19 February 2010
A Cambodian documentary filmmaker said he had to be away from his family on weekends for many years to seek the truth behind the death of 1.7 million people at the hands of the Khmer Rouge.
Thet Sambath, who is also a reporter for the Phnom Penh Post, said he spent five years with Nuon Chea, Brother No. 2, before gaining the trust of the former Khmer Rouge ideologue.
“One day he just told me ‘Sambath, I’ve observed you for many years, and I now know that you are an honest man and that you are not taking any sides, so from now on I will tell you everything you want to know about the decisions Pol Pot and I made starting from the 1960s,’” Thet Sambath said, as a guest on “Hello VOA” on Monday and Tuesday.
His film, “Enemies of the People,” was co-produced by British documentary filmmaker Rob Lemkin. In the film, Nuon Chea admits for the first time the decision he and Pol Pot made to kill party members they considered enemies.
The 93-minute film received the World Cinema Special Jury Prize at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.
Two weeks later, it won Best Documentary at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and earned the Fund for Santa Barbara Social Justice Award.
Thet Sambath, who is also a reporter for the Phnom Penh Post, said he spent five years with Nuon Chea, Brother No. 2, before gaining the trust of the former Khmer Rouge ideologue.
“One day he just told me ‘Sambath, I’ve observed you for many years, and I now know that you are an honest man and that you are not taking any sides, so from now on I will tell you everything you want to know about the decisions Pol Pot and I made starting from the 1960s,’” Thet Sambath said, as a guest on “Hello VOA” on Monday and Tuesday.
His film, “Enemies of the People,” was co-produced by British documentary filmmaker Rob Lemkin. In the film, Nuon Chea admits for the first time the decision he and Pol Pot made to kill party members they considered enemies.
The 93-minute film received the World Cinema Special Jury Prize at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.
Two weeks later, it won Best Documentary at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival and earned the Fund for Santa Barbara Social Justice Award.
Ohh, my Cambodian ball got hurt because I mastubate too much all day long. The doctor said because I am ethnic Cambodian, I will keep jacking off my dick until I got nut cancer. Fuck off to be Scambodian
Ohh, my Cambodian ball got hurt because I mastubate too much all day long. The doctor said because I am ethnic Cambodian, I will keep jacking off my dick until I got nut cancer. Fuck off to be Scambodian
Get Noun Chea into court as soon as possible before he dies and let he opens a huge barrel of worms about vietnam. Cann't wait.
Fuck off to your Mother.
hahahahahahahahahaha !
Fuck off to your Mother.
hahahahahahahahahaha !
If you can make money by using this killer, it's OK.
BUT this dog doesn't deserve any consideration because it is just a killer, an idiot and dangerous killer.
who care about the past of their crimes. this a ka-jss oldman is trying to get away from jail time. he's just looking a perfect word to say he's also a victim of a slap pol pot. the killing fields remade you'r trying to do, the world not even care anymore.
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