Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Mu Sochua is a Khmer An San Su Kyi or not?

Political Analysis Today;
Jailing Mu Sochua will produce many side-effects such as pressure from the international communities, mass demonstration by Cambodian people, and martyred Mu Sochua will become Khmer An San Su Kyi inevitably.

Op-Ed by Khmer Young

This July 5th, 2010 early morning, she landed in Pochentong international airport of Cambodia to what she had promised to come back to Cambodia despite gradual pressures from Hun Sen's government about arresting her to put in jail if she rejected to pay the penalty from a countersuit case filed by Hun Sen.

This legal scheme begun by a lawsuit filed by Mu Sochua to sue Hun Sen regarding his speech at Kompot mentioned the derogative word such as "satrey cheung klang or strong leg woman", "strip off her bra by herself but accused other..." etc This speech was broadcasted countrywide via TVK, a government TV channel. Everyone perceived well that a woman mentioned in his speech is no one else but MP Muchua. Through the mass media, MP Sochua was known to the publice for her sharp speech and active advocate for farmers and human rights in Kompot province, which is her constituency.

However, Mu Sochua's lawsuit was disregarded by the Phnom Penh court; but Hun Sen's countersuit was considered by the court as relevant. Subsequently, the case was brought up to the supreme court which Mu Sochua expected to receive a balanced judgement from this highest court. At the end, the supreme court ruled over this case by accusing that Mu Sochua is the defamer. She is fined to pay both prime minister Hun Sen and national treasury in an approximate amount of 4000$.

Cambodian people and world watchers are astonished by this final ruling of the supreme court.

Mu Sochua has firmly kept her conscience not to pay this fine. Whenever she authorizes to pay the fine required by the law, it means she accepts her fault of defaming the premier. Observers see that Mu Sochua is a victim, not a perpetrator. A victim should not be transformed into a perpetrator. She is one of the Cambodian woman who has been perpetually harassed by men verbally, physically and financially. Khmer culture of patrimony has been deeply embedded in this society. Not only premier who made a joke and sexily referred to a woman in his speech in Kampot, many other Cambodian men have traditionally practiced this.

Mu Sochua's decision to challenge a powerful man has drawn attention from Cambodian people nationwide and people worldwide. This decision is very significant:
  • She is a Khmer woman, not different from other women, have continuously been dominated and superiored by men. Her long life struggle for women rights and gender quality have surpassed all her personal happiness.
  • Cambodian court has been continuously criticized by the experts and international communities about its partial inclination towards the powerful and bourgeoisies. Recently, UNs special rapporteur Subedi also mentioned the narrow political space and lacking justice in a traditional court in Cambodia. Mu Sochua has realized this very well, and she would like to sacrifice herself for the justice of all Cambodian people especially to retain an independent and impartial court for bright future of Cambodia.
  • This decision might carry political message for the Sam Rainsy Party, but if we closely investigate this case, this decision will benefit the Cambodian People's Party more because the patrimony system in the court will be cleaned and the CPP will be fully accredited.
Chronically, the supplemental treaty of border marking between Cambodia and Vietnam in 1995 has visibly put Cambodian dissents into hostage while this controversial lawsuit between Hun Sen and Mu Sochua will put all Cambodian people into hostage if Mu Sochua accepts herself as a culprit. So, the solution must be admitted into the course by withdrawing the countersuit or jailing the woman.

Jailing Mu Sochua will produce many side-effects such as pressure from the international communities, mass demonstration by Cambodian people, and martyred Mu Sochua will become Khmer An San Su Kyi inevitably.




Anonymous said...

Very great analysis! Keep up good work KY.

Thanks billionsss!!

Anonymous said...

I am agreed with Ky the brilliant neutralizer in khmer politic.

Anonymous said...

An San Su Kyi (incorrect) = Aung San Suu Kyi (correct spelling)

Achar pliao

Anonymous said...

Yes sir ,Mu Sochua is our khmer sister,she is our khmer teacher,we people khmer we love her.We people khmer we will enter together in the prison.

ទុក្ខោ ពាលេហិ សង្គមោ
សមគប់នឹងជនពាលនាំមកនូវទុក្ខ ។
មនុស្សជាសត្វសង្គម គឺ ចូលចិត្តរស់នៅប្រមូលផ្តុំគ្នាជាក្រុមជាប្រជុំជន ត្រូវពឹងពាក់អាស្រ័យគ្នា និង ជួយយកអាសាគ្នា ទៅវិញទៅមក មនុស្សមិនអាចរស់នៅម្នាក់ឯងដាច់ដោយឡែកពីគេឯងបានទេ ត្រូវតែពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងជនដទៃដោយចៀស មិនបាន ពាក់ព័ន្ធដោយឋានៈជាញាតិខ្លះ ជាមិត្តខ្លះ ជាជ័រជាតិខ្លះ(race) ក្នុងគ្រួសារយើងត្រូវពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងមាតាបិតា បង ប្អូន ពូ មីង អ៊ំ ធំ ជាដើម ក្រៅពីនេះ យើងត្រូវស្គាល់សមគប់នឹងអ្នកផងទាំងពួងដោយឋានៈជាអ្នកភូមិផងរបងជាមួយខ្លះ អ្នកជិតខាងខ្លះ អ្នកស្គាល់គ្នាខ្លះដោយការជ្រោមជ្រែងការងារគ្នាខ្លះ សហការគ្នាខ្លះ បើត្រូវចិត្តគំនិតគ្នាក៏ដើរហើរជាមួយ គ្នា ស៊ីជាមួយគ្នា ដេកជាមួយគ្នា ពោលគឺ ប្រព្រឹត្តទៅរួមគ្នា កិរិយាអាការដែលស៊ីដេកឬដើរហើរនិងជួយការងារគ្នានេះ ហៅថា សមគប់ ឬ សេពគប់ ការសេពគប់នេះជារឿងសំខាន់ណាស់ព្រោះអាចផ្លាស់ប្តូរនិស្ស័យនិងព្រឹត្តិកម្មរបស់គ្នា ទៅវិញទៅមកបាន ភាគីដែលមានកម្លាំងខ្លាំងជាងអាចអូសទាញភាគីដែលមានកម្លាំងខ្សោយជាងឲ្យទៅតាមខ្លួនបាន ដោយងាយ ​សមដូចធម្មភាសិតថា សេពគប់បុគ្គលបែបណា រមែងក្លាយជាបុគ្គលបែបនោះ ពោលគឺ សេពគប់មនុស្ស ខិលខូលតែងធ្វើឲ្យជាមនុស្សខិលខូចដែរ នៅក្នុងមង្គលសូត្រ ព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធជាម្ចាស់ត្រាស់ថា អសេវនា ច ពាលានំ

Anonymous said...

ជនពាល=communist Vietcong who have no Buddha.

"Your suffering is my suffering and your happiness is my happiness." - Buddha

Anonymous said...

Fucking Mu Sochua! មីយួនកន្ទប កុំចង់បោកខ្មែរ​ឲ្យតាម....
Khmer Deum,

Anonymous said...

Only in Cambodia innocent become victims because of the power abuser . Be strong Mu Sochua . We are proud of you and we are always with you .
Khmer Ga

Anonymous said...

1:49 PM
I want to fuck your wife and your daughters .

Anonymous said...

There is pre-mature to think that disgraced Mu Sochua refuses to pay the fine and willing go to jail in peace. We will see her real colour in due course.

Disgraced Mu Sochua's decision to challenge a powerful man like PM Hun Sen has drawn attention Khmer people and international community. But at the same time, it indicated that Cambodia is democratic country and PM Hun Sen is not dictator, even though opposition has fully right to sue him.

It is laughable, in-mature and a myth if disgraced Mu Sochua is thinking that "Jailing Mu Sochua will produce many side-effects such as pressure from the international communities, mass demonstration by Cambodian people, and martyred Mu Sochua will become Khmer An San Su Kyi inevitably". Having saying that she should aware that her defamation case with PM Hun Sen is a personal issue, will international community has willing to put her case above Cambodia's national interest? Does PM Hun Sen and his government afraid the international community by not daring to put her in jail?

Well, jailing disgraced Mu Sochua is inevitable have some reactions from foreigners, but Cambodia is a sovereign country. Indeed, it won't have mass demonstration by Khmer people but it could be some demonstrations by SRP which they have planned to politicise this event to challenge the Cambodian government.

As I always say all along that "There is no doubt that Mu Sochua has no real regard for the best interest of the nation. She is driven solely by a desire to become a “Champion of women or new Aung San Suu Kyi” by any means available to her, even if that has the potential to destabilize the country". Now, she has revealed her real colour by preparing use her jail time to promote her self-proclaimed as the so called "martyred Mu Sochua will become Khmer An San Su Kyi inevitably"!

Anonymous said...

Khmer in Sydney CBD

Anonymous said...

Aung San Su Kyi= ប្តី អង់គ្លេស
Mu Sochua= ប្តី អាគាំង
Aung San Su Kyi=Father= Aung San=Burma's hero
Mu Suchua=Father=យួន
Aung San Su Kyi= ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា
Mu Sochua= គ្មាន=ទមិឡ
Aung San Kyi=ប្រយុទ្ធដើម្បីសេរីភាព និង សច្ចធម៌
Mu Sochua=ធ្វើដើម្បីគ្រាន់តែចង់ល្បី
Fucking Mu Sochua!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Mu Sochua is a bravest Khmer woman this era . I totally support her all my heart.Go to hell ah Hun Sen Vietnamese dog.

Anonymous said...

Aung San Su Kyi= ប្តី អង់គ្លេស
Mu Sochua= ប្តី អាគាំង
Aung San Su Kyi=Father= Aung San=Burma's hero
Mu Suchua=Father=យួន
Aung San Su Kyi= ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា
Mu Sochua= គ្មាន=ទមិឡ
Aung San Kyi=ប្រយុទ្ធដើម្បីសេរីភាព និង សច្ចធម៌
Mu Sochua=ធ្វើដើម្បីគ្រាន់តែចង់ល្បីឲ្យដូច Aung San So Kyi

Fucking Mu Sochua!

Anonymous said...

Mu Sochua is not a Khmer woman and look different from other Khmer women. She look alike Vietnamese-Chinese and has US citizen. Her long life experience and skills with white man have surpassed most Khmer women in Cambodia have ever had. She wants to share all her skills to all Khmer women especially to challenge the domination and superiored by Khmer men.

Gumar Vann, Philadelphia, USA

Anonymous said...

Gumar Nguyen, aka 2.18 PM,etal,

You are dead wrong, buddy. Mme Mu Sochua is a great Khmer lady who hasthe greatest courage to stand up to ruthless dickator Hun Xen, your yuon dog.

Her name will be imprinted in history alongthose of Khmer Queen Liv Yee, Queen Andreak Tevi, Aung San Su Kyi, Bhuto.

Anonymous said...

What will he say UN, Banh Kimoon?

Anonymous said...

May Buddha bless you dear khmer people.



Anonymous said...

son of bastard ,I want to kill you
hun sen's dog

Anonymous said...

Your analysis is very confused with negatif and positif mix up together.
What I cannot accepte is that being a Prime Minister, this person must has a leadership with a good direction for National development both economically and socially.
According to Mu Sochua case, he has insulted a woman colleague who has been elected as a member of National Assembly. The court should have accepted her complained first and resolved her grievance before accepting a court counter lawsuite. Hun Sen has truely insulted Mu Sochua in public and cannot escape with any excuse at all.
The border decarmations inside Cambodian lands have proved that Hun Sen is fully incompetence leader and is serving foreigner government openly.
The development of Cambodia is also in the wrong direction by destroying Cambodian livelyhood and their social development.
Any economic development must be demonstrated by Cambodian good living standard, high salary, good education, good healthcare and good public security and good behavious from all leaders toward their citizen.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

To: Khmer Deum,1:49 PM

Ah pong khdor

Anonymous said...

I hate the Cult of the personality. You all hate it like me. But you consider Mu Sochuor to the Burmese Nobel Prize!

I respect this brave Khmer Woman, the only Woman and the only person in Cambodia who dare break the Silence and challenge the Monster Dictator.

Many Khmer people use to call stupid those who dare challenge injústice. Justice cannot be given to you without a cost.

Those who are silent, waiting only for the benefit, are OPPORTUNISTIC people.

Anonymous said...

If Lauks Srey Damnang Reatr will be locked in jail by Hun Sen....She'll be Khmer-Aung San Suu kyi.
The card is in Hun Sen's hand.
Hun Sen cannot underestimate the People Power !

Anonymous said...

One thing I know for sure is I was born as Buddist,live as Buddist and will leave this earth as a Buddist.



Leng said...

I don't believe on Muo Sochua position now, If she will not pay for confinements I will respect and take her as my first Natinal Hero in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

For Khmer in Sydney CBD, you are an idiot, because we like to encourage people to move toward democracy, the freedom and free will to have a say for individual rights and concern based on any injustice that may occurs within the social system. It is always a good idea to have as many activists as possible to debate and search for the good outcomes in term of community development. In Aust, we have what we called the "socialist perspective", if we are being oppressed by the gov't, we have a law to protect people because the gov't have duty and up hold the law to protect people, not against people. In Madam Mu's case, she is being oppressed by Hun Sen and it is like "I am big and you are small and I am right and you are wrong and there is nothing you can do about it". You see, in Aust, the gov't have the right to pull the top leader down if they know that their leader is not good enough e.g " Julia Gelard gov't pulled Kevin Rudd off" his position because they can tell that Kevin Rudd is not good enough to be a Prime-Minister. Now Hun Sen can be a good leader by the way we see but what he has done to Madam Mu is not right for the start. He can not condemn another educated person for the conflict of interest, you know!. He should reconcile and ask each other for forgiveness and try to work together as a team to achieve a common goal and common interest!. If khmer don't pull together right now, in 20 years time, we will be getting no where!. Aust is only 200 years old compare to Khmer 5000 thousand years old and we are in ruined. So please brothers and sisters, wake up to reality. Ok. Aust

Khmer yuong said...

ក្នុងឋានៈជាតំណាងរាស្រ្ត គួរណាស់តែគោរព
ច្បាប់ជាមុនសិន រួចរកខុសត្រូវតាមក្រោយ ។
ការរឹងទទឹងរបស់អ្នកស្រី មូរ សុខហួរដោយ
ចង់ចូលគុក ហើយប្រៀបខ្លូនជាមួយ អ្នកស្រី
អ៊ុង សុជី នោះ គឺជាការយល់ខុសយ៉ាងធំ។
តុលាការខ្មែរ ត្រូវអនុវត្តច្បាប់ដោយមិនរួញរា

Anonymous said...

You said : " Being a lawmaker she must respect the law" . What law, which law? It´s the CPP law the degusted law and degusted Court.

Anonymous said...

In this case Hun Sen is big mouth.
he is fined with small surgery sewing up his big mouth!

happy! now

Kamsan said...

ពាក្យខ្មែរពោលថា តំរិៈជិៈកឯង គឺជាការពិត។
ករណីអ្នកស្រី មូរ សុខហួរ ពេលដំបូងគាត់ចា
អ្នកដើមបណ្តឹងទៅតុលាការ នៅពេលនោះ
ខាងនយោបាយ។ ពេលគាត់ចាញ់ក្តីគាត់ថា
តុលាការអាយ៉ង តែបើគាត់ដឹងថាតុលាការ
អាយ៉ង ហេតុដូចម្តេចគាត់ទៅប្តឹងតុលាការពី

Anonymous said...

"Drill Baby Drill"For so long,Hun Sen have defeated all of his former males rivals!May be this time god put a power spirit in Mu Sochua heart to defeat Hun sen.Mu Sohua,for president of Cambodia nation yeah.....!

Anonymous said...

Noboday can't beat me! (Ah Kwach)

She better pay me $4,000.00 and I'm not going to spend it but save it for my next vote. Where's Sam Rainsy you're next or both of will face jail time. I'm going from villages to provinces for my next seat.

Anonymous said...

If member of parliament like Mu Sochua doesn't pay the Court's fine and gets away without penalty it will set up a bad precedent for society. MP refused to pay the fine, why other Khmer people can't do the same??

Khmer in Cambodia

Anonymous said...


You must look down the Cambodian Court instead of blaming Mu Suchuor. You very much know that Cambodian people are suffering from this HELL Court.

Anonymous said...

Dear all Khmer;
Mu Suchuor and Sam Rainsy are making the rain and thunder just for their own personal interest only. They are no nationalists or democrat. Watch their movement closely. Because they acted against ah kwak, they play a political game.

Anonymous said...

8:33pm, I think you are cpp supporter.

Anonymous said...

8:33pm fuck you, and you are full of shit heart and brain. no need commom from you.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

"If member of parliament like Mu Sochua doesn't pay the Court's fine and gets away without penalty it will set up a bad precedent for society. MP refused to pay the fine, why other Khmer people can't do the same??

Khmer in Cambodia

7:49 PM"


Anonymous said...

8:33 PM
Most of people who read this article are smarter than you . They can see and hear whats going on in Cambodia , you dont have to tell them abou it . Everytime before each election , CPP gave you a sarong or a t-shirt and told you to vote for them and you thought CPP was generous , think again .. if you have anybrain .

Anonymous said...

Khmer in Syndey is brainwashed .

Anonymous said...

It is not about paying the fine or not paying the fine, it is about the democratize of Cambodia, to end the abuse of power by khmer leaders, and to eliminate the country of impunity where the criminals are free from charge and conviction while the protectors will become the victims of their actions.

Anonymous said...

Court of Private Party!

One little sink one hole everybody drown for that!

Anonymous said...

Who killed over 100 innocent Khmer peoples on July 5 and 6, 1997 Military Coup against First Prime Minister (Ranariddh)?

a) ah juoy marai Hun Sen  
b) ah juoy marai Hok Lundy
c) ah juoy marai Huy Piseth 
d) ah juoy marai Phan Sary
e) ah juoy marai Oum Chamnane
f) ah juoy marai hit man #3
g) ah juoy marai hit man #4
h) ah juoy marai Hun Sen's personal bodyguard unit (Brigade 70)  
i) all of above

Heng Peov hold position as the chief of Bureau of Anti Narcotic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Anonymous said...

Who killed Chea Vichea?

a) ah juoy marai Hun Sen
b) ah juoy marai Chea Sim
c) ah juoy marai Heng Samrin
d) ah juoy marai Hor Namhong
e) ah juoy marai Keat Chhon 
f) ah juoy marai Ouk Bunchhoeun
g) ah juoy marai Sim Ka
h) ah juoy marai Hok Lundy 
i) ah juoy marai Huy Piseth  
j) ah juoy marai Phan Sary  
k) ah juoy marai Oum Chamnane 
l) all of above

Anonymous said...

Let's start the war now.No justice no peace.

Anonymous said...

summary of Khmer policy till now:
1) most of Former Khmer Rouges, icluded Sihanouk go to their old boss (Viet, China) and the winner is communist
2) Democracy wing are looking for West countries and were hunting by former communist and also cann not do nothings against dictator.

That is the result of this game.

Anonymous said...

Ah juoy marai Khmer in Sydney CBD pretend to be Gumar Vann, Philadelphia, USA.

F_cking looser.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered 10 Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation

Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

Anonymous said...

Hun sen! you may win the case in your court, but in public opinion ,you are a loser big time.Don't curse woman and pretend that you're right.You are wrong .Your legacy as a liberator will be forgotten if you insist blindly to get pay from your wrong doing . Mu Sochua should not set precedent by paying fee to this ridiculous court.

Anonymous said...

Khmer in Sydney CBD is a man of desperation. His Phd worth nothing and cannot be employed in a real world. Therefore he has to serve this terrorist organisation.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

If Mrs. Mua Sochua is to be jailed, then the world protest by Khmer is to follow.

Mrs. Mua Sochua will be Cambodia's Aung San Suu Kyi if she is to be jailed by dictator Hun Sen.

KHMER Angkor.

Anonymous said...

Mu Sochua doesn't want to pay the Court's fin because she wants to be Cambodia's Aung San Suu Kyi only. She blame the Cambodia's court, why she want to sue Hun Sen?

Khmer Duem

Anonymous said...

put her in jail first and see...

Anonymous said...

When Prince Sereyvuth joked about violence with hun Sen name mentioned, and although it was hard to prove the comment was directed at Hun sen, the later could not wait to send serey vuth to jail. Remember this ?

Can't touch anything, hte bastard can't wait, but he can't control his mouth about others.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen can turns white to black the the court as a tool. Thus, all Cambodian women just like Sochua including his wife and daughter. Bun Rany opened her sarong for monk in Champu Krek Lim Heng fucked her, and Hun Mana opened her sarong for Kit Meng fucked her. All khmer lady are cheap like hun Sen comment.

About court judgement, it is just shameful if government send Sochua to prison. It just show that government lack of law knowledge. If they are thirsty to get money from her, they can confiscate her property such as moto, car, house, and put in auction and take the amount stated in court judgement. That all they don't need to create big shameful reputation.

I believe not all khmer are stupid, but if Cambodian authority show action by bring Sochua to jail, it clearly that all khmer are really stupid.

Anonymous said...

លោក​​ហោ ណាំហុង​ពេញចិត្ត​នឹង​ការសម្រេច​របស់​តុលាការ​បារាំង
ដោយ នេត្រ ភក្រ្តា
ថ្លែង​នៅ​ក្នុង​សន្និសីទ​កាសែត នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ ទី ១៥ ខែ មិថុនា ឆ្នាំ ២០១០​នេះ លោក​ហោ ​ណាំហុង​ បាន​មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា​ សាលក្រម​របស់​សាលា​ឧទ្ធរណ៍​បារាំង នៅ​ទីក្រុង​ប៉ារីស​ គឺ​ពិត​ជា​បាន​បញ្ជាក់​យ៉ាង​ច្បាស់​ពី​សេចក្តី​ថ្លៃថ្នូរ​របស់​លោក​នៅ​ចំពោះ ​មុខ​ការចោទ​ប្រកាន់​របស់​លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រធាន​គណបក្ស​ប្រឆាំង​ដែល​ថា លោក​ជា​ប្រធាន​គុក​ខ្មែរ​ក្រហម​បឹង​ត្របែក។ លោក​ថ្លែង​ថា ការចោទ​ប្រកាន់​បែប​នេះ គឺ​បង្ខូច​កេរ្តិ៍​ឈ្មោះ​របស់​លោក​យ៉ាង​ធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ​ ហើយ​បញ្ហា​នេះ​ គឺ​មិន​មែន​ជា​សេរីភាព​នៃ​ការបញ្ចេញ​មតិ​ទេ នៅ​ពេល​ដែល​លោក​សម​ រង្ស៊ី​ ចោទ​លោក​ថា ជា​ឧក្រិដ្ឋ​ជន​នោះ។

គួរ​បញ្ជាក់​ថា​ លោក​ហោ ​ណាំ​ហុង​ បាន​ដាក់​ពាក្យ​ប្តឹង​ពី​បទ​បរិ​ហា​រ​កេរ្តិ៍​ប្រឆាំង​ លោក​សម រង្ស៊ី ដែល​បាន​សរសេរ នៅ​ក្នុង​សៀវភៅ​ជីវប្រវត្តិ​របស់​គាត់​មាន​ចំណង​ជើង​ថា ចាក់​ឬស​ក្នុង​ថ្ម​ ដោយ​ចោទ​ប្រកាន់​លោក​ ហោ ​ណាំ​ហុង​ថា​ ជា​ប្រធាន​គុក​ខ្មែរក្រហម​បឹងត្របែក​ និង​បាន​ធ្វើ​ការចោទ​ប្រកាន់​ ស្រដៀង​គ្នា​នៅ​ក្នុង​ការអត្ថា​ធិប្បាយ​របស់​លោក​សម រង្ស៊ី​នៅ​វាលពិឃាត​ជើងឯក កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​ទី ​១៧ ​ខែ​មេសា ​ឆ្នាំ ​២០០៨៕