Tuesday, March 09, 2010

My comments are taken out of context : [Surin Pitsuwan,] Asean Chief

Tuesday, March 09, 2010
The Nation

Asean's chief Surin Pitsuwan on Tuesday insisted that media reports quoting him over a military exercise in Cambodia were taken totally out of context.

His comments were with specific reference to the prevailing situation along the Cambodian-Thai border and not to any particular military exercise in Cambodia.

Cambodia had conducted a military exercise on March 4 during which Khmer troops tested equipment and fired some 200 rockets at an airfield 180 kilometres from the Thai border.

Malaysia's Bernama news agency recently quoted Surin as saying that "Cambodia might have signaled as though the region was unstable" by firing rockets last week during a border dispute with Thailand.

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen lambasted on Monday that Surin was unsuitable for the job, accusing him of "crazy work" for reportedly questioning a recent rocket drill.

In his statement issued on Tuesday, Surin said, "The question directed at me was of a general nature, and my responses were with specific reference to the prevailing situation along the Cambodian-Thai border which I have expressed on many occasions before to all Asean Foreign Ministers and to the Asean leaders.

Surin added that his concerns on the border situation had been publicly expressed on numerous occasions and were a routine response to media enquires. He stressed that no other media, foreign or Thai, had reported on his statements made following the Bangkok conference.

Expressing his deep regret that the issue has caused much misunderstanding and discomfort and had "a very unfortunate and unwarranted effect", Surin said.

He insisted he had no intention nor was he referring to any particular military exercise in Cambodia which he had no knowledge of at that point in time.


Anonymous said...

sure! siem people biased toward cambodia. why would cambodia buy that?

Anonymous said...

This what I called a diplomatically misinformation, after fact, no other presses quoted his statement on Khmer-Siam border row.

This Malay guy can lie like the rest of his colonial Siam royalties and aristocrats.

Anonymous said...

LOL, yeah fucking Surin now think Khmer still eating rice from a coconut shells?


Anonymous said...

So, can that motherfucker Surin condemn the Thai when they overshooting their shells into Cambodia?
Can he explains that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, he deserve it, even more. The guy Surin Pitsuvan suppose to represent ASEAN, but he always speak for Thailand interest.
In this case, he is very bias. Thailand just conducted Cobra Gold military exercise not long ago at the Cambodian Thai border. Sometimes Thai artillery shells fall into Cambodia. We never heard Surin Pitsuwan say anything. Now when Cambodian military test fire old BM21 rocket far away from the border, he tell the world that Cambodian is causing instability in the region. This is very ridiculous statement. So Hun Sen is right to blast this guy. Cambodia has been abused and step on for a long time, now it is time for us to stand up and do not let bigger countries around us to continue to look down and abuse us any more.

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOooooop! to late ah kwack HUN XEN curse as usual alredy!!!!!!!!

Motherfucker get Ph.D. ,you know?

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOooooop! too late, ah kwack HUN XEN curse as usual already!!!!!!!!

Motherfucker got Ph.D. ,you know?

Anonymous said...

Pitsuwan, continue and you will be idiot like Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

Good thing that those rockets were missed aim, otherwise, they could have made a "perfect contact" as in "out of context" refer to by Surin.

Anonymous said...

Death to Ah rorleay refugees who don't support Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

I don't know about this stupid Surin Pitsuwan making clear excuses or just kept on looking down on Cambodian because he is Thai national of not. He should or supposed to be neutral at all case. And especially he should condemn the Thai when they had military exercise along the border of Khmer/Thai. He didn't say or condemn the Thai at all when they overshoot the shells inside Cambodia.

ASEAN needs to replace this guy immediately.

Anonymous said...

FUCK SURIN OTU WHATEVER THE THE FUCK HIS SIEM NAME IS...................fucking peice of shit.......what a fucking pussy

Anonymous said...

Surin Pitsuwan is a joker! He fucken flip flop all the times as if he can outsmart everybody! This mother fucker needs to understand that he is representing ASEAN not Thailand! If he want to represent Thailand and he needs to get the hell out so other people can do a better job in bringing true peace and unity to ASEAN!

Anonymous said...

12:35 AM,

What planet are you from boy?

You must be fed up with cursing culture, right?

Better luck!

Anonymous said...

Stupid Thais bastards, they alway twisted things around..blamed this and that? this is not the first that this punkass interfered with cambodian's affair..? Yep! Yep! he blamed the media again..? Abhishit, Kashit, Thais bullshit, they all blamed the media....