Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Commemoration of the 61st Anniversary of the Loss of Kampuchea Krom in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Click on the poster and the program in Khmer and English to zoom in


Anonymous said...

What made French to sign Kumpuchea Krom to Vietnam? Who was the Khmer king at that time?

Anonymous said...

I think that, you guy still lucky that you still have Cambodia in the map. But you just got only name, your resources is mine, your government is mine, and your land will be mine soon.

Anonymous said...

Why we should call them Khmer Krom? They are all Khmer, speak Khmer, and have Khmer heart...I never call them Khmer Krom..I call them Khmer..There is only one Khmer..

Anonymous said...

I wish that the vietnamese had been given all of cambodia.
We would have better hospitals,schools and more jobs.
No black lexies in vietnam either.

Anonymous said...

please help to keep real khmer identity and speak khmer language fluently in khmer krom. we are khmer origin and khmer beginning even before youn came stealing from us! demand for our rights to freedom, etc...! god bles all khmer krom people!

Anonymous said...

don't be shy about speaking fluently beautiful khmer language, ok! nothing to be ashame of in khmer language, you know! learn more khmer language, history, etc... be proud of who you are, your origin as khmer, ok!

Anonymous said...

Perfect poster and program description...very educational!

Anonymous said...

2:04 PM,
Your question is legitimate question, but because your very poor education in cold war, geopilitics in Indochina and the conflicts between Yuon, Cambodia and Siem since from 16th century, you get a medal of being a stupidest creature on earth.

The stupdest person like you and like Hun Sen and his thugs only create more destruction which is dangerous to any society.

When the country has been under control by the thieves/thugs from outside like Yuon and Siem from the past centuries, the thieves/thugs had advantages than Khmers, because they studied and knew our geography than we do, they were inside among Khmers.

During French colony Khmers were not allowed to govern their own countries, because Yuon did dirty tactics by creating hate between Khmers & French. When French losing its influence, the US came to replace, and the secret deal between the US and French was to keep the land of Kampuchea Krom as part of US along with Utapoa of Thailand to fight Soviet, China, Cuba and Yuon @ North. No Khmer King had any power to reclaim that land. In a past letter to Napoleon King Ang Doung sent gifts and asked Napoleon to help to return Kampuchea Krom back to Cambodia, King Sihanouk went to De Gaule and at last the US needed to influence it space that's why Kampuchea Krom was signed to Yuon by the French for the US. For how much $$ no one knew, but it was a deal between them.

Or you are Yuon who try to smear Khmer Kings and put the blamme on Khmer King to wash your Yuon's dirty tricks so to divide Khmers we understand and we observe.

Anonymous said...

listen to ros sereysothea and sin sisamouth songs, you will appreciate how beautiful khmer voice and khmer language is. also in classical khmer movies, the khmer voices are so beautiful because people speak khmer fluently and with nice, polite manner, etc... only broken khmer sounds so ugly. so, don't be ashame to speak fluent, clear, eligible khmer language and khmer sound, etc...

Anonymous said...

khmer krom is named for the region or location of the mekong delta region because it will always know to cambodia as khmer krom. of course, khmer krom people are khmers.

Ponlue said...

2:04 PM

Sihanouk was the Cambodia's king during that time.

Anonymous said...

2:13 PM,
And then what if he was King at that time? your Yuon and French were the governors not King Sihanouk.