Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Creative thinking fosters progress

Inspired by Sacrava's Cartoons
The strand of authoritarianism hidden in the different calls for a united public opinion can be dangerous: When uniformity of opinion is not achieved, what follows is usually the categorization of non-conformists as "non-supporters" of the cause, then "opponents," and then, "betrayers" of the ideals, and eventually, "traitors" to "unity" -- as has happened many times in many places across cultures and national boundaries.

Authoritarian governance condones cults of personality and directly or indirectly promotes the high-pitched emotionalism that results in the categorization of individuals and a false sense of unity that will not withstand the open discussion that is central to democratic structures.
May 26, 2010
By A. Gaffar Peang-Meth
Pacific Daily News (Guam)

On May 12, I wrote about Jerry D. Weast, an education leader of one of America's most successful public school systems, who described as a leader's "toughest job ... to move from strategy to execution," which requires "teams" of "people who do the work" to sustain the change that is driven by "visionary leadership."

Thus, it's those "people who do the work" every day in their unsung roles in the office, streets or field who form teams of "heroes" and "sheroes" whose activities enable a leader to steer the organization or movement toward success.

"The power to move forward rests in staff engagement, in each person's belief that his or her role ... is critical to achieving the goal," Weast says. Teams "work within a culture" that can be poisoned by "entrenched habits, practices and structures." But "for every poison there is an antidote."

However, the contrasts between attitudes and processes of those in traditional cultures and those in a globalized modern world complicate the work of progress.

Those in the first category generally revere the old and are suspicious of the new, while those in the second seek improvement and are more accustomed to confronting change. The first are generally resigned to what is, avoid risks and are prone to fatalism; the second question what is and intervene to influence outcome.

Interwoven creative and critical thinking is medicine to deal with what Weast called "entrenched habits, practices and structures." The creative mind seeks professional educational and learning opportunities to motivate successful collaborative efforts, and to promote a culture of mutual respect. The critical mind assesses and judges the result of what the creative mind produces.

According to Weast, "cultural change gains strength when what is desired is supported and what is supported is rewarded."

One's desired goal stands a better chance of a wider support if one thinks creatively and considers M.J. Ryan's suggested "SMART" goal -- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. It should make believers of people in the teams and render them more committed to achieve and sustain the visionary leader's goal.

Ryan, dubbed "an expert in human fulfillment," is an associate of the Professional Thinking Partners, which specializes in maximizing thinking and learning individually and in groups.

To Shankar Vedantam's "free rider problem" -- about a giant pothole in the middle of the block that troubles all the residents, but nobody wants to make phone calls and go through the hassle to get it fixed while everyone hopes "someone else will do the dirty work" -- an old colleague, a University of Guam faculty member, e-mailed how he and his 12-year-old nephew chose to fix "quite a big pothole in our neighborhood street." This "common-good-minded activity" of fixing a pothole was actually "more fun than a chore."

His nephew "got to spray paint" a traffic sign warning of the road work and to prepare the concrete for "the first time in his life." Both learned the "foundation/earth/dirt" composition of the street. The boy applied math skills learned in school. Both shared good laughs and received appreciative comments from neighbors, and as the boy walks past the repaired pothole each day he says, "I did this!"

Lately, there have been many calls for "unity" of people to struggle for higher goals of freedom, human rights, democracy -- all grandiose goals. There are calls to put aside differences of opinions in the name of unity.

But organizations' and movements' successes are better assured when individual members are encouraged to think creatively and critically, to innovate and take risks. Sometimes the consequences of setting aside differences of opinion to achieve a united public front may be negative.

President John F. Kennedy declared, "The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion."

The strand of authoritarianism hidden in the different calls for a united public opinion can be dangerous: When uniformity of opinion is not achieved, what follows is usually the categorization of non-conformists as "non-supporters" of the cause, then "opponents," and then, "betrayers" of the ideals, and eventually, "traitors" to "unity" -- as has happened many times in many places across cultures and national boundaries.

Authoritarian governance condones cults of personality and directly or indirectly promotes the high-pitched emotionalism that results in the categorization of individuals and a false sense of unity that will not withstand the open discussion that is central to democratic structures.

I have occasionally referenced psychologist Jonathan Haidt's "The Happiness Hypothesis." Haidt wrote, "It's fun to laugh at a hypocrite. ... There is a special pleasure in the irony of a moralist brought down for the very moral failings he has condemned. ... Scandal is a great entertainment because it allows people to feel contempt. ... And best of all, contempt is made to share."

Check the closets of those who engage in character assassination for their hidden skeletons!

Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler, who introduced the term "inferiority feeling" that became inaccurately called "inferiority complex," said, "There is always this element of concealed accusation in neurosis ... wanting to fix the responsibility and blame upon someone."

He said: "Behind everyone who behaves as if he were superior to others, we can suspect a feeling of inferiority. ... It is as if a man feared he was too small and walked on his toes to make himself seem tall."

Recall the Turkish proverb, "A knife wound heals; a wound caused by words does not"; and Buddha's "The tongue like a sharp knife ... kills without drawing blood."

A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D., is retired from the University of Guam, where he taught political science for 13 years. Write him at


Anonymous said...

khmer way, like to have rules and regulations in picture or illustration form because it is easier for most to understand because not all have the same opportunity to education at the level of analytical skill, critical thinking, creative thinking, etc... so, it is everyone's responsible to help educate or teach or put it in layman terms so they can understand. illustration like cartoon can make a big difference, really!

Anonymous said...

ចំពោះ ពួកអាក្បាលយួន ខ្លួនខ្មែរ !

អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ខៀវ កញ្ញារឹទ្ធិ និង គណបក្សប្រជាជន វាកំពុង ផាត់ពណ៌ខ្មែរជា : ខ្មែរស ខ្មែរប្រផេះ និង ខ្មែរខ្មៅ ដូចនៅកម្ពុជាក្រោមអញ្ចឹងដែរ ដែលពួកអាយួនវា
ផាត់ពណ៌ខ្មែរក្រោមជា ពួកត្រើយខាងកើត ពួកត្រើយខាងលិច បន្ទាប់មកជា ពួកខ្មែរឃ្លាំង ពួកខ្មែរពលលាវ ពួកខ្មែរព្រះត្រពាំង ។ល។ ហើយសម័យខ្មែរក្រហមវិញជា ពួកមូលដ្ឋានចាស់ ពួកអ្នកថ្មី ពួកអ្នក ១៧មេសា ហើយមានចែកជា ពួកបូព៌ា ពួកពាយ័ព្យ ពួកនីរតី ពួកឧត្តរ ពួកបស្ចិម ពួកឦសាន្ត ។ល។ និង ។ល។
នេះហើយ… ជាយន្តការនឹងវិធីសាស្រ្តបំបែក បំបាក់ ដើម្បីត្រួតត្រារបស់យួន នឹង អាយ៉ងបាវបំរើយួន ដែលពួកវាកំពុងធ្វើអោយខ្មែរនឹងខ្មែរកាប់សម្លាប់គ្នា អោយឆាប់រលាយបាត់សូន្យផុតពូជ ដើម្បីយួនវា
ឆាប់ៗខាងមុខនេះ ។

Anonymous said...

Great article, Dr. Gaffar. Thank you for sharing. Your writing always inspires me, and I am sure it inspires lots of the readers from around the world.

I have a question I want to pose to you: why did capitalism defeat communism?

Anonymous said...


I am not Dr. Gaffar, but I can tell you that capitalism hasn't defeated communism or vice versa.

China plays a big role in U.S economy. U.S owes China billions of dollars. Who is that a defeat of communism?

Granted, Communism is diffused with capitalism in many parts of the world now.

Anonymous said...

Talking, talking..
Teaching, teaching..
In the real world, you must ACT..
13 years is not enough for you..
Create a politic party, subscrib in a party !