Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Patriotism vs. Dictatorship fear of political unrest: Dictatorship “unfairly” wins ... for now

Rong Chhun not authorized to hold a march procession on 15 July

12 July 2010
By Leang Delux
Radio France Internationale
Translated form Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

The Phnom Penh city authority met to decide on 11 July to reject the Cambodian Confederation of Unions’ plan to hold a march procession to protest the invasion of Thai troops inside Cambodia. The Phnom Penh city hall advised the union to organize the event inside its party headquarters. Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodian Confederation of Unions, indicated that he still maintains his stance of holding a march procession.

The Cambodian Confederation of Unions sent a letter to the Phnom Penh city hall last week to inform the latter about its plan to hold a march procession in the morning of 15 July to protest against the invasion of Thai troops on Cambodia.

On Sunday 11 July, authority of the Phnom Penh city hall held a meeting to discuss how to reply to the union. A representative of the union was also present during the meeting. The city only allows the union led by Rong Chhun to hold the event inside its headquarters only. City officials explained that the march procession was not authorized in order not to affect the safety, security and public order. However, because the union still insists on holding its march, the city will turn the decision to the ministry of Interior.

The Cambodian Confederation of Unions sent a letter to the Phnom Penh city hall to inform the latter that it plans to hold a gathering by an undetermined number of participants in the public park located in front of the Supreme Court building, and a march procession will bring a flower wreath to the Monument of Independence.

Rong Chhun said that he is displeased with the city hall’s decision, and he said that the concerns over the public order and social security are nothing more than a ploy by the city hall. Rong Chhun added that he hopes the ministry of Interior (MoI) will decide to allow him to hold the march procession. On the other hand, should the MoI reject the request, Rong Chhun said he will still hold the procession march.


Anonymous said...

When is the social order is not an excuse of banning freedom of expression. I hear this excuse for almost 20 years. Mr. Hoon and Ma when will it be social order is no longer an excuse.

Please tell me how many police forces you have in Phnom Penh and countrywide. We pay taxes to government to hire enough police and military to protect us and country. If you do not have enough force, please recruit more sir.

Anonymous said...

Motherfucker! Ah Hun Xen! is a real ah Pol Pot second generation!

How can the legal goverment imprison people for people doing thing in their own propety?

This fucking ilegal imprisonment is the phycological suppression to all the will and freedome to ALL people in the nation!

Mortherfucker! use the tac tic that emloyed by ah Pol Pot just less cruel and more sofficated with the motherfucker monkey court!

Can the world see! we people of Cambodia again is inprisoning with our mind and abussing by the second generation of Ah Pol Pot motherfucker!????

May lightning strike motherfuckers and its supporters!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

People have the POWER. Use it to protect your future, freedom of speech, and your rights.

Anonymous said...

it seemed like some short-sighted people think it's useless demonstration as they said it is not concrete enough. on the other hand, i can see the need for this demonstration to show siem and international community that cambodia is unhappy with siem's incursion into khmer territory or khmer sovereignty, etc... it is a message that counts as well as concrete solution. can't disgard any of them as they are all an essential part of the whole picture or the whole process of thing or situation. it's called being diverse and open-minded, and of course, always keep in mind too that there are many ways to do something. there's no such thing as only one way to get from point A to point B, really. think about it. this is what makes life so colorful, to have choices and to do what is best for the khmer country, etc... sometimes, sitting down together to discuss each other point of view is all it takes to avoid misunderstand, and add to that in writing as well. otherwise, it is no good.

Anonymous said...

Kangaroo laws,The Cambodia's government still practice the khmer-rough laws.The Cambodia's government should allowed the demonstrators to march on,we are the people of power!we wanted to let the Cambodia's government and international know that there is a danger!!!!"The Cambodian government and Cambodian citizens need to stand up and fight with pride". [today Thailand,tomorrow Viet].

Anonymous said...

Rong Chhun,be a brave leader.We Khmer workers will support you;you are our good leader.Khmer worker in Phnom Penh.