Monday, July 26, 2010

Life in the Chek Aing kingdoom - Illustrated by Sacrava

Click on the cartoons to zoom in

Cartoons by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Rectangular Strategy
Legal and Judicial Reform

The Royal Government has improved legal and judicial systems by focusing on the development of a sound legal framework and modernization of the laws, as well as by laying out necessary strategies and measures to enhance the competence, independence and impartiality of the judiciary, which are crucial to strengthening the rule of law. In the third legislature, a total of 140 laws were promulgated including three major codes- the Criminal Procedure Code, the Civil Procedure Code and the Civil Code. The Royal Government has focused on improving the judiciary by enhancing the competency and accountability of judges through initial and continual training and the adoption of the Codes of Ethics for Judges and Prosecutors. Disciplinary measures have been carried out by the Supreme Council of the Magistracy. The Royal Government has also established centers for legal services in the number of the district in order to institutionalize dispute resolution mechanisms outside the court system in Cambodia in order to reduce the backlog at the courts.

The Royal Government will continue implementing the legal and judicial reform strategy in order to achieve its seven strategic objectives. It will also focus more on the early adoption of major fundamental laws such as the Penal Code, the Anti-­Corruption Law, the Law on the Statutes of Judges and Prose­cutors, the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Courts and the Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy. At the same time, the Royal Government will continue to organize pro­grams to disseminate knowledge of laws and procedures to the public and provide legal training to law-enforcement officials with the aim of improving awareness and proper enforcement of the laws. In the fourth legislature, the Royal Government will conti­nue to address the following priorities: (1) enhancement of the competency of Judges and Prosecutors through continued high quality training and initial professional training, and enhancing the accountability of judges and prosecutors by promulgating the statutes for Judges and Prosecutors, and by taking strict disciplinary actions in close cooperation with the Supreme Coun­cil of the Magistracy; (2) development of the support mecha­nisms to serve the judicial sector- including the introduction of the statutes for the court clerks, the notaries and the bailiffs; and the operational functioning of professional training schools for the above officials in order to ensure their proper qualifications and professionalism; (3) provision of legal aid- especially through provision of lawyers to poor citizens to help protect their rights and interests at court; and, (4) further promotion of the mechanisms for dispute resolution outside of the court system in order to improve and strengthen the culture of harmonious co-existence of people in peace and solidarity.

Glendaajackson said...

That would be amazingly well written article here. i really enjoyed it. thanks for all sharing great info about genocide verdict.
