Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Southeast Asia: Reactions to Thailand protests

25 May 2010
Written by Mong Palatino
Global Voices Online

For two months, Red Shirt protesters occupied the streets of Bangkok demanding the resignation of the prime minister. The protest camps have been dismantled already but the city is still reeling from the political crisis.

The violent confrontations between the heavily armed soldiers and protesters in the past week have stunned the world. What are the reactions of bloggers from neighbouring Southeast Asian nations?

A few days ago, the Thailand government revealed that Cambodian “mercenaries” were hired by the Red Shirts to sow violence in the city. This accusation elicited strong reactions in Cambodia. Khmerization reminds the Thailand government that there are many ethnic Khmers in Thailand who are already Thai citizens.
Many red shirt protesters were mainly made up of ethnic Khmers and Laotians living in the northeastern provinces of Thailand who are Thai citizens. We need to remember also that the Thai media owned by the Red Shirt Movement also accused the Abhisit government of dressing up Khmer prisoners in military uniform and sent them to crackdown on the red shirt recently. How true are these rumours? Nobody knows.
The Son of the Khmer Empire believes the motive for spreading this rumor is to demonize Cambodians
I believe the rumour is circulated intentionally and politically in order to…make the Khmer as scapegaot to appease Thai anger against each other and turn the revenge/hatred towards Khmers and esp. the bloody Thai elite and royal family will not be held responsible for the bloodshed.
A political cartoon about the Red Shirt protest crackdown in Bangkok. Cartoon created by Cambodian artist Bun Heang Ung

Filipino journalist Joe Torres visited a Red Shirt protest site
It was like our EDSA “revolutions.” There were raw emotions, spontaneous actions and a lot of fun. The people, many of them from the countryside, wanted the ruling party out. They wanted “change,” something we hear in our politicians campaign sorties these days.
Kopisusu2 from Indonesia was also visiting Bangkok when the Red Shirts were still in the streets
Many analysts agree the protesters have a point. But as long as the demonstration lasts, the Red Shirts are cutting off the supply of joy to businesses in the Red Zone and impeding its flow to the entire economy.

Our old hotel, the VIP Golden House, is inside the zone. It will stay closed until the protesters leave, said the woman behind the desk with a stoic smile.
i eat padek, who blogs about Laos, reacts
wow. red shirts, yellow shirts, thaksin vs. vejjajivait, it's all really confusing… most people have already heard about the recent violence consuming bangkok, thailand and killing it's land-of-smiles-and-etc tourism industry
Southeast Asian Archaeology newsblog warns that the protests are affecting attendance in museums near the protest zones
Most of you would be familiar with the protests going on in Bangkok, which have recently claimed lives due to clashes between the protesters and the authorities. The Fine Arts Department also report that museum visitorships have suffered greatly because of the protests, as the majority of the museums in Bangkok are located near the protest areas, and in some cases protesters have mistakenly stormed the museums!
Musings from the Lion City, a Singapore blogger, analyzes Thailand’s political situation
Even if he wants to call fresh elections, Abhisit most probably can’t as the Bangkok elite that support him and put him in power will not allow it. They will probably also know that any elections will be won by the rural “Red Shirts”. Mistakes have been made by both sides in this conflict and I’m afraid the mistakes has piled up to such an extent that there’s no longer an easy way out for anyone.
Twitter and Facebook were extensively used to monitor the situation in Bangkok. Jonathan Russell provides a better and clearer context about the usage of social media in relation to the Red Shirt protests
While I do agree Twitter, and more prominently Facebook, amplified hateful comments, many of the vitriol online (though worrying itself) can be put down to extreme opinions which do not represent the popular opinion.

A minority of Thais use Facebook (around 3 million) and Twitter (less than a million), and of these the comments came from a small percentage. For example, an vitriolic Facebook Group with 1,000 is large number but, in the bigger picture, is 0.03% of Thai Facebook members and clearly not representative of any kind of majority.

I agree that the manner in which social networks can legitimize vitriolic groups which grew in Thailand during the protests is worrying. As the average Facebook users is more likely in Bangkok, middle class or affluent, and not a red shirt, much of comments and rage were against the UDD and its protest.


Anonymous said...

It all starts with the impatient Abhisit. His group blocked its own nation international airport and chooking its own economy first. Why cann't the red shirt do the same? Eat your heart out King Bhumibol and Abhisit. It's just too bad so sad and tough shit. Also suck to be you Thailand.

Anonymous said...

San Mony Phe is one of many Hun Sen's undercover agents sent by him to help the Red Shirts destabilize the Thai government. It's a fact! Hun Sen has thousands in the US and Canada (right now) trying to divide and brain wash overseas Khmer to like the CPP Party. Prochechun Khmer beware!

Anonymous said...

another siem thieves' excuse to turn the attention to khmer. all dirty politics game. the real issue is with the siem pad thugs, not khmer, etc..., really!

Anonymous said...

This action was pre-setting up by the Single eye Yellow shirt leader and his entourage elits group. It was one of their magic bullet, just one shoot they believe getting more then one TARGETs, their main intention is how to turn these poors Thais people helpping them (the elit group)to fulfill their deams! to conguer more Khmer Land before he pass away?. They really need these poors to attaque Khmer and die for them, even this trick has been failed but they still have some other words to blame, and acusing Khmer's GOVT ivolving in their internal affair, -because it's shamfull to the Yellow shirt's GOVT after deployed their troops a year ago to intermidated Hun Sens GOVT and occupies Khmerland still along the border line, -because they can not invade more into khmerland as they're previously wishefull prepare.

This means, they still have some more cards to play with Mr.Hun Sen while waiting for Mr. Hun Sen will to be failed then they will taks adventage promptly.
Siamese do not want to withrawal their troops with empty hand, this is their goal objective, that why the waiting game is stalling.

Remember Dear Khmer!!!by this means, it was useful to Siamese GOVT during WWII among the anciant Khmer provinces along the border line, this time they are waiting to see that oportunity and taking adventage on Khmer again wthout fighting a single shoot!, but how to do such of...!in the 21centh ARA?

Down to Siamese!!!!

Anonymous said...

i know, if you study siem's foreign affair history during world war 2. siem allied with japanese to try to steal more khmer provinces of battambang, siem reap, etc, however, when japanese lost world war 2, siem had to give up their thug-like dream. it just goes to show how siem thieves are operating, that's all! of course, smart khmer people know and learn about this from history books, etc...! karma will come back to bite siem thieves sooner or later as lord buddha predicted in khmer belief! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

siem thieves always failed as history indicated with their evil intention to cambodia! one day, khmer will raise up to take back all of our former khmer provinces from enemies! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

When ah Hun Sen not in power hopes Khmer'll getting all the lost provinces back from Syam and Youn.

Anonymous said...

Chakri is the most powerful family in Thailand. The world richest family, with $30billion USD, powerful, with junta military and "lese majesty" Chakri will rule over Thai people' destinies.
Abhisit will soon be shot by Chakri if he does not act fast.
Now the term "terrorists" used created by the US, then ah Hun kvack used it to frame Rainsy, now ah Abhisit uses it against the legitimate elected leader Thaksin.

Anonymous said...

To 1:41AM

Your analysis is so fuck up that I can't even put a number on it! ahah

Listen fool!San Mony Phet has worked legally in Thailand for five years and is married to a Thai woman! Even his Thai wife is cooperating with embassy officials and Thai authorities to release him!

I don't see how Thai leaders can bullshit the world by holding this Cambodian man hostage and accusing him of something he didn't do for their political gain! Nobody is stopping Thailand from launching a full war with Cambodia! If Thai leaders want war and they will have war and go ahead start war and Cambodia can go back to the same good old day doing the killing and the destruction and this is what Cambodian do best! ahahhahhah

Fear no Thai!

Anonymous said...

Well...Every Siem leader comes to power have to prove that they can hurt and kill Cambodian people! They can transgress on Cambodian sovereignty militarily and politically!

This is not a promise but if Siem try and Siem will die!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is an addition and clarification to comment at 2:36 AM.

From the demonstrations in Bangkok, a lot of facts can be postulated. One of them, as mentioned in the previous comments, that Thai politicians have played a political game which had been used by the Thais themselves since the 18th century and 19th century up to the 20th century, in order to extend its territory. As a matter of fact, the Thai nation is a federation of a couple of nations, part Laos, part Cambodia and part Burma.
The Taksin factor enables the Thai politicians to use these tactics in their territory expansion game.
Who can be assured that the current Thai King and Taksin Sinawatra have agreed secretly before they started the game. One bullet can kill two birds, they blame the red shirts from Isaan in order to tighten their grip on the Isaan people and also blame Cambodia, because the lower Isaan are ethnic Khmers. Strategically, the Thai army needs more territory to protect it's own current Dangraek chain of mountains, which is not safe enough for them to protect from Vietnamese, so Thai needs to create a buffer zone, which will require the control of western provinces of Cambodia.

Vietnamese infiltration in Laos and Cambodia has irritated Thailand. In the beginning of this year, Vietnamese Generals have inspected along the Thai and Cambodia border in the Preah Vihear Province and some sources have revealed Vietnam has prepared 10 infantry divisions in the Champasak Province in Laos, ready to backup the Cambodian troups. This will result in a loss to Cambodia, not Thai or Vietnam.

This war manifestation between Thai and Vietnam in Cambodian land, has been repeated a couple of times until the last event when Cambodia was under French protectorate. Bare in mind that in the current situation, Vietnam have infiltrated either politically or economically in Laos and Cambodia and Thai wish to have the same share as Vietnam.
Therefore, Cambodian politicians should learn more about history from the past and think carefully before dealing with those two neighbours. More recently, Taksin has dealt with Hun Sen on a commercial level in the Koh Kong Province, but failed. They then moved to Casino projects in the Preah Vihear Province and failed again due to border issues. Hun Sen himself is a self-interest style politician and now the relationship betwen Hun Sen and Taksin is on a political level between Thailand and Vietnam.
Some western observers see the demonstrations in Thailand as local conflicts amongst the Thai politicians, they do not see it broadly as a political game. Now it is time to wait and see, but the truth is that history can be repeated itself.

Anonymous said...

For so long Isaan people (Surin) have been living as an under pre village class in Thailand. It is only the last decades or so that their way of life improved, Thaksin ,whether intentionally or unintentionally, clearly open up an old wound, the discontentment against the Thai elitists. Dear all Khmer do we have a lesson to learn here? Be it Thai or Vietnam or Khmer do they have the right to treat people that way, we blame Thai and Veit but what about ourself has Hun Sen done any thing to alleviate the suffering of the poor? What about the elitist in Khmer that are now building up? Will Khmer future in Cambodia follow the same path?
We are good at blaming the neighbour but forgot to look at our own back yard. Is it Ok for the Khmer Government to treat its poor citizen as second class.

For whatever reasons, political, neighbour hatred, invasion etc... Khmer people has suffered so much the Khmer Krom, the Surin and the Central Khmer all share the same fate being treated second class and suppressed mentally, physically and educationally.

Anonymous said...

This games is about the Siamese common egoe politic amonst the Siamese Leaders(An idear of expensionism)how to occupy Khmerland not necessary by legal means but soft violation!. Siamese has already been used somes of their useful tactics to intermidate Mr. Hun Sen, dispite of that, up to this date it's all failed but they alway recite in mind that what is (Khmer belonging Siamese wanted to share!).
If you want to know the current Siamese GOVT link to the ouster goal objective(one only)rechearch more about Siamese's politic before plane A how the deal was it!, the reason out of economic relation be tween the two countries from the sea and land what Siamese GOVT has really has intention to do over Khmer territory?. I am glad you got some of the contents as you statment at 3:00pm.
Yes you're partially right, because it's end up to plane B but out of gravity now! it's what the ethnic group conflict amonst the Thais & Siamese people, it's became a really messy internal problem,(your point is right)because of his popularity higher than the King and te best of Thailand Leader ever.
When you focus on slicker Siamese political embicious over Cambodia
is ilusive with shamfully manouver,fail after fail!. So we do know Siamese GOVT going to do next, I don't want say anything else but the Siamese intention is alway unchange. One word for them you will be fail again and you will create a big histry of Siamese nation in 21th, one you choose the last plane as the last resource.

Down to Siamese!