Saturday, May 29, 2010
Op-Ed by MP
SOME posters in this forum appear to associate the eventual political retirement of Mr Hun Sen either through death or old age with the demise of his regime. In fact, as I am about to suggest, although he bears certain responsibility for the regime in question, this regime is neither his, nor is it the case that he is necessarily that regime in embodiment. This might seem obvious, but for the sake of public discussion and clarity, one should not assume that the departure of Mr Hun Sen will spell the end of ‘his’ regime for a number of reasons.
First, individuals may differ in terms of personal style and 'leadership' approach, but the revolving door of a leadership change is a poor indicator of the actual well being and influence of that regime itself. The regime to which we refer composes of a whole network or layer of ruling organs and institutions that operate in affiliation towards a single common aim in which individuals can be said to exercise only power and influence deemed not to be in conflict with the stability and preservation of that regime as such. Several individuals before and during Mr Hun Sen’s rule were placed in prominent positions and hastily removed afterward from those positions (see Pen Sovan among others) to make way for more compliant replacements.
Mr Hun Sen may be the country's longest serving 'PM', but this is less indicative of sound statesmanship than it is of his unabashed opportunism and unconditional subservience to his political patron's will and agenda over his own people and nation. His apologists will point to his long reign as evidence of his smart manoeuvrings in a political jungle - and they are right in the narrowest of self-preservation sense - but from the point of view of national self-determination, it is nothing less than a tragedy.
Hanoi may not be entirely happy with someone it initially endorsed as an ‘experiment’, but in Mr Hun Sen it has found an able administrator; a proficient implementer of whatever it placed before him. More than that, his ruthlessness had on so many occasions, crippled his political rivals and opponents, while his Machiavellian tendency would have made Machiavelli himself turn in his grave, yet none of these attributes has given his masters real cause for concern for in him they have a protégé that more than exceeds in deeds their general expectations of him by means of those very attributes which even they would have found – privately, at least – distasteful.
Second, it is necessary to bear in mind that Hanoi does not operate by drawing on hastily hatched contingency plans, but rather, the preference has been to devise and incubate practical stratagems years and decades before foreseen events could take forms. Like good astrologers, Hanoi's source and inspiration lie more in its ability to divine causality of events and anticipate their likely occurrences on the basis of certain common patterns or denominators in human behaviour and past practices rather than relying on theoretical, uncorroborated guesswork. Ho Chi Minh died before his dreams of Vietnam's political independence and re-unification were realised, but these events were a certainty in his mind long before his death.
As someone rightly pointed out in this forum, Mr Hun Sen's grim social legacy will outlive his death, but even that, in my view, constitutes only Cambodia's subsidiary burden. The greatest challenge that remains to be met is how to dislodge Hanoi's institutional apparatus in all walks of Khmer life.
The Vietnamese leaders are aware of what might happen should the Khmers rise up in revolt, as they had done in the past. For Hanoi, the stake has been raised a great deal more with the presence of Vietnamese settlers in the country, hence the practical precautions it has now put in place to subdue and pre-empt potential popular unrests. However, while the Khmers may be a tolerant people, they are also a proud race, and living in perpetual subjugation is not something any people seek.
Ethnic or racial harmony mediated through social integration mechanisms is not a given a priori, especially, where certain ethnic groups are favoured and endorsed with opportunities and privileges while other groups are neglected or abused. The best that Hanoi could hope for is what they have achieved over the Chams, the Montagnards and the Khmers in Kampuchea Krom through a combination of violence, ethnic genocide, interbreeding, and extirpation of indigenous entities. The centuries-long emasculation of these peoples' voices would have gone entirely unnoticed by the rest of the world had it not been for the advent in global technology and communication in the post-modern era.
Ethnic integration or assimilation is a phenomenon far better mediated through civil, democratic channels where citizens stand together as equals before the law irrespective of their ethnic status or backgrounds. State institutions have a part to play in ensuring that all citizens enjoy the same entitlements to rights and duties, but no state or party organ should be in a position to marginalise and discriminate against any legal subjects along nationality lines in obeisance to, or compliance with, the will and imposed agenda of another state – as the present regime has been doing to the detriment of Cambodia’s national interests.
The Vietnamese leadership has calculated (perhaps, accurately) that the Cambodian nation would not be set free to determine its own destiny without adversely impeding on Vietnamese imperial influences and advantages in vital areas. In the past, Vietnam’s sense of security and her own territorial expansion necessitated the incorporation of smaller neighbours into her manageable domain as they provided Vietnam with geographical and strategic buffers against hostile powers. But what of today’s continued domination over the same states? And at what cost to Khmer nationhood as such? I’ll leave these questions for readers to ponder on.
First, individuals may differ in terms of personal style and 'leadership' approach, but the revolving door of a leadership change is a poor indicator of the actual well being and influence of that regime itself. The regime to which we refer composes of a whole network or layer of ruling organs and institutions that operate in affiliation towards a single common aim in which individuals can be said to exercise only power and influence deemed not to be in conflict with the stability and preservation of that regime as such. Several individuals before and during Mr Hun Sen’s rule were placed in prominent positions and hastily removed afterward from those positions (see Pen Sovan among others) to make way for more compliant replacements.
Mr Hun Sen may be the country's longest serving 'PM', but this is less indicative of sound statesmanship than it is of his unabashed opportunism and unconditional subservience to his political patron's will and agenda over his own people and nation. His apologists will point to his long reign as evidence of his smart manoeuvrings in a political jungle - and they are right in the narrowest of self-preservation sense - but from the point of view of national self-determination, it is nothing less than a tragedy.
Hanoi may not be entirely happy with someone it initially endorsed as an ‘experiment’, but in Mr Hun Sen it has found an able administrator; a proficient implementer of whatever it placed before him. More than that, his ruthlessness had on so many occasions, crippled his political rivals and opponents, while his Machiavellian tendency would have made Machiavelli himself turn in his grave, yet none of these attributes has given his masters real cause for concern for in him they have a protégé that more than exceeds in deeds their general expectations of him by means of those very attributes which even they would have found – privately, at least – distasteful.
Second, it is necessary to bear in mind that Hanoi does not operate by drawing on hastily hatched contingency plans, but rather, the preference has been to devise and incubate practical stratagems years and decades before foreseen events could take forms. Like good astrologers, Hanoi's source and inspiration lie more in its ability to divine causality of events and anticipate their likely occurrences on the basis of certain common patterns or denominators in human behaviour and past practices rather than relying on theoretical, uncorroborated guesswork. Ho Chi Minh died before his dreams of Vietnam's political independence and re-unification were realised, but these events were a certainty in his mind long before his death.
As someone rightly pointed out in this forum, Mr Hun Sen's grim social legacy will outlive his death, but even that, in my view, constitutes only Cambodia's subsidiary burden. The greatest challenge that remains to be met is how to dislodge Hanoi's institutional apparatus in all walks of Khmer life.
The Vietnamese leaders are aware of what might happen should the Khmers rise up in revolt, as they had done in the past. For Hanoi, the stake has been raised a great deal more with the presence of Vietnamese settlers in the country, hence the practical precautions it has now put in place to subdue and pre-empt potential popular unrests. However, while the Khmers may be a tolerant people, they are also a proud race, and living in perpetual subjugation is not something any people seek.
Ethnic or racial harmony mediated through social integration mechanisms is not a given a priori, especially, where certain ethnic groups are favoured and endorsed with opportunities and privileges while other groups are neglected or abused. The best that Hanoi could hope for is what they have achieved over the Chams, the Montagnards and the Khmers in Kampuchea Krom through a combination of violence, ethnic genocide, interbreeding, and extirpation of indigenous entities. The centuries-long emasculation of these peoples' voices would have gone entirely unnoticed by the rest of the world had it not been for the advent in global technology and communication in the post-modern era.
Ethnic integration or assimilation is a phenomenon far better mediated through civil, democratic channels where citizens stand together as equals before the law irrespective of their ethnic status or backgrounds. State institutions have a part to play in ensuring that all citizens enjoy the same entitlements to rights and duties, but no state or party organ should be in a position to marginalise and discriminate against any legal subjects along nationality lines in obeisance to, or compliance with, the will and imposed agenda of another state – as the present regime has been doing to the detriment of Cambodia’s national interests.
The Vietnamese leadership has calculated (perhaps, accurately) that the Cambodian nation would not be set free to determine its own destiny without adversely impeding on Vietnamese imperial influences and advantages in vital areas. In the past, Vietnam’s sense of security and her own territorial expansion necessitated the incorporation of smaller neighbours into her manageable domain as they provided Vietnam with geographical and strategic buffers against hostile powers. But what of today’s continued domination over the same states? And at what cost to Khmer nationhood as such? I’ll leave these questions for readers to ponder on.
Hun Sen looks like he loves (youn) vietnamese so much in this photo that he would even go as far as tongue kiss this man!!
Thank you very much for a beautifully written article.
Anet Khmer
No need to nonsensely turn around the pot. Take polpot example; does genocide against Khmer people and the destruction of Khmer nation for yuons benefice end with the fall or dead of polpot? Of course not, it just took another form with other YUON elements/tools that are being replaced and controlled by yuons.
You can try to find all the words and remedy but remember, as long as Cambodia is led and controlled by yuons and yuon system, Khmer cant see the end of this dark tunnel for long.
This is a poor political analysis of Cambodia's political and economic developments. That is why the opposition party will never win the elections in Cambodia.
cpp and yuons win election by tricks, lies and with AK47
5:12, so what is your analysis of the situation in Cambodia? Let's hear it.
I think I know what 5.12PM's analysis of Cambodia's political and economic situations would be, because 5.12PM and KJE are twins. Only people who are benefiting from the current corrupt system wish for Opposition losses. Those people have no analyses or arguments to offer. They do not want to lose their current wealth, so they do and say anything possible to stop change from occurring.
As the author pointed out, uprising is inevitable. One day it will happen.
That was how Saddam Husein thought, he assumed or thought he can control IRAQ until the end of his day. But somehow he got intervened by an obstacle. Hun Sen is following the foot step of dictator Saddam Hussein.
He must goes some way or somehow.
Khmer Border at Oddar Meanchey,
I know for sure Hunxen is not pure khmer or not even khmer at all.
We khmer waiting for the day this garbage Huxen and the rest of his clan to get the treatment of his own medicine of curruptions and killing khmer people.
It would be great if the writer of this article would include the specifics about Yuon's security aparatus in Cambodia.
If Vietnam has that many tentacles in place to control Cambodian leaders, please show due dilligent by listing examples for the average informed person like myself concerning Cambodia internal situation.
Otherwise this eloquently written article turn out to be a hollow alarm, with an obvious objective, smearing campaign again CPP.
All you KI readers should read commentaries on this site with critical minds. Otherwise, you'll be dishearted for no reason by someone eloquence.
Can you by now try to write or share your opinions with other cyber users at least have some intelligence in it? When you stated "pure khmer" or not "pure khmer"? then you have to tell us how the genetic information of DNA is .. and not pure Khmer has difference and so and so.
From history the ethnic Khmers and Morn were living mostly in South East Asia, and if you talk about a nation, then you have to understand the nation has multi ethnic groups, and since the majority were Khmers, so everyone who were born in that nation called Khmers regardless.
Hun Sen is Khmer just like the rest of people who were born and live in Cambodia, inspite of his stupidity. This I'm not talking about the fake Khmers from Srok Yuon like Hok Lundy or Sok Kong or many more.
Same CPP sympathizer, if not outright supporter, -poster @10:25 PM and 10:28 PM,
Find out for yourself by doing the following:
. talk or visit with any government officials at any level in Cambodia (from the top down or bottom up, however you like), who they report to, who they have under their management/control? how often have they been sent to Vietnam for training/consultation/visit of any kind...
. Pretend to initiate any new idea or anything in any locale, and see what kind of reaction(s) you will be getting...
. Propose the idea of doing census of the Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia to Hun Sen's regime
. Just talk about politics in genral against HUN SEN at any restaurant in P. Penh
This, by all means, is not the complete lists of things that you can do to find out for yourselves if you are a true independent Khmer individual.
If you cannot do at least one or any of those things suggested, then shut up and don't even incite others to think critically, because you are a real damn HUN SEN (CPP)'s supporter.
it is important to maintain khmer identity. khmer identity means broadly. it it language, culture, tradition, cuisine and everything else that makes khmer a nation. the difference is maintaining khmer identity while at the same time incorporate or assimiliate or adopt or adjust to changes from outside sources by learning, by reforms, by being open and so forth. every person is the same physiological, however, we are very different in how we are exposed, in how we are engaged, in how we deal with each other, in personality. look for way to infuse or incorporate without so much resistance. resistance isn't always bad or isn't always good either; this is where smartness comes into play. and the lack of opportunity or the opportunity itself makes us who we are. learning is a continue process in life. it is human nature to intermingle with others. that takes skill for if we fail to expose ourselves, we're going to be in isolation, and thus this is where ignorance created. people all over the world formed having a common cause, and language, culture, tradition, custom and etiquete played a vital role in that process. so, i think having a common language, a come culture, tradition, custom and etiquette is what draw people together. of course, at a personal basis, there is always an exception to the rule, etc... people will feel hopeless only if there is no help, no unity, no nation, etc...but having a nation in itself is a sign that there is a commonality there in the khmer race. let's don't under-estimate that. yes, cambodia is the heart and soul of khmer people, khmer race, khmer citizens and so forth. let's help build it, develop it, preserve it, protect it, take care of it, etc... be proud, we are a nation of khmer and having existed for thousands of years already. let's continue that tradition while embrace the new, changes, and so on. yes, we must learn, adopt, infuse, assimilate, unite, etc... while also embrace outside forces as well as maintain what we already have in the meaning of a nation of khmer. please be enlightened!
9:16 PM,
I disagree with the author and you in reference to uprising. Yuon already dispatched their army all over in Cambodia, and from the unknown source that the military and civilian Yuon in Cambodia are to secure and protect Hun Sen regime for their own expansionism.
Uprising will be drastically decreased our own population (our people will be shot by Yuon machine guns inside Khmer military. The result will be Khmers killed Khmers again) which in fact we must not use this path for the enemy who are already inside our land; however we have to secure our own community such as peaceful marching.
As we see the world geopolitcs today, that China has tried to influence the world, the Euro drops, now China helps Euro; Hun Sen goes with China according to Hanoi ordered, because Hanoi playing many games: one with the US, two with China, three for its own expansionism toward WEST (Thailand) by Cambodia's expense from Khmers' resources, THEN I think the US may help the opposition party. I hope the US should help Rainsy.
I am not mistake because China's strategies under L'Offensive Navale de la Chine, the US will have a very difficult time to push China out from SEA. That's why we saw Abhisit backed by GI shot the Red shirts and claimed that some terrorists in Red shirts. The US knew that Yuon are cheating by helping China to survive, but Yuon play games in Thailand's internal conflicts. Yuon are also worried if Thais and Cambodian may unite. This is the fact.
The US will fight to keep Thailand stays in its own hemispere. Regardless many hate Abhisit but he is there to be the puppet.
I can't write more because I knew Yuon read it. If you all ask me what can I do to help our country? None, except a cyber attack on Yuon Hanoi. I have no weapon like Yuon, so cyber attack on Yuon is my dream. If Yuon leave my country and my people alone I make peace with them, if not, I keep my hope.
I don't hate Yuon but they create a hate upon themselves.
Take Hun Sen out first, then Have Sihanouk denounced the Viet!
You can take Hun Sen back to your Yuon Hanoi no one cares. The King is with China then why do you make this stupid comment?
Cambodia needs both China or US.
there is no such thing as privacy on the internet anywhere on earth. it's ok to say whatever we want to express on blog. it's sharing ideas, thoughts, opinions, comments, arguments, etc, etc...the age of the internet allows us to communicate without border from anywhere on the planet, isn't it great?
yes, we appreciate whoever invented the internet. i'm sure there are more to be invented out there. please keep up the good work. your contribution ot the world is much appreciated. god bless cambodia.
khmer now have khmer unicode on the internet. we should khmer to use it more to communicate that only those who know and understand khmer can read and write. it's our khmer secret way of communicating. i mean not so secret, but they have to know khmer to read. of course, we always communicate in english too. all khmer should know english for second language. french is no longer popular in cambodia. it was history, really!
Vietnamese government is holding Khmer people hostage through the puppet government of Hun Sen and his ignorant greedy CPP people.
Now my question to the HUN SEN GOVERNMENT is: Does your government want to live free with the will to determine our future or does your government want to live under someone else tells you what you can do?
Cambodian people are sick and tire to see the Vietnamese subtle invasion and colonizing Cambodia, and thanks to the CPP government for saying nothing, doing nothing to defend this nation; but instead they punish its own people and the opposition party for defending it.
You tell me, who in their right mind would do that to their own people and nation? Even animals still protecting their own territories. The CPP government can have said they care. But do they by their action?
Vote is people's power! If they don't speak for you! Do for you! Vote them down! You are the boss, not them!
12:44 AM,
OK I'll start my Cyber attack on CPP. Because CPP are Yuon.
If neither of your parents side, grandparents side, and great grand parents side doesn't practice any other traditions other than khmer customs, culture, traditions and didn't migrate from any other asian countries such as: China, vietnam, etc. than it means that you're a Khmer Angkor descendant and pure 100% KHMER.
mekong delta region will always be known as khmer krom. help to encourage to keep khmer identity, khmer language, etc... god bless cambodia! speak more khmer and make a lot of khmer voices. khmer is a beautiful language of the world. i love khmer language and cambodia.
uprising is inevitable. many are willing to scrifice because their hearts are telling them so, and it is in our blood. If there are weapons in the land, we can have them as well.
Ho Chi Minh's statue is installed in Lao, next is in Cambodia. They will take out the statue of Jayavarman and Sihanouk to install Ho Chi Minh instead.
Next step, after Yuan can consolidate their power entirely in Cambodia, 3 heads: Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim will be used as the stove to make tea.
This is the most accurate prediction for current situation in Cambodia.
Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, and Chea Sim are the 3 stooges of Cambodia!!
4:07AM why are you concerned so much? your mother got the name ho from Ho Chi Minh!! don't need to falsely predict anything for other peoples country. Every religion plays a role in life after death.
Of course, I misused the word predict. In reality, it is not a predict, it is a truth nowadays in Cambodia. Living a life like Hun Sen and puppet like you is not different from a shrimp brain stooge.
Those who betrayed khmer interests, youn know full well that they one day will betray youns.Youn will eliminate them hastly.
Please do not forget!!!!.
Keat chhon will be killed by his viet wife.
5:42AM you ain't shit but a low life!! -thats why your nosy bitch ass is on here 24-7. get a fucken life maybe you'll get a drop of your self esteem back mother fucker!!
Fuck U Ah hun sen Mafia of cambodia.
To 10:25 PM
You really want to know? You don't have to look far and just take a look some of Dr.Hun Sen cronies such Sok Kong who take over the Angkor Wat tourism business and what about countless of Vietcong advisors around Dr. Hun Sen today.
It is so stupid of you not to know and it another thing to pretend not to know! Which one are you?
Those who have the predominance seat tend to keep it as conservative because they believe that they have it all, from monies, material things to power but those who suffered at the hand of its regime tend to resist and want things to change for the better outcome. Therefore PM needs to establish various organisations to tackle all sort of unfair treatment within its society to avoid any further conflicts that may arise and also to provide all necessities in life to meet their needs. Once everyone needs has been met, there will be no more frustration or concern. In other words, PM job is to work for or on behalf of the population, to expand and develop the country into the most fruitful society. Finally never think that you are perfect, you must leave rooms to improve. Aust
Mr. KI,
Could you be so kind and add more articles with more (youn)vietnamese objectives and agenda, so your readers will be more satisfied? More of your readers doesn't like to hear or know about their lost borders, land, forestries, natural resources, and soon even their immediated heritage and ancestrial traditions. Do not show them anymore pilgrimage images of their own people, but go ahead and show them more progress of the past, current, and future (youn)vietnamese colonial settlements.
CPP aka ah yong (youn)vietnam
I was hoping to hear a more thoughtful comment from the writer of this article. Judging from your comments it is obvious you're not the writer. You are too gullible and too ready to believe anything that sooth your nationalistic ears. Those positions you listed are subservient to Hun Sen. As such he can rid of them at will.
It seems like the tone of the article is to show the contrains Hanoi have on the Cambodian gov't in such a way that it rendered Cambodia much difficulty to make idependent decision as a sovereign country. Yet the author offered no concrete example how Hanoi is able to do that.
To be sure I am no fan of Hun Sen nor the CPP. I do try to stay informed of what goes on inside the motherland. So I try to absorb things on this site with a grain of salt.
I don't want to be guilty of being a dump Cambodian whose national passion is ignited by every direction the wind of lies blow.
We all know there are plenty of exaggerations in this blog.
God's blessing to tiny Cambodia.
8:31 PM,
Put this article aside, and if you still don't see Hanoi's hand in the Cambodian government, may God bless just you!
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.
"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered 10 Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky. Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground.
Source: Lightning, Discovery Channel
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
these two need to get a room!
Inside Nguyen Tan Dung's mind, he's saying "That a good DOGGY!!"
very well said 11:15pm. couldn't have said it better.
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