Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where is the news on Chhun Yasith?

An Anonymous Reader wrote:

Hey KI, Do you know now American Justis judge Chhun Yasith to whole life jail. Why not you post this news on you web. Why you not said any more??? do you think American Jurical System are fair or not???? if Cambodia Justis judge like this you will say more.... Haaaaaaa

Dear Sir/Madam,

In case you missed, the news on Chhun Yasith was first posted on KI-Media here, and later here.

Is the US judicial system fair? Not according to our personal opinion.

Should we say more? KI-Media Readers have commented plenty on this sentence, if you care to read them after the post on Mr. Chhun Yasith's news.

Personally, we believe that injustice should be denounced wherever they take place, in Cambodia or in the US. Don't you agree?

Thank you!

KI-Media team


Anonymous said...

I hope Cambodian JUDGES are be fairs like the American Judges?

Your ass are so stinky ,why don't you try to wash it first hahahhahhahhahha

Anonymous said...

and Sam Rainsy's conviction for defamation against M.Hor Nam Hong gy the French justice ?
French Justice is corrupt?

Anonymous said...

and Sam Rainsy's conviction for defamation against M.Hor Nam Hong by the French justice ?
French Justice is corrupt?

Anonymous said...

3:45PM, 4:15PM, 4:16PM, What the hell are trying to say bring up man?? Nobody understands your broken English... Reading your comment post makes me think my computer is slow... Bring yourself back to school, or something...

Anonymous said...

There will be million Sun Yasith coming!

Anonymous said...

I try to say right is right,and wrong is wrong unlike Cambodian judges are politician leaders tools
God bless Mr,Sun Yasith,you have the balls!

Anonymous said...

we just want sam rainsy told us that he is a slanderer in everything he did in politics.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Monk in lowell, Massachusetts, name "Rithapul" was behind the coup in cambodia also..

Anonymous said...

Chhun Yasith is no hero, but a shit head screw up accountant who foolishly think he can over throw Hun Sen regime with 200 men. What a fool!

When he sent those poor 200 men to die, he cowardly hiding in Thailand and USA. If we have a million more like Chun Yasith, it prove beyond doubt that Khmer are retarded and screwed up.

Anonymous said...

If the King didn't deliver any message from Chinese leader to Triet, King is certainly used by Triet to speed up his imperialistic attempt over Cambodia. It exactly through the propaganda of "friendship", "good neighbor" or "cooperation" etc.

The Triet's word about "good neighboring" is useful for Vietnam only as Cambodia has lost competitiveness to Vietnam in all fields:

1. Cambodia has no investors and contingents in Vietnam at all. But Vietnam has pursued full potential in both political, social and economical collateral in Cambodia.
2. Cambodian illegal immigrants to Vietnam have been repatriated mercilessly, but illegal Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia have been taken care very well by the Cambodian authority, including seeking an appropriate land for them to resettle.
3. Khmer Kampuchea Krom people have been neglected by the King whose pseudonym is Father of all Khmer Children, but his trip to Vietnam left his children in Khmer Krom in a dark position.
4. King's visit to Vietnam is coincident to the pressing issue of border markers and border encroachment which opposition leader has been trialed as well as the farmers have been indirectly King's visit this time is to intensify the punishment of those Khmer compatriots.
5. Every aspect of political changes in Cambodia is unusually favoring Vietnam at the expense of Khmer's death for its future such as "paying gratitude to Vietnamese soldiers who come to liberate Cambodians from Khmer Rouge" which this phrase has become a well-known propaganda in Cambodia among youths and some unknown people to vote for the CPP. Of course, the international communities and the UNs have already condemned that the presence of Vietnamese troops in Cambodia was the invasion, not the liberation.

All few aforementioned points critically displays the unfaithful "good neighboring" repeatedly mentioned by the Vietnamese leaders.

King Sihanouk and Hun Sen have been failed into this trap unconsciously. While King Sihanouk visited Vietnam, Hun Sen has been fooled by his intelligent advisers about the main cause of the war originated by Lon Nol's coup detat. Hun Sen's statement is just part of his blindness because he didn't realize that his speech is to make more divisions among Khmers, and it will benefit more to the foreigner.

Lon Nol has been already dead like Pol Pot, but why Hun Sen has used these two regimes as the pretext to the media and public curiosity? Of course, the coup detat was not Lon Nol only. It was the trend of the cold war, and Lon Nol had become a tool of this trend. If Sihanouk didn't escape to Russia and China, how can Lon Nol be able to defy him? If the US didn't confront with the China and Russia in that situation, how can Lon Nol be able to attain a coup? If Southern Vietnam didn't incorporate with Lon Nol, how could Lon Nol be able to accomplish the coup? -- all these critical thinking and seeking things outside the box must be inserted into Hun Sen's ears from right to left, and from left to right several times.

This example can apply well to the issue of Pol Pot. Pol Pot came to power because of the help from Vietcong and China. This is the fact! The atrocity committed by Pol Pot is not worse than those perpetrators whom created the Pol Pot at the beginning.

Hun Sen is just the top divider among Khmer compatriots. He is a jerk of foreigner. All his speech is rational for Kmeng Wat and uneducated mad dogs only. His irritating speech to Surya Subedi, the representative of the UNs is unacceptable among Khmer intellectuals. But only those monkeys in the power who have applauded Hun Sen.

The ignorance of Hun Sen will disclose more facts until the land of Angkor Borei are totally controlled by the smarter people.



Anonymous said...





Im GAY said...

The real messages from China to Yuon Hanoi through the King are kept. Those you read are only fabrication that were allowed to broadcast. Do you think the Communist like China would allow the US to know her influence on Yuon Hanoi? Everyone is in politic games. Don't want to play politics then somebody would do for you.

Hun Sen is an idiot below all idiots, not only he is a divider, he is sold; he loves power. He is not worth of our times to talk about anymore.

The important points are helping Sam Rainsy to get back on track. To do that stop dividing each others, we are what we got so stop BS.

Most Khmers hate Hun Sen even if they are afraid to say it, but they love the monarchy, so we have to go by the majority in spite of some who hate the monarchy.

Politic games are not simple as some of these idiots and you keep barking. If it is so simple why those Lib Socialists like OB who blamed Bush now adopted Bush' policies? It didn't take the world to figure out that OB is a complete idiot politician, his weakness even sent the message to the AlQaida now promise to attack the US even more powerful than ever before.

The stack fact King Sihanouk has significant assets, despite immense losses and suffered. Because Yuon were among Khmers, King Sihanouk has shown himself of capable of sustaining full friendship with China, the enemy of Yuon, and you cannot beat that.
The games are not yet ended.

Anonymous said...

11:05PM! are you redy to comit sourcide after Shihanouk drop dead?

You should born went they build piramit!

OH! one for ah Hun Xen just biult, I forgot! with the statucome a long as immortal leader that can see and move!

Anonymous said...

11:05PM! are you ready to comitt sourcide after Shihanouk drop dead?

You should born went they build the piramits!

OH! one, for ah Hun Xen just biult, I forgot! with the statu come along as immortal leader that can't see, feel, and move!

12:05 AM

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen also a terrorist during the 1997 grenade throwing into the demonstration crowd near the Assembly building. And FBI got the hint and related to Hun Sen and Hok Lundy 100%. Why didn't Cambodian file complaint or charge against these two individual?

Hun Sen is the one to blame and need to be arrested and imprison him for life.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

12:57Am Hun Sen is anothe one! the brager is the one for now!

Anonymous said...

Whoever posted a question for KI about the news on Chhun Yasith is an idiot . He missed that news himself but he jeered at KI because he thought he was right . If he is like that in real life , I think he has been in trouble alot .

Anonymous said...

HEY! that Ki style to bring the old subject back!

Anonymous said...

Ah monk name "Rithapul" in lowell, Ma need to be lockup in jail for the rest of his fucken life for 1997 coup....

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen also a terrorist during the 1997 grenade throwing into the demonstration crowd near the Assembly building. And FBI got the hint and related to Hun Sen and Hok Lundy 100%. Why didn't Cambodian file complaint or charge against these two individual?

Hun Sen is the one to blame and need to be arrested and imprison him for life.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

The games are not ending because the gambler who like to lose still alive,how many games already that Sihaknuk lost to Vietnam? Uncountable ,and who are the most loser to the games? CAMBODIAN PEOPLE.
So my dear friend GAY LORD tell your old bastard king ,is the looser and stop it.
Last of his game was more than two million khmers live how about this time?
Do not tell me that the gay know how to fuck real real fuck,but licking

Anonymous said...

This was a clear case of terrorism regardless of his notions that he was somehow liberating Cambodia. It doesn't justify armed attack against some innocent person who just happened to be wearing a uniform and worked for the railroad. He deserves life.

Anonymous said...

8:09 AM,
Stay on subject, and don't jump yourself too low. Can you share your ideas instead of using the languages like ah M'sea neak lenh Bat Psar Hun Sen.

I'm GAY said...

12;31pm. It does not bother me what this idiot 8;09am barking. I never reply to barbaric trolls of cyberspace.