Nhiek Bun Chhay receives his Ph.D.
23 March 2010
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Nhiek Bun Chhay, Funcinpec secretary-general, received a Ph.D. in dispute resolution following his 7-year online Internet study at the St Clements University in Switzerland. Nhiek Bun Chhay, a deputy PM, told The Cambodia Daily on Monday that he received his degree after he resolved the political dispute in Cambodia. He said that, in addition to his study on the Internet, the university sent researchers to come and look at his work for creating peace in Cambodia and the formation of the 1998 government, at a time when there were many political obstacles. Nhiek Bun Chhay said that he traveled to Lausanne, Switzerland, to receive his degree in March.
The school isn't even accredited, according to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Clements_University.
This fucken dog is so dumb. I am so sick his ugly face. He is a puppet's puppet. He should be kled in the coup 1997 to be better Cambodia no matter phd what's the use of it. He worth nothing to Cambodia only Hun sen
what a moron......this guy and serey kossal should be dead in 1997.
I think u better look at yourself 1st, before u blame other. what is your graduate? How handsome a u? what a u look like?
A u dwarf dog of ...?
No such a dispute solution Ph.D. degree in this university program.
Where is he educated a master degree?
4.56 ! why you want to know my graduate? Why don't you tell me first or brag first.
A lot of people brag about their degrees like barking dog.
A chhay
You are 4.56pm is a dog before he says someone else a dog.
Cheating in internet for phd ha ha
This AH CHKE become a Doctor or a Bandit de grand chemin
The government should improve the Education quality for young people, instead of buying easy PhD from obscure so.called University from abroad.
Phd: Doctor : Pandit in Pali amd Bandit (de grand chemin)in Khmer.
Haha this guy read some news and possibly some body else read for him and than he got his Phd, I am so ashame of Combodian so call leader they manage to trash even international education system!
They fool many country to provide them aid then they fool Cambodian that they recieve various form of aid for infrastructure etc... but when infact they borrowed the money the built it and at the same time rort the system where roughly 15% to 20% of the money receive goes to different layer of officials.
Cambodian are being robbed of their rightfull free dom and wealth and now they owed lots of money to the forieng country.....
you made the point. On top of that corrupt officials like that buy virgin girls from rural. Eat and throw away. that's why there sex trade and many prostitutes.
He tries to survive.
At least he did something for our country, in 1979, instead of coming in Khao-I-Dang and went to USA, he fought against Yuon.
We should not laught at him.
We have newly upgraded state of art facility building and just released our home study programs. We had contributed this kind of idea for many years and finally met. We also have various programs of your choice to choose from certicate 6 mths, AA/AS 2 yrs, BA/BS 4yrs, MA/MS 6yrs, PhD 8 yrs. Here are the lists of the from hospitality, police, and to high-rank with stars you deserve. Please follow these procedures for your qualification:
Step 1: bank accounts.
Step 2: computers nor laptops.
Step 3: study whenever you like.
For more details please call CPP-TECH.
pls be civilized
This Nhiek Bun Chay guy is a womanizer, what a change for him?! I doubt this is true. I know someone who is close to Nhiek Bun Chay told me that Nhiek Bun Chay and Rannariddh love to chase women whenever they see women. An easy bait the CPP and the Yuon could lure these two fish into their hooks!!!These two monkeys live on Hun Sen's life-support is more like it.
KHMER Angkor.
None of us were there when he study toward his Phd; therefore, we should not past a judgment on him. Only Mr. Nhiek Bun Chhay knows of his limitation. God bless Cambodia.
We, the cambodian's Khmer Rouge victims are urging to ECCC to arrest Former Khmer Leaders as the following names:
Norodom Sihanouk, Norodom Monique, Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hor 5 Hong, Keat Chhon, Sim Kar, Ouk Bun Chhoeun, Sok Anh, Sar Kheng, Pol Saroeun, Tea Banh, Nhek Bun Chhay, Kong Sam Ol,Nguon Nhel, Say Bou Thorng , Men Sam An, Khieu Sopheak, Kong Korm etc...
It only goes to prove that name and title are more important than substance. This is and has always been the way and means in Cambodia.
Let motherfucker say the thruth! Were those most of MOLINAKA killed on the day of the coup or a few day before! when SIMAX claimedc to expose a BIG BOMB without notify the city in advance!
May all the Lier motherfuckers hit by lightning and go to HELL!
very shameful to read this article. It is not easy to earn even a BA from a recognized university, you have to spend 4 years in school.
Hi ah.me Yuon kantorb 9:29 PM,
You forget to addd, ah.me Yuon thieves who became fake Khmers killing Khmers.
You see? Nothing is white but mostly BLACK and CROOK, CRUEL and deceptive.
These kind of schools from oversea want their school to have more students from stupid people in Cambodia who earn money so easy from corruption to pay tuition in their schools. They just want to have their schools' names be known.
Dumb Schools deserve dumb people like Bun Chhay, Hun Sen, etc.,
good, please use your education to better serve cambodia and arguing and fighting each other is a sign of fake and ignorant education, maybe. if you are a phd or doctor or what have, then show khmer people that you are educated by not getting involved in blame game, fighting for position, etc, instead focus of putting in together reforms, new laws to curb ill social behaviors, etc, etc... sometimes, one can claim that they are more educated than the other, etc, but if they don't put that skill to use, then their education is useless, to say the least, really! remember action speaks louder than words, really! wake up, people!
Let motherfucker say the thruth! Were those most of MOLINAKA killed on the day of the coup or a few day before! when SIMAX claimedc to expose a BIG BOMB without notify the city in advance!
May all the Lier motherfuckers hit by lightning and go to HELL!
Let motherfucker say the thruth! Were those most of MOLINAKA killed on the day of the coup or a few day before! when SIMAX claimedc to expose a BIG BOMB without notify the city in advance!
May all the Lier motherfuckers hit by lightning and go to HELL!
Let motherfucker say the thruth! Were those most of MOLINAKA killed on the day of the coup or a few day before! when SIMAX claimedc to expose a BIG BOMB without notify the city in advance!
May all the Lier motherfuckers hit by lightning and go to HELL!
I know of many institutions in the World that are not provincially, nationally, and internationally accredited, but the quality of the education is the same so long as that/those institution(s) is legitmate. Going to school for seven yrs, it seems very legitmate to me, and it it therefore, he has earned the credential! Congratulation to him.
Ph.D; Phnom Penh.D, Hanoi.D; Omega.D; Prey Sar.D; Dumber.D; Dolittle.D; Lexus Land c.D and sleeping.D are worthless and crappy.
Khmers is still many years behind others everywhere.
But Corruption. D, Khmer is the best in the world.
Hey! if I say and do thing please ah mechor I can get 5 stars too!
can't beat them join them ... thats what nhek boun chay has been doing . he is a yellow god .
Is St. Clements University is a legit online courses? I have to google to find out if it's a legit or not. For example, the one that is well known for online university is Phoenix uni. in U.S.
Whether or not Mr. Chhay received PHD or whatever, we have to respect him. Don't accuse him of getting a pony PHD, do a research first.
Hi poster 3:43AM,
At what language can Nhek Bun Chhay has learnt from this online university to get this phD?
You have to be a fool for having to believe this crap. If Nhek Bun Chhay can have a Phd, 99 % of Cambodian will have PhD in 2011 for $1000.00 only. Would you like to have one? I can supply for 50% as you can write english very well.
CPP youth promoting for change
He is a clueless guy that was tricky to kill many soldiers in July 5-6-7, 1997.
Major OCA
Wow, you people are so rude! Shocked and disbelief by most of the comments posted here! It seems to me, you people don't like PM Hun Sen and his supporters that much, huh? If that the case, why is he still in power for all these years (30)?
My point is, don't jump into conclusion, if you don't have enough evidence, do not be little anybody.
In the court of law, "everybody is innocent until proven guilty" !
Peace out!
KON Khmer
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.
"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky. Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground.
Source: Lightning, Discovery Channel
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
KON Khmer
7:02 AM
But in a shit hole, Cambodia, you are innocent even OUT SIDE the Court of Law, you ALREADY proven quilty. So?
7:02 AM He/She is impersonator and can't even spell KON is kuon Khmer. He/She is Yuon or Siem thug and your boss in Hun Xen.
You have so much hatred and anger in you. You need an anger management to calm yourself down. May Buddha help you with your anger and hatred issues!
9:32 am
Just because I misspelled Kon that doesn't make me an impersonator, Yuon or Siem thug or my boss is HUn Sen. I'm just an ordinary Cambodian citizen! Just be careful next time, before you call someone names. This time, I forgive you!
May Buddha bless you!
Peace yall!
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