Vietnamese expats win trust in Cambodia
February, 01 2010
Viet Nam News (Hanoi)
PHNOM PENH — The Association of Overseas Vietnamese in Cambodia has developed good relations with local authorities and won the trust of the Vietnamese community in the country.
The assessment was made at a conference on Saturday to review the association’s operation over the past two years and work out its plan for this year.
So far, the association has set up 19 chapters across Cambodia. It also set up the Association of Overseas Vietnamese Enterprises in Cambodia, which is operating effectively and has generated numerous jobs for overseas Vietnamese.
The association has organised 46 establishments to teach the Vietnamese language to children and raised funds to help poor families in the community.
It plans to increase the number of chapters to 21 in the near future, and to co-ordinate more closely with local authorities to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.
The assessment was made at a conference on Saturday to review the association’s operation over the past two years and work out its plan for this year.
So far, the association has set up 19 chapters across Cambodia. It also set up the Association of Overseas Vietnamese Enterprises in Cambodia, which is operating effectively and has generated numerous jobs for overseas Vietnamese.
The association has organised 46 establishments to teach the Vietnamese language to children and raised funds to help poor families in the community.
It plans to increase the number of chapters to 21 in the near future, and to co-ordinate more closely with local authorities to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.
time ,we all seek to kick out ah Yuon ,viet Cong out of our land
Band of idiots CPP members,
you must not allow this, stop be monkeys, be human once,
they are Cambodians or they are Yuons. If they vote they are Cambodians and they must not Yuons anymore.
Why you create problem for the future.
Vietnam and Thai are like flies that love trash and rotten stinky objects. The more we clean ourselves the better we can stop flies from causing trouble to us.
Wait for the regime change, and then they will have no exit out of the country.
Cambodia needs more Viets to settle and civilize this barbaric country. We don't don't need any more killing fields created by the savage Khmer people.
We want more Vietcongs to settle in our country so that we will farm them at the end once for all. Just like the old day.
It's shameful to Cambodian government !!! I think most high rank officers they don't like what's going on right now toward Yuon in general, from border to illegal imigration ...But, they don't know how to deal with it. specially, they got a wrong perception that, Khmer should thanks Yuon for liberate our peoples from crazy regime, therefor, we should return by do favor things to Yuon.
Actually, Youn the one have to thanks Khmer. If Khmer not allow VC to cross Khmer land to fight South VN, If Khmer not allow VC to use Khmer jungle in Rattanak Kiri, Mondol Kiri as VC save haven, if Khmer did not give VC foods, medicine...VC do not won the war. Therefor, the crazy regime and the so call << 7 meccara >> never happen.
VC fight Khmer rouge in order to occupy, put Cambodia as colony, not to liberate Cambodians, and then, they transfer Youns to live in our land, 100 years latter, Khmer will become minority in our homeland. Another KAMPUCHEA-KROM.
All Khmers must wake up!!! Must have a real plan to deal with Youn before too late
Khmer Basak
I just Googled and 95% of Khmer men has small brains. That's why they ran away like rabbits hiding in the USA and France while their country is plundered and raped by the Viets and Siems. All they do is curse and grunt "fuck this, fuck that".
That is how small-brain Khmer men speak. They are truly the most pathetic group of men on the planet.
I support your opinions. Khmers are good at criticism and fighting each other. Khmer nation must be strong to get rid off Siam and Viet invasion. Remember the strong always wins and the weak always loses. We need to unite all Khmer backgrounds and then we can enemies. Please stop fight each other and it's time to unite to be as strong as our Khmer empire.
This shitty viet is a coward barking from nowhere.
This toilet viet has no brain.
This skinny viet might come again and bark louder. But I'll hit it again and again tirelessly.
This Viet is a toilet germ but can bark the same voice like a dog. Flush this toilet germ the skinny viet.
Its head is fatally hit. It will soon die a horrible death.
it begs the questions why they need this kind of organization? what for? or for what purpose? we all have to wonder. maybe khmer krom in the mekong delta should start a group similar to this viet/youn organization as well, if they haven't already! if viet/youn can do in cambodia, why can't khmer krom or khmer overseas in vietnam do the same? go figure!
Do Khmer Krom in Kampuchea Krom have the same right to create associations just like the Vietnamese do in Cambodia? If yes, it's a fair deal. If no, it proves that Cambodian government is really a puppet of the Viet.
Remember Khmers,
These Viet. Cong's Angencies in Cambodia are running by Viet. Cong People Army....They are invading Cambodia....
yuon viet cong is parasites.
be aware of yuon behead u quys Tea pot.
"Yuon" is a Khmer term for the Vietnamese people who once lived in Yunnan province southern China. This term is not a racist term, just a term which was derived from where they were originated. It had been used by Khmer people for hundreds of years. In fact, the Thai word for the Vietnamese people is also call "Yuon" - "ญวน". On the contrary, the Vietnamese word for Khmer people is "Mien" which is a derogatory term meaning "barbarian"! So to say that "Yuon" is a racist term is totally misinformed and incorrect...
Lok Ta Wat Vipassanaram, Long Beach, CA
GO HOME Viet!!!
To the sissy faggot '5:46' am from Bang-Cock:
We do not need to google...based on facts, we know that a majority of you Thai Lady-boiz are GAY with small dicks and like suck on White men's "Farang" or "ฝรั่ง" dicks and swallow their sweet cum. Cambodian men are very handsome, muscular and shapely unlike your ugly ass ancestors from Nanchao, China. You are certainly not successful in stirring problems on KI bloggs. I suggest you do it on your stupid "BANG-COCK POST" OR "NATION" newspapers!
Check on these funny hilarious videos: "Made in Thailand" "ผลิตในเมืองไทย" 555555 :)~~
--Khmer Surin
The strategies of Marxism & Leninism
is to demoralize the people; destroy its foundations and re-educate them in their ideology. I think this is what the Vietnamese been doing all a long with the Khmer leaders and it's people. Only the elite rules, this is oppression.
It appear we been caught in their traps of deception and the elimination process been taking place all a long. Who will escape from their ion teeth? This is the work of the devil. He cometh to steal, kill and destroy.
5:47 AM,
Becuase your motehr, wife, and daughter cannot handle big dick like mine.....lol
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