Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Silk's Metamorphosis

Sericulture Project to Increase Silk Yarn Production

By Chhun Kosal & Sam Campbell
Economics Today

As the decline of Cambodia’s millennial silk industry continues, its demise seems ever more inevitable. But Economics Today can reveal that Cambodia’s silk industry is in metamorphosis, hopefully to emerge stronger than ever.

Reliant on adding value by weaving and almost completely dependent on imported silk thread, Cambodia’s silk industry has been touch and go for some time. While some organizations continue to run workshops producing tiny amounts of high quality silk for export, it is clear these artisans can offer little to the thousands of Cambodian weavers staring unemployment in the face. Read the rest of the article at: Economics Today.


Anonymous said...

Yes, why depend on factory jobs when our ladies can do the same silk production? Best news in a long time!

Anonymous said...

7:02PM! you fool! The nation talk about millions of people that try to survive in this new world!

Go ask your mother before you talk stupid!@ffg Do not let your mother sdhame on you!

Anonymous said...

where to sell the product to
cpp member do not care ,good only corrupt,drink ,girl ,drug their brain death but still seat at ald place

Anonymous said...

We only need to have a good public relation and connection to outside world.
I know a lot of westerner or european love our Handmade silk Khmer Krama and other form of our Khmer Silk products.

Anonymous said...

You're right 11:44pm, who needs just sewing factory alone? People can have different talents and interests. The same goes with those gorgeous silk production. Hopefully, all it takes, is some serious interior designers to take notice. Well, Khmer's silk is the new thing. If they get tired of other old stuff, voila new world! and Cheyo Khmer Silk!

Anonymous said...

Here is what it should say on the advertisement " people of 1000 years ago wear this beautiful fabric and to remind you of those glory days, we make this beautiful silk fabric the very same way, just to bring back special memory and for you, special individual " Sounds interesting enough? :)


Anonymous said...

Trying to hide Khmer's art is like trying to hide the Sun behind the shade of tree. It's just a matter of time that it will reach its noon and will rise above for everyone to enjoy. Khmer's silk is no less and looks to be certain.

With love to Battambang,

Ordinary Khmer

Anonymous said...

1:26AM! can you are trying to unhide or expose Khmer arts! no one hiding it, it just lost!

Good luck you may give your country a big favor!

Anonymous said...

"You're right 11:44pm, who needs just sewing factory alone? People can have different talents and interests. The same goes with those gorgeous silk production. Hopefully, all it takes, is some serious interior designers to take notice. Well, Khmer's silk is the new thing. If they get tired of other old stuff, voila new world! and Cheyo Khmer Silk!

12:53 AM"

Ah Kwack and ah Chom Prasit can you read 12:53AM! don't be so stupid, find maket for other produce for Khmer don't just depend on chinese factorers!and Viet shit!!!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia can be self-sufficient in the silk industry and has a good potential to export. This is another sector that has the potential to earn Cambodia good dollars and provide employment to our farmers.

Anonymous said...

Here is our real gold above the ground and our people alone are diamond in the rough.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see Khmer kill Khmer via eviction of the poor, soon our people from Vietnam will took over all Khmer land. Thank you Samdech Hun Sen for doing this for us.

We are now deploying all our companies everywhere in your country so that we can easily control your people who against us then we order you to kill them.

Anonymous said...

11:16am is Hun Sen's lover. Must be nice to get a stupid man like him wrap around your finger.