Monday, June 21, 2010

Hun Xen is a ... hero



Anonymous said...

KI, you're WRONG! This dude is a traitor to the Cambodian nation!

He needs to serve 10,000 years in Prey Sar...

Anonymous said...

Notorious traitor Hun Sen will be noted in Khmer history for ceding 1,228 square meters of Khmer land to Vietnam!

Boeung Keng Kang

Anonymous said...

12:53 AM,

You need to listen to the end of the song first before you jump into the river.

You should come back here and rewrite your comment!

Anonymous said...

Who killed 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples?

a) ah juoy marai Pol Pot
b) ah juoy marai Nuon Chea
c) ah juoy marai Ta Mok 
d) ah juoy marai Khieu Samphan 
e) ah juoy marai Son Sen 
f) ah juoy marai Kaing Kek Iev  
g) ah juoy marai Ieng Sary 
h) me joa ka-a juoy Ieng Thearith
i) ah juoy marai Hun Sen
j) ah juoy marai Chea Sim
k) ah juoy marai Heng Samrin
l) ah juoy marai Hor Namhong
m) ah juoy marai Keat Chhon 
n) ah juoy marai Ouk Bunchhoeun
o) ah juoy marai Sim Ka 
p) all of above


Anonymous said...

The grenades killed over 10 people at the Pagoda. Sene Sane's son was injured by the grenades including 10 other people. I did not know that they would be using the hand grenades against the innocent demonstrators. I was not a party to it. When the grenades exploded, I was at the office of Net Sa Veun talking to him about how Hun Sen had met Hoc Lundy. After that the police were alerted to the explosions and that is when I knew that something bad happened. I only found out that after the grenades exploded. The police were called upon to investigate who was responsible for the bombing, but they did the investigation superficially and were trying to cover the track than to find the person responsible.

During my time at the Anti-Narcotic Bureau, I discovered evidence showing Hun Sen's people being involved in drug trafficking. I went to see Hun Sen with a view to bringing it to his attention. He took me to the cellar of his house which was nicely decorated. Hun Sen asked me whether I knew the names of the people who were into the drugs. I replied that I knew and I told him one name Mon Routy whom I was sure was involved. I suspected other men of Hun Sen were also involved, but I was not 100% sure. Hun Sen did not make any comments. Then Hoc Lundy then arrived with Huy Piseth, Chief of the Hun Sen's bodyguards and distracted my discussion with him. We then talked about the opposition party's protest. Hoc Lundy said to Hun Sen, ' why don't you use hand grenades.' Hun Sen said that it was a good idea... "I can send Seth to do it and he is a good operator." He authorized Hoc Lundy to pay for Huy PiSeth to do the job. Hoc Lundy answered that he would put together the money to pay them. He suggested that I met with Seth. After that, Hoc Lundy ordered me to find the money (US$ 100000) to give to Huy Piseth. The money came from the police.

On 30/3/97, the opposition leader Sam Rainsy led a demonstration calling for the reform of the justice system in Cambodia. The demonstration was held in front of the Assembly of the Nation. I was near the Pro Tom Pagoda and witnessed what happened. My staff took me on his motorbike to see the big protest outside the Assembly. 2-4 minutes after we arrived, I heard a big explosion and people crying and screaming. Then I saw four men running away from the scene. I recognized only two of them that were: Mr Phan Sary Colonel and Mr Ourn Cham Nane Commander; both of them were Hun Sen's men. I did not know the other two. They ran towards the Prime Minister' house. I followed them there to see what they ran away like that for. I talked to General Huy Pheseth and told him that I saw four of his people running away from the scene and that they should not have thrown the grenades. He told me to keep quiet and don't talk to any body. But I was angry and upset. I need to speak to somebody about it. I went to see Hoc Lundy who I considered at the time as my friend. I felt that I had to report to Hoc and could not understand why Hun Sen chose to kill so many people. But he told me the same thing to keep quiet and not to tell anybody about it. Amongst the people who were killed or injured was an American. I understand the American Government sent people to Cambodia to investigate.

In 2003 Phan Sary came to see me in my office. He admitted to me that he was the person who threw the grenades. He said that he was very sad because he killed so many people. He complained that Hun Sen used to pay him money to have things done. When he was in trouble nobody seemed to care about him He said that he did what he did because Hun Sen ordered him and he had to please him. He acknowledged that he killed a lot of people before. He said that he now did not even have money to support his children. I recorded the conversation.

Anonymous said...

He is the traitor of Khmer after Chhay Chhetha II. This man hungry the power selling all to Viet. The Nationalist Mr Pen Sovann, who live fast the life in Vietnam but I know what Youn wanted Khmer. And now the former King want visit Viet for 4 days to kiss the children of his former Boss , Ho chi Ming.


Anonymous said...

KI ,you're wrong to post this idiot picture.He and his govt are so please to cede khmer land to yuon.Man, how thing has changed drastically from being a hero to being a CPP'S puppet.

Anonymous said...

hun sen a hero for his gangsters, not for khmers in general.

Anonymous said...

Cool Song. It is correct to call Hun Sen by what he really is: A TRAITOR to the Khmer nation, by allowing the Yuons to dismember and appropriate parts of Cambodia's remaining territory and islands. Hun Sen = Traitor of the Khmer Nation.

Anonymous said...

Hero my ass, you mean hero of slaves to ah Youn mother fuckers. This animal is the dumpest one in our Khmer histories.

Anonymous said...

I see a Colonel driver, a Major General as assistant driver. They have a mission to take the 4-star DOG for a dog-and-pony show up and down the street.

What have become of Khmer people? Are we afraid of getting bit and get rabi?

Bring on the snipers QUICK....!

Son of a farmer said...

How can SenVarman nationally become one of our beloved hero? What does he recently accomplish for Khmer nation or people to deserve as JayVarman 7?
KhmerMentality is unconsciously given our beloved Godly boastful leaders too much credits for somthing which they are barely done!

Anonymous said...

LOVE THE SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pi Anh,
from Nom Benh!

Anonymous said...

When I see Prime Minister Hun Sen's face, it reminds me of a phrase from a north Korean woman, "The north Korean people follow our leader Kim Jong ill because of fear not because of love."

Anonymous said...

HunXen must have been beaten by youn too many time for him to serve hanoi like slave without no shame.

fugen stupid khmer guy hunxen.

Anonymous said...

This is a big time "DOG" who takes pride in maintaining a one party state and selling out his NATION & COUNTRY the vietnamese reptiles!! FUCK THIS MOTHER FUCKIN COMMUNIST & YOUN LOVER!! -The song was good!!

Anonymous said...

ah hun xen not hero ah nis ning pork ah CPP kbatcheat samlap pracheachun ning lok tekdeiy teav youin

Anonymous said...

Great song! Please updload the song to youtube or try to sread the song....

Anonymous said...

ah hun xen not hero ah nis ning pok ah CPP kbatcheat samlap pracheachun khmer ning lok deiy khmer eory youn

Anonymous said...


Notorious traitor Hun Sen will be noted in Khmer history for ceding 1,228 square KILOMETERS of Khmer land to Vietnam!

Boeung Keng Kang

Anonymous said...

Like the "PUBLIC ENEMY" song... My TRUE KHMER PEOPLE.. "You've got to fight the power for peace" and freedom!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

PI ANH is a "fake wannabe" KHMER!! Go back to the home of your ancestors you pale, vein revealing, piece of shit, mother fucker!! Oh, you're so stupid you don't even know where your ancestors originated bitch ass!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My request for KI is , please post this song in youtube if it's possible . I really love the meaning of it .

Anonymous said...

Poster 5:56 AM
what medicine have you been taking before you post your comment you taxi driver from the middle east ?

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a hero for sure but not for Khmer people , he is a hero for Viet people .

Anonymous said...

I can all in this blog, after we returned from Pol Pot Regime in 1976, I had never saw the Viet people in Cambodia till 1987 only a small group, but now the Viet people estimate 40% (4-6 Millions) of Cambodia People 14 Millions, Who has allow Viet to live a lot in Cambodia? Not Mr Pen Sovann or Mr Chhan Si but Sdech Techhau Hen Xen because he is hungry for power selling all of Khmer properties included Island. Who is the Traitor for Khmer Nation? Is Hun Xen worst than Chhay Chhe That II? Viet uses the same strategy and this strategy China know it very well and will be useless for China. For Khmer and Laos don't know nothings. Chay Yo, "Dong Ked Viet Kampuchea" and Chay Yo Khmer no land to live in the century.

On the other hand, about the Khmer Rouge tribunal in Cambodia. That is only a chess for international community, in fact they have all documents und they can do it very quickly but some friends of mine who are working siad that if we don't delay this prossess How can those
employees get salary?

That is so dump stupid leader.

Gohst Angkor

Anonymous said...

correction: "after 1979"

Anonymous said...

Took me a while to understand your points, yet your writing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen lives a strong man but will die a traitor.

Anonymous said...


You are correct. That is "Hun Sen lives a strong man but will die a traitor." called Hun Nal. He is the final Khmer traitor who oppresses its own people to serve the f**king Youn Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

Khmer is going to be like Chompa and Loas if Hun Sen doesn't be careful. Please call upon Aust to take control of our nation before it is going into Viet's hand. However viet should know better that the majority of khmer are now Viet-khmer and that we have been very kind to their people and in return, we would love you treat us, like we have treated you. Love and respect for one another each other a way to go and also most of all respect each others' bounday. However it is best if we all can promote peace and harmony for both nations. Allowing us to have this common goal and common interest in the name of prosperity. Aust

Anonymous said...

After reading the article provided by the anonymous, it made my stomach sick. Why, Why, Why can someone just take him & his wife out already? Take them out...

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen is a Yuon's hero.

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen chear nak snaeha Jeat!
Youn or Khmer, U decide...

Anonymous said...

GO TO HELL...!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck that guy that call himself Hun Sen. To stupid to be selling out his country like that. I'm Cambodian living in the USA. Sad to heard about this stupid mother fucker selling Cambodia to the retard Vietnamese. He should be shot in the head for that. Live by the gun, die by the gun.

Anonymous said...

Just wonder if this song writer is still alive when Ah Khwak Hun Sen finds out who he is.

Anonymous said...

His body Khmer and his brain Yuon!

Anonymous said...

look at ah dump and stupidity face, stand on that car show his dump and stupid with his brain lobster. don't ah Hun kwack shame to the world that his the the stupidest face pm on eart.

Anonymous said...

Do ma! youoon Helos! He my kankak!