Sunday, February 14, 2010

Meul Choh Me Khmer Kit Ter Sabbay - "Khmer Leaders": A poem in Khmer by Srey Sra'em

Click on the poem in Khmer to zoom in

Poem by Srey Sra'em


Anonymous said...

I know it: These bigheaded losers are only out to sleep with people's wives and sleeping around with much younger girls. Kone Kondouy tae mae vear niss veuy. Vear laerng joy ot ahso ta mdong.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Srey Sroem,good writen!!,They all are CPP youn members,they will go to the hell soon with his Hok Longdy!!!!

They did everything very worst in thier life.Khmer people will kill them soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I know very well about Khieu Kanarith who always loves young girls on Floating restaurants in Kep Thmei or Taprohom village, Srok Keinsvay Khet Kandal.