only who accountable now but to reconize the faces of fucking evils! and all of them are fucking acciountable!
"Man those vietnamese troops look like khmer kroms!
2:22 PM"
Your mother may have yeas when you were borned that why your eyes are deffected! Ah Kwack choymaray!!
ar Kiet Chorn and Ah Hor Nam Hong id fucking Youn Vietnamese or not?
Those goone work for Pol Pot as killers shithead!
Kiet Chhon wife is Yuon.
Kiet Chhon was financial minister in 1975 under Pol Pot.
Hor Nam Hong is a communist who just tries to survive even he must follow monkeys.
I totally agree with 1:40AM!
I am totally agree with 1:40AM!
Liberation my ass! it was clear invasion from Hanoi ordered...i really thanks khmer resistance for kick them viet mother fucker out...
Yep, your ass just got liberated, otherwise your head would still be under Pol Pot shit, or even dead already!
^^^your mother was rape by bunch of vietdog ah pleu! leberated my ass...! your wife and daughter next, if you keep sucking YOUNs dick, ah pli pleu...
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