Saturday, June 26, 2010

Who should be Cambodia's uniter? KI-Media or the King of Cambodia?

Dear Readers,

A respected anonymous reader posted the following message:
"KI Media. Be alert that your blog is now known as one of Hanoi's secret divider.

Too extreme you will be destroyed by Communist Yuon. Be a UNITER not a DIVIDER. Call upon all Khmers in all Factions to understand the calamities up on Cambodia by our same historic enemy "YUON" instead of bashing each others everyday.

Your bashing cursing didn't work, you need a new method."
The question is: Is KI-Media the appropriate entity to unite all Khmer or should it be the duty of the Khmer King? For those who have not read the Cambodian Constitution lately, we are posting below the article of the constitution which stipulates the duty of the Khmer King:
Article 8 - The King of Cambodia shall be a symbol of unity and eternity of the nation. The King shall be the guarantor of the national independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the protector of rights and freedom for all citizens and the guarantor of international treaties.
As you have seen in the various videos and news posted here and elsewhere, several Khmers living along the Viet border have loudly complained the loss of their lands, rice fields etc.. to the Viet encroachments, so far, we have not heard a single peep from the king nor the royal palace on this issue. Could this royal absence and/or lack of royal leadership be the reason why the anonymous reader above called on KI-Media to be the uniter instead? Could it be that because KI-Media brings out to the open this lack of royal leadership that we are labeled again and again as DIVIDER?

Nevertheless, we would like you to know that our duty is only to inform you, the "informed" decision has to come from you, Dear Readers, as to what to do with Cambodia and her future. After all, Cambodia belongs to all of us, we are the master of our destiny, we have to make the collective decision on what our future should and will be. Please remember, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. (Edmund Burke)", and right now, in Cambodia and elsewhere in the world, there are indeed a lot of good men and women who do nothing. Perhaps, these good men and women do not even remember what their duty, as prescribed by the constitution, still is? We can't tell for sure.

Therefore, with all due respect to the anonymous reader above, all of us, Khmers - whether king, queen or commoners, rich or poor, powerful or not powerful - have the common duty of being the catalyst to Khmer unity, especially in the current absence of clear and definitive leadership.


KI-Media team


Anonymous said...

Dear KI team,
You have done a good job for your part as a citizen of Cambodia. Please ignore what other say about you. You cannot win between extrem left and extrem right. At least you have central mind to support. Between Sihanouk and Hun Sen, they are not National interest. They are only individual. They will come and goes with their age. They shouldn't be worshipped as God. They are a normal human being who can commit mistake like many other. We only support them if they did the right thing. We must also be able to criticise them for their wrong doing and their crime.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

KI is nothing more than a chalkboard, you choose either to read it or ignore it. It has no power to decide for you.

Son of a farmer said...

My beloved Khmers!

In order to be honorably called, "Khmer's Patriotism and Nationalism!", ye must be incurably and indescribably corrupted or unconscientiously kept continuing to destroy Kampuchea as SenVarman and his CCP's bloodsucking parasites!

Anonymous said...

I am 100% in favor of the KI-Media's stance. The role of the Khmer monarchy should remain neutral to all parties and should act in Khmer Nation's national interests.

So far the monarchy, namely King Sihamoni and King-father Sihanouk have done their utmost efforts to serve only the dictator Hun Sen, and their master Vietcongs, while turning their blind eyes to the the sufferings and outcries of the Khmer farmers along the borders who have lost their ancestral land to the Vietnam-favor's border demarcation.

In term of the accusation that KI-Media is being a divider, I believe is groundless. The real divider of Khmer that has been happened from the past is the Nam-Tien of Vietnam. Nam-Tien has divided Kampuchea into Kampuchea Krom and Cambodia. Nam-Tien has divided Khmer into Khmer communists and Khmer democrats. Nam-Tien has divided Khmer Krom into Khmer Krom of "Son Song Son" and Khmer Krom of "KKF".

KHMER Angkor.

Anonymous said...

KI you responded to the anonymous on this matter are so right ,I love you your team it does 't matters the royal palace s' pet try to colored, slandering and defaming yours, your team characters .
What is the the Monarchy IS good at?
Look at Hun Sen do for right now,they are the same ,covered each others like the west said YOU SCRATCH MY BACK I SCRATCH YOUR Sihaknuk=Hun SEn=Pol Pot.


Anonymous said...

Good! show!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your recognition that constitution and roles of the king are to be ACTIVE.

Be reminded that being independent is simply becomes passive.

To maintain the kingdom and her people,our king has to take a big leap in leading,while the RGC is to be reformed for cambodia's survival.

In handbook of Angkor,it was noted by Jiv taquan that King Jey Varaman VII had met officials twice a day for his active roles.

Cambodia is not in peace per say,peace of mind is needed with better living of citizens,security and sovereinty of the country.

Your propmt attention in getting khmers focus on real issues,is appreciated.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

correction:being independent is NOT simply becomes passive.

Anonymous said...

To be become a khmer king you must have the PROM VIKEAR THOIR= the ten Thoir of PREAH PROM but Sihaknuk do not have them.
He helped and forced the present king to help the killer((hun Sen) forefather ancestors enemy (youn) to win on khmer s lives and heart like the LOng Vek era but this time bigger picture,in Long Vek era Siam couldn't take over the Main security defense of the khmer empire easily but Siam lured Cambodian with the silver monies all over the bamboo jungle barriers .
Sihaknuk volunteer and forced his son to do the same to strengthen the Vietnam and vietnam dogs ,weakening khmers nationalism ,poor and disadvantages to get rid of khmer nation.
Sihakaknuk is not respectable person he is the real loser and khmer DIVIDER

Anonymous said...

When Hun Sen wife's killed Pasith Palika, Hun Sen set up to have Kai Prasith in jail in Australia.

Hun Sen will be hung just like Saddam Hussein. Remember that, where you came from you will end up from where you from again. Looking back how Saddam Hussein came to power when he was living in Tikrit Iraq, it was a low life region that where Saddam Hussein came from. He was from a hole when the American he was hiding in a hole.

Khmer USA,

Anonymous said...

When Hun Sen wife's killed Pasith Palika, Hun Sen set up to have Kai Prasith in jail in Australia.

Hun Sen will be hung just like Saddam Hussein. Remember that, where you came from you will end up from where you from again. Looking back how Saddam Hussein came to power when he was living in Tikrit Iraq, it was a low life region that where Saddam Hussein came from. He was from a hole when the American he was hiding in a hole.

Khmer USA,

Anonymous said...

To Help Khmer we need someon with a common interest in Khmer people,to help Khmer we need someone with a heart of love in Khmer, to Serve Khmer we need someone with no self interest, to serve Khmer we need someone with no power hungry..

Anonymous said...

If you don't bash them by letting them know what mistakes the current Cambodian government has made, they will continue to oppress and silence all the Khmers. I do not believe in the ex and current kings. They are so scared of Hun Sen. They will shut up forever as long as Hun Sen let them stay as king. What a shame! KI keeps writing and informing us!

Anonymous said...

In the old day When Khmer need help we go to Khmer King, nowaday Khmer King go to Youn to destroy Khmer race what is going on>?? can anyone explaine>>,,,??

Anonymous said...

agree with the author. holaluya, amen.

Anonymous said...

4:40AM Neang Sa wrote:

To maintain the kingdom and her people,our king has to take a big leap in leading,while the RGC is to be reformed for cambodia's survival.

*** Yes! he took a big leap in leading indeed, in fact a great leap forward "Moha Lort Phloss" and we were all ended up "Moha Bak Kor" including the ex king and family as well as your family too Neang Sa.

In handbook of Angkor,it was noted by Jiv taquan that King Jey Varaman VII had met officials twice a day for his active roles.

*** You fail to see the different achievement between the two kings. Jaya Varaman VII worked so hard to expand the then Khmer Empire but Sihanouk worked very hard to destroy Khmer remaining territory. To these effects our culture, morality, integrity and dignity as the sovereign people have been severely damaged. Yet he's still not satisfied with what have been done and has continued his remaining evil effort to complete the task of his evil act on cursing Cambodia and the people.

Srey Khmao

Anonymous said...

This king is useless. He's blind and deaf.

He will be drown to dead in Khmer tears...

Anonymous said...

I compare KI team as khmer helper
Mornachy as khmer killers. How about that?

Anonymous said...

If some one like Sihaknuk &Sihakmoney drowning with the king title they will turn blind and turn the back to us and let us live our lives in the in miserableness ,
Shall we need them?
Hun Sen Sihaknuk and Sihakmoney you will be destroyed because you are cutting the hands lives to people that supported you.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your concerns, and I can understand for our anguish and fear for our cambodian welfares and loosing our grip from our soul,cambodia.

For issues of relevance, I believe that everyone is only couraged to take all appropriate steps to reduce that fear and maintain ourselve on the map.

I also lived through our rough time in khmer rouge period.I can only try to encourage our king to see his roles prescribed clearly in our constitution. Likewise, everyone of us has to work to achieve goals set out in our constitution,against the devils.

And thank you for your concerns voiced and your co operation.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

As far we have seen, The King of Cambodia, Sihamoni, has done nothing for Cambodia and Cambodian people. The king fails to perform his duties. The question is What should we do if the king doesn't obey his duties?

Anonymous said...

If you lost your land to Viet Nam, you should bring that Article#8 of the Xmer constitution to the ballet dancer king of your. Not your Samdach See Cho Xen. You might loose more than your land.
Khmer Poi Paet live in US.

Anonymous said...

i don't want the king be existed in

Anonymous said...

The crossed-eye guy never been up to date when he got one he is surely surprise. This former KR used to wear a tire sandal or flip-flop now he is up with tie. He used to wear KR uniform black clad.

So,for this reason Hun Sen doesn't like to use the modern justice system to persecute people. He rather uses the intimidation and violence toward his opponents.

For so many years since the violence grenade throwing into the peaceful demonstration near the Assembly building in 1997. When he can't do anything to Sam Rainsy, Hun Sen allowed Sam Rainsy return back to Cambodia probably please Sam Rainsy not to open a can of worm.

Now, Hun Sen is branding people this and that and last he is painting SRP's members for being related to terrorist. What a reverse psychology that Hun Sen been playing with his political career. I don't think, US is buying Hun Sen praised that he is applauding the US how US imprison Chhun Yasith. FBI knew for good that Hun Sen and his Hok Lundy were the culprit behind the grenade throwing in 1997. Like the word George Bush once said, you can run but you can't hide. Soon or later Hun Sen will be just like Saddam Hussein, Nicolai Chuchescu of Romania that has been killed by his own death swat, Like Adi Amin, and Ferdinand Marcos.

Hun Sen should seek or find peace in his mind just do something good.
His bloody hands will be punished by god.

Khmer needs freedom and justice!
Khmer USA,

Anonymous said...

Dear KI Teams,
I'm with you and you guys did a great job.The king father,king son...don't care about cambodian constitution,don't care about any thing as long as he can be a king.
koun khmer,USA

Anonymous said...

Two thing we can do either united with the Vietnam subservant or be brake away and be divided. For i for sure will not united with Vietnam
subservant, because we Khme should be independence from evil Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey I agree with you, you 100 percent right on this.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you guys taking yourselves a little too seriously?

Khmer Ordinary said...

I'm glad that KI website exists to serve those who wants to express their comments. Whether their comments taste sweet, bitter, or insipid, Ki takes it all. Keep on doing your best for us, thank you.

Anonymous said...

It is not necessary from some particular cases or few isolated situations of borders markers planted on the private lands of farmers, temporary situation which waits for definitive technical solutions, to make a political generalization and shouting encroachments upon the sovereignty of Cambodia by Vietnam.
It is not serious for responsible people.
But Xam rainsxy is never been a responsible politician everybody knows it.
Xam rainsxy is an opportunist politician, calculating intelligent but immature.
Today he is a politician who is desperate.
Today he has no more leadership, he has no substantial political program for cambodia , then what remains to him is political slander, manipulation of khmer public opinion , the support to Abhisit, anti-government propaganda on the borders with Vietnam.

Cambodians today are more educated than 35 years ago.Remember that and it is important to note.

Anonymous said...

"Cambodians are more educated than 35 years ago" yes, indeed. Some years before they just shoot or throw grenades to silent opposition, now they use "laws" and "judges" to jail the opposition. The shootings and grenadings are last resort methods, and because we became more "educated" and sophisticated, even those kinds of things could be made to look like "accidents" or "simple crime, non-political activityies."

Son of a farrmer said...

My beloved 9:00PM!

I undeniably agree with ya!
SenVarman has only one real eye, but ye perhaps logically have none!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk,HoChiminh,Mao=Communism who killed 2 102 542 innocent people khmer,especialy our Lord Buddha.

"Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world. " Buddha

I'm GAY said...

A few of these posters completely misunderstood what is "Uniter". All they talked about themselves and being flaming extremists and completely idiots.

KI is already known with its bad reputation of being a liar, unaccurate news, playing Yuon Hanoi games without knowing it.

KI media is looking for a sympathy from few flaming extremists in here won't help any thing because some of these idiots cannot understand the geopolitics.

With an old extreme guy like AREAK PREY the guillotine man be their confort and advisor how can they understand what is "a uniter"? One does not have to be King or Hun Sen, but a simple regular person can be a "uniter".

There are a few groups in Khmer community. Monarchy group, SRP group, CPP group, Flaming Liberal and extremist group, and Independent group.

How could we bring these groups to ONE to love and care for our Nation instead of useless barking?

It takes all Khmers to sove the problems not only the King alone. The King today is only a symbol of a nation, but he is powerless like in England, he is not like the world richest King Bhumibol and his absolute monarchy.

Why some of you compare this current monarch to King Jayavaraman 7, the richest and powerful man who inherited the empire with no Yuon, no Mongolian invaded Cambodia with the King who inherited suffering and a bankrupt nation from many wars after Mongolian and Yoon, Siem invaded?

A lot of Khmers and foreigners who visited KI can see that KI media is an idiot, but I would not say KI media is a secret network of Yuon Hanoi like some others said, I rather say KI media is sometime playing Yuon games without knowing it. KI media belongs to the flaming LIB and Extremist, although sometime it claims to support SRP.

You can quote my words that KI Media is hypocrite, a flaming LIB & Extremists, and a great divider.

Anonymous said...

of course, smart people do reformed, and when the rule of law is used, no evil can win with the court of law. so look into reform the judicial system of cambodia as well. this is one of the key to a just and happy, prosperous future of our country.

Anonymous said...

people need to realize that cambodia and khmer people can change and have changed a lot since the KR time to now. nothing stays the same anymore. if you fail to understand this, you are probably not educated enough to think for yourself! wake up people! just because something or someone was bad in the last 30 or so years, doesn't mean they still are, unless they have no brain, really!

Anonymous said...

Ki Media,

You misterpreted my message. I only informed you what I saw and heard of. We are in troubles by Yuon not just today but since in the past, and we are becoming too paranoid and so we are fighting with each others. Like the Gay guy said in our community has many groups, and we should all try to help to unite all groups to ONE.

Mam Sonando and few people who are doing and helping our people BUT we need million of us Khmers to do like him.

KI Media you shows too biased toward one group is not good, it is very bad, and left other groups in defensive position. That is the propaganda to put Khmers in a great divide. You refused to see yourself as one of a divider, but readers can see.

You can't blame the followers, because many of them only try to survive while Yuon behind control Hun Sen.

Million Mam Sonando needed, I do my part and you all should do yours. Post all the works of the monarchy helping and building homes, and post all the works that CPP do to destory or not for all groups of Khmers to see and decide.
Don't just post only Opposition party.

The other groups of Khmers are Khmers your people too. Yes there are Yuon spies infiltrating in all groups, most in CPP, but we get to come into the reality that our fights by cursing and insulting each others is telling Yuon that our community is really in shit.

It takes all Khmers to free and to help Cambodia not leaders alone. Was it Hillary Clinton who said that?

Anonymous said...

Arch sess and more arch sess to come. U r nothing but a bunch of arch sess.

Anonymous said...

Just remember that nobody can divide your group unless your group has already been divided and does not want to work together as a group!

KI Medis is simply posting news and it has its right to post any news it wants. As a reader, you can go and search for clarification and confirmation and then make up your mind how you want to digest the news you have seen at KI.

Nobody puts a gun to your head to demand that you have to believe everything you read here.

You complain and attack KI, but you keep coming back here so I should conclude that KI news must be pretty good or you wouldn't come back so often.

Anonymous said...

Just remember that nobody can divide your group unless your group has already been divided and does not want to work together as a group!

KI Media is simply posting news and it has its right to post any news it wants. As a reader, you can go and search for clarification and confirmation and then make up your mind how you want to digest the news you have seen at KI.

Nobody puts a gun to your head to demand that you have to believe everything you read here.

You complain and attack KI, but you keep coming back here so I should conclude that KI news must be pretty good or you wouldn't come back so often.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear All readers,

KI- Media, go ahead with your excellent work! We support you. From you, we can the real happenigs in Cambodia. You know, Cambodian pleople even the people in CPP know what really happens to Cambidia, but they are afraid of being killed. Cambodian people have been experiancing " threat to dealth or killing " by comunists.
Stand up! all Khmers

Anonymous said...

11:32pm made a great point. couldn't have said it any better.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people are mentally strong and I believe they will be freed from the sufferings.

HM Queen Kossamak dreamt seeing a full moon, her only son was born on October 31, 1922, Halloween's day. A man of uncommon intelligence placed by FATE into a poor country surrounding by historic enemies, a tragic King, an ultimate survivor of world monarchy since Queen Elizabeth I.

Anonymous said...

i think any leader or potential leader(s) who wants to divide or suggests division of the khmer country and people is a bad choice for a leader. people should impeach that leader, really!

Anonymous said...

Dear KI you are the only voice and hope for future Khmer keep doing what you're do best job well done.
p/s Heng Soy is not Khmer please research his history and biography carefule. He's vietnamese borned in Cambodia and was migrant to vietnam during 70's war and he has been trained by commnist viet nam and he and among hundred of thousand other vietnamese were sent back to Cambodia to do the dirty work "kill and take Cambodia" at any cost.

Anonymous said...

According to the title, KI-Media is comparing itself to the King of Cambodia?