Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Swede jailed for child sex

Jan 19, 2010

PHNOM PENH (Cambodia) - A CAMBODIAN court has sentenced a Swedish man to six-and-a-half years in prison for having sex with three underaged boys including his adopted son.

Judge Chhay Kong says Johan Brahim Escori, 62, was convicted Tuesday on charges of illegal sexual intercourse with his 9-year-old adopted son and indecent acts with two other boys.

He also ordered Escori to pay a four million riel (S$1,336) fine and be expelled from Cambodia after serving his sentence.

Lax law enforcement and poverty have made Cambodia a prime destination for foreigners seeking sex with minors.

But police working with social activists have stepped up efforts to fight the crime, and several foreigners are serving lengthy prison terms.


Anonymous said...

Mom Sonando are you retarded?

Anonymous said...

That's Viet way of helping Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

I wish and hope that this sick mother fucker will get his head cut off while he is in jail. This will send a strong message to all the foreigners who are seeking sex with minors in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

LOL 12:32AM,

Where the hell in this article that is related to Mom Sonando?? Tell us!!

Anonymous said...


Braking newS! Open your mind dude!

Anonymous said...

CPP courts is focusing on foreigners but none of CPP members ever going to jail even they has done worst than sexuality to murdering, money laundering, evicted 1000's of farmers, illegal land-grab and etc. they never get punish and received 10 Stars for their actions. CPP courts did this to get money from a few foreigners.

Anonymous said...

Normally, Yuons in Cambodia sell their children to have sex for money. In Youtube, a reporting proves that.

Anonymous said...

2:36Am when you poor you sell any thing! That what a Kwack try to do to us now! Sex slave, maid, drug traficking, killer and so on!

Motherfucker took our land so he will use money to make us subhuman!

May lightning strike motherfucker evils!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cambodian authority must punish these stupid bastards Foreigner for polluted Cambodian people and destroyed our cultural, these son of a bitch think they can do anything with their stinky $$$...!

Anonymous said...

Only dumbfuck foreigner that do such a thing! paid top dollar for having sex with khmer boy on the street, the young boy without home, family, hopeless...hanging on the street! i urged our cambodian authority put these punkass in jails for along long time, no cheese burger or pizza, just rice soup once aday for 150 years...!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

some pple said foreign travelling to cambodia, becuz it's cheap. WRONG, most of them in there for 1 reason, PEDOPHILE. by the way, i just wonder where the bail out money going? judge and its staff's pocket?

Anonymous said...

5:58 where the Cambodian government will keep their corp at,after 65years old? You think Cambodian government can afford to do that?
Ordinary people sleep on the street live under the trees how about 150years you mentioned ? Space conserving ?

Anonymous said...

funny how after all the education that if you abuse a child in cambodia, you get jailed in your own country, still we see the problem persists with some individuals. this goes to say people are people, some can learn, some can't. now, can you imagine how khmer people feel about problem in society in cambodia? go figure. what were these individual thinking? i don't get it! maybe they think they can get away with it or something, i guess! or maybe they have a serious mental issue like mental health problem or something like that. one has to wonder, really!

Anonymous said...

funny how after all the education that if you abuse a child in cambodia, you get jailed in your own country, still we see the problem persists with some individuals. this goes to say people are people, some can learn, some can't. now, can you imagine how khmer people feel about problem in society in cambodia? go figure. what were these individual thinking? i don't get it! maybe they think they can get away with it or something, i guess! or maybe they have a serious mental issue like mental health problem or something like that. one has to wonder, really!