Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mekong countries look to cut dependence in air transport from Thailand

May 11, 2010
By Luc Citrinot

Will Thailand’s status as the natural gateway to the Greater Mekong Sub-Region be soon passé? The question would have raised scepticism or even sarcasm a decade ago. But today, the Kingdom’s lasting political instability might indeed endanger the role it has played to build up the Mekong community. At the Mekong Tourism Forum, officials felt rather uncomfortable to tell their opinion. But by carefully analyzing answers provided by NTOs of each country, the conclusion is simple: everyone tends to recommend alternative gateways to come into the area, despite the attempt by Mrs. Runjuang Tongkrut, director for the policy planning division at the Tourism Authority of Thailand, to reassure the tourism community. “No tourists have been targeted so far by the various political incidents. The protests [have] take[n] place in a small area of Bangkok, and the rest of the Kingdom – including our airports - is safe for travel,” she indicated.

But unfortunately, most visitors would rather avoid a country where instability turns chronic. Such a point of view is comprehensible. Especially as the spectrum of the closure of both Bangkok’s airports in December 2008 continues to haunt both consumers and officials. “We rely a lot on Thailand for incoming overseas travelers. We advise our potential travelers to look at all options such as Malaysia and Singapore,” said Mr. Htay Aung, director, general ministry of hotels and tourism in Myanmar. Laos and Myanmar are indeed the most dependant countries in terms of air access from Thailand. In Cambodia, alternatives are easier as many airlines from ASEAN, and also China and Korea, now operate on a daily basis to both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap international airports.

Vietnam is probably the least dependent in the region on Thailand’s troubles. For Mr. Tran Phong Binh, head of the overseas market division at the Vietnam National Tourism Administration, Vietnam is lucky to have “a strong airline with a comprehensive international network.” Yunnan or Guangxi are also less dependant on Bangkok as a main gateway for air travelers, as good connections exist via Vietnam or China’s major airports.

Thailand’s lack of fortune could even be perceived as the necessary incentive for governments in Indochina to upgrade their airlines or to become more flexible in according traffic rights. Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar have no intercontinental flights for the time: Bangkok’s situation might pressure their respective government to allow their national airline to venture overseas.

The step could help to diminish the risk of relying too much on Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport as a transfer point. In fact, even transiting via Thailand is turning more complicated due to travel warnings issued by 47 countries – including Vietnam! “Travel warning plays a devastating role for us. For example, as a Laos-based company, we lose many groups, as tour operators from foreign countries do not want to take the risk to financially support themselves [or] tourists in the case of a problem occurring. They [would] rather prefer to cancel,” said Vianney Catteau from Green Discovery, an agency based in Vientiane.

The evolution of Thailand tourist arrivals in 2010 will also certainly influence total arrivals to the Greater Mekong sub-region. “We now expect to receive 14 million tourists, roughly the same number than in 2009. We will then rely more on domestic tourism, which could generate this year some 97 million trips,” said Mrs. Tongkrut. Thailand will certainly lose some market share to other countries as a gateway to the GMS. For now - at least in the short term - Thailand will continue to hold its position as a Mekong regional hub. “This is still the best connected airport in the region with the most extensive network to Europe and excellent connections to Australia or the USA,” said Luzi Matzig from Asian Trails. But the competition will turn increasingly ferocious.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cambodians,
I just learned today that Cambodian is Khmer and Khmer is Cambodian. Another thing I just found out is that Thai Apsara copied from the Khmers.
This is a master piece how theworld know that Khmer civilization was great and still stands. Man, look at this most beautiful Khmer-Indian Princess dancing so beautifully.
Some still debate that this young beautiful Princess is RoyalIndian lineage, because the ancient Khmer Kings were Indians.

Man, she was so beautiful absolutely beaatiful Princess.

Anonymous said...

Here is Thai Apsara.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, about 90% Thai were copying from Khmer. We had been here before them and much longer in Southeast Asia.

Anonymous said...

Tia never had thier own cultural to be proud of it like human without real spririt instead a fake one Thank to the tia kings ,they try to be real khmer but they arn't. fake still fake

Anonymous said...

Thailand showed its Tai origin at Shanghai expo in China, even Thai Mascot called TAI.

Anonymous said...

nothing last forever, of course. it's about time mekong region stop depend on siem for air hub or air transportation, traveling, etc... i think cambodia should look into expanding our international airports to be able to accommodate long haul flights from overall the world and to accommodate jumbo jets, etc... right now, even our largest airports are still tiny compare to regional airports elsewhere. wake up cambodia. think competitively. build big, ok! to hell to undevelopment as it keeps cambodia ignorant and incompetitve. we have to be competitive in the region. we lack too much long enough already. like to see cambodia modernized in many ways! together we can do so. god bless cambodia.