Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Sam Rainsy's letter to The Phnom Penh Post regarding the use of the word "Yuon"

The Editor
The Phnom Penh Post
Phnom Penh

February 2, 2010


In your February 2 article titled “Sam Rainsy declares border victory” you quoted me as using the word “Yuon,” which you labeled as a “racist epithet for the Vietnamese.”

If you were right in your definition of the word “Yuon,” how come Mr. Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers -- whom you also quoted in the article – could also use this word “Yuon” twice in a short interview on Voice of America on January 28? The interview can been heard at http://tinyurl.com/yae2yqr

If you were right in your definition, how come Cambodia’s national Dictionary by Buddhist Supreme Patriarch Samdech Chuon Nath (Buddhist Institute, 1967) gives a totally different meaning to the word “Yuon,” described as a most common word with no racist connotation whatsoever? Everybody can consult the dictionary at page 955 by clicking at http://tinyurl.com/ycdq2dr

Actually, the word “Yuon” has been used by the Khmer people since long before the appearance of the relatively recent word “Vietnam” or “Vietnamese.”

Besides, in the same article, the same Mr. Phay Siphan was quoted, in his capacity as government representative, as declaring, “Sam Rainsy’s evidence [of border encroachment by Vietnam] is not true. If Sam Rainsy says it is true evidence, we want him to bring it to show us.”

I would like to invite Mr. Phay Siphan and all his colleagues in the government to read the documents I have presented as evidence to the public opinion by just clicking at http://tinyurl.com/yeaoxyf and at http://tinyurl.com/yk5zbtt .

Yours sincerely,

Sam Rainsy
Member of Parliament


Anonymous said...

we all called ah VIET CONG .let ah viet express to me

Anonymous said...

Phay Siphan is a total idiot!
If use the word "YOUN" rather then "Vietname" is races how about when people used the words:

Amerik = American
Afric = Frican
Siam = Thai
Chin = Chinese
Parang = French
Khmer = Cambodian


These words were use long long before Phay Siphan were born or todays new words were introduce...

Anonymous said...

Phay Siphan is a total idiot!
If use the word "YOUN" rather then "Vietnamese" is races how about when people used the words:

Amerik = American
Afric = African
Siam = Thai
Chin = Chinese
Parang = French
Khmer = Cambodian


These words were use long long before Phay Siphan were born or todays new words were introduce...

Anonymous said...

Phay Siphan is a total idiot!
If use the word "YOUN" rather then "Vietnamese" is races how about when people used the words:

Amerikang = American
Afric = African
Siam = Thai
Chin = Chinese
Parang = French
Khmer = Cambodian


These words were use long long before Phay Siphan were born or todays new words were introduce...

10:49 PM

Anonymous said...

You're so correct Mr. Sam Rainsy!
I don't know if those CPP's clans go to school or not. I don''t know their education level or most doesn't have any. You're a true Khmer hero, Khmer intellectual!

I hope these will highlight them a bit!

We called those people in Indonesia before the name Indonesian was called Java.

So the dictionary is so correct!!

Thanks you! and Thank you for you firm stance on your proof!!


Anonymous said...

95% of CPP's clan are so uneducated and dumb. If they got a degree they must found it on the street.

Anonymous said...

"Yuon" is a Khmer term for the Vietnamese people who once lived in Yunnan province southern China. This term is not a racist term, just a term which was derived from where they there originated. It had been used by Khmer people for hundreds of years. In fact, the Thai word for the Vietnamese people is also call "Yuon" - "ญวน". On the contrary, the Vietnamese word for Khmer people is "Mien" which is derogatory term meaning "barbarian"! So to say that "Yuon" is a racist term is totally misinformed and incorrect...

Lok Ta Wat Vipassanaram, Long Beach, CA

Anonymous said...

Hello there, Phay Siphan!!
Yuon are crawling into Cambodia, why can't you stop? How far these Yuon can crawl into Cambodia?
Ooopss they are crawling into your blankets.

Anonymous said...

Dump ass people in cee-pee-pee has no brain and uneducated. why you are so worry about he word"yuon or vietnam"?

Do you know ah yuon always call us/khmer"thang mien or dump people?


Anonymous said...

There you go 11:08 PM!!

You had nailed it!!!

Like 11:03 PM said, CPP's clan are so uneducated and dumb because they can't understand the word "YUON".

Khmer got all good proofs, what else do they whining about? What is next move?

Anonymous said...

it's Siem = Thai. Siam is what Siem call themselves.

For heaven sake, even Siem call Vietnamese as Youn. And Youn themselves call Thai as Siem. I know a Youn person who calls Thai as Siem. I heard it for the first time and was surprised. I asked him why you call them that. He said that's how they call Thai.

So Khmer, Youn, Siem are all general common terms that have been used for hundred of years as mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

They are the one being a racist. They called us "Mien" and it's meaning of Barbarian.

That is so racist!!!

Sam Rainsy needs to point this word "Mien" to the audience and YUON to comment to us about the word Mien too.

Anonymous said...

11:08pm, Thanks for sharing this piece of historic words, meaning. Phay Siphan and his disgraceful government including Ah Kwak Kbot Cheat Hun Xen should have learn from you.

CPP officials have no mind. They only say as they speaks. When people lying too too much they forgot what they have lied about and often got caught. This is Phay Sophan and many other countless CPPs.

Imbarassing to say, Hun Xen and his high officials don't even know how to check their email. Dispice how to read google maps.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe a week ago, I don't know if HUN SEN said or someone else said. They said most of Khmer generals and officials can't read map..

This is very shameful!!!!

Anonymous said...

it's well captured. please go ahead. Do we have any CPP's MP stand for this issues? Don't tell us that you don't dare because you will loose US$1,500 a month wage and ++++

2:48 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Land of the Lord!
Khmer had built Prasat for our Lord,

"Ya-Chapi Mulé,Aknu-paTu-Vé,Taklé-tchi tchor PiRukhor ,Punaré-vak,Ruhati ÊvakPi toa-nha Nusayé,Aknu-Haté,NiPoatatey,Tukhak Pi-taing,PonakPo-naing"

"As a tree cut down sprouts forth again if its roots remain uninjured and strong,so the propensity to craving not being done away,this suffering springs up again and again"Lord Buddha

May Buddha bless you dear all people!



3:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This proves that Vietnameses steals Khmer lands, they are BAD.
This proves also that CPP members jail Khmers who defend Khmer lands, they are BAD. They commited treason.
Khmers must not trust CPP members anymore.
CPP members are traitors

6:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ly Diep,

Jom Reap Sour Lok Poo!

This comments has touched my feeling, my spirit and my courage that even made me loving my country more and more. I know that I'm living in the west and has more opportunity then our people inside Cambodia. I felt very patriotic since I had read and analyzed a lot of documents and history of our country. Like you had mentioned about "Who is Angkar" or Angkar Chea Nor Na by Yiey Tieng. Those information is very accurate that YOUN (Viet) always have the ambition to swallow our country in all kind of tricks and forms. Now, they can't use forces or show and aggressiveness to take our country but since 1979 to now their kids are over 30 years they can represent our poor people that had no knowledge. I regretted that Cambodian leader (Hun Sen) kept being blind for their (Youn) acts inside our country. They pouring hundred and thousand of illegal immigration into our country. Soon or later we will be the minority.
If Hun Sen is loving or being patriotic to the country, there are so many options for him to let a qualify person to take over. He can come up to the UN and tell them that he is under the gun by foreigner. Every where he goes, he being watched by this foreigner and he should declare to UN that he needs to some kind of UN representative to act as interim PM or President for the time being then set up a real election. He should reveal to UN about everything about YOUN. And ask UN to evacuate his families over to safe country.

Anonymous said...

I bet he can do it if he is loving his country.

7:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet the UN is allowing Vietnam and Thailand to pit against Cambodia: it is call the "elimination" process!

8:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen would never let any one to do that jobs, oph!!!
I mean the master, the one behind him will never let him (Hun Sen)to allow any Khmer to united to solve the border issue with Vietnam, no way, if Hun Sen dare to do, all his family will be disappear.

Sorry to say that, but it's true, the guy behind him, maybe his boss are controlling Cambodian government.

8:28 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPP members and supporters,
you should think again, why Khmers in this website, who earn nothing from Cambodia change, why they fight against CPP ?
Because they see what is wrong with CPP, they are informed about the goal of CPP.
Open your mind and listen to them.

9:20 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nowadays, there is no way that Cambodia is going to colonize by YOUN. We must united and if HUN SEN can, please come to the UN and reveal about YOUN's ambition.

Khmer must United!!!!

10:25 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Khmer must rise up and wake up before it's too late!!

10:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yuon" is a Khmer term for the Vietnamese people who once lived in Yunnan province southern China. This term is not a racist term, just a term which was derived from where they were originated. It had been used by Khmer people for hundreds of years. In fact, the Thai word for the Vietnamese people is also call "Yuon" - "ญวน". On the contrary, the Vietnamese word for Khmer people is "Mien" which is a derogatory term meaning "barbarian"! So to say that "Yuon" is a racist term is totally misinformed and incorrect...

Lok Ta Wat Vipassanaram, Long Beach, CA

11:16 PM

Anonymous said...

"Yuon" has been used for many generations. It's not a new term. As "Yuons" always violate mutual respect and invade Cambodia and steal parts of Cambodia land time after time, it's appropriate for us to call 'Yuons" as "Yuons," becasue they are well deemed as Khmers mortal enemies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can anyone post the email address of the Phnom Penh Post Editor?


Anonymous said...

To all Khmers!

I don't know why puok ah cee-pee-pee care too much about the word" youn or viet...."

Do all cee-pee-pee know that ah yuon call us/khmer"thang mien or dump khmer"?


Anonymous said...

Let me add a little bit about "Yuon". It's not out of racism or hatred that we Khmers call "Yuon" as "Yuon." It's a general term that has been used a long time ago. If one listens to Samdech Chuon Nath's Khmer literature analysis, one can hear him call "Yuon" or "Siem-Siam" as such when he told his audience that any particular word derided from Yuon's or from Siem's word.

Anonymous said...

correction: derived

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is for Kem Sokha.
Cold feet: If you get cold feet about something, you lose the courage to do it.

This is for Sam Raisy.
Bleeding heart: A bleeding heart is a person who is excessively sympathetic towards other people.

This is for HUN SEN.
Point the finger: When you point finger at someone, you are accusing and blaming them for something.

This is for Kem Sokha.
See eye to eye: If people see eye to eye, they agree about everything.

This is for Sam Raisy.
Blink of an eye: If something happens in the blink of an eye, it happens so fast it is almost impossible to notice it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have checked these name above. And the editor has 27 of PPP. And most of them or majority are westerners (American and British). I don't think these know much about the word YOUN.

How long do they live in Cambodia?
Do they even know the history of Cambodia?

Do they know the word YUON has been using for centuries?

On the other hand, they should comment on YUON that called us Khmer "Mien" it means for being barbarian.

Thanks for your evidence Mr. Sam Rainsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please choose one for
Phay Siphan is :

1- Khmer
2- Yuon
3- Siem
4- Laos
5- Baraing
6- Americ
7- Phnong+Chine+yuon

Anonymous said...

for the millionth times, the khmer name for vietnamese is youn, and it is not necessarily derogative or epithet or whatever! simply, khmer, like any other race on the planet do have our own names for different nationality on earth, really. so, those who seemed to think that khmer people use "youn" as racist is so ignorant of the khmer language as they don't understand the our khmer language like khmer people do. i wouldn't be surprised if youn themselves who claim so, thus they probably taught other people probably through their foreign affair offices, etc. that the khmer word "youn" is racist. it's not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!anyway, we don't care how other ignorant people think as it goes to show they do not know or understand how to use our khmer language properly! get educated already, please!

ps: khmer reserved the right to use our own language "youn" for vietnamese, ok! i'm sure youn, siem and other race out there have called khmer people something else too; let least khmer people understand that it's their language. so, it is khmer language to call "youn", as well, you know! so there! don't try to force khmer people to change our language like this. nobody can force us to change but only ourselves, really! wake up, people; please don't be so ignorant when it comes to khmer and cambodia, ok! please pass the word as this is an education opportunity or lesson on khmer language, ok!

write a book about it, if you so unhappy about khmer using the word "youn"! we don't care youn and siem think about our language, really! khmer is khmer, get used to it, ok!

Anonymous said...

Phay Siphan is none of the above you mentioned. He is "traitor's puppy"

Anonymous said...

the word "vietnamese" is so foreign to khmer people. as khmer, i prefer to use our more familiar word "youn" like our ancestors had use it for hundreds of years already! i don't care what some ignorant foreigners trying to tell khmer not to call vietnamese "youn". bullshit! they can't stop me from using my khmer language for "youn", ok! get used to it already! it's khmer thing!

Anonymous said...

the word "vietnamese" is so foreign to khmer people. as khmer, i prefer to use our more familiar word "youn" like our ancestors had use it for hundreds of years already! i don't care what some ignorant foreigners trying to tell khmer not to call vietnamese "youn". bullshit! they can't stop me from using my khmer language for "youn", ok! get used to it already! it's khmer thing!

Anonymous said...

get out of drunken state or toxic state of your brain, wake up people. cambodia is an independent, sovereigned nation, not youn or siem vassal like in a snippet of history during the dark ages, you know! history was history, that's why we coined the word "history", it means just that, don't get confused with modern cambodia, ok! what goes around will one day comes back around to bite youn and siem in the ass for stealing from khmer! if khmer don't let them, it won't happen, really!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It not just Khmer & Thai , the whole region know "Vietnamese" as "Yuon". Laos, thai, Khmer , ethnic mongtanard or hill tribes and Chams all have the same word. If it were racist word the "Vietnamese" must be some super badass to get the whole Southeast Asian mainland to hate them!

Could you imagine being oppressed people like the Khmer krom using slur and epithet in conversation regularly? You would think the viet citizen and Khmer people at each other throat relentless!

When in kk I only used yuon and my Vietnamese friends themselves refer to them as youn when they speak Khmer. It's a commonly understood neutral word except amongst the westerners who are bent on destroying Khmer language and literature. A vengence for not adopting roman alphabets

Anonymous said...

How come we never had any issue during Norodumb,See ah nouss,Lon Nol etc... but now under cpp that is a problem?

Anonymous said...

It's because ah Hun Sen and his criminla clique are the lackeys of Yuons!!!!! And taht's that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Because is Ah Plee Ploeu!!!

Anonymous said...

Yuon, Yuon, Yuon......
Nothing racist about that!
It's what we use to refer to someone from Vietnam, just like Siam, is someone from Thailand!
Hun Sen and CPP need to worry about more important things like Corruption, immunity, land-grabbing and the giveaway of Cambodian territory instead of focusing on a non-issue such as this!
That's what happens when you have a band of thieves running the country. It's completely 20 thousand times worst when those thieves are also immoral, uneducated,murderers, and traitors and we can't forget, can't read maps! Despicable!

Anonymous said...

if you see some people are so ignorant, please help to educate them all. thank you. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

1:26AM have been brainwashed by CPP.
People in Cambodia hates YOUN because they are Khmer. You like YOUN because you are not Khmer. Simple as that.

Not all people who hates YOUN are opposition, SRP supporters!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you Khmer will win!

Hun Sen will be charged for treason in near future.

Anonymous said...

uncle SAM for CAMBODIA!

Anonymous said...

i charge someone of treason, you have to build up enough concrete evidence, then make sure the law is there as well to use in the court of law, ok! it's not that easy and not difficult either. even in the USA, a president can be impeached, if found with sufficient evidence, etc... true! that's why a leader have to set good example of the law, etc...

Anonymous said...

even with the law, you have to make sure it's fair and just. depends on the system, whether innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent, etc... know the law thorough, ok!

Anonymous said...

I just Googled and 95% of Khmer men has small brains. That's why they ran away like rabbits hiding in the USA and France while their country is plundered and raped by the Viets and Siems. All they do is curse and grunt "fuck this, fuck that".
That is how small-brain Khmer men speak. They are truly the most pathetic group of men on the planet.

Anonymous said...

ah Yuon = Khmer
ai Yuon = Thai
buk Yuon = Laotian

Year of the Tiger 04/14/10.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

The word "Youn" (form Yunan) is not racist word, and all Khmer use every day, esp. farmer in Cambodia and also King father.

Anonymous said...

This guy is absolutely IDIOT. He don't know nothing about Khmer languages. My friend came from South Vietnam, I asked about this word "YOUN", he told me "YOUN = YUNANG". I asked MR? Why YOUN called China as "CHHONG GNOK" ?

(I am Khmer but I can speak Vietnamesse luently).

Nakta Techou

Anonymous said...

ah phay siphan lok khlon eoy ah sok an ah nis pros dembeiy lapsakarak py CPP

Anonymous said...

ah phay siphan chea chkae CPP huey]
Me vear nis, ber mouk Kali vinh hummm banh vear chole tov!

Anonymous said...

Please read the article on the meaning of the word "yuon" here:http://khmerization.blogspot.com/2008/01/is-using-word-yuon-justified-and.html

dararith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You have to agree that Sam Rainsy wrote this statement eloquently and intelligently. This is what an educated person would react to their political opponents.

I'm not pro-CPP or Sam Rainsy, this is just my observation.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, there it is 2:12AM
I thought it's dead in that public toilet.

This shitty toilet viet is a skinny pale blob of slimy toilet germ. It can take all the shit anyone can shit on it. Take it shitty viet. Take it. Come back and get much more it's all yours, stinky.

Anonymous said...

also, please help to educate that professor in the USA, i forgot his name, because he seemed to lecture to people that khmer language "youn" is racist. i bet that professor can't even speak khmer fluently to say such a misguiding for the khmer language. may i suggest he consult educated khmer people about it first, before claiming to know khmer language more than educated khmer people, really! thank you.

Anonymous said...

Because barang can't pronounce word YUON right. Like this YIN, YAN, YON.

Anonymous said...

Can we go ahead and erased the whole Yunnan range already! Because obviously this is one source of derivation of the word Youn or Yun, which is by the way pronounced the same way.

Why is ther o in Youn anyway when we pronounced it with only as Yun, more Yuan. I think Youn looks better though :) Yun is too sort, and American would pronounced it wrong. If we pronounced with the Vietnamese "U" we have to add "OU" to make it right in English! ugh so much transliteration problem.

Anonymous said...

I proud of you Lok Pou Sam,