Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Senior US diplomat to arrive for two days of talks

Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post

I will not ask for intervention from them. But if I am imprisoned, I hope that they will go to meet me in prison” - Mu Sochua
A SENIOR US diplomat is set to arrive in Cambodia this week for talks with government and opposition officials and civil society groups, and to preside over the return of Khmer artefacts from the US, officials from both countries said.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong said William Burns, the US Undersecretary for Political Affairs, was to meet with Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday for bilateral talks. The following day, Burns was to attend a ceremony at the National Museum for the handover of an unspecified number of Angkorian statues, Koy Kuong said.

US embassy spokesman John Johnson confirmed that Burns would be in the country on Thursday and Friday.

“During his visit he will meet with members of the Royal Government, representatives from civil society organisations and with members of several opposition parties,” Johnson said. He added that more details would be forthcoming.

Members of the opposition Sam Rainsy Party said they plan to meet with Burns on Thursday to discuss human rights, land disputes and judicial reform.

“We will ask the US, which is a development partner, to help reinforce respect for human rights in Cambodia and help reform the judiciary,” said SRP spokesman Yim Sovann.

SRP lawmaker Mu Sochua, who is in the middle of a legal battle with Prime Minister Hun Sen, said she planned to attend the meeting if she was not behind bars. She added, though, that she would not bring up her own case.

“I will not ask for intervention from them. But if I am imprisoned, I hope that they will go to meet me in prison,” she said.

In August 2009, Mu Sochua was convicted of defaming Hun Sen and ordered to pay a fine and compensation totalling 16.5 million riels (around US$3,928).

After the Appeal Court and Supreme Court dismissed her appeals against the ruling, she was given until July 3 to pay the fine and until last Saturday to pay the compensation. She has declined to pay both.

Tith Sothea, a spokesman at the Council of Ministers’ Press and Quick Reaction Unit, said the government was not fazed about the SRP’s talks with Burns, and that Mu Sochua’s case had been tried “according to procedure”.



Anonymous said...

I don't think oily face woman Mu Sochua is brave enough not pay the fine but happy to serve jail time. In 2008, when a coward Sam Rainsy was fine 10 Million Riel by the NEC during national election campaign, he always refused to pay the fine, but when he had run out of option and no where to go, on 26 February 2009, SRP officer brought money to pay off the fine.

As for Mu Sochua's case, she has been used the same tactic like her boss. If she goes to jail, she won't dare to spend the whole jail term, but she might spend a short time in jail to promote her political stunt and then instructs someone as her lawyer to pay the fine.

Disgraced Mu Sochua and Sam Rainsy as well as other SRP supporters, they are brave only in front of microphone or computer but when they face with jail time, they will bow their head to the ground or run away to overseas. Indeed, they are shameless in speaking louder more than they can do because they are thick face group of loser.

Khmer in Sydney CBD

Anonymous said...

4:27 PM
Congratulation to the Khmer in Sydney CBD:
You will be the right and perfect man to lead our country Cambodia, but first you need to take care your own before talking from others.

Anonymous said...

Mother fucker 4:27 PM, don't call yourself Khmer. Shame on you idiot.

Anonymous said...

som lok kom yok chhmos khmer neou sydney CBD mok prieu pros pom mean khmer moyna mean komnith doch lok te

Anonymous said...

I didn't hear the court order Hun Sen,to pay his court fine!and did they ever audit his taxes?

Anonymous said...


You are not Khmer, you are now and OZ idiot who has comfortable life there and forget your root! you understand so well the situation in Cambodia right now. Your opinion clearly show that you are among of those are an ASS LICKER, afraid to stand up for your self, and would always follow your leader like a dogs as long as he keep feeding you on the expense of others!!! Thought you would be well educated there, but many i met in OZ and NZ are typical selfish and pretentious. In fact they have nothing, many not even try to work hard to go to University. Many i met are pretty poor ( in term of wealth and personal). Shame on you!

By the way i'm Khmer who a chance to study at University of Auckland in New Zealand, and now back to give something back to my country!

Anonymous said...

How about raising the question about, what about compensation, you know the carpet boobming that destroyed both infrastures and millions of innocent lives? left alone the betrayed, lied and other decieving act from Nikson? Why did the US pretent that we owed them instead? where are our rights and justice? other million of khmers escaped their country in search of peace and never found one. They all became truamatised after leaving their homeland and only to further affected by racism in a foriegn land, it is like double the trouble. Where are our rights and justice? and where is God, the true God Jesus Christ? The west would go to church believing in the same son of God but did not do what they preached. I am very upset about social right and social justice. we all are human being but unfortunately has this, first class, middle class and third class. what we see now we are in the third class. It said in the bible that "those who respect the poor are respecting god and those who rejected the poor are rejecting him". But yet they did not do what they suppose to do. Anyway, judgement day will be here soon to know the truth. wisdom

Anonymous said...

That son of a bitch K sydney is a dumb dog serving ah Hun Xen. Every time he barks Hun Xen casts him a dried bone.

Anonymous said...

It seems like Mu Sokwhore want to go to jail so that she can be called Ung Sansukyi of Cambodia. HS may not grant her wish. The court has many other mean to get the money that he refuses to pay. They can cut her salary to pay for the fine or confiscate her properties.

Anonymous said...

I hate to see all Khmer innocent
bloody again as 1970 .
The politic is the same as the
spirit of sun light, where was
get hold its will go throughout
there .

Anonymous said...

CPP members and SRP members must make a choice,
party is not important anymore,
you're with USA or you're with China,
if you're with Yeaknam, you're with USA,
if you're with China, you will win because USA is not as rich as it was before, it cannot afford to fight any other war, cold or hot.

Anonymous said...

Yeah HS choose China, but he doesn't want to let go USA either. China is like prapun derm, and USA is prapun jung :) He will keep both as long as he can.

Anonymous said...

Motherfucker! Ah Hun Xen! is a real ah Pol Pot second generation!

How can the legal goverment imprison people for people doing thing in their own propety?

This fucking ilegal imprisonment is the phycological suppression to all the will and freedome to ALL people in the nation!

Mortherfucker! use the tac tic that emloyed by ah Pol Pot just less cruel and more sofficated with the motherfucker monkey court!

Can the world see! we people of Cambodia again is inprisoning with our mind and abussing by the second generation of Ah Pol Pot motherfucker!????

May lightning strike motherfuckers and its supporters!!!!!!

Son of a farmer said...

My beloved Khmers!

Please not entirely blame for bombing Kampuchea,
without the signatures of SihanoukVarman and Lon Nol,
America could not have any right to bomb us.
Do you simply believe that SihanoukVarman give American a right map where Da Viet Congs location? Who secretly allow them to station inside Khmer's soil? If giving a wrong map, who will have benifitable?

Anonymous said...

one lesson to learn from all of this is that leaders in cambodia should take many roles. choice wisely one or another to avoid conflict of interest. train new people and all about the nation, not anyone's personal interest. and do observe and respect the law of cambodia whether one likes it or not, it's the law, really! and there are proper ways to do things in cambodia too, you know. nobody is above the law, i don't care who you are! otherwise, there is no reforms at all! cambodia needs lots of reforms, don't undermine it, ok! set good example as leaders because people nowadays is educated and smarter and not ingorant as you think they are. things did change in cambodia since the KR era. accept that reality. there are more to cambodia than just politicians and their dirty jobs against one another, really! wake up people! there are laws in cambodia to be observed and respected, etc...!

Anonymous said...

It comes down all about clear conscious:

Case staudy: A man whose a pretty beautiful wife at mid 30's is a breadwinner of the family because she has to make businesses with other men in high ranking Cambodianm Gov't (you all can guess). The man knows what is going on between his wife and those men in Gov't. But He chose to stay wioth her because of he can live comfortably with the money she makes from various businesses dealings.

Another case: The same scenerio but with a different case, a family man decided to leave her because he can't stand to hear and see he is living on a dirty money.

Make your own judgment!!!!

Anonymous said...

DEAR 11:17
After reading your article,my heart go with you.But we have to look at,CPP.clans most of them are khmer rouge.democracy? in cambodia impossible.why? because these khmer rouge never learned,or known a bout democracy from day one.
these dogs are too old too learn a new tricks. unless these old dogs are burned a live, so our country can walk right direction forward DEMOCRACY.

Anonymous said...

បើតុលាការខ្មែរមានភាពយត្តិធម៏់ អព្យាក្រឹត នោះ
មិនមានមេប៉ូលិស​ឫមេទ័ព​ យកកាំភ្លើងបាញ់សម្លុត
សម្លាប់ពលរដ្ឋស្រេចតែចឹត្តហើយប្រមុខរដ្ឋាភិបាលមិនអាច ជិះសេះលែងដៃបានឡើយ៕

Anonymous said...

Khmer in Sydney is very stupid . Mu Sochua is not going to pay to the corrupted court , what the FFFFF are you talking about ?

Anonymous said...

Ah Idiot Khmer in Sydney was born upside down from his mother wom. Therefore he has mental problem.
He is either ah Tith Sophea or ah idiot Keo Remi. He is employed by Hun Sen to write these kind of things to upset ordinary khmer citizen.

Anonymous said...

4:27 PM
I just came back from Sydney a couple of months ago. It was too bad that I didn't see you, otherwise, I would kick your ass.

Khmer Canada

Anonymous said...

The so-called "Khmer in Sydney CBD" is just a fake character to be used as a political tool to split up Khmer forum in KI website.

Majority of Khmer overseas care about their country than a bunch of jerks who fake to break up Khmer unity.

I'm GAY said...

This person woman or man can benefit from supporting Hun Sen.
So why bother responding to an idiotic person?

You didn't read that in 1969 Nixon launched a secret b-52 bombing raids on Viet Cong and NVN where Yuon Viet Cong and Yuon NV army were inside of Cambodia, for god sake they were inside Cambodia since the French colony, they came in and out as they pleased.

No Khmer leaders were informed, neither were the Congress or US military. When did King Sihanouk or Lon Nol sign allowing the US bombed Cambodia?

Soviet paid billion dollars to China and Ho to build a route called Ho trail to help Yuon Communist; China threatned Cambodia, either join or die, and US was not showing a real committment toward Cambodia.

Cambodia just gained independent fromn French that was after King Sihanouk run into exile in Thailand in 1953 demanded independent from French or he would never return to Cambodia.

We gained independent from French but we have never kicked Yuon out yet then Communists openly invaded.

I can guess why Nixon bombed Cambodia because he didn't believe that King Sihanouk was neutral at all. King Sihanouk can claim he was neutral but Communists said NO.

Do you have a better way to get out? If Jayavaman 7 were King Sihanouk, what do you think he would do?

Son of a farmer said...

My beloved GAY!

Forgive me for my lowest education and I am unashamedly attempting to debate. I am humbly hopeful that you are simply a compassionate person.

According to my insanity of a little understanding Khmer's history during SihanoukVarman, our beloved beautiful country initially sunk into the deepest hell of death was because of one Mighty boastful man, SihanoukVarman!

Many of Khmer people are still respectfully and admirably giving SihanoukVarman an ultimate credit of Khmer Independence, they unacknowlegeably knew that many highly educated Khmer in French and the new young group of Democracy were tirelessly fighting so hard for the Independence.

SihanoukVarman did not exil to Siem, who could exile him?

Nixon did not officially ask his congressmen to bomb us, but he could not bomb us without SihanoukVarman's and Lon Nol's signatures, according to one Chinese's Blackbook. Did you know that Nixon bomb us again Lon Nol's regime?

Your last question, I am firmly believing any of our leaders after the fall of Angkor can not compare to Jayvarman7, but before him, Yes!

Anonymous said...

well, can't blame just one side. sihanouk was dumb enough let vietcong use cambodia as sanctuary to fight america supported south vietnam or youn. nixon was impeach for illegally ordered the invasion of cambodia, lon nol regime was well known as king of corruption, pol pot stupid KR as a lawless society, etc... so, that's why cambodia was destroyed, etc... don't we understand history? major in history, and you will understand it a lot better, really!

Anonymous said...

the greedy french colonized cambodia and gave khmer krom to be administered by vietnam or youn in khmer,thus khmer like sihanouk hated french for doing so, so america came later to take over and sihanouk have to let vietcong use cambodia as sanctuary to fight america, then from there all hell broke loose for sure, you see! it's not that simple, it takes a lot of homework to do to understand it, ok!

Anonymous said...

10:05 PM
king sihanouk run to exile in thailand in 1953 just like gay boy said. the same year of yuon emperor thanh thai forced to abdicate the throne by communist. king sihanouk proclaimed from thailand that he would not return until france granted his country her independant.

Son of a farmer said...

My beloved 12:50AM!

Ye have helpfully answered my question.
Who have constitutionally forced SihanoukVarman to exile? In order to controll the absolute power, how many Khmer people have he secretly and publicly killed?

According to the French book, "Cambodian: A Shattered Society", SihanoukVarman did go to Siem, not by exiling, but by desperately needing Siem's help, unfortunately, coming home with the extreme humilation and disappointment. Surprisingly speaking, he came back home and the next morning the French officailly granted Kampuchea independence.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk did nothing for Cambodia since he left school in Saigon.Becoming a king,he just fooled around hundred young girls for sex.French left Southeast Asia because she lost the war in French Indochina.In 1963,I was in Phnom Penh,I heard his speech from Khmer radio,he wanted to be the king of three countries: Lao,Viet,and Cambodia.The year of 1970,Sihanouk let Viet soldiers to help him to get power and be a king again.I saw Sihanouk and Monique wearing Viet soldier uniforms at Ho Chi Minh trail where they met at this place;and Viet generals took Sihanouk,his wife,and some Khmer Rouge leaders to Angkor watt.Sihanouk the main cause of lost Khmer people lives and Cambodia as whole.Go to dark hell Sihanouk,Khmer Rouge,and Viet.The truth is the truth,it can't escape from the truth.