Monday, June 21, 2010

KPNLF calls for action on ‘lost’ land

Monday, 21 June 2010
Vong Sokheng
The Phnom Penh Post

A KHMER nationalist group has called for the joint administration of former Cambodian territories in South Vietnam in advance of King Father Norodom Sihanouk’s unofficial visit to Hanoi this week.

In a statement issued Monday, Son Soubert, vice president of the Khmer People’s National Liberation Front (KPNLF), said Sihanouk’s visit could usher in “a new era of frank cooperation” between the two countries.

He also added that “co-management” of Kampuchea Krom – the former Cambodian territories in South Vietnam – would be a “unique” opportunity to improve bilateral relations.

“A formula of co-management of Kampuchea Krom, ex-French Cochinchina, known also as the Mekong Delta, by the Kingdom of Cambodia and Vietnam will inaugurate a new era of peace and prosperity in the framework of the construction of ASEAN,” the statement reads.

It notes that such co-management exists in the Pyrenees region of France, where the principality of Andorra has been under joint French-Spanish sovereignty since the 17th century.

The KPNLF was one of three antigovernment resistance groups to join in the decade-long civil war against the Phnom Penh government during the 1980s.

Cheam Yeap, a senior lawmaker for the Cambodian People’s Party, dismissed concerns about Vietnamese border demarcation, saying it is being carried out smoothly.

Sihanouk said in a statement last week that his visit to Hanoi, set to begin Tuesday and to last for two or three days, is of a strictly personal and “non-diplomatic” nature.


Anonymous said...

It is a good idea from H.E soubert to have Kampuchea Krom "co-management" with vietnam??? you cannot compare Andorra a small region sandwiched between spain and france to khmer krom. Andorra is situated between two civilized nations, a place where rich and retired people live. Both spanish and french want to keep this region peaceful. Everybody know about Vietnam. I don't have to explain.

Anonymous said...

Is there any former KPNLF leaders in the current Cambodian Gov. ?

If there is, who are they ?

What Son Soubert do for a living ?

Does he hole a position in current gov. ?

Please provide his back ground for the readers !!!

Anonymous said...

Ye, let suicide together. DO you have nuts as me, KPNLF guys?

Anonymous said...

dear for all khmer islam in cambodia time to stant up and tell the world and speak a really loud we need to fight to get CHAMPA LAND back ,work with islam world reviwe at the UNITE NATION ,Don;t just keep do nothing vietname going to kill you all ( do the same khmerkrom all together will win Because,the world don't like vietname at all buil up the case to the UN act now

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hello khmer moslim fight for your children if you start now your children have chance to defence orther why your child get kill from Viet believe me at less let them know how to defence get up and go to see UN how un respornce do some thing

Anonymous said...

time to kick vietname ass

Anonymous said...

5:35 you got a good point, but Khmers, Champas and Kampuchea Kroms all have to united, yes we can, but once again all of us above have to united together.

Anonymous said...

khmer khondak,khmerkrom,khmerloe and loaw people build up the case at the same time bring to the unite nation and show the world how bad vietname is time to tell let the world know because,vietname get a lot money from the world so you don't need to hid build up the case ( LOOK MR.SUREYA SUBEDI he just buil up the hun sen case to the human rights in GENEVA so act now

Anonymous said...

Khmer beggars should too. DOn't forget them

Anonymous said...

To be honest with all readers , I am so sorry to be Khmer . According to whats going on in Cambodia right now , I am so ashamed to be Khmer . Khmer are beggers and uncivilized . Right now , whenever people ask me about my nationality , I tell them that I am Asian because I hate to be Khmer.

Anonymous said...

6:38AM - I don't think you are khmer any way from what you are writing. So who care about you. Let me tell you.. Real Khmer never act cowardly as you think. We all stand up for justice and protect our home land. Although currently we are under oppressed regime but we keep fighting for our just cause.

Anonymous said...

Son Soubert doesn't know how to play politic. It seems like he is yes man with this current regime otherwise he will have no job.

Anonymous said...

The concept of co-management is outdated! Khmer Kmapuchea Krom was co-managed by the French, the Viet, and the Khmer under the French colonial and now the whole Khmer territories is under the Viet! Tell me why! Why! Why!

First of all the French doesn't own Khmer Kampuchea Krom!
Second of all the Viet doesn't own Khmer Kampuchea Krom!
It is the Khmer people who own Khmer Kampuchea Krom! How dare the French gave the Khmer Kampuchea Krom to the Viet? How dare the Viet can claim that the Khmer Kampuchea Krom as their land and oppressed million and million of Khmer Krom as their slave!

we the Khmer Krom people have the right to claim the Khmer Kampuchea Krom as our land and we will continue to do so... Yes! The French is out from Indochina…and the Viet will be out of Khmer Kampuchea Krom…!!!!

Anonymous said...

this may sound weird or unprecedented in khmer history; however, i think it is a good idea to take turn administrate the mekong delta region as both khmer and youn populated the area. maybe take turn 5 years for each sides, every 5 years!

Anonymous said...

To 12:31PM

Not a bad idea consider the Viet don't even have anything to begin with except pussy and dick to populate their offspring on Khmer land!

How would you like to use your wife and take turn with me! To begin with I will have 5 years with your wife and the you will have 5 years the following and then it is my turn again! ahahhahh

It is such a good idea depend on who you ask. I am done with the Viet and their dog eating culture and the worshipping of naked women! Enough is enough already!

Anonymous said...

His ideas is a kinds of shits he is akinds of beggers. He is a gay man.

Anonymous said...

To 6:25PM

Tell me how long were Youn people under the Chinese influence? More than 100 years ago and everything Youn people have in term of culture and writing system were all copy from the Chinese! Does this mean the Viet must give in to the Chinese?

You Youn people should learn your history first before lecturing on Khmer people!