The Cambodian Action Committee for Justice & Equity (CACJE) is:
- Opposed to the visit of former King Norodom Sihanouk – who will be accompanied by his family including his wife and son Norodom Sihamoni, the current king – to Vietnam on 22 June 2010.
- Opposed to the question raised by Son Soubert, the former member of Constitutional Council, who planned to have a joint administration by the Yuon and Khmer governments on the sovereignty of the territory of Koh Tral Island which belongs to Cambodia, as well as the territory of Kampuchea Krom belonging to Cambodia, based on the model of the Pyrenees region in the European Union which is placed under the joint administration of France and Spain since 1607 under an agreement between the French Emperor and leaders of the Spain movement.
- Absolutely opposed to the plan set by Touch Narim, the Kampong Chhnang provincial governor, who wrote a letter to ask the authorization from the Vietnamese embassy in Phnom Penh in which he promised to provide lands to 4,000 illegal Vietnamese immigrant families and to provide $10,000 to each Vietnamese family that agree to move out of the Chhnok Trou region in Kampong Chhnang to housings in the land area.
This is mentally stupid, dumb, and unpatriotic of the Cambodian government!Touch Narim care about the illegal youns to give them compensation and land to live in Cambodia while our Khmer people are being force out, evicted, threaten to leave their home and without any compensation. Everyone in the Government are so AGG OMGGGGGG there no more cursing words to describe them at all! They are worst then animals!!!!!!!!!
1) KING FATHER and whole family are going to Vietnam.
From my view point, King Norodom Sihanoni should not travel to Vietnam at this time. H.Majesty should stay in the country.
I hope King father will not lose the country interest. I have trust that King father has enough experience with Vietnamese, "crocodile". Good or bad will be depended on the outcome of the visitation. Wait and see.
Water is flowing. You cannot not stop it.
For 2) and 3), I absolutly agree with.
Khmers Krom have been struggling for generation. They are on the right track to achieve their goal. All khmers must joint them.
3) Touch Narim should seriously discuss this matter with Minitry of Interrior first. The office of the Ministry of Interrior has the responsibilty to discuss with the concerned Ministry regarding illegal immigrant or the right of legal immigrant.
We know that there are million illegal Vienamese immigrants a long the river in the whole country. This matter must be solved with caution.
For you, young khmer generation
Go and International Justice first.
ជនអាប់ឥតប្រាជ្ញា សំរាំងខ្លួនហើយសំរាំងទៀត ទុកបំរុងគ្រាន់តែបំរើជនដទៃជា នាយ ព្រោះប្រាថ្នាទ្រព្យ ដូចស្ត្រីផ្កាមាសតុបតែងខ្លួនឲ្យល្អ ទុកសំរាប់តែបុរស ។ (ស្រីហិតោបទេសភាគ២ របស់ព្រះភិក្ខុ ប៉ាង ខាត់ វិរិយបណ្ឌិតោ)
Dear Serey Ratha, I don't know who you are, you use the real name or not??
But if you are really a nationalist why you made alot of spelling mistakes in your statement??? I think you are not Cambodian and you are just pretending to be Khmer.
And Khmer yet to rebel? Khmer are known to be less patriotic and so few of heroics in its history. May be it's the end of Khmer people? So sad to be colonized by the YOUN--Chinese by-product. Thai should invade Cambodia and at least it can preserve khmer culture. Damn Khmer people, you are so good at boasting and slaughter each other.
To 5:40 PM
Only from the history books that your dumb head have learned to obtain these knowledge. But you know what, we are all proud to be Khmer. Only you who has no identity and leading your life like parasite that has nothing other than consuming our wastes every minute to fulfill your duty. We're Khmer not perfect like every other human race in the world but we know our history very well and definitely in the contrary to what you're saying. Stop destroying yourself by posting such comment because it's only reflect your idiotic behavior or utterly ignorance.
I don't see a good point that why Rattha has to oppose with Son Soburt and the provincial letter?
Son Soburt is docto. His vision stands on reality; and I see that the letter of provincial governor is good to gather all illegal Vietnamese in specific place so that it make us easy to count them.
Regarding Sihanouk's visit, it is clearly explained by Neay Krudth and KY.
Who is Sourn Serey Rattha?
I don't see a good point that why Rattha has to oppose with Son Soburt and the provincial letter?
Son Soburt is docto. His vision stands on reality; and I see that the letter of provincial governor is good to gather all illegal Vietnamese in specific place so that it make us easy to count them.
Regarding Sihanouk's visit, it is clearly explained by Neay Krudth and KY.
Who is Sourn Serey Rattha?
Sourn Serey Rattha is s small dog which just barks to make listen. He's nothing.
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