Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cambodia's Red Klansman?

(Photo: Pring Samrang)

The Cambodia Daily reported in its 18 June’s edition that the statue (photo above) found shrouded under a red material cover in front of the Anticorruption Institution could be a 5-meter-high statue of Hun Xen which Om Yentieng claimed to have built on his own volition. However, The Cambodia Daily reported that Om Yentieng denied having knowledge of the statue, although he issued a public apology to Hun Xen for building one.


Anonymous said...

All compriots, come all and PISS on this statue!

Anonymous said...

All Compatriots, Come and Piss on this STATUE!

Anonymous said...

If I was there, I would've through a carton of nearly hatched eggs "pong tea koun" at that worthless piece of shit statue!!

Anonymous said...

If I was there, I would've thrown a carton of nearly hatched eggs "pong tea koun" at that worthless piece of shit statue!!

Anonymous said...

So Many Youn reside in Cambodia now because of this asshole!!

Anonymous said...

Put this statue in the latrine!

Anonymous said...

Put this statue in the latrine!

Anonymous said...

Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok refugees should worship Samdach Hun Sen for saving their sorry asses.

Pi Anh: Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok refugees

Anonymous said...

i will not woeshop Hun but Pen Sovann. you can kiss his ass, stupid

cpp young generation

Anonymous said...


Please stop loading khmers with all of this bull shit.It is very old song that khmers are sick and tired of you so called saviour.

Khmers are looking into Viet's trick in killing cambodians from intellectuals to revolutionists.
K5 was the final stage of killing to get rid of young cambodians,stopping the rise of cambodians.

7 January is the day of Invasion!.


Anonymous said...

I need Hun Sen statue hang in my tuk tuk.

Anonymous said...

All of Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok refugees as well as those who reside in Cambodia who appear to be forgotten who had saved their sorry asses. On behalf of the CPP supporters, including myself, I'd like to purchase this statue (and display it in my living room, and build Ah Scam Rainsy's statue, and then proudly break it into pieces and make those sorry asses who seem to be forgotten who saved their sorry asses eaten those pieces.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Can someone please cover this statue with white cloth instead.
It looks much nicer in WHITE.

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh 7:18 PM and his master are yuon slave for ever!no question about it!

Anonymous said...

7:43 PM

Ah Jkuot! I am merely expressing my gratitude to those who gave me life.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pi Anh 7:48 PM said that yuon gave his life ? not his parents....his gratitude to yuon is so great that's what we call yuon's slave for EVER ! enjoy your life as yuon's slave dude! All I have to say about ah yuon 's slave like you.

Anonymous said...

Nice job ong Nhu Om Viek tien!!!

Picture is worthy of thousand words. It's a sentimental and truthful reflection of Hun Sen chameleon nature.

Red cloth is a communist ideology that is wrapped around a not dead yet tyrant statue displaying at the Anticorruption Authority quarter.

Hun Sen deserves a sub zero mausoleum of Ho or Mao or Lenin type.

Anonymous said...

ong nguyen vinh tien has done very good job.congratulations!I don know what is inside,but I saw red crocodile waiting to bite more innocent khmers.

Anonymous said...

We need to drag this closer to bars parlor so everybody can pee on it. We don't need any of them except Javavarman is our father.

Anonymous said...

I see something. I see red (maybe dark) blood running down Hun Sen's body. This is like a statue of shame that needs to be covered.

What a mess Yentieng has created! Good job. What Hun Sen's associates try to do everyday is to please Hun Sen in every creative way they can find. Sometimes, their trials just backfire. What a pathetic group of people!

Anonymous said...

I'll pee on it 24/7 and called my buddies over the weekend too. We sung and drunk Fri, Sat and Sun.

Anonymous said...

7:18 PM,

Go back and eat your pho in Anaheim, you stupid, ah "nheung." One of these days, you will make a boo boo while ass-kissing, just like ah Tieng.

Anonymous said...

Mr 7:18 you are wrong. Even without Hun Sen s´ clan, the Vienamese army came into Cambodia to overthrow the KR and created a Pro-Vietnam governemnt, because the KR had invaded many Vietnamese provinces and killed their people. It´s not for humnitarian reason that Vietnam and not Hun Sen overthrew the KR.

Don´t be lurred by the so-called 7 January victory. Use your brain, read the History of the KR-Vietnam. You will see that the CPP had nothing to do with the Collapse of the KR, But Only Vietnam who came into Cambodia, because of their own national interests, especially to achieving Ho Chi Minh´s Vision.

Anonymous said...

Mr 7:18 you are wrong. Even without Hun Sen s´ clan, the Vienamese army came into Cambodia to overthrow the KR and created a Pro-Vietnam governemnt, because the KR had invaded many Vietnamese provinces and killed their people. It´s not for humnitarian reason that Vietnam and not Hun Sen overthrew the KR.

Don´t be lurred by the so-called 7 January victory. Use your brain, read the History of the KR-Vietnam. You will see that the CPP had nothing to do with the Collapse of the KR, But Only Vietnam who came into Cambodia, because of their own national interests, especially to achieving Ho Chi Minh´s Vision.

Anonymous said...

ah niss vea deung koun chaowaiy, vea ban luiy kak chole si roab min oss doysa chaowaiy. pontae, vea pli pleuh min deung eiy bontech...ah nah del tveuh kar nouv krosuong prochaing ompeuh pouk rolouiy, leuk sanha doy dak taing roub chomlak prab keh tha knhom orkun neung choumpak kuon chaiwaiy thom nass...

Anonymous said...

Jan 7 saved your sorry asses. PERIOD!

Don't you people ever forget that date, particularly Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok refugees.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

9:03 PM

With all due respect, please provide with the exact date, thus I don't have to wait for your bullshit, because I need as much time as I can to trash people like you and the rest of your fucking clans.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

9:13 PM

The liberation gave you life; the opportunity to bullshit.

If you're not honor this date, go and worship Mary, Joseph and Jesus.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

8:53 PM

Black must be your favorite color--at least--for an overwhelming majority of Puok Ah refugees.

Don't change your true colors. I'd prefer natural color; I won't divulge my true colors.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

As a matter of a fact, I'd prefer "red" over "black" color.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

well, it is called off already once mr. hun sen found out. having statue of a living leader, like we mentioned before, is a bad sign like a dictator akin to hilter, saddam hussein, kim il song or whatever his that little man is in north korea. look around the world, the free world, that is, nobody is building a living leader's statue to be displayed in public square or public park etc; we only see in hardcore dictatorial countries like iraqu under saddam and north korea kim il sung. so, don't do like them in cambodia; it is a sign of hardcore dictator, and i'm sure that's not mr. hun sen, etc... wake up and be reformed for the sake of cambodia and cambodia's good future of economic prosperity, happiness, good governance, etc, etc...

Anonymous said...

don't forget that we, cambodians, have been vitimized by the youns and the chinese to begin with. so khmers, please stop fighting each other, the youns , the siam and many other are probably laughing at us.

Anonymous said...

Ah 10:12 PM you like red that
mean you like Communist because you are china and youn slave with hun sen. you stay still and si ach Hen Sen tauv.

Anonymous said...

Everybody seem to forgot that Hok Londy body was cover with red. I think Youn like to cover red for their dead body so as Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Khmers are stupid ass

Khmer in Sydney CBD

Anonymous said...

hahaha, Pi Anh is a Youn Phnom Penh. He desperate to remind stupid Khmer of the day of Invasion and make them revere it as the day of Savior!

The more stupid Khmer stay stupid and grateful, the longer puk a Pi Anh and his Pho clan can damage and control Nom Benh.

As soon as puk Khmer see true fabrication of puk a Pi Anh Youn Phnom Penh, Hun Sen and Puk A Youn Phnom Penh have to be scattered into finding real legal reasons to be in Cambodia!

Vietnam could not win war without making ungrateful uses of Cambodian territory to smuggle arms.

Don't forget that and thank Khmer for giving you sorry asses a chance! In reality your sorry asses claim to defeat America, it was only American politics that drew American home.

Pathetic! Puak A Pi Anh Youn should go home and take Hun Sen with you! Whether you drape his body in red or white when you drag him to Hanoi I won't give a dam!

Anonymous said...

9:13 pm

You hit it on the mark. With or without a handful of defected Khmer rough, Viet will invade Cambodia no matter what. The reason for their invasion because Khmer rough started the war first by entering into Thay Ninh and killed many viet civilian. The reason why the Khmer rough started the war with Viet because Viet did not keep their promise in recognizing part of S. Viet as Khmer territory. Therefore, ah Hun Sen is an insignificant pawn that happen to be in the right place at the right time and willing to do anything for the Viet in order to get and stay in power.

Khmer k

Anonymous said...

Ah yuon 9:59 PM, you don't need any date, eventually you will make that fuckin' mistake. Tell me you got to Anaheim by boat, how did you get to CPP?

I guess you had also ran away first from the fuckin' ho's vietcongs (your funkin' liberators?), learned enough english, but failed miserably here, and now got to be the mouthpiece of the motha fouka vietcongs...fuckin' "nheung"

Anonymous said...

Khmer k,

"Therefore, ah Hun Sen is an insignificant pawn that happen to be in the right place at the right time and willing to do anything for the Viet in order to get and stay in power."

I couldn't say it better than the above statement of yours!

You also hit the nail on the head!

Anonymous said...

Pour urine in plastic bag and sling shot at the statue,so his black magic will wear out.

His day is coming near!

Anonymous said...

2:32 AM and 3:57 AM:

You got the right point. Some of these bastards keep whitewashing the history of invasion. There was no plan of any liberation from the fuckin' vietcongs - the stubborn and radical Pol Pot did not want to play the viets' game. So, the viets asked funkin' USSR if they would support "teaching" the "ingrate" Pol Pot. So, there you go, if the fuckin' USSR were not falling apart, the vietcoings would be out in the open running cambodia today, rather stay in the background running a puppet show like now...

Anonymous said...

10:07 PM,

What the fuc is "natural" color? Give example of how it suppose to look like.

Anonymous said...

To:Pi Anh 7:18 PM

Ah pong kdor

Anonymous said...

ah hun xen raoh lak ah kbatcheat nis ning roum kranath krahan yaok teov kap

Anonymous said...

PI ANH is a "fake wannabe" KHMER!! Go back to the home of your ancestors you pale, vein revealing, piece of shit, mother fucker!! Oh, you're so stupid you don't even know where your ancestors originated bitch ass!!

Anonymous said...

all compatriots! Look farther than your nose, like the Viets. Before the Viets came into Cambodia and overthrew the KR, They had already looked far vrery far.....Not to
" liberate the Cambodian people from the KR...." but to take Cambodia using any defeated KR such as Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim....

Use your brain. Be smart like the Viets and not stupid like Hun Sen and other Khmers who revered the 7 January.........

Anonymous said...

all compatriots! Look farther than your nose, like the Viets. Before the Viets came into Cambodia and overthrew the KR, They had already looked far vrery far.....Not to
" liberate the Cambodian people from the KR...." but to take Cambodia using any defeated KR such as Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim....

Use your brain. Be smart like the Viets and not stupid like Hun Sen and other Khmers who revered the 7 January.........

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh ---->PPU-----> Hun Mana,Ar Hun Sen's daughter from Toul Krasaing

Anonymous said...

Om Yentieng denied the present of the statue while his is in charge there. So who was planting it there? You must be joking idiot Om Yentieng.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the statue raised the middle finger inside that red wrap cloth?

Anonymous said...

heheheh... ong euiy, ong Sin Tien (begging for money in English?),

choy euiy, mah ong leung Xen kheung dat xbal dat kahtouiy reuiy, mah chet cha ong Tien,

Anonymous said...

Anyone care to speculate what the statue looks like? I can see him holding a fistfull of money and smoking a cigarette..even wearing a shattered eyeglasses.

Anonymous said...

maybe his middle finger!

Anonymous said...

Only dead people need shraude!!!!