Thursday, June 24, 2010

SRP MPs for Kampong Cham visited Cambodia-Vietnam border markers

Mao Monyvann, Cheam Channy and Thak Lany, SRP Lawmakers for Kampong Cham province, visited Cambodia-Vietnam border markers #125, 126, 127, and 128 in Ponhea Krek district, Kampong Cham province on June 23, 2010.
"Men live on the land, we live from our rice fields and our farms, but they [Viets] took all our rice fields, how can I live? How can I live?" - Message from a Cambodian farmer from Ponhea Krek district, Kampong Cham to the Khmer leaders

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Anonymous said...

ah Sihaknuk ah Hun Sen and koun mee youn Sihamoney see and hear it.
Death to puk ah mee pleur traitors1
Very disgrace and in respectable leaders khmer s have>>>traitors

Anonymous said...

I will personally pay a visit to this significant milestone border demarcation.

Great job!

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

All treaties signed during the puppet regime of Hun Sen must be nullified under the Paris Peace Accord of 1991.

Khmer popular demonstrations in Cambodia and abroad are a must to gain world attention on Khmer situation.

Hun Samnang

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep must visit border markers too! Don't just bark, set foot on Xmer soil now!

Anonymous said...

Huynh Xanh OWNED the country!

Anonymous said...

Why Ly Diep? Ah Lop!

Anonymous said...

Why anyone would care? Just leave enough space for me to hang my honorary PhD paper certificates and park my landcruisers...

Anonymous said...

This is the result from 1980s treaty agreement between Cambodia and Viet. This is a gift from Cambodia to Viet for liberation from Khmer Rough. Hun Sen gives this part of land to Viet.

Anonymous said...

sihanouk hun sen sit on their own citizen's head. i mean they live on their own citizen's blood.they 're khmer rouge .

Anonymous said...

I wish Pol Pot regime would come back and slaughter all these Youns and Ah Hun crooks.

Son of a farmer said...

My beloved 8:45PM!

Ye must be recently never been in Srok Khmer later, Landcuiser is publicly cheapest car and now Lexus LX570, Rang Rover, BMW x5, and more....are the new toys for the CCP's blood-sucking parasites!

In order to initially stand up and fight agaist SenVarman, we Khmer must consciously feel, if this will really happen to your beloved loving family, how much painful would you languishly feel? Do you have the strong desire to help them fight to get their land back or

Anonymous said...

before: Cambodia!
today: West Kampuchea Krom!

Anonymous said...

kon duy maer ah choy marai ah hun sen lok dey oy youn oss heuy Ah lann bok ngab.

Anonymous said...

Auschwitz , 60 years after, at least they talk…
Thought of the day - Jan 26 2005
By Vyadha

60 years after that horrify atrociousness against Jewish by the Nazi, the subject is till now and then an awful taboo - Why then? Is it because that horrible crime is overtly and directly committed in collective with that consent and complicity by so many nations ‘say’ civilised, intelligent who self claimed as superiors of all? - A real communal duty for French as for Hitler and others anyway.

During that period not less that 76 000 Jewish in French were pointed, listed by French authorities. They were then denaturalized, isolated and eradicate all rights and possessions with the mutual complicity of French authorities. Then with consent and release, French had delivered those Jewish to Nazi. But French did better, they even arrested those little child whom were not been requested by the Nazi and sent them together to the died camp of Auswitz. After the liberation of the died camps by Army rouge in Jan 26 1945, only 2500 of them were alive. Even though it was in 1995, 50 years after, that French is timidly recognised their crime against Jewish people.

A well strange miracle day, today not less than 45 State leaders united at Auschwitz to commemorate the 60th birthday of the liberation of of Auschwitz together. Not less than two millions women, men and child were perished in that died camps Auswitz in a most atrocious and lamentable inhuman condition.

Chirac had personally travelled to Auschwitz to visit the camps with Simon veil and as usual with the sea of sweet talk and promis he formally condemned the crime committed by Nazi and promised to fight against any criminal act.

Of course, it would be a too human and kind gesture to be real from a French politician like Mr Chirac or Mr De Gaulle because while Mr. Chirac is pursing his tear of crocodile at Auschwitz camps, he and his French continue to lead a well fierce policy against Jewish, against USA and against other poor nations around the world in all its form and shape in the name of political or economic interest whether the imperialist dream or rights of exploitation of natural resources.

In a recently speech addressed to its members at UNO siege, Kofi Annan firmly denounced the atrociousness against Jewish and regretted the inability and incapacity of UNO in stopping the recent genocide against Cambodian people, Armenian people or Rwandan people…..etc..

But Mr Kofi Annan; what to do while most of those horrible crimes against humanity whether in Asia, in Europe or in Africa are incontestably and indirectly or indirectly provoked/committed by the highest and permanent members of the UNO itself as China, RUSS or French ….etc… for imperialist rival, ideological conflict and exploitation natural resources.

What is UNO then?!!!!!!!!! - United Nation occultism of genocide/crime where the criminal explore the most modern and wise ways to kill other for their interests?! - An institution of the intelligent criminals where the most powerful or influent States unit to commit and clean their crime ..?!!! What is UNO for then? Where is the credibility of such organisation Mr. Kofi Annan?

Stop that crime against humanity and that cleaning crime institutions Mr Kofi Annan!
Thought of the day" is offered by Khmer Vision

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