Wednesday, May 26, 2010

60 too many companies are conducting mineral research and exploration across Cambodia

Cambodia touts gold, minerals

Macau Daily Times

Cambodia said yesterday that Australian firm OZ Minerals had discovered around 8.1 million tonnes of gold on its territory, ahead of the international mining conference that kicks off in Phnom Penh tomorrow.

“We have been conducting research and we have obtained remarkable results,” said Sok Leng, head of the General Department of Mineral Resources at Cambodia’s Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, at a news conference.

OZ Minerals Limited had recently discovered about 8.1 million tonnes of gold in an area in the northeastern province of Mondulkiri, said Sok Leng.

Other minerals including gold, iron ore, and copper had been found elsewhere in the country, he said.

Some 60 local and foreign firms including companies from Australia, China, South Korea and Vietnam have been conducting mineral research and exploration across Cambodia.

The United Nations Development Programme, is co-organising the conference with the Cambodia’s Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy.

Government officials expect pledges of international aid to Cambodia this year will surpass one billion dollars when the donors meet with the government next month.


Anonymous said...

That certainly is remarkable!
Cambodia has more gold than all the gold mined in human history.
The spokesman obviously has trouble with numbers like many cambodians.
the figure is more likely to be 800,000 ounces or maybe 8 million ounces but not 8 million tons.
The cambodian elite have gold fever already.

Takeo said...

XEN has no business experiences and no knowledge of distractions in his owned country by destroying natural resources by minings companies and deforestation by clear cut and uproots forests by lgging companies are killing Khmer people every day to shortage of food products and polluted water by minings. Every country has rich minerals and large forests they has laws and regulations to limited public companies from destroying natural resources because it cannot be growth and restore to it natural ways. Even their country is in recess and depression they find ways to solve it by creating jobs and lure foreign businesses and manufacturings and not destroying natural resources like Cambodian Government has done.

Anonymous said...

From my observation, country with rich natural resources, usually stay poor cos the benefits from the it do not go to the people but a few rich elites and foreigners.

Anonymous said...

F*ck, I hate this f*cking government and their greediness. Open up the door to other countries to rape your own lands. I pray that you son of bitches will die and go to hell a thousand times!

Anonymous said...

cambodia is not a feeding frenzy, you know! let's put good management system in cambodia before bad influence is starting to effect our beautiful cambodia, really!

Anonymous said...

More firms means more social fund..

Anonymous said...

Regular Cambodians have no right on Cambodia public lands but companies have.
At the end, Cambodians will live in ENVIRONMENTALLY POLUTED Cambodia, after those companies leave..
Cambodians will receive nothing but POISONING ENVIRONEMENT.

Anonymous said...

Western countries have transparent processes so that the people share the mineral wealth.
Here Mr Hun Sen wants another house and another house and another house and......