Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sacrava's Reality Cartoon: A Khmer Krom

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at

Click on the cartoon to zoom in


Anonymous said...

God bless Mr. Bun Heang you are the best,your ink has never run out for khmer SAD stories your cartoons mean million words .
YOU RE MY HERO n long live!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sacrava:
You have struck it at the heart of the greater khmer ignorance about who is their own kin and who is the viper.
Just because someone is from the south and speaks with a tinted viet accent or fluent in vietnamese does not prove that he or she is an enemy of the khmer.
It is pathetic that we have become a paranoid schitzophrenic bunch of people, swinging at anybody everybody.
The true viper which can strike anyone at any monent while the whole world is watching is Heng Samrin, Hun Sen his pack of dogs.

We Khmer need anyone anybody who knows right from wrong, and love and protect the freedom and the land they are standing on!

An Awaken Khmer

Anonymous said...

And Sam Rainsy supporters said all the CPP and their supporters are kbal Youn Klun Khmer, deserve to die. Suppose they get their wish and they kill 8 millions CPP supporters, they will leave Cambodia wide open for the Viet to walk in and take over.

When Khmer learn to love and unite and not to hate and want to kill each other. Wake up!!

Anonymous said...

that's my real story Ah Jek Bun heang,when i escaped the pol pot regime to prey norkor in 1979.thanks for your cartoons.

Anonymous said...

Petition of Name Change:

Present Name: Hun Sen
Future Name: Negyuen Hong Xen

Present Name: Bun Rany
Future Name: Negyuen Rainy Aicd

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Bun Heang for vividly described Khmer Krom identity: a Khmer Lost Child!

The Yuons prefer that Khmer Krom's status remained this way, so they can oppress Khmer Krom whenever they like.

At least Khmer Krom now can run to Cambodia when Yuons gave them troubles, but happen when Yuons give troubles to Khmer Cambodians, where would Khmer Cambodians run to? Will see where dictator Hun Sen's children and grandchildren would run to when Cambodia turns into Kampuchea Krom #2!!!

Children of Gov. Son Kuy

Anonymous said...

it is true that khmer krom people are caught in the middle like when they are in youn country, youn labeled them as khmer, and they are in cambodia, khmer people labeled them as youn. so, you see their plight? both directions, they are caught in an identity crisis or some sort! however, i think they are more khmer than you from the fact that khmer krom land was khmer origin and khmer beginning before youn stole it from cambodia. have you ever heard of the nokor phnom or funan? well, that was khmer origin or khmer beginning alright! plus, there are many many khmer temples and khmer speaking people in khmer krom; so, i think khmer krom are more khmer than youn, really! wake up, people!

Anonymous said...

yes, true history don't lie, you know. khmer krom is khmer since the beginning before youn thieves came stealing from cambodia, really! so, stop calling khmer krom as youn, you stupid ignorant people!

Anonymous said...

to understand youn way, just look at how many times youn changed the name of prey nokor from khmer prey nokor to saigon and now to ho chi minh city! who knows 50 years from now it will be back to prey nokor. you see what i mean! they distort real khmer history. the same with siem changed to thai or whatever! well, to khmer people, they will always be known as prey nokor and thailand will always be known as siem. so...

Anonymous said...

Youn will change Hun Sen Name too in the Future and his wife

Anonymous said...

youn shit hun sen out ,so youn can twist whatever hun sen got,from hun cent,hun riel ,hun chor ha roy,hun panh, hun panh som lap khmer,last hun hoch[hanh hoch] youn behead hun dump in river.