Friday, June 18, 2010

The conversation between a dominant state and a sub-state

Many Cambodian government spokeman and dignitaries have displayed their outspoken speech and wisdom, but in reality they are just the monkeys jumping on the stage. Whenever, the stage has been wrapped up, the monkeys will be useless and sliced into pieces for a dinner soup.
Op-Ed: Khmer Young

Very intelligent in keeping dominating one country (as their former installed government), Vietnam has to ensure that the legislation and the process of democracy in Cambodia is under their plan.

How could Cambodian NA and Vietnam NA exchange each other in both bilateral and multi-lateral frameworks when these two countries have very two different governance styles and the proceeds of law-makers? - As we know, Cambodia is built on the pluralism and constitution of the democratic foundation, but VN is totally based on polikburo style (polikburo don't build its NA by the election of the people but by the nomination among their cronies and patrons).

So Leng Peng Long will copy from that NA style?

But if you keep close eyes to the narration of this news-writer, it is surely convincing us the conversation between a superior and inferior, or a dominant state with a sub-state. The editor might exaggerate the news especially the speech of Leng Peng Long in order to speed up its mission to totally take over their former installed government; or it is the mission of Leng Peng Long to actively accomplish on behalf as a special envoy of the dominant state of VN - we cannot surely know both, but we know that the conversation in this news is surely verifying the speech between a dominant state and a sub-state.

Many Cambodian government spokeman and dignitaries have displayed their outspoken speech and wisdom, but in reality they are just the monkeys jumping on the stage. Whenever, the stage has been wrapped up, the monkeys will be useless and sliced into pieces for a dinner soup.

We, Khmers are not shaken by the repeating news of Vietnamese communist, but we clearly see the treatment between a dominate state and the sub-state. This will gigantically be proven the additional proof to the world.




Son of a farmer said...

Thank very much for your significantly flowery writing about our long and still continuing suffocating nation. Without any doubt of the scholarly poliSickal comprehension, I am kinda disagreeing on one part of da monkeys will be eventually useless, if only their master ain't humanly smart enough. What normally do we Khmer need after the Killingfield? Wealth, power, and of course pretty women!

Why these highly educated Khmer everywhere can simply not win over an illiterate temple boy? Because he aggressively and arrogantly thinks that only him is godly suitable for the job or helping the miserable nation. In short these highly educated Khmers can't only patriotically, but simply work together, and forgive me for intentionally saying nothing, but the truth about Dr. Tith and Khmerization?

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, you know nothing. You only blah blah like an idiot.