15 January 2010
In a statement in French from Beijing dated 16 March 2005, King Father Norodom Sihanouk condemned continuous border encroachments by the Vietnamese authorities.
In particular, He mentioned the case of Svay Rieng province, the very Cambodia’s province where Member of Parliament and opposition leader Sam Rainsy uprooted last October six alleged new border demarcation stakes, a gesture made in the defence of Khmer farmers victims of land grab associated with border encroachments.
The King Father specified that Vietnam had recently created "new borders" to her benefit and to the detriment of Cambodia by digging canals within Cambodia’s territory. This type of border encroachment is precisely what Sam Rainsy is exposing with regard to a relatively new Vietnamese-dug canal nearby Cambodian farmers’ rice fields where he pulled out the alleged new border demarcation stakes.
Sam Rainsy will show all available maps (French-era maps, US Army maps, satellite maps with precise GPS coordinates) that prove that, at least in Svay Rieng province’s Samraong commune where he took the defence of Khmer farmers last October, King Father Norodom Sihanouk was right.
King Father Norodom Sihanouk was also right when he said the Vietnamese-subservient Hun Sen government is pushing Cambodia to commit suicide as a nation.
SRP Cabinet
To read the full text of the royal statement in French with unofficial translation in Khmer please click at http://tinyurl.com/yk99v3d
Aujourd’hui, personne ne peut nier que le Cambodge a perdu une partie importante de son intégrité territoriale terrestre et maritime.
Par exemple, nous trouvons un nombre non négligeable de villages [cambodgiens] qui se trouvaient bien à l’intérieur du Cambodge [dans les années 1960] et qui se trouvent désormais bien à l’intérieur de la RSV [République Socialiste du Vietnam].
Tout récemment, [des témoins] ont pu constater que ces «frères Viets» sont devenus propriétaires de villages khmers.
[Au début des années 1970], les Vietnamiens du Sud Vietnam envoyaient des lettres aux Viets de Svay Rieng, avec cette mention sans équivoque : « Svay Rieng, Vietnam ».
[Un témoin français] a vu des militaires Viets se conduire en maîtres chez les Khmers de la ville khmère de Snuol [dans la province frontalière de Kratié].
La RSV a « créé » de nouvelles frontières (à son profit) en construisant, dans les décennies 1980 et 1990-2000, des « portiques » et des canaux bien à l’intérieur de nos frontières de 1963-1969.
Notre Cambodge [actuel] représenté par l’équipe de S.E. Var Kim Hong [le négociateur en chef pour les questions de frontières nommé par le Premier ministre Hun Sen] accepte de se suicider en reconnaissant, même aux yeux du droit international, que le Cambodge n’a pas de frontières précises.
Le mot « suicide » n’est pas exagéré. Parce qu’un pays qui reconnaît qu’il n’a aucune frontière précise, légale est un pays mort.
[Signature de Norodom Sihanouk]
Click here to read the unofficial translation of the French text
In particular, He mentioned the case of Svay Rieng province, the very Cambodia’s province where Member of Parliament and opposition leader Sam Rainsy uprooted last October six alleged new border demarcation stakes, a gesture made in the defence of Khmer farmers victims of land grab associated with border encroachments.
The King Father specified that Vietnam had recently created "new borders" to her benefit and to the detriment of Cambodia by digging canals within Cambodia’s territory. This type of border encroachment is precisely what Sam Rainsy is exposing with regard to a relatively new Vietnamese-dug canal nearby Cambodian farmers’ rice fields where he pulled out the alleged new border demarcation stakes.
Sam Rainsy will show all available maps (French-era maps, US Army maps, satellite maps with precise GPS coordinates) that prove that, at least in Svay Rieng province’s Samraong commune where he took the defence of Khmer farmers last October, King Father Norodom Sihanouk was right.
King Father Norodom Sihanouk was also right when he said the Vietnamese-subservient Hun Sen government is pushing Cambodia to commit suicide as a nation.
SRP Cabinet
To read the full text of the royal statement in French with unofficial translation in Khmer please click at http://tinyurl.com/yk99v3d
Aujourd’hui, personne ne peut nier que le Cambodge a perdu une partie importante de son intégrité territoriale terrestre et maritime.
Par exemple, nous trouvons un nombre non négligeable de villages [cambodgiens] qui se trouvaient bien à l’intérieur du Cambodge [dans les années 1960] et qui se trouvent désormais bien à l’intérieur de la RSV [République Socialiste du Vietnam].
Tout récemment, [des témoins] ont pu constater que ces «frères Viets» sont devenus propriétaires de villages khmers.
[Au début des années 1970], les Vietnamiens du Sud Vietnam envoyaient des lettres aux Viets de Svay Rieng, avec cette mention sans équivoque : « Svay Rieng, Vietnam ».
[Un témoin français] a vu des militaires Viets se conduire en maîtres chez les Khmers de la ville khmère de Snuol [dans la province frontalière de Kratié].
La RSV a « créé » de nouvelles frontières (à son profit) en construisant, dans les décennies 1980 et 1990-2000, des « portiques » et des canaux bien à l’intérieur de nos frontières de 1963-1969.
Notre Cambodge [actuel] représenté par l’équipe de S.E. Var Kim Hong [le négociateur en chef pour les questions de frontières nommé par le Premier ministre Hun Sen] accepte de se suicider en reconnaissant, même aux yeux du droit international, que le Cambodge n’a pas de frontières précises.
Le mot « suicide » n’est pas exagéré. Parce qu’un pays qui reconnaît qu’il n’a aucune frontière précise, légale est un pays mort.
[Signature de Norodom Sihanouk]
Click here to read the unofficial translation of the French text
after these proof from khmer father king the one who u used to support vietcon's gov, have claimed the viet have stolen and stealing khmer's land, so how ah sVa kim hong and AH whore nam hong going to say about it. don't ever put your step in united stated, i will organise a confrontation face to face against u by throwing all shit on your head, you'r not worth to serve khmer pple.
i hated it when people only look to one individual for mr. know-all. talk about greedy and power-hunger, so destructive and cambodia deserves better in this new era of peace and prosperity. god bless cambodia.
Surprise Surprise, when Xam Rainxy is in trouble and no where to go, he uses former King Sihanouk to protect him. But when he's alright, he and his stupid supporters have insulted former King Sihanouk very badly.
No matter what Xam Rainxy tries or uses King Sihanouk to save his face but at the end of the day, his political career is in the hand of PM Hun Sen. If on 27 January 2010, the Court in Svay Rieng province found his guilty, like it or not, he has to bow his head to the ground and beg to PM Hun Sen to pardon him. Despite, Xam Rainxy said he won't write a letter apology to PM Hun Sen, but deep inside of his heart, he is aware that only PM Hun Sen can save his political career.
Khmer in Sydney CBD
From Norodom Sihanouk the King Father has said, Vietnamese had created "new border" and digging canal inside Khmer territory...!
Vietnam had said already, as long as King Sihanouk still alive, they will have a problem to take over Cambodia...Sihanouk is a TOOTH PICK INSIDE THEIR THROAT...
Thanks brother CHINA for keeping him healthy...!
I thank China too for creating and supporting Pol Pot to kill two millions of Khmer people.
I know it: If King Father was even worried, then Ah Hun Sh*t is the slave of ah YOUN for real. Sam Rainsy RULE!
Sihanouk must be one of the three monkeys who responsible for the lost khmer land to your boss viet. You are a liar. I lived in Prey Veng until 1975, Neak Loung was not under Viet at that time. Are you trying to blame Lon Nol for that too?. You know we can say you are an accomplice with the three to allow this to happen.
If such was happenning as you claimed why don't you dare to stand up for khmer? You are not worth to be Khmer King for your cowardish. Base on your acticle, you claimed large khmer land were being lost to her neighbor but you and your son, current king, still rewarding the three to the most highest individuals of Khmer land. They are even higher then your son king- don't you know that? You are so stupid Sihanouk not worth to live to see the world at all for not doing any thing in your present to protect khmer land.
I blamed Lon Nol for that...It' was all Gen. Lon Nol Faults, he created Killing Fields...Ah Pleu!
dont accuse srp of saving face, he just want to prove he's not guily on all hunsen's accusation. hunsen who intimidated all oposition party, and impossible for him to buy a party like src like he did to funcipec. as long as sam rainsy is free to do his job in cambodia, hunsen has a nightmare every night to deal his concession with his boss viet. hunsen should instead serving time in khmer jail for his crime.
Thank you King Father. Only Pouk Ah Bret Nov Phnom Penh had no clue!
The real issue is about Khmer facing losing land to the yuon live in pour lifetime, not about Rainsy politics. This is what Khmer in Sydney can't see or pretend not to see, due to his long-held extreme hatred of Khmer nationalists like Rainsy and Son Chhay. This hatred arose out of jealousy, I think, back to the Son Sann era, coupled with his new affiliations with the CPP crooks.
To Mi Sompoeung Kangaroo @ 9:04 AM,
You would feel better if you have my long john in your mouth!
Hahaha! Mee SomPoeung dach Yai KangarOOOOOO! hahaha!
Parachey Ah Younn and its PPehn valet.
Cheyyo Sihanouk-China friendship.
Notorious former prime minister on trial in Cambodia
07 March 2028
Southeast Asia's longest ruling dictator former Cambodian prime minister Hun Sen finally faced trial today, along with many former Cambodian People's Party leaders and retired military officers for crimes committed while he was prime minister from 1985-2021.
Hun Sen, who just recently a year ago experienced the assassination of his son, former prime minister Hun Manet (in office 2021-2027) in a coup, is charged with crimes against humanity and many counts of corruption, as well as murder during the 1997 grenade attack on oppositions. It is the second trial by the "Extraordinary Chambers" in Cambodia. The first one happened two decades ago against former Khmer Rouge leaders.
A packed courtroom testified to the importance of the trial. Victims, students, opposition politicians, NGO workers including Amnesty International and a massive media presence had gathered for the first day of the substantive hearing, in which court staff read out the 116-page indictment, a catalogue of gruesome crimes and massive corruption of which Hun Sen is accused. Sitting in the courtroom today, an unhealthy and distraught Hun Sen also currently suffers from lung cancer which forced him to leave office in 2021 in favor of his son Hun Manet.
Time change Sihanouk flip flop like a sandal! Now he's with mr Xen! Sorry poor Rainsy no matter how many times you compliment xihanouk, he don't appreciate you,for his sake and his son sake on the throne he has chosen mr xen and you stupid rainsy can kiss xihanouk ass 1000 times, he does not give you a shit ..Rainsy is a dumb ass politician
You are absoultely right. Sam Rainsy is in the stage of desparate, he will do everything to save his political career.
Now look who ia talking of who is flip flopping. Who violated Paris Peace 1991? Is it not ah Yuon? And you 10;44am is fucking Yuon who is trying all angles to encroach into Cambodia. Your Yuon may say Rainsy is a dumb ass politician, but he already unmasked your Yuon for violating the international law.
Washing your Yuon azz before lecturing Khmers.
that's khmer mentality, when they argue each other they start painting each other face call this person Ah Viet Ah Thais! just like xihanouk painting khmer faces such as khmer bleu, khmer rouge, khmer serey, khmer sar! and pol pot also got paranoid blamed their own associates as CIA, KGB, or YUON spies and finally went straight to hell! enough said about that idiot mentality! who's in the world don't know that sihanouk is a flip flap person! samething his troublemaker son rannaridh.
It seem that Pork Ah SVA Mee SVA KI-Media team and SRP supporters believe that a Fugitive Sam Rainsy is their GOD KING, because Fugitive Sam Rainsy can just go to the border area and can pin point the exact location of the border without any survey team and without any survey equipments.
Cambodians, especially the older generation, have experienced lives through different regimes in Cambodia.These experiences have led them to judgement what regime is best or least among the worst. I, for one, grew up during the Khmer Repulic, and I've learned some good experiences among other things. I think the Khmer Republic has enlightened me at least in four areas:
- I learned that King Sihanouk and other royal members are just human being like you and me.
- I learned about the Vietnamese expansionism.
- I understand more about Communist ideology and its infamy.
- And importantly, the regime had introduced real principal of western democracy and patriotism.
I'm glad I was raised during that time regradless of what had happened afterward. After all, Mr. Lon Nol had tried his best.
Former Country Boy
oh bullshit measthes@younhoo.com
Just ask the google they will do for you just one click , your stupid youn clowns taking years and has never finished or perhaps when you finish khmer border two miles surrounding Phnom Penh really?
Those who talk alot of bad stuff about Mr sam rainsy.
What have you done that is good for khmer and cambodia ?
I know it. Ah Hun Sh*t is the biggest traitor of the Cambodian nation. Ah Hun Sh*t said that he would protect the remaining Cambodian territory, but to date ah Hun Sh*t is nothing but ah slave of ah YOUNs. What a one-eyed monkey Hun Sh*t. When Sam Rainsy takes the administration of Cambodia, he will do a major overhaul of the Cambodian border demarcation process with ah YOUNs and then he will label them as thieves and illegal land grabbers. Hun Sen must go and go sooner the better. Cambodia keeps losing its territory to ah YOUNs way too much. F*ck all ah YOUN land thieves.
Yes I am with you Ah Meas Thes. Ah Swa Mi Swa KI including yourself too, you are a big time monkey in KI to work for YUON AND aH kWACK Decho.Get loss!!!Go back to Hanoi and take Ah Kwack with you.
What is up with all the name calling and insulting our neighboring country? The only person you should be name calling is yourself! What are you doing from abroad to help your country? Don't be mad because other countries are smarter than us. Maybe those who are insulting Hun Sen government should do something about it.
Tired of reading these same ol insult about Hun Sen. How about something new like actually helping your country. You call Sam Rainsy scared but you are all sitting at home passing judgement on the guy for trying to help his country.
Maybe that is why our country is so weak and with the same ol prime minister. We're just stuck with the past and present. No future. It's like being mad at a kid in school for being smarter than you! LOL and yes everyday I try to get my government involve. Start out with your local government. They all want your vote so they'll listen.
Mr. Sam Rainsy, you shouldn't have cite Sihanouk's previous memos to prove your case. Your case is already proven by simply reminding the international community of Cambodia's sovereignty and integrity of her legal border demarcations through international maps prior to 1979. No one in this modern age takes Sihanouk seriously after what he has done over the past few decades.
Currently, the old fart Sihanouk is a near-delusional Hun Sen ass-licking parody. We need no more care and attention towards that royal bastard.
How do you go about helping a country that doesn't want your help, but simply your American dollars? How do you provide monetary aid to clinics, temples and schools without having to deal with corruption at all levels of administration and bureaucracy in Cambodia? How do you help a country when those who are "elected" into the government uses pretexts upon pretexts to cover up their shortsightedness, failure and incompetency to fairly govern a nation? How do you help a country that does not even want to allow opposition voices and constructive criticism against the government to be raised and heard without finding yourself arrested and charged of "defamation"?
Mi Sompoeung New Phally had just moved in with Ah Ktouey Meas Thes. They are Bar-Bee-Quing Mi saggy Kangaroo in their backyard!
Thank you King Father and Thank you Mr. Sam Rainsy and Thank you Koun Khmer who look out for Khmer interest!
Youns are trying to take over Cambodia just like they did to Champa
Youns are controlling almost everything in Srok Khmer about 45% in the Khmer government are youns.
Wake up Khmers, it is never too late to fix Ah chour youns greedy.
The article Sam Rainsy used was on January of March 2005 and the the following article is in December 2005. So which one is the lattest the right one...
The follwing article is from one of the siet above.
Cambodian king signs supplemental border treaty
Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on Wednesday signed the supplement to the 1985 border treaty with Vietnam.
The supplemental border treaty, signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen with the Vietnamese side on Oct.10 during his three-day visit there, was already ratified by the National Assembly and the Senate.
"In regard to the treaty that has already been ratified by the National Assembly and the Senate, I signed it for implement, as well as for maintaining the nation's peace and stability," the king said in his royal statement.
The king also said that Prime Minister Hun Sen has reported to him about the border treaty, saying the treaty signed by Cambodia and Vietnam in 1985 in accordance with the 1963 and 1969 domain acknowledged by international community confirmed Cambodia's land area as 181,035 square kilometers. No land has been lost.
Moreover, the prime minister has declared to the nation and people that the royal government of Cambodia and the National Assembly have the responsibility and the capacity to resolve the border issues with Vietnam, the king said.
National Assembly President Prince Norodom Ranariddh also said the supplemental border treaty would not damage the nation's territory.
Hun Sen, during a graduation ceremony in Phnom Penh on Tuesday, said that clearly marked borders are crucial to the nation's development.
Keeping the borderlines in an unclear state has caused difficulty for people living in the border areas, the premier said. It has made them fearful and each country has had to deploy forces to protect the border.
He insisted these issues can be solved now, as the country has seized the opportunity to clearly establish its borders to develop the areas.
Source: Xinhua
"The king also said that Prime Minister Hun Sen has reported about the border treaty, saying the treaty signed by Cambodia and Vietnam in 1985 in accordance with the 1963 and 1969 domain acknowledged by international community confirmed Cambodia's land area as 181,035 square kilometers. No land has been lost."
If it is true, why the Heng Samrin native land is now claimed by ah YOUN government? Also, how come Sva Kimhorng also pointed that the Vietnamese canal dug after 1979 spreads over Cambodian territory?? How come Koh Tral is now in the YOUN hand, when during the French, Sihanouk, Lon Nol, and Pol Pot time, it was not so? How come the Cambodian farmers who had their land since Sihanouk's time continue to say that their land areas are now claimed and chopped off by the Vietnam??? So how could Hun Sen say that there is no loss of any of the Cambodian territory? In addition, how come the Svay Rieng officials acknowledged that some parts of Cambodia are lost to Vietnam and likewise some parts of Vietnam are lost to Cambodia? Cambodia does not need to benefit anything from Vietnam but we just want to keep what is still remain to us. So Hun Sen needs to come out and tell the truth once and for all. It is illegal to sign any more border treaties at the expense of Cambodia when Cambodia already has a definit border line.
My compatriots,
"All the truthfullness is not good to be said."
Yuon were too aggressive since before Chinese took their independent in 939AD. Marching toward South (Champa) and (KKK) and now marching toward west Cambodia & Laos.
Yuon are the cruellest humans, no humans are too cruel as Yuon. From reading the history I am having too much hate for Yuon.
Don't blame any Khmer in the past and in the present, but help our Khmers like Hun Sen to know the real history, because Hun Sen has no education and he does not know the real history. I want every Khmer to know and I want us all to unite.
Blaming won't solve the problems.
The more I know about Yuon from the history wrote by the west historians the more I hate them.
I scanned the history and am translating it into to English. I keep saying I will share with all, but give me times. You all will soon see it.
Dear friend @ 2:23 pm,
excellent points!!
How much land lost, it's depend on Sihanouk had decided. Because Cambodia is belong to Sihanouk alone.
"Cambodia of Sihanouk"
Let's start a revolution and get rid of this Government!
Yuons invaded Cambodia you insult Sihanouk.
Yuons steals Khmers lands you insult Sihanouk.
CPP gives Khmer lands to Yuons you insult Sihanouk.
You must be Yuon to think like that.
I don't know when our Khmer Krom have a chance to liberate. If Hun Sen continue to serve the YOUN.
Where can we find one patriotic leader for our poor Khmer Krom. We need a leader that care for every Khmer.
How long will you let YOUN continue to suppress or oppress Khmer and Khmer Krom??
Please stand up and be united, we still have time to do it. i.e, Greece was under the Turk or Turkey for over 400 years and they can freed themselves out of Turkish colonization. This is not too late. We (Khmer, Khmer Krom, Khmer Leu (in Thai)) need to be united.
United we stand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sihanouk ought to be insulted. After all it was Sihanouk who, in contradiction to neutrality policy, gave shelter to Viets during American/Vietnam war in the 1960's. It was Sihanouk who, in 1970, accepted offer of help from the Viet whose claim is to help Sihanouk regain power from Lon Nol. It was Sihanouk who, while as head of Khmer Rouge, killed almost 2 millions of Khmer people. As the result of his action, the people of Cambodia has suffered for almost 30 years and the suffering still continue. Yet he accepted no responsibility and he turned to blame the late Lon Nol, Sirik Matak instead. If Sihanouk want to find out how Khmers are reacted in his presence, he should come to non-communist countries where freedom of expressions are respected. He soon realizes that he is not welcome wholeheartedly as he think he is.
Sihanouk personal problem got us killed nearly 3 million.
He sided with KR to revenge those who ousted him.
To Khmer in Sydney CBD,
You're claimed that you live in Sydney CBD. That is not true. We know you very well.
You fucken bark at any trees that don't give you shelter or opportunity. You cannot works with anyone.
You have has been trying a lot of things recently to please Hun Sen so you can get position.
KHMER in Sydney CBD,
If Sam Rainsy concerns about his immunity or political life, he won't do what he did.
Sam Rainsy works so hard to project Khmer land from the encroachment of Vietnamese.
He is a true Khmer hero, unlike you mate! so shut your mouth!
All khmer must learn to work together as a team or else we will have nothing left! other nations are waiting for our down fall so that they can take the benefit out of it. it is once said that USA can not build it empire without going to war as by going to war it will enreach its economic growth!. e.g. to strong is to weaken its oppostion leader, or kill it before it kills us!. it is a found of paranoid, instead of promoting harmony, they do the opposite but the bible said that the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be terminated. So, time is running out for the wicked one, in the end those who are "righteous and have loved for others will be the winner". Now, if the goods do nothing the evil will win, God children will keep going to defence for the most vulnerable people for each life is so short we must do the right thing always. Khmer love Khmer
My post is @2:25 PM.
6:37 PM. I agree with you.
12:04 AM/12:11 AM, You are not my compatriot Khmer but you are Yuon. Don't include real Khmers in your book. Real Khmers knew that all the troubles in Cambodia since
1600's caused by Yuon.
Unlike his father, current khmer king is a dummy king who has no voice nor power to run cambodia nor role in politics.His reign follows traditional cambodian monarchy which has lost popularity by the minute. His father made a huge mistakes and his name will go down in history as a bad khmer king.
Like father like son.
Both are marginalized kings!
Cambodia is not an absolute monarchy nation. Khmer King under Hun Sen cannot do politics, he can only be a symbol of a nation.
If King Sihamoni is voted to have an absolute power instead of Hun Sen who has an absolute power, Cambodia will be very good.
I hate to say to people like 6;57pm who ignore the absolute power of Hun Sen then turning to blame the Khmer monarch, now I say "FUCK YOU, FUCK AND FUCK YOU AZZHOLES AND FUCK". Kepp blaming the King you bastards and FUCK you azzhole. I am tired to read this same shit every day by these azzhole fucking stinky.
12:15 AM,
You can curse people who are anti-Sihanouk all you want but the truth remain to be the truth. Former King is a traitor. To save the throne for his family he sacrifice everything including his people and his motherland. One more think that he cannot deny is he was former leader of Khmer Rouge which ruled Cambodia in the 1975's during which 2 Million Khmers were killed. Yet, up until now he shows no remorse for his action.
You cannot handle the truth that is why you fight againt the Khmer monarchist. FYI Rainsy is a leader of his party and he is also a monarchist.
12:41 AM. You are Yuon Hanoi's spy.
Hi Viet 12:41 am.
King Sihanouk was a politician, he sided with China because he had no army nor weapons, and besides his country was already infiltrated by the Vietnamese during French colony. The King had to use strategies like siding with Viets to survive; then fought Viets to be freed. Every country has to bend to adopt or to againts depends on the circumstances.
Like today Vietnam is now working with China and dropped the US. Nations can be friends ad can be enemy.
I'm 12:51 AM.
If I'm Viet spy as you alleged, why should I'm anti-king. I should support him because without him allowing my country to use his name to invade Cambodia in 1970's my country cannot succeed in unseating Lon Nol. Without him, Hun Sen, who is my puppet, cannot be 2nd prime minister after losing an election in the 1990's. Without 2nd prime minister position, Hun Sen is not lasting until now. Without Sihanouk, as Khmer Rouge leader, killed 2 Million of his people, I as Viet, cannot justify in invading Cambodia under the pretext of saving Cambodian life from Pol Pot.
Overall without Sihanouk we, Viets, cannot control Cambodia up until now. If I'm Viet as you alleged I should be thankful to Sihanouk as without him we, Viet, have no chance of taking over Cambodia. Why should I hate him if whatever he did is for my country's interest?
So million Khmers who support King Sihanouk are what to you?
To you Cambodian-Yuon conflict is so simple to solve.
A braggart like you only know one thing is blaming King Sihanouk.
Cambodia is not your country braggart. You accused Khmer King of killing his own people, it is already telling real Khmers that you are Yuon.
Don't try to wash your dirty hands, since 16th century all the sufferinsg in Cambodia caused by Yuon like you.
How many millions Yuon during French colony your Yuon became Khmers and hiding among Khmers? There are no leaders of any country can defeat the enemy who are already infiltrated in their country even in the US.
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