Sunday, June 20, 2010

Letter from KI-Media Reader

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I observe with dismay the lack of analytical skills as well as shrewd, tasteful hard-punching political parody in our society. KI Media is the only forum providing this about Cambodia, for Cambodians and Cambodia followers.

No one is raising an eyebrow or question the crude, crass conversations and gory, sexually-charged images on the streets or in the local dailies that is part of daily consumption; we are numbed and dense to the blatant, blood-soaked violence exacted on the poor and the vulnerable in this society.

However, we get all bent out of shape when KI Media would post witty humor, thoughtful analysis questioning authority, thought-provoking headlines.

KI-Media has garnered a following and is the most popular Cambodia blog because of its forum for questioning and punchy, witty political parodies in its courage to provide us with sensitive news and information on Cambodia.

Avid reader of KI-Media


Anonymous said...

Don't consider that the views expressed here reflect the majority of serious Khmers.
Be serious.

Nobody believes that media is a media Ki serious except clowns, immature and activists anti GRC.
No illusions about the intellectual value of KI Media and its team and its fans.

The value of policy analysis that are given here on KI Media are of anything. it's shit.

Anonymous said...

The avid KI reader, you forgot to mention how anything regarding the Sam Rainsy or anyone except the CPP is missing here. If these KI guys aren't a bunch of partial political tools, I don't know what it. They lick Sam Rainsy clans' assholes while shit-smearing the CPP clans. I've yet to see one single parody of Sam Raisy. Jezz, I wonder why.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

As Khmers living in Europe, we appreciate very much the articles,
reviews and selections of international press articles
published on KI Media.
KI Media is our main source of reference information on
the economic, social and political situation of our mother country.

Our warmest congratulations, and encouragementand many thanks to all Editorial Team!

PS: Thank to remember to attach links to the original sources of your information in French or other languages.


Bonjour à tous,

Khmers vivant en Europe, nous apprécions les articles,
commentaires et sélections d'articles de la presse
internationale diffusés sur KI Media.
KI Media est notre source objective d'informations de référence sur
la situation économique, sociale et politique de notre pays.

Nos chaleureuses félicitations, encouragements et remerciements à toute l'équipe rédactionnelle !

PS : Merci de penser à attacher les liens renvoyant aux sources originelles de vos informations en français, SVP.

Anonymous said...

KI media, only post article from readers who saying good about them, but not from those who oppose. This is tooting ones own horn, angkuy jang-e luek klun eng. Shame on U!

Anonymous said...

i think what KI doing is good for the thought, however, it is perhaps at the expense of cambodia for most participants on this blog is painting dirty. in other words, some do the best here to ruin cambodia's reputation and perhaps may scare some tourists or visistors away from cambodia, especially those who never been to cambodia and are afraid to go there thinking of violence from what they read here or there or everywhere. this is where KI has to be responsible when it comes to cambodia's good reputation. they must state a disclaimer that the blog are for thought provoking and learning and discussion about cambodia, not necessarily reflect the real state of cambodia, etc... also, KI should warn people of the graphic political attack on cambodia here so people are aware that the blog is merely a way of freedom of speech, not necessarily that of khmer society. khmer are very friendly people and interest subject, etc. it is not necessary as bad as some KI's readers alleged it to be, etc. KI's content and readers have a strong political bias toward cambodia, to put it bluntly, really!

Anonymous said...

Let's all Cambodinas enjoy their freedom. Whatever you don't like, don't read it. Thanks to KI for doing an excellent job for all of us.

Anonymous said...

KI-media => Khmer Imbeciles - media

"Unite we stand, divide we fall..."


Son of a farmer said...

We Khmer can pleasantly imagine what Kampuchea could successfully have become, if insteading of opposing one another so insansely, arrogantly, clumsily, and inopportunely, the sovereign and the Democrate of 1946 had eventually marched hand and hand. In short, I still implicitly blame our beloved godly boastful leaders such as SihanoukVatman, Lon Nol, Pol Pot, and SenVarman, they all selfishly have no desire to power!

Son of a farmer said...

Correction; no desire to share power!

Anonymous said...

KI Media team,

Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the daily news you have provided me.

You have never put a gun to my head to come here and read your news. I have come here because I just love the news on your site.

Well done and Contratulations!

Anonymous said...

Well, if you think that KI-Media only brought to us only one side of the stories, I strongly believe that KI-Media will not oppose a headline or news that you (Avid reader of KI-Media)found to post here for us to read. I would like to see what you can help us to see the whole picture.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

Anonymous said...

KI-Media wants to start a culture of anti-monarchy!! They are pro-communist and one party states!!

Anonymous said...

KI-Media wants to start a culture of anti-monarchy!! They are pro-communist and one party states!!

Anonymous said...

From KI's reader,



This shit institution is a Hanoi's Rubber Stamp just to legalise the Haoi's VIETNAMISATION of Cambodia.

And you also will be a Hanoi's slave on your Khmer ancestors'lands.

Anonymous said...

everyone is entitled to their opinions. please keep in mind that everyone is just expressing their opinions here. i, personally like come to this site to check the news about cambodia from all around the world, not just from inside cambodia. sometimes, i found there are a lot of bias reports on my country cambodia, especially from those people who are jealous of my beloved country cambodia and our politicians, etc... so, this blog gives me a voice to express myself on how i see bias report(s) on my country and gives me a chance to fire back at the bias foreign or domestic media who sounded too bias in terms of politics on cambodia. without this site, it is hard for me to express my comments or remarks in a way to counteract the bias reports on my beloved country cambodia. thank you. also, i like this KI site because it gave me a chance to read and communication with my fellows khmer lovers on khmer interest, khmer things and khmer happening all over the world. it is also interest to read how others are seeing or thinking about cambodia. hopefully it will create a positive change for my country to reform, to improve in many many ways. thank you, KI, despite your one-way or bias political tone, here. god bless cambodia and all khmer people and citizens.

Anonymous said...

so when all the media in srok khmer are pro cpp or forced to be so or bought off at gunpoint by cpp, no one takes notice, but KI ? KI must be doing something right to raise such an ire.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Avid KI Media Reader,

What's on KI represents the reality of happenings in Cambodia--what you see is what you get. Your observation of posters' opinions or those of KI's clearly shows how obsessed you are with KI.