Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Cambodia PM warns of cosmetic surgery dangers

March 02 2010

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday warned women to beware of dubious standards in the country's booming cosmetic surgery industry, in which doctors often practise without licences.

Despite a sluggish economy in Cambodia from the global financial crisis, health experts say the business of cosmetic surgery, including nose jobs and breast enlargements, has doubled or even tripled in recent years.

However Hun Sen said health officials needed to more stringently monitor lax standards in the industry and urged women to be careful or they might "go into a coffin" rather than obtain beauty.

"The problem is whether or not (we) understand clearly the materials or chemical substances that are used for beauty surgery," Hun Sen said, citing the recent case of a Cambodian woman who died after receiving an injection.

Many Cambodian women are aiming for the what they perceive as the more delicate looks of popular Korean and Chinese film stars.

But even as operations become popular among the emerging middle class, Cambodia remains a country where laws are loosely enforced and many people calling themselves doctors have little training.

Although cosmetic surgeons are required to register with the health ministry and have proper qualifications, officials say many operate freely and illegally without licences.

Hun Sen went on to urge Cambodian women to embrace their natural beauty.

"I would like to appeal to all women - not only single women, but also married women - that it is good to keep natural beauty," Hun Sen said.


Anonymous said...

i think it's a fair personal opinions from a leader, however, where are the medical experts? they should be the one to advice people, but again, if experts don't do their jobs, then it is ok for mr. hun sen to voice this in the name of leadership, really!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hun Sen,too many jobs for you already, you should care something that is very important for Khmers such as the borders and illegal Youns in Cambodia, not a fucking cosmetic surgery thing which you never go to that school. If you have time come and play golt with me.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, the monkey becomes expert of surgery!

Anonymous said...

11:22 PM, 11:39 PM

It's called being a concerned citizen, something you degenerate animals were never given the brain capacity to comprehend.

Anonymous said...

I am a little surprised by the PM action here. One of a very few moves that got me agreeing with him. Oh Khmer women, why on Earth do you want to look like the Koreans or the any other race beside the one that you're born into? Khmer are one of the most people on the planet. Listen to me, beauty is truly lies on the inside. I would never, ever marry a woman who have fake nose and/or breasts.

Son of a farmer said...

If SenVarman did not do any surggeries, therefore
one of his eyes is looked very ugliest deformed!

Anonymous said...

Pussy sells.

Sex sells.

Pussy boosts the nation's economy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Xen, he does have some fine points and culture to him after all the crude and rude behavior.

What I can guess is he is bi-polar. He can be concern one time and extremely tyrant the next.

Selfless one moment and extremely selfish the next.

He has been more tyrant and selfish in the past, perhaps his old age is getting the best of him and he is becoming more humbler...

May God bless Cambodia and humble Hun Xen enough to relieved him of duty as Commander in Chief so Khmer can have a new vision.

Anonymous said...

Woman, I am a man, if you want to please men by doing surgery, you have 80% of chance to have the opposit result because I know many women, she did it and 100% of them become urgly.
You pay to loose beauty..
Good luck

Anonymous said...

Fully support the warning of Mr. Hun Sen the PM of Cambodia.
Our skin is so nice and I am very proud to be born as Khmer.

Anonymous said...

2:44am! look mean not thing if you have no feeling or hearth for it!

Anonymous said...

Son of a farmer said...
If SenVarman did not do any surggeries, therefore
one of his eyes is looked very ugliest deformed!

1:11 AM

Son of a farmer said...
If SenVarman did not do any surggeries, therefore
one of his eyes is looked very ugliest deformed!

1:11 AM

Anonymous said...

Son of a farmer said...
If SenVarman did not do any surggeries, therefore
one of his eyes is looked very ugliest deformed!

1:11 AM

Anonymous said...

In Cambodia only Hun Sen who has one eye knows everything. Only Hun Sen can tell khmer people what to do, what good or bad, what right or wrong. Hun Sen know everything from his bedroom to the top of the world. The rest of the country know nothing....wow

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Totally support Hun SEn on this Plastic Surgery topic. It is encouraging to see the positive comments on this topic. Prime Minister Hun Sen! you are not out of touch with Cambodian people after all. Please continue with your good deed. In the end, Cambodian people will appreciate your honest work. Bravo!

For Cambodian women, what a hell wrong with you? What on earth you wanna look like Korean or Chinese women? What drives you to make this stupid decision? I'm just like SHOCKED and DISBELIEF! Are you (women) that ugly? What's wrong with you? Don't you feel comfortable with your own natural skin? Why and why? Don't you know, going under the knife is very dangerous? And in Cambodia with an unlicensed doctor? Give me a freaked break! You 're willing to take a risk with these morons! Remember, you never get a second chance in life. So think before you act! Oh! if you are that filthy rich, and don't know what to do with your money, why not donate to the poor? Your will be be completed and satisfied!
I challenge any women who support the plastic surgery or thinking of doing it. Please answer some of my questions, I'd really appreciated it!

Anonymous said...

7:08 am

Did she (Bun Ranny)really have her face peel? How? The rest of her body had been peeled also, i'm assuming! If that the case, why does she still look UUUUGALLY! I mean, her face is white, but somehow, it just doesn't go with her appearance.