Friday, April 16, 2010

KKF April Newsletter is now available

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To All Khmer Krom,

I know it is a long way, but we quite doing the greatest tasks that we ever had done.

Right now since the name UNPO existed we have been feeling comfortable more than before. We got all support around the world about our suffering, oppressions under the communist Vietnam. Vietnam has been putting their government system just because they can use that system to oppress the minorities. For the sake of their people, they have more freedom than the minorities. But lately Khmer Krom has been done the best and will continue to do the best to let the world know our plight toward self-determination or lead to statehood and full independence.

We will continue fighting for our freedom and our rights to exist on our motherland.

We have heard that Greece have been under the Turk for +400 years and they managed to freed and rebelled all the Turk out and got independent. Lately came the East Timorese, they got independent not long ago. Last was Kosovo.

And we will be NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Khmer PP,