Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Backstage - by Stephane Janin

Originally posted at

Once again, the Cambodian American artists from the Washington DC area are on the road. On May 8, they traveled to Richmond, Virginia, to perform at a fundraising event. For the artists who were born in Cambodia, it’s another routine, performing a classical dance they have surely performed hundreds of times before. For the younger ones, born in the US, it’s a sort of maiden voyage, as this time they are performing a folk dance on their own. They have made the trip to Richmond by themselves, without the elder ones, carrying a legacy that was passed from generation to generation. Little fish growing bigger…


Anonymous said...

this is good way to raise the world's awareness of the rich khmer arts, beautiful culture, etc... plus, this way too, american people will learn more about cambodia, and thus they will want to come visit cambodia for vacation, for leisure, etc in the future. it's a good way to help promote and educate the world about our country and so forth. how else can people in america get to know or learn about cambodia and khmer rich arts, etc, if we don't go around to show them our beautiful angkor style khmer national ballet, dances, etc...!god bless all.

Anonymous said...

we have beautiful arts and culture in cambodia; we should share it with america and the world, really! it's a good way to introduce cambodia to america and the western world and so forth. god bless cambodia and khmer people.